![]() |
STOP posting these errors like "Warning: halt(): Unable to access ./includes/functions_log_error.php in /home/www/nc0801/html/vbulletin/includes/db_mysql.php on line 389". I do not care about that, it just means there is a MySQL error below. If you want support, I NEED to know the MySQL error. Period. Second, to everyone getting those errors starting with "Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /htdocs/www/forum/install/hack_install.php on line 22". I need more information. Web server (probably apache) and version and PHP version. Otherwise it'll be hard for me to fix this since I cannot reproduce this error, and the functions used dates back to PHP3. Everyone requesting features: I'll get to you when I have time. |
Just wanted to add some more details for you. The issue is with the iframe version of the shoutbox - because if you switch off the iframe you can see the posts. The last time I had this issue was after upgrading to 1.02 of the hack - Link14716 fixed the issue then released 1.03 - his post on VB was as follows.. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=257 Not sure what was meant or if it is any help in this case or not. Thanks in advance |
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:
Invalid SQL: UPDATE vb3_user SET uttpoints=uttpoints+.25 WHERE userid='1' mysql error: Unknown column 'uttpoints' in 'field list' mysql error number: 1054 Umm....*Confused* My shoutbox doesn't appear on forum home. I can type in forums/shoutbox.php and it'll take me to it. Once I'm there I can type in a shout but it gives me that error up there. I tried re-installing and got this on the final install page: // Settings $settinggroup['shoutbox']['phrase'] = 'Shoutbox Settings'; $settinggroup['shoutbox']['displayorder'] = '560'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome']['titlephrase'] = 'Show an Input Box/Textarea on Forumhome?'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome']['descphrase'] = 'With this option, you can show a textarea or an input box on forumhome allowing users to shout without going to into the shoutbox first.'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome']['value'] = 'input'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome']['defaultvalue'] = 'Input'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome']['optioncode'] = '<span class=\"smallfont\" style=\"white-space:nowrap\"> <label for=\"sofh1\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"setting[$settingid]\" id=\"sofh1\" value=\"none\" tabindex=\"1\"" . iif($setting[\'value\'] == none, \' checked=\"checked\"\') . " />None</label><br /> <label for=\"sofh2\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"setting[$settingid]\" id=\"sofh2\" value=\"input\" tabindex=\"2\"" . iif($setting[\'value\'] == input, \' checked=\"checked\"\') . " />Input Box</label><br /> <label for=\"sofh3\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"setting[$settingid]\" id=\"sofh3\" value=\"textarea\" tabindex=\"3\"" . iif($setting[\'value\'] == textarea, \' checked=\"checked\"\') . " />Textarea</label><br /> </span>'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome']['displayorder'] = '24'; $setting['shoutbox_hierarchymode']['titlephrase'] = 'Hierarchy Mode?'; $setting['shoutbox_hierarchymode']['descphrase'] = 'If you set this to option #1, then users <b>can</b> edit other users with the same hierarchy rank (default). If you set it to option #2, then users <b>can not</b> edit users with the same hierarchy rank.'; $setting['shoutbox_hierarchymode']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_hierarchymode']['value'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_hierarchymode']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_hierarchymode']['optioncode'] = '<span class=\"smallfont\" style=\"white-space:nowrap\"> <label for=\"hierarchy1\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"setting[$settingid]\" id=\"hierarchy1\" value=\"1\" tabindex=\"1\"" . iif($setting[\'value\'] == 1, \' checked=\"checked\"\') . " />#1</label><br /> <label for=\"hierarchy2\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"setting[$settingid]\" id=\"hierarchy2\" value=\"2\" tabindex=\"2\"" . iif($setting[\'value\'] == 2, \' checked=\"checked\"\') . " />#2</label><br /> </span>'; $setting['shoutbox_hierarchymode']['displayorder'] = '23'; $setting['shoutbox_allowshoutsperpage']['titlephrase'] = 'Allow Users to Specify Shouts Per Page?'; $setting['shoutbox_allowshoutsperpage']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' if you want to allow your users to specify an amount of shouts to display per page.'; $setting['shoutbox_allowshoutsperpage']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_allowshoutsperpage']['value'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_allowshoutsperpage']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_allowshoutsperpage']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_allowshoutsperpage']['displayorder'] = '15'; $setting['shoutbox_allowhtml']['titlephrase'] = 'Allow HTML in Shouts?'; $setting['shoutbox_allowhtml']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' to allow users to post HTML in their shouts. <i>STRONGLY NOT RECOMMENDED!</i>'; $setting['shoutbox_allowhtml']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_allowhtml']['value'] = '0'; $setting['shoutbox_allowhtml']['defaultvalue'] = '0'; $setting['shoutbox_allowhtml']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_allowhtml']['displayorder'] = '16'; $setting['shoutbox_allowbbcode']['titlephrase'] = 'Allow BBCode in Shouts?'; $setting['shoutbox_allowbbcode']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' to allow users to post BBCode in their shouts.'; $setting['shoutbox_allowbbcode']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_allowbbcode']['value'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_allowbbcode']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_allowbbcode']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_allowbbcode']['displayorder'] = '17'; $setting['shoutbox_allowimage']['titlephrase'] = 'Allow [img] Code in Shouts?'; $setting['shoutbox_allowimage']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' to allow users to use the [img] BBCode in their shouts.'; $setting['shoutbox_allowimage']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_allowimage']['value'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_allowimage']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_allowimage']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_allowimage']['displayorder'] = '18'; $setting['shoutbox_allowsmilies']['titlephrase'] = 'Allow Smilies in Shouts?'; $setting['shoutbox_allowsmilies']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' to allow users to post smilies in their shouts.'; $setting['shoutbox_allowsmilies']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_allowsmilies']['value'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_allowsmilies']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_allowsmilies']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_allowsmilies']['displayorder'] = '19'; $setting['shoutbox_showsmiliebox']['titlephrase'] = 'Show Smilies Box?'; $setting['shoutbox_showsmiliebox']['descphrase'] = 'For some boards, either the width of the main table is small, or the smilies are large. If you fall under one of those cases, you may disable the displaying of the smilies box here.'; $setting['shoutbox_showsmiliebox']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_showsmiliebox']['value'] = '0'; $setting['shoutbox_showsmiliebox']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_showsmiliebox']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_showsmiliebox']['displayorder'] = '20'; $setting['shoutbox_showstats']['titlephrase'] = 'Show Stats?'; $setting['shoutbox_showstats']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' will show stats - total shouts, shouts that day, shouts in the last 24 hours, and shouts by that user.'; $setting['shoutbox_showstats']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_showstats']['value'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_showstats']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_showstats']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_showstats']['displayorder'] = '21'; $setting['shoutbox_enablehierarchy']['titlephrase'] = 'Enable Hierarchy Permissions?'; $setting['shoutbox_enablehierarchy']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' to enable hierarchy permission setup for edt/delete/hard-delete. For example, by default, admins can edit/delete/hard-delete all shouts, super mods can delete all except for admins, and mods can edit all but super mods and admins <b>if</b> they have the "edit/delete/hard-delete others" permission.'; $setting['shoutbox_enablehierarchy']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_enablehierarchy']['value'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_enablehierarchy']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_enablehierarