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-   -   Microstats - load times, server loads, queries, uncached templates (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=82900)

ManagerJosh 10-03-2005 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by ShiningArcanine
I've thought about making a hack that microstatus would detect and display data from but I didn't want microstats to lose its simple installation instructions. Perhaps in the future I could post a seperate hack in the code modification forum and say that it requires this plugin as a frontend.

That's not a bad idea. Make it into an extension :)

tema 10-04-2005 02:46 PM

sorry for stupid question, but what it means when i see "Uncached templates: forumhome_forumbit_level3_post (3)". Is it bad? How to improve it?

ShiningArcanine 10-04-2005 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by tema
sorry for stupid question, but what it means when i see "Uncached templates: forumhome_forumbit_level3_post (3)". Is it bad? How to improve it?

That isn't really a good thing as an unnecessary query is being run every page view wasting server resources. Where are you seeing this and what version of vBulletin 3.5.0 are you running? There is a file you need to modify to enable caching but before I look into what file that is, I think it would be a better idea to ensure you're running the latest version of vBulletin.

RapCapital 10-05-2005 05:53 PM

Will this work for 3.0.7?

Moparx 10-05-2005 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by RapCapital
Will this work for 3.0.7?

note the forum you are in: 3.5.0 Plugins :p
there are a few versions for 3.0.x available though, just do a search :)

Snake 10-06-2005 06:59 PM

ShiningArcanine, is it possible to display the microstats underneath the vB copyright so it should look like this...


Powered by vBulletin Version 3.5.0
Copyright ?2000 - 2005, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.

Page generated in 0.43002 seconds with 12 queries [Server Loads: 0.71 0.55 : 0.54]

Moparx 10-06-2005 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Snake
ShiningArcanine, is it possible to display the microstats underneath the vB copyright so it should look like this...

make sure you have the following in config.php:
PHP Code:

$config['Microstats']['replacementvariable'] = '<!-- display microstats here -->'

then add <!-- display microstats here --> at the very bottom of the footer template

Snake 10-06-2005 07:39 PM

Wow thank you. :)

Karri 10-06-2005 10:35 PM

I just installed this with the addition to the config file so that only admins will see it but all I get is

Page generated in 0.70241 seconds with 10 queries [Server Loads: 3.19 2.19 : 2.25]

and no info about uncached anything. Any suggestions?

Moparx 10-07-2005 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Karri
I just installed this with the addition to the config file so that only admins will see it but all I get is

Page generated in 0.70241 seconds with 10 queries [Server Loads: 3.19 2.19 : 2.25]

and no info about uncached anything. Any suggestions?

you will only see a message regarding uncached templates if you have that problem.
you should be happy you dont see it :)

Karri 10-07-2005 12:40 AM

so I shouldn't see anything about templates at all if they are all working well, not even how many were used to generate the page? (and if they are I am totally shocked :) ) Because that one line of info is all I get, I thought I was supposed to see info about queries and templates as well.


wolfyman 10-08-2005 03:33 PM

daddy likes :)

*clicks install*

ShiningArcanine 10-08-2005 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by RapCapital
Will this work for 3.0.7?

You can actually adapt this to 3.0.7 with some modifications and placement of it in the phpinclude_end template but I'll just refer you to Erwin's hack:


Paul M 10-12-2005 02:00 AM

Downloaded the latest version of this to try and I'm curious - why are the optional settings added to the config.php and not settings in the ACP (vbulletin options) ?

Antivirus 10-12-2005 11:12 PM

(installed on 3.5.0)
Thanks ShiningArcanine!

ShiningArcanine 10-14-2005 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M
Downloaded the latest version of this to try and I'm curious - why are the optional settings added to the config.php and not settings in the ACP (vbulletin options) ?

It can be done but this is supposed to be easy to install, and I'd need to make changes to the database to add settings, which would mean an installer file that I'm not willing to write for the simplicity's sake.

Oblivion Knight 10-14-2005 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by ShiningArcanine
which would mean an installer file that I'm not willing to write for the simplicity's sake.

A product .xml file would be capable of doing this.. :)

Boofo 10-14-2005 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Oblivion Knight
A product .xml file would be capable of doing this.. :)

Show him how it's done, OK. ;)

ShiningArcanine 10-14-2005 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Show him how it's done, OK. ;)

That would be nice considering I've never seen a product file before.

Oblivion Knight 10-15-2005 07:02 AM

Here you go, sir. One product, packaged and tested.. :)

I upped the version number to 1.3.0, hope you don't mind.
Also, I changed the replacement variable stuff slightly as vBulletin doesn't seem to like html comments as a default value for a setting.

Rabbitoh Warren 10-15-2005 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Oblivion Knight
Here you go, sir. One product, packaged and tested.. :)

I upped the version number to 1.3.0, hope you don't mind.
Also, I changed the replacement variable stuff slightly as vBulletin doesn't seem to like html comments as a default value for a setting.

Is it just a matter of uploading the product file to complete installation? Because I just did that and no stats are appearing on my forum.

Oblivion Knight 10-15-2005 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Rabbitoh Warren
Is it just a matter of uploading the product file to complete installation? Because I just did that and no stats are appearing on my forum.

As mentioned in the setting, you should place the replacement variable in your footer template.. :)

So if you're using the default setup, just put %microstats% after the copyright stuff.

ForYou 10-15-2005 11:28 PM

Hello ,

when i install the hack ,

it's look like in main page ,

Page generated in 4.64159 seconds with 22 queries (1 queries for uncached templates) [Server Loads: 0.94 0.65 : 0.65]
Uncached templates: forumhome_latestthreadbit (10)

is this correct

Moparx 10-15-2005 11:57 PM

its working fine. you need to fix the uncached template you have

Rabbitoh Warren 10-17-2005 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Oblivion Knight
So if you're using the default setup, just put %microstats% after the copyright stuff.

