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gnawph 02-04-2005 07:09 AM

Should I be the first to install? Looks like it. ;)

Wish me luck!

Eagle Creek 02-04-2005 08:51 PM

Can you give permissions based on team-membership? So when you are a member of team A c you can have access granted or denied to other sections than normal users?

Can you send your whole team mail and stuff like that?

kevinnguyen 02-04-2005 10:09 PM

so how is it gnawph?
any demo?

miz 02-04-2005 11:52 PM

Send maill to all of team members in currectly not a featue
but it will be

in order to be part of team user must be registed
no need to be a usergroup based cuse its teams besed premissions

Amavisca 02-05-2005 03:35 AM

I cant find this in the installation.


if (($tview = fetch_bbarray_cookie('thread_lastview', $threadinfo['threadid'])) != $threadinfo['lastpost'])
$url = "showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$newpost[postid]&posted=1#post$newpost[postid]";
$url = "showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$newpost[postid]#post$newpost[postid]";


if (($tview = fetch_bbarray_cookie('thread_lastview', $threadinfo['threadid'])) != $threadinfo['lastpost'])
if ($foruminfo['teamid'] == $bbteaminfo['teamid'])
$url = "teamprivtearea.php?$session[sessionurl]teamid=$bbteaminfo[teamid]&do=showthread&p=$newpost[postid]&posted=1#post$newpost[postid]";
} else {
$url = "showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$newpost[postid]&posted=1#post$newpost[postid]";
if ($foruminfo['teamid'] == $bbteaminfo['teamid'])
$url = "teamprivtearea.php?$session[sessionurl]teamid=$bbteaminfo[teamid]&do=showthread&p=$newpost[postid]#post$newpost[postid]";
} else {
$url = "showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$newpost[postid]#post$newpost[postid]";

miz 02-05-2005 02:06 PM

supuse to be around line 245

Amavisca 02-09-2005 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by miz
supuse to be around line 245

Hi miz!
I just finish installed your hack, Everything is working fine so far however I have 1 small problem. When some member apply to join the team, the team leader did click acept it but the member who join still not show up as a member of the team (or when team leader invite some member, the member never got a pm ).

I am not sure what did I do wrong. Mayb you can help me out ? ( I will pm my board and a test account so you can know what I mean)

TunerNetwork 02-09-2005 03:23 PM

anyone able to get this hack to work properly, if so, please msg me , i need some help with it.

WotC_Mel 02-09-2005 10:23 PM

Is the "team words" in the screen shot mean to hold News for the team put their by the team leader?


MD_Hacker 02-09-2005 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Amavisca
Hi miz!
I just finish installed your hack, Everything is working fine so far however I have 1 small problem. When some member apply to join the team, the team leader did click acept it but the member who join still not show up as a member of the team (or when team leader invite some member, the member never got a pm ).

I am not sure what did I do wrong. Mayb you can help me out ? ( I will pm my board and a test account so you can know what I mean)

If its based upon the first version , when the Leader of the club accepts you , your added to the poll system.Which gives you 2 options.1) Let members Vote on them or 2) click on that admin tab that says add(In Poll sys).

Amavisca 02-10-2005 04:33 AM

I now can accept member to the team roster however I have another problem which is when I post on the team private forum, after posting it takes me to a page said that I dont have permision.

However click back to the team private forum, I can see my post there. It is very werid....

Do you know how can I fix that??

evenmonkeys 02-11-2005 03:35 AM

I've only edited the files themselves. I've done it twice and got the same error each time.


