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-   -   Yet Another Awards System [1.2.1] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=78934)

Dean C 04-15-2005 08:13 PM

I've removed your file Red Line :)

mtha 04-15-2005 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by RED_LINE

yes im sure about change the file correctly

the error somtimes apear not alaways :rolleyes:

can you check showthread.php plz


:"> sorry Marco and DeanC, i fotgot that we cant distribute files.

RedLine, check and see if your showthread has anything like this:

ORDER BY au.issue_time

If you find any, paste that part of code (with the whole query) hereI dont have that line on my code, and your errror says that it got error at that location.


the error somtimes apear not alaways :rolleyes:
can you test and see when and where it apprear?

make sure that you do upload the right file to the right location.

RED_LINE 04-16-2005 06:40 AM

thankyou MarcoH64

no porblem Dean :nervous:


Originally Posted by mtha
:"> sorry Marco and DeanC, i fotgot that we cant distribute files.

RedLine, check and see if your showthread has anything like this:

ORDER BY au.issue_time

If you find any, paste that part of code (with the whole query) hereI dont have that line on my code, and your errror says that it got error at that location.

can you test and see when and where it apprear?

make sure that you do upload the right file to the right location.

i see that code you told me

(ORDER BY au.issue_time) at line 1304

PHP Code:

// [START HACK='Yet Another Award System' AUTHOR='HacNho']
                // Obtain list of awards for current user
$alluserawards =  $DB_site->query("
                                SELECT a.*, au.*, post.userid, post.postid
                                FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "post AS post
                                INNER JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "award_user AS au ON (au.userid=post.userid)
                                INNER JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "award AS a ON (a.award_id=au.award_id)
                                WHERE post.postid IN (" 
$cache_postids ")
                                GROUP BY au.issue_id
                                ORDER BY au.issue_time
$ua $DB_site->fetch_array($alluserawards))
$userawardscache[$ua['userid']][$ua['issue_id']] = $ua;
// [END HACK='Yet Another Award System' AUTHOR='HacNho'] 

thanx for help mtha :nervous:

deathemperor 04-16-2005 10:26 AM

Hi mtha,

I'm requesting for automatic awards like user has top post, user has the most reputation, user has the most post per day %, etc....

my site use UCS as the point system, and ppl is stealing money from the others -> reputation drops, I'd like to have an award like "Thief Master" with someone did most thief actions, and "The Worse Guy" if he has least reputation.

Below is the best example from Gamespot community, take a look and these links:


It is to make a superb awards system.

mtha 04-16-2005 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by RED_LINE
i see that code you told me

(ORDER BY au.issue_time) at line 1304

PHP Code:

// [START HACK='Yet Another Award System' AUTHOR='HacNho']
                // Obtain list of awards for current user
$alluserawards =  $DB_site->query("
                                SELECT a.*, au.*, post.userid, post.postid
                                FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "post AS post
                                INNER JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "award_user AS au ON (au.userid=post.userid)
                                INNER JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "award AS a ON (a.award_id=au.award_id)
                                WHERE post.postid IN (" 
$cache_postids ")
                                GROUP BY au.issue_id
                                ORDER BY au.issue_time
$ua $DB_site->fetch_array($alluserawards))
$userawardscache[$ua['userid']][$ua['issue_id']] = $ua;
// [END HACK='Yet Another Award System' AUTHOR='HacNho'] 

thanx for help mtha :nervous:

What version of YAAS are you using? did you upgrade to the last version? Since your pasted code is different from the one in my instruction, I think you DID NOT make the correct changes to your files file.
PLEASE download the NEW zip file and follow instruction there for upgrade, and re-edit ALL files.

mtha 04-16-2005 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by deathemperor
Hi mtha,

I'm requesting for automatic awards like user has top post, user has the most reputation, user has the most post per day %, etc....

my site use UCS as the point system, and ppl is stealing money from the others -> reputation drops, I'd like to have an award like "Thief Master" with someone did most thief actions, and "The Worse Guy" if he has least reputation.

Below is the best example from Gamespot community, take a look and these links:


It is to make a superb awards system.

The example looks really nice.
however, i think that your would lead to a seperate award system, or a branch of it.

I dont really like the idea of giving awards "automatically" very much, for right now, but that'd be a nice idea.
However, for this to work,you dont have award issue time and reason, you also dont have award history. just the current users has, says, top posts (or reputation) showing up, right? if tomorrow, someone else has higher score, the former one will lose his award?

datainternet 04-17-2005 01:24 PM


At first: This is really really a great hack. Thanks dude :).

