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amykhar 03-03-2005 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Schwarze Katze
I love the hack, but I've got a problem.

Right now I've got 50 members, 43 guest and 18 spiders.
On who's online it works for "all" and shows the right numbers.
When I choose "members" it says 50 members, -18 guest and 18 spiders.
When I choose "guests" it says 0 members, 25 guests and 18 spiders.
When I choose "spiders" it says 0 members, 0 guest and 18 spiders.

Can anyone confirm this?

I've got this bug fixed, but can't post the instructions until I can get home and compare my online.php with the stock one. It's an easy fix to make and I will post the directions ASAP.


TTG 03-03-2005 07:23 PM

Installed and works well on my 3.0.6 :)

Thanks for the great hack .. clicked install

TTG 03-07-2005 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by TTG
Installed and works well on my 3.0.6 :)

Thanks for the great hack .. clicked install

Mmm .. worked for 1 day and now all have all guests and no spiders ..?

amykhar 03-07-2005 10:06 AM

What version of vb are you using and did you check online.php to confirm that spiders are actually on your board? There are plenty of times when spiders aren't around.

IceFanatic 03-09-2005 05:46 AM

This isn't a high priority fix, but how do you move the comma over one space to the left? It looks wierd when there is a space between user name's like it currently is.

If I weren't so PHP stupid I may be able to do it myself.

Great hack btw.

TTG 03-11-2005 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by amykhar
What version of vb are you using and did you check online.php to confirm that spiders are actually on your board? There are plenty of times when spiders aren't around.

Found the problem and this may help other folks having problems in showing spiders in the stats. :banana:

Update Spider Identification Strings & Spider Identification Description in your admincp .. you can always find an up to date list of both here

Kyderoy 03-12-2005 04:07 AM

I installed the hack and when I view who is online I see this

Currently Active Users: 4 (1 members and 3 guests and [ARG:3 UNDEFINED] spiders)

Why is it saying undefined spiders? Did I do something wrong?

eva01_ 03-12-2005 04:09 AM

i can't remember which it is but either it is you didn't do the template change or you didn't change the phrase

Kyderoy 03-12-2005 04:13 AM

Figured it out...Thanks for the response

amykhar 03-12-2005 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by TTG
Found the problem and this may help other folks having problems in showing spiders in the stats. :banana:

Update Spider Identification Strings & Spider Identification Description in your admincp .. you can always find an up to date list of both here

Just to be clear, your problem wasn't a problem with the hack. It was a problem with the default, out of the box, behavior of vbulletin.

TTG 03-12-2005 01:21 PM

Correct .. amykhar .. no problems with the hack

Acers 03-15-2005 01:28 PM

hmmm i am having a prob with this hack. Have done exactly as given in text file.
Right now am getting

Currently Active Users: 7 (6 members, 1 guests and 0 spiders)
(on the main forum page in the whats going on field at bottom)

while if i click on who's online and see there, i see
6 members, 1 guests and 2 spiders

where the 2 spiders are the google spiders.

Hows that?
And i am dead sure i have done file edits properly.

(BTW i have removed the and in the phrase with comma,But that can hardly be the reason :P lol

amykhar 03-15-2005 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Acers
hmmm i am having a prob with this hack. Have done exactly as given in text file.
Right now am getting

Currently Active Users: 7 (6 members, 1 guests and 0 spiders)
(on the main forum page in the whats going on field at bottom)

while if i click on who's online and see there, i see
6 members, 1 guests and 2 spiders

where the 2 spiders are the google spiders.

Hows that?
And i am dead sure i have done file edits properly.

(BTW i have removed the and in the phrase with comma,But that can hardly be the reason :P lol

I can't verify the problem because your online.php is not available for guests to view.

amykhar 03-15-2005 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Schwarze Katze
I love the hack, but I've got a problem.

Right now I've got 50 members, 43 guest and 18 spiders.
On who's online it works for "all" and shows the right numbers.
When I choose "members" it says 50 members, -18 guest and 18 spiders.
When I choose "guests" it says 0 members, 25 guests and 18 spiders.
When I choose "spiders" it says 0 members, 0 guest and 18 spiders.

Can anyone confirm this?

I am posting a fix for this problem here so that some more advanced coders can test the instructions before I replace the original text file. Please only do this fix right now if you are a coder and willing to test this code. (The code on my forums works. I just need to ensure I captured all the changes in the instructions.)

This fix requires undoing all changes you made in online.php and using the instructions in this file instead.


lefthome 03-15-2005 05:21 PM

The install appears not to have an adverse effect on any other part of my forum but I do have a minor problem and that is the last step regarding (vb 3.07):

In the template WHOSONLINE find:


Add after:


Doesn?t exist in my WHOSONLINE Template and the closest things I can find is

<strong><phrase 1="$numbervisible" 2="$numberguests">$vbphrase[x_members_and_y_guests]</phrase></strong><br /><phrase 1="$recordusers" 2="$recorddate" 3="$recordtime">$vbphrase[most_users_ever_online_was_x_y_at_z]</phrase>


Or this:

<select name="who">

<option value="all" $whoselected[0]>$vbphrase[all]</option>

<option value="members" $whoselected[1]>$vbphrase[members]</option>

<option value="guests" $whoselected[2]>$vbphrase[guests]</option>

<if condition="$vboptions['enablespiders']">

<option value="spiders" $whoselected[3]>$vbphrase[search_bots]</option>



Assistance please?

amykhar 03-15-2005 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by lefthome
The install appears not to have an adverse effect on any other part of my forum but I do have a minor problem and that is the last step regarding (vb 3.07):

In the template WHOSONLINE find:


Add after:


Doesn?t exist in my WHOSONLINE Template and the closest things I can find is

<strong><phrase 1="$numbervisible" 2="$numberguests">$vbphrase[x_members_and_y_guests]</phrase></strong><br /><phrase 1="$recordusers" 2="$recorddate" 3="$recordtime">$vbphrase[most_users_ever_online_was_x_y_at_z]</phrase>


Or this:

<select name="who">

<option value="all" $whoselected[0]>$vbphrase[all]</option>

<option value="members" $whoselected[1]>$vbphrase[members]</option>

<option value="guests" $whoselected[2]>$vbphrase[guests]</option>

<if condition="$vboptions['enablespiders']">

<option value="spiders" $whoselected[3]>$vbphrase[search_bots]</option>



Assistance please?