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.6:
Invalid SQL:
        SELECT teams.*, teams.name AS username,
        COUNT(user.userid) AS totalmembers,
        sum(user.posts) AS posts,
        sum(user.reputation) AS reputation
                FROM teams AS teams
        LEFT JOIN user ON(teams.teamid = user.teamid)
        WHERE teams.teamid =0
        GROUP BY teams.teamid
mysql error: Table 'admxinny_forums.teams' doesn't exist
mysql error number: 1146
Date: Thursday 10th of February 2005 11:35:09 PM
Script: http://forums.xinnyburt.com/
Username: yarub
IP Address: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx

TunerNetwork 02-11-2005 04:33 AM

i get the same thing, i need help with this hack, i need it for my site: http://www.tunernetwork.com

gonna use it to organize my car clubs across the country

Marco van Herwaarden 02-11-2005 07:39 AM

Are you guys by any chance using a table prefix for your database?

evenmonkeys 02-11-2005 08:25 AM

I figured it out. Tuner, do this... Upload the files that came with the zip. Then edit all your files, but don't upload them just yet. Instead, close your forums and edit your templates first. After that, run the install script from your admincp. Once you've got it installed on your forums, upload the files. I did it that way and it works perfectly.

miz 02-11-2005 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by MarcoH64
Are you guys by any chance using a table prefix for your database?

this hack is fully using ".TABLE_PREFIX."
in all query's so there shouldnt be any problems with that issue
i have tested this version of the hack on my live comunity and its works more then perfect

first run the install script
then edit files
then edit templates

not that hard.

Amavisca 02-14-2005 01:32 AM

How do I cancel the permission fuction? I would like everybody to be able to access teams forums exept the ones with passwords

TunerNetwork 02-14-2005 01:39 AM

ok, i guess my error is that i did all the edits first, then i went to run the install, this the problem? if so, how do i fix? go back and reinstall all the edited files with the originals? then run upload, and reinstall the edited ones? masdlfkjasljd;fksfd

H2k 02-15-2005 07:13 AM

in this code .. i find 2 time so should i change both of them ?

FIND :[2 time the same code]

PHP Code:

$url "showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$threadid&page=$pagenumber&pp=$perpage";


PHP Code:

if ($foruminfo['teamid'] == $bbteaminfo['teamid'])
$url "teamprivtearea.php?$session[sessionurl]teamid=$bbteaminfo[teamid]&do=showthread&t=$threadid&page=$pagenumber&pp=$perpage";
            } else {
$url "showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$threadid&page=$pagenumber&pp=$perpage";

FIND :[2 time the same code]

PHP Code:

$url "showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$threadid&page=$pagenumber&pp=$perpage";

PHP Code:

if ($foruminfo['teamid'] == $bbteaminfo['teamid'])
$url "teamprivtearea.php?$session[sessionurl]teamid=$bbteaminfo[teamid]&do=showthread&t=$threadid&page=$pagenumber&pp=$perpage";
        } else {
$url "showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$threadid&page=$pagenumber&pp=$perpage";

H2k 02-15-2005 08:11 AM

also when i try to install i get this erro
Error. teams.xml located in directory 'admincp' was not found. Please make sure it is uploaded then press the submit button below

H2k 02-15-2005 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by H2k
also when i try to install i get this erro
Error. teams.xml located in directory 'admincp' was not found. Please make sure it is uploaded then press the submit button below

I have Installing this hack .. and i get alot of problems. and know i'am trying to delete it from my board.. but idont have a back up of my file so i have to do it bymy self.

There is 100 bug in this MOd
If We Delete the Private Forums it will still show . and there is many i just dont no how to add my self in the team to accept poeple .. this mod is really conf..

TunerNetwork 02-16-2005 12:34 AM

H2k, im getting that same error. If you find someone that can help us out, let me know. I have my files backed up before I edited them with this, so if you need some original code,let me know.

If anyone can help install this mode properly, please let us know.

TunerNetwork 02-18-2005 01:13 AM

Can someone please help up with this, sounds like its a common error/or mistake being made. PM Me if you can help me out getting the private forums working etc. thanks!

Sephiroth690 02-19-2005 07:10 AM

Hey guys, i had the same error. My problem is that my hosting company, and assume all hosting companies have files case sensative. The teams.xml file is callled teams.XML when i uploaded. just change the extension to lowercase and it should work fine.

As for my problem, I'm the admin of my board but everytime after either moveing a thread to a private team forum, or posting a thread or anything like that, I get that no permission error.

And just for reference, if anyone has had an issue with SQL databases about tbales/stuff not found, it's because not all of the hack has the TABLE PREFIX infront of the table variables. It takes awhile, but I think the hack good. Nice work!