But I have two little Questions:

1. In the request_award.php - file there is an option called "REDIRECT OPTIONS:". There you can choose Option 0 to show a thank you message.

Now my question: Is it possibly to show this message AND redirect after some seconds to another page?

This would be very nice :).

2. I translated my hack to german speech and now I have 1 little problem:

In the request award page there are 2 different buttons in the bottom: "Submit" and "Reset". Where can i find this values to translate them?

When this two little problems are solved I really love this hack :).

MFG datainternet

mtha 04-17-2005 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by datainternet

1. In the request_award.php - file there is an option called "REDIRECT OPTIONS:". There you can choose Option 0 to show a thank you message.

Now my question: Is it possibly to show this message AND redirect after some seconds to another page?

for this, you can ask Erwin here:
I use his hack for the form, basically.


In the request award page there are 2 different buttons in the bottom: "Submit" and "Reset". Where can i find this values to translate them?
sorry I had those things hard-coded.
you can edit awards_request_form template, and change
value="Submit" => value="$vbphrase[submit]"
value="Reset" => value="$vbphrase[reset]"

Ben5150 04-18-2005 12:56 AM

has anybody got this error
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL: CREATE TABLE vb3_award (
award_id smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
award_cat_id smallint(5) NOT NULL default '1',
award_name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
award_desc varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
award_icon_url varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
award_img_url varchar(225) NOT NULL default '',
award_displayorder smallint(5) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (award_id)

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ';
' at line 10

mysql error number: 1064
if so how to fix it

mtha 04-18-2005 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Ben5150
has anybody got this error
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL: CREATE TABLE vb3_award (
award_id smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
award_cat_id smallint(5) NOT NULL default '1',
award_name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
award_desc varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
award_icon_url varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
award_img_url varchar(225) NOT NULL default '',
award_displayorder smallint(5) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (award_id)

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ';
' at line 10

mysql error number: 1064
if so how to fix it

hmm, have no idea yet. you can try to manually enter the database, or run "upgrade"

dark dragun 04-18-2005 06:11 AM

I think I need to create the award_cat table again, cause when I click on Award Category Manager I get a error

Could not find phrase 'no_award_categories_found'.

Also when clicking Award Manager, or Add New Award I get this error

(Fatal error: Cannot redeclare construct_depth_mark() (previously declared in D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\forums\admincp\award.php:91) in D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\forums\includes\adminfunctions. php on line 1235)

should i delete all 3 awards tables and run query manually for this part ?
if so whats the code ? I try useing whats in awards_install.php under updateds - Run Querys, and created the tables that way but as you can see some thing is wronge. I need a little help.

mtha 04-18-2005 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by dark dragun
I think I need to create the award_cat table again, cause when I click on Award Category Manager I get a error

Could not find phrase 'no_award_categories_found'.

Also when clicking Award Manager, or Add New Award I get this error

(Fatal error: Cannot redeclare construct_depth_mark() (previously declared in D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\forums\admincp\award.php:91) in D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\forums\includes\adminfunctions. php on line 1235)

should i delete all 3 awards tables and run query manually for this part ?
if so whats the code ? I try useing whats in awards_install.php under updateds - Run Querys, and created the tables that way but as you can see some thing is wronge. I need a little help.

Seems like you were upgrading, and you might have to go through "step 1b" where it says
IF you upgrade from YAAS 1.0 and DID NOT have Award Category, click here to CREATE Category Table -->

if you dont have anything yet, you can just un-install and install it again. it's easier.

anyway, I update the award_cat.php to fix the category error.

You may need to create a category first, before adding award. in the installation, I have a default category, but you missed that by one step.

dark dragun 04-18-2005 08:08 AM


Thank you so much, wow support at 1:30 a.m. lmao so cool. I redownloaded the zips. I than removed all querys from awards_install.php and manually ran the querys, then ran my edited awards_install.php which skipped the query section and finished the rest step. Maybe you should leave it out had have people run it manually.
Once again thanks so much this hack is awsome !

deathemperor 04-18-2005 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by mtha
The example looks really nice.
however, i think that your would lead to a seperate award system, or a branch of it.

I dont really like the idea of giving awards "automatically" very much, for right now, but that'd be a nice idea.
However, for this to work,you dont have award issue time and reason, you also dont have award history. just the current users has, says, top posts (or reputation) showing up, right? if tomorrow, someone else has higher score, the former one will lose his award?