It's this one:


<strong><phrase 1="$numbervisible" 2="$numberguests">$vbphrase[x_members_and_y_guests]</phrase></strong><br /><phrase
Put it in right after the 2="numberguests"

lefthome 03-15-2005 05:44 PM

Disregard my prior posting?.I am such a dummy sometimes. I figured it out and the hack works great in 3.07

HC. 03-16-2005 03:15 AM

I have 12 msn.bots on there right now and it says no spiders on the WOL
any ideas ?
I have triple check all replacements and everything is there

amykhar 03-16-2005 10:16 AM

Are the spiders showing as spiders on online.php or do you just know they are spiders by their host? If they are not showing as spiders in online.php, but as guests, then they won't show as spiders on forumhome either.

HC. 03-16-2005 02:04 PM

they are showing as guest
the 2 that are all ways on there are

amykhar 03-16-2005 04:55 PM

Then why do you expect them not to show as guest on forumhome? It's working propertly. If you want to add more spiders to the group that shows up as spiders, you need to follow the instructions posted above about adding more spiders to the detected group.

amykhar 03-16-2005 05:17 PM

I have replaced the install instructions with a fresh text file that fixes the dropdown bug. I am including uninstall directions here for the portion of code changed in online.php for users who installed the version found in spiders3.txt.

Use this text file to uninstall those changes and use the new text file to apply the new changes made to online.php



shadiguy1 03-16-2005 05:22 PM

no new file attached lol

rex_b 03-16-2005 06:21 PM

new file? where!!

amykhar 03-16-2005 06:24 PM

Not sure how I managed that one. It's posted now.

rex_b 03-17-2005 05:20 PM

That text file layout is horrible. Can you give something better?

amykhar 03-18-2005 02:02 AM

Yikes. It doesn't look like that on Linux. I'll clean it up in notepad and repost.

stevey 03-18-2005 02:16 PM

hi, everything seems to work great apart from: [ARG:3 UNDEFINED] spiders i think i have edited the phrase (new to this) i attached a pic of it and the site is in my profile


amykhar 03-18-2005 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by stevey
hi, everything seems to work great apart from: [ARG:3 UNDEFINED] spiders i think i have edited the phrase (new to this) i attached a pic of it and the site is in my profile


You are missing part of a file edit. It depends on which script is showing the error. If you see it on formhome, you haven't completed the index.php edits. If you see it on online.php, you haven't done all of those edits. If you see it on a portal page, read the first post of this thread :)

stevey 03-18-2005 03:24 PM

i just double checked my index.php and all the code is there, it works fine in the online page but in the forum home it shows the error :(

amykhar 03-18-2005 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by stevey
i just double checked my index.php and all the code is there, it works fine in the online page but in the forum home it shows the error :(

In your forumhome template edit, make sure you passed the correct variable in. If you aren't passing in anything because you didn't make the edit, or if you are passing in the wrong variable, that error will happen as well.

stevey 03-18-2005 03:52 PM

that fixed it :classic: i didnt change it for the theme, only changed it for the deafult thats why :o

HC. 03-19-2005 08:44 PM

how do you fix this and where
both screen shots were taken right after each other

funkmeister 03-19-2005 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by IceFanatic
This isn't a high priority fix, but how do you move the comma over one space to the left? It looks wierd when there is a space between user name's like it currently is.

If I weren't so PHP stupid I may be able to do it myself.

Great hack btw.

I'd also like to know.....how do you remove the space? So it would display as John, Pete, Barry and not John , Pete , Barry - as an example.

Also, how do you add a space on the WOL for the spiders - for example, instead of, yahoo! slurp(2) - I'd like to have yahoo! slurp (2)


amykhar 03-20-2005 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by hunterscentral
how do you fix this and where
both screen shots were taken right after each other

I'm not sure what you are asking.

amykhar 03-20-2005 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by funkmeister
I'd also like to know.....how do you remove the space? So it would display as John, Pete, Barry and not John , Pete , Barry - as an example.

Also, how do you add a space on the WOL for the spiders - for example, instead of, yahoo! slurp(2) - I'd like to have yahoo! slurp (2)


To remove the space, Find this code in index.php:

eval('$activeusers .= ", ' . fetch_template('forumhome_loggedinuser') . '";');
Remove the space after the comma there.

amykhar 03-20-2005 12:55 AM

To ADD a space, in index.php,

$loggedin['musername'] = key($spiderlist) . "(" . $spidername.")";
Add the space before the (

HC. 03-20-2005 02:15 AM

spiders dont show on the main forum page but if you click on WOL you will see spiders

eva01_ 03-20-2005 02:26 AM

go over the instructions again ;) worked perfectly for me

esfron 03-20-2005 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by amykhar
To remove the space, Find this code in index.php:

eval('$activeusers .= ", ' . fetch_template('forumhome_loggedinuser') . '";');
Remove the space after the comma there.

eval('$activeusers .= ",' . fetch_template('forumhome_loggedinuser') . '";'); does'nt work for me.

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