TunerNetwork 02-19-2005 05:10 PM

ok bud, thanks, that worked! now...I get this....

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.6:

Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE `user` ADD `teamid` INT( 10 ) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL ,
ADD `teamadmin` TINYINT( 1 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ,
ADD `team_chat_pref_font_face` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
ADD `team_chat_pref_font_color` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
ADD `team_chat_pref_user_ignore` TEXT NOT NULL ,
ADD `team_chat_pref_status` VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
ADD `team_chat_pref_auto_on` TINYINT( 2 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ,
ADD `team_chat_pref_auto_msg` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ;

mysql error: Duplicate column name 'teamid'

mysql error number: 1060

So...then I try to add a new team and I get this:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.6:

Invalid SQL:
FROM forum
WHERE `teamid` !=0

mysql error: Unknown column 'teamid' in 'where clause'

mysql error number: 1054

If someone can please just help me get this damn hack working,lol. Ive tried alot to get it going and need it for my site. So please pm me if you can help, thanks!

Sephiroth690 02-19-2005 05:25 PM

hmmm, i never got that error, in the number of errors i did get. You might just have had the teamid table created....masybe. To get this hack working, your going to have to spend ALOT of time debugging bugs lol. most are a result from like i said, the vbulletin table prefix not in front of the various sql queries. At least for me that was the problem.

TunerNetwork 02-20-2005 05:18 AM

ok, now when i go to click on my USER CP link, I get this error...Database error in vBulletin 3.0.6:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM teamjoin
WHERE userid='2' AND status='2'

mysql error: Table 'hondanet_vbulletin.teamjoin' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146


Sephiroth690 02-20-2005 04:47 PM

like i said, you've gotta go through the entire code almost and find all the db queries and change the code so that the syntax specific to your db tables is correct. When I got all said and done, i had 65 of those vb emails about database errors. I suggest doing that code searching when your forum is offline. Best place to start is all the edits you did in the includes folder.

TunerNetwork 02-20-2005 04:56 PM

Seph, I pm'd you, please read and get back to me if you can.

Sephiroth690 02-20-2005 07:35 PM

For all those here, below are a couple of small things that need to be done to fix some errors.

1. change teams.XML to teams.xml
2. change the images/Team folder to images/team
3. delete the Thumbs.db file from the teamavatars folder

Those are just a couple of things I've noticed.

TunerNetwork 02-20-2005 09:34 PM

Well everyone got it working, thanks to Seph, cheers to you mate! appreciate all your help

miz 02-21-2005 04:45 PM

hey guys sorry for being gone, for few times

ok first of all TunerNetwork - this installer is for clean boards - not upgrade of the hack

to all you that complains , make a clean install of vb306 and try the hack

i dont responsiblle for the modifctations you installd on your own boards
as my hack working perfect on clean install of vbulletin so i dont have problem with that

and for the guy that said its have problems with table_prefix well sorry to disapointed you its working perfect, not my fault that some guys here dont read the instractions carefully,

few things that i do need to fix, is
the lower case problem which is minor and newthread.php edit which i forgot to add to installer instractions, - thats why you getting an error, cuse its redirect you to newthread and you cant see team threads via newthread..

TunerNetwork 02-21-2005 05:33 PM

One suggestion, include clean instructions, just my 2 cents.
This is a great hack Miz, dont misunderstand me. Just the frustrations of minor errors added up and I needed this hack. Good work anyhow, and looking forward to future additions to this hack.

miz 02-21-2005 07:41 PM

well if you can list in descrption that difrenet then "its not working" all of errors you getting
i can fix them in no time.

sorry but for me its harder to make the install instractions then make the hack itself
weird heh

Sephiroth690 02-21-2005 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by miz
and for the guy that said its have problems with table_prefix well sorry to disapointed you its working perfect, not my fault that some guys here dont read the instractions carefully,

Exactly what "instractions" are you refering to. All I have are file edits, template edits and known bugs that don't relate to any table prefix problems. And of course its working perfectly for some people, because some people don't have prefixes in their databases. And the whole "minor error" thing about the letter case, well, I don't consider it "minor" if it makes the entire thing not install.