It's ok if you don't do the auto awards it's easier with cron jobs for this right ?

other parts are good, I think you should make it, I'm looking forward to it (wait for an update mail ^^).

playstation 04-18-2005 03:54 PM

I went to install this today and when i run the installer i am getting this error


Parse error: parse error, unexpected '}' in /backup/home/carzone/public_html/forum/admincp/awards_install.php on line 126
This is lines 126-128

126                        }
127                }
128                echo "<font size=\"1\">Updated Setting - $varname </font><br />";

mtha 04-18-2005 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by playstation
I went to install this today and when i run the installer i am getting this error


Parse error: parse error, unexpected '}' in /backup/home/carzone/public_html/forum/admincp/awards_install.php on line 126
This is lines 126-128

126                        }
127                }
128                echo "<font size=\"1\">Updated Setting - $varname </font><br />";

strainge. I have enough } in there. do you have the latest awards_install.php? just to make sure, download the zip file again, and use the installer in there.

- whats is the process running when you get the error?
something like:

Updated Phrase - award_settings
Updated Phrase - request_award
Updated Phrase - total_awards
Updated Phrase - more_awards

Phrases Updated Successfully

Updated Phrase - settinggroup_awards
Updated Phrase - setting_aw_memberlist_title
Updated Phrase - setting_aw_memberlist_desc
Updated Setting - aw_memberlist

MikeGK 04-18-2005 09:58 PM

This hack looks amazing, but it would be more awesome if we could have a place where an award winner could fill in their name and home address to claim for prizes. We're talking about real awards. Maybe there's a button where they can click on to claim and after clicking on the claim button it will prompt to fill in personal info where the admin can then send real prizes to the winners. The claim button can be in the postbit or user profile. Thanz

gigaenvy 04-18-2005 11:05 PM

Upgrade to 1.2.0 and received this error as well


Parse error: parse error, unexpected '}' in /home/mmotri2/public_html/forums/admincp/awards_install.php on line 126
Edit: Fixed it myself knowing less than zilch about vbulletin or php syntax.

I added a trailing ';' at the end of 'WHERE varname' statement.


                                $DB_site->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "setting SET grouptitle = '$settinggroup' " .
                                                iif($value, ", value = '" . $value . "'") .
                                                iif($defaultvalue, ", defaultvalue = '" . $defaultvalue . "'") .
                                                iif($optioncode, ", optioncode = '" . $optioncode . "'") .
                                                iif($displayorder, ", displayorder = '" . $displayorder . "'") .
                                                " WHERE varname = '$varname'");

dark dragun 04-18-2005 11:21 PM

I got this hack installed and working, but I need help with one thing.
I have mine set up after someone request a award, a new thread is started stating the request with no replys, and a poll option. Also a pm is set to admins and mods. My problem is when you read the request in the thread or if its email or pm to you they all have this bold tag in them twice as you can see below. How can I remove these ?

Dark Dragun Award Request Form


Award Request Form - Dark Dragun

Sender Information

UserID: 1
Username: Dark Dragun
Fullname: Dark Dragun

Request Information:
Award ID: 3
Award Name : Distinguished Service Cross
Award Description : Awarded to AMA Special Forces who have distinguished themselfs by extraordinary heroism.[b]

Recipient username : [b] Dark Dragun

Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.


Update: I dont know how to paste code here per rules, but I can tell you were my error was. It was in awards_request_formanswers template. Left out a slash in the last bold tag toward the bottom, I know did this late a night huh ? lol I love your hack thanks again.

mtha 04-19-2005 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by gigaenvy
Upgrade to 1.2.0 and received this error as well

Edit: Fixed it myself knowing less than zilch about vbulletin or php syntax.

I added a trailing ';' at the end of 'WHERE varname' statement.

Thanks gigaenvy, someone had an error with ";" and I removed the wrong ; by mistake :">

the file was updated.


Update: I dont know how to paste code here per rules, but I can tell you were my error was. It was in awards_request_formanswers template. Left out a slash in the last bold tag toward the bottom, I know did this late a night huh ? lol I love your hack thanks again.
fixed in installer too. :"> actually you nead a closing [/b] instead of [b] at the end of $award[award_desc]


This hack looks amazing, but it would be more awesome if we could have a place where an award winner could fill in their name and home address to claim for prizes. We're talking about real awards. Maybe there's a button where they can click on to claim and after clicking on the claim button it will prompt to fill in personal info where the admin can then send real prizes to the winners. The claim button can be in the postbit or user profile. Thanz
You can make another form for this. just like the "Award request form". Look over Dr Erwin Loh for FORM TO THREAD/ FORUM/ PM/ EMAIL hack for detail.