Yep, did that and it's working. I as admin can see the stats but my normal users only see the text %microstats%. Any idea how I can fix that?

Oblivion Knight 10-17-2005 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Rabbitoh Warren
Yep, did that and it's working. I as admin can see the stats but my normal users only see the text %microstats%. Any idea how I can fix that?

Interesting.. I'll have to look into that one tonight.

Edit: Fixed.

Sorry about the inconvenience, the attachment has been updated to 1.3.1 and you should just be able to overwrite it via the Product Manager.. :)

eoc_Jason 10-17-2005 02:40 PM

Here's one that I made based on the 3.0.x MS hack. I liked how it used the drop-down box style for the cached / uncached templates. Just thought I would share incase someone wanted the older style too. I hard-coded it to use {ms} as the replacement variable, but you can set it to whatever you want quite easily.

Oblivion Knight 10-17-2005 02:47 PM

Thanks Jason, I'll have a play around with this later - I prefer TECK's layout too.

Joshua5692 10-21-2005 11:03 PM

This was by far the easiest plug and play add on I have put in yet!

Thanks ShiningArcanine for all your efforts. I installed on 3.5.0 and it is flawless and exactly as described. I do have a question though.

We have a few select members with dual identities, and the fact that they are an administrator is hidden from the public. Their primary group is just a public group. Is there anyway at all that we can allow the administrators who are not in the Admin group as their primary? I am not asking you to modify your release, it is great. But if you could just point me into the right line of code?

ShiningArcanine 10-21-2005 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Joshua5692
This was by far the easiest plug and play add on I have put in yet!

Thanks ShiningArcanine for all your efforts. I installed on 3.5.0 and it is flawless and exactly as described. I do have a question though.

We have a few select members with dual identities, and the fact that they are an administrator is hidden from the public. Their primary group is just a public group. Is there anyway at all that we can allow the administrators who are not in the Admin group as their primary? I am not asking you to modify your release, it is great. But if you could just point me into the right line of code?

I actually did contemplate this when I wrote 1.2.x but I decided against doing it at the time because I didn't want to have so much complexity that the plugin would become bloated. You'll want to find the following line:

PHP Code:

if (($vbulletin->config['Microstats']['adminonly'] and $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == 6) or !$vbulletin->config['Microstats']['adminonly']){ 

And change it to

PHP Code:

if (($vbulletin->config['Microstats']['adminonly'] and ($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == or $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == *)) or !$vbulletin->config['Microstats']['adminonly']){ 

Changing * to the usergroup id.

Joshua5692 10-22-2005 02:05 AM

Sorry I think you misunderstood my question. But thank you for the quick reply. :)

I was hoping to keep it the admin group only, but not requiring the admin group to be the user's primary group.

Tomek 10-22-2005 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by ManagerJosh
I hope to see in the future:

- percentages of PHP/MySQL usage

- number/name of uncached templates (name highlighted in blue, for uncached template)
- vBulletin DEBUG mode status
- server GZIP library compression status

I fully agree. :)

Dennis B 10-22-2005 09:49 AM

Great stuff, thanks & installed.

Snake 10-22-2005 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Tomek
I fully agree. :)

Me either. That would be cool. :)

eoc_Jason 10-22-2005 05:17 PM

Tomek, ManagerJosh, Aftermath - adding in templates, debug, and gzip is extremely simple. However, adding in the percentages of PHP/MySQL usage will require file hacking I believe, I do not think it could be done using hooks. Just FYI.

GrendelKhan{TSU 10-27-2005 11:41 AM


mine is appearing below the HEADER!!! (and at the way bottom footer which is fine).
but yikes!!

how do I get NOT to appear below the header (insignia skin is one that it appears below the header in). :/

I didn't change and of the configurations cause...I'm a n00b and didn't understand how/where I was supposed to do so (from the instructions). :( doh!

ShiningArcanine 10-29-2005 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by eoc_Jason
Tomek, ManagerJosh, Aftermath - adding in templates, debug, and gzip is extremely simple. However, adding in the percentages of PHP/MySQL usage will require file hacking I believe, I do not think it could be done using hooks. Just FYI.

Yeah, the percentages would require file hacking as the plugins are in the database, and there is no way that data in the database (e.g. a hook) could execute before a query has been done.


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU

mine is appearing below the HEADER!!! (and at the way bottom footer which is fine).
but yikes!!

how do I get NOT to appear below the header (insignia skin is one that it appears below the header in). :/

I didn't change and of the configurations cause...I'm a n00b and didn't understand how/where I was supposed to do so (from the instructions). :( doh!

Do you still need help?

Joshua5692 10-29-2005 01:05 AM

Why does the group chosen to see this have to be their primary usergroup?

GrendelKhan{TSU 10-29-2005 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by ShiningArcanine
Do you still need help?

yah. gave up and disable it until I figured it out or someone helped me out. :squareeyed: :nervous:

ShiningArcanine 10-29-2005 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Joshua5692
Why does the group chosen to see this have to be their primary usergroup?

I don't quite understand your question. Everyone can see microstats, except only the administrators (group 1) can see the server loads.


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
yah. gave up and disable it until I figured it out or someone helped me out. :squareeyed: :nervous:

Open up config.php, put the following on a line, save it and upload it:

[CPODE]E.g. $config['Microstats']['replacementvariable'] = '<!-- display microstats here -->';[/CPODE]

Then go to the templates and put "<!-- display microstats here -->" where ever you want microstats to be displayed.

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Template Usage:
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Hooks Called:
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