Another "bug" that I think I've noticed is located somewhere in team application. IDK if it's mentioned in teh instructions i don't have but I believe, from first glance that delimiting characters were no included in the application code. I'm prolly overlooking somthing from trying to fix all the other problems portaining to the install but, everytime someone tries to apply for a team, and uses a character such as '. They'll get an SQL error. May be somthing to look into for next update.

Digma 02-22-2005 06:00 AM

After having installed the mod yesterday following Miz' instruction, I was still having problems when trying to obtain information on the teams (showteams.php and userteam.php). Dunno if anyone else experienced the same with the latest version (2.0.2.)

I checked the MySQL code in these two files again after checking the error below:

For example:

Invalid SQL:
        SELECT teams.*, teams.name AS username,
        COUNT(user.userid) AS totalmembers,
        sum(user.posts) AS posts,
        sum(user.reputation) AS reputation
                FROM td_teams AS teams
        LEFT JOIN td_user  ON(teams.teamid = user.teamid)
        WHERE teams.teamid =2
        GROUP BY teams.teamid

mysql error: Unknown table 'user' in field list

And replaced:

        LEFT JOIN td_user  ON(teams.teamid = user.teamid)

        LEFT JOIN td_user AS user ON(teams.teamid = user.teamid)
NOTE: Check for the TABLE_PREFIX instead of td_user of course as "td" is obviously my prefix. Sorry for not having the complete code, as I am at work and can't download zip files here.

And it seemed to work. But now I am still getting the same error when calling for the profile and the strange thing of this is that I can't seem to be able to find the code in the file (showteams.php) where "AS user" is missing or any of the other files for that matter.

Anyone know how to tackle this problem? (note: I have cleared my cache)

Digma 02-22-2005 09:07 AM

After doing some searching and exchanging PM's with Miz, I found what I was looking for. Unfortunately that was just the beginning and I was faced with a couple of other bugs. So here's a list of what I found so far in v2.0.2.. Note: I work with a pre-fix on my forums, people with no pre-fix probably won't have a problem with Bug 1.

1) Missing "AS user" or "AS session" in MySQL statement in functions.php (edit), showteams.php, userteams.php and teamprivatearea.php (might be in more but I haven't come that far to iron everything out).

2) The "no avatar" picture is not linked in the team profile page.

3) "Login to Admin area" doesn't have a teamid in it's url, resulting in an error. The same goes for all the links in the navigation bar of the Priv(a)te area.

4) Team Posts is not appearing on the teams' profile page. (Shouldn't this be displaying the number posts even if there's only one user?)

1) Option for a user to start a new team, can't find it anywhere. In a 20K community, people msg-ing admins about wanting a new team will become a administrative nightmare. Is it supposed to be included or am I missing something?

Note: This ain't meant when a user wants to sign up to an existing team, but if someone wants to start a NEW team.

I would love to install this hack properly as I feel it will be a great feature for our community, but I would rather have the de-installation instructions for it now as it is causing more problems while I proceed fixing it (if I can find it). By that time I will be near deadline for our new forum and I can't have that.

Hope you will be able to do something about the above. Keep up the good work :)


skorzguy 02-22-2005 04:29 PM

How does one fix this problem? Members with no avator? Look at the example to see what I mean?


It would be great if a member could start his or her own team as somebody mentioned above.

TunerNetwork 02-22-2005 10:12 PM

Members of the club are having trouble accessing the private forums, any reason for this?

and my apply to team isnt working. Im gonna see what im getting for errors

christirichards 02-23-2005 03:37 AM

To use this hack, I've had to completely rewrite it, including the multitude of spelling annoyances throughout the code. There are so many holes with the existing version that it should go back to Beta as it is NOT stable whatsoever. There is no way this has worked in its entirety on a clean board with the changes provided.

My database has been restructured to allow for multiple teams per user and allow users to create and manage their own teams. The whole section from the ACP has been ripped out and the users now have control over what they want to do.

It has been a nightmare, but it's part of the project that I'm on right now. I was just mistaken in thinking that this would be an easier solution.

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