My 351 04-19-2005 04:12 AM

Excellent hack mtha, and great support for it from what I've seen. Glad to have it, thanks.

mtha 04-19-2005 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by My 351
Excellent hack mtha, and great support for it from what I've seen. Glad to have it, thanks.

:) Thanks

playstation 04-20-2005 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by gigaenvy
Upgrade to 1.2.0 and received this error as well

Edit: Fixed it myself knowing less than zilch about vbulletin or php syntax.

I added a trailing ';' at the end of 'WHERE varname' statement.


                                $DB_site->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "setting SET grouptitle = '$settinggroup' " .
                                                iif($value, ", value = '" . $value . "'") .
                                                iif($defaultvalue, ", defaultvalue = '" . $defaultvalue . "'") .
                                                iif($optioncode, ", optioncode = '" . $optioncode . "'") .
                                                iif($displayorder, ", displayorder = '" . $displayorder . "'") .
                                                " WHERE varname = '$varname'");

That worked,thank you.

Hack is now installed and working great. :D

SHANE-D-PAIN 04-20-2005 09:03 PM

love it, ive installed it on Teen Forums

mtha 04-21-2005 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by SHANE-D-PAIN
love it, ive installed it on Teen Forums

If you have image and icon exactly the same, you can just display one of them in the awards list.

apokphp 04-22-2005 05:50 AM

For some reason, there is a direct to a different forum: http://www.hn-ams.org/forum/ (my site is www.onlinedebate.net)

This happens when you click on the award graphic, user's name, or userid of the submitter, when it has been set to start a new thread automatically to show the results of the request form.

How to fix?

mtha 04-22-2005 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by apokphp
For some reason, there is a direct to a different forum:(my site is www.onlinedebate.net)

This happens when you click on the award graphic, user's name, or userid of the submitter, when it has been set to start a new thread automatically to show the results of the request form.

How to fix?

Please go to your ACP, edit this template awards_request_formanswers
and replace content with:

HTML Code:

[b]$formtitle - $bbuserinfo[username][/b]

[color=blue][b]Sender Information[/b][/color]
UserID: [url=$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$bbuserinfo[userid]]$bbuserinfo[userid][/url]
Username: $bbuserinfo[username]
Fullname: $answer1

[color=red][b]Request Information:[/b][/color]
Award ID: [b][url=$vboptions[bburl]/awards.php#award$award[award_id]]$award[award_id][/url][/b]
$vbphrase[award_name]: [b]$award[award_name][/b]
$vbphrase[award_description]: [b]$award[award_desc][/b]

$question2 : [b][url=$vboptions[bburl]/forum/member.php?username=$answer2] $answer2 [/url] [/b]



trulylowcarb 04-22-2005 03:59 PM

Preparing to upgrade from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 (and it isn't even the middle the night, LOL, how strange) and I can't seem to find the "forum/admincp/awards_install.php?do=upgrade" file in the new zip package. Should I just run the regular install file that's included?

Thanks a heap for adding the member list feature. Your support is superb and I'm headed over to paypal to donate right NOW. :D

You asked about the voting system I would use - I don't have one yet, but I intend to ask my members to nominate other members for a Member of the Month award and then hold a poll to let the members pick the winner, who will receive 2 free months of supporter status (ad-free browsing, among other benefits I have set up for paying members). As I haven't used Erwin's form hack yet (but have looked at it and want to) maybe you've already got me covered there, I am not sure .... but that is definitely the easy part. You've made the rest real easy. Thanks again,

mtha 04-22-2005 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by trulylowcarb
Preparing to upgrade from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 (and it isn't even the middle the night, LOL, how strange) and I can't seem to find the "forum/admincp/awards_install.php?do=upgrade" file in the new zip package. Should I just run the regular install file that's included?

run that from browser, or you just run .../admincp/awards_install.php and select "upgrade"

Remember that, if you didnt have "award category" before, you need to go through step 1b (it will ask when you upgrade)
If you already have Award Categories, skip that step.


Thanks a heap for adding the member list feature. Your support is superb and I'm headed over to paypal to donate right NOW. :D
Thank you very much, I got it.

PIKenPIK 04-23-2005 07:38 PM

Medals were a big success on my PHPBB ....

So i really needs it for my VB ...

PIKenPIK clicks INSTALL ... More than ThanXXxx a Lot ;)

anarchystar 04-25-2005 01:08 PM

I have been trying to install this hack on 3.0.7, I keep getting MySQL errors at step 3 when it runs the queries. It says I have an error near ';' on line 10, error 1064 as soon as the first query is run on my database. (MySQL vs. 3.23.58, PHP 4.3.8)
I tried 3 times, any suggestions?

Polo 04-25-2005 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by anarchystar
I have been trying to install this hack on 3.0.7, I keep getting MySQL errors at step 3 when it runs the queries. It says I have an error near ';' on line 10, error 1064 as soon as the first query is run on my database. (MySQL vs. 3.23.58, PHP 4.3.8)
I tried 3 times, any suggestions?

i would suggest, putting the exact error you are getting here so that the original coder can help you out...

trulylowcarb 04-25-2005 02:37 PM

Upgraded last night.
Wanted to note for you that in the file mods install file, shouldn't the last one actually be performed on functions_online.php?? It references the private.php file again, but the text that you want changed was not in my private.php file. It was in the functions file, however, and changing it there seems to have worked.

Thanks again! :)
Psssst - Voted for you for HOTM also.

mtha 04-25-2005 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by anarchystar
I have been trying to install this hack on 3.0.7, I keep getting MySQL errors at step 3 when it runs the queries. It says I have an error near ';' on line 10, error 1064 as soon as the first query is run on my database. (MySQL vs. 3.23.58, PHP 4.3.8)
I tried 3 times, any suggestions?

you may got the old installer file, or I put the wrong one in there by mistake? just to make sure, I uploaded the installer again in the zip file. You can download and install again. For safe, you can run uninstall before install, to remove any pre-added information. or run upgrade.

if you get same error, check the installer that you were running, make sure that there's no ; in lines 606, 618, 631


Upgraded last night.
Wanted to note for you that in the file mods install file, shouldn't the last one actually be performed on functions_online.php?? It references the private.php file again, but the text that you want changed was not in my private.php file. It was in the functions file, however, and changing it there seems to have worked.
did you get the latest file? I think I did change it to function_online. :) anyway, you got it working.


Psssst - Voted for you for HOTM also.
psssst, thanks :D

anarchystar 04-25-2005 08:48 PM

Hey I tried the install again, I still got the same error. I copied it this time so you could see exactly what it did:


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL: CREATE TABLE anarchystar_award (
                          award_id smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
                          award_cat_id smallint(5) NOT NULL default '1',
                          award_name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
                          award_desc varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
                          award_icon_url varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
                          award_img_url varchar(225) NOT NULL default '',
                          award_displayorder smallint(5) NOT NULL default '0',
                          PRIMARY KEY  (award_id)
                        ) TYPE=MyISAM;
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ';
                ' at line 10

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Monday 25th of April 2005 05:44:39 PM
Script: http://forums.anarchystar.com/admincp/awards_install.php?do=install&step=doqueries
Referer: http://forums.anarchystar.com/admincp/awards_install.php?do=install&step=dotemplates

mtha 04-26-2005 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by anarchystar
Hey I tried the install again, I still got the same error. I copied it this time so you could see exactly what it did:


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:
                          PRIMARY KEY  (award_id)
                        ) TYPE=MyISAM;
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ';
                ' at line 10

From this code here, can I say that you did not download the zip file again, and did not upload the new awards_install.php file to your server?

could you PLEASE download the zip file from the first post, unzip, and upload the awards_install.php to your admincp folder.

or I just upload one here. Please upload this file to your server.

anarchystar 04-26-2005 07:23 AM

actually I did, I went back after you posted, downloaded the new package and tried to install. Maybe I still had the old one though and screwed up, I will give it another shot :P .. thanks

mtha 04-26-2005 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by anarchystar
actually I did, I went back after you posted, downloaded the new package and tried to install. Maybe I still had the old one though and screwed up, I will give it another shot :P .. thanks

or maybe the old zip file was cached in your computer. sometime you need to clean cache, or download the php file I attached above.

anarchystar 04-26-2005 07:42 AM

it went a little better this time, the tables were added, but it hung up again here:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL:
                        INSERT INTO anarchystar_award_cat
                                (award_cat_id, award_cat_title, award_cat_desc, award_cat_displayorder, award_cat_parentid)
                        VALUES (1, 'Default', 'Default category', 1, -1);
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ';
                ' at line 4

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Tuesday 26th of April 2005 04:38:51 AM
Script: http://forums.anarchystar.com/admincp/awards_install.php?do=install&step=doqueries
Referer: http://forums.anarchystar.com/admincp/awards_install.php?do=install&step=dotemplates

wha'cha think?

anarchystar 04-26-2005 07:49 AM

I opened up you install file, removed that ';' at the last step and it worked like a charm ... good stuff :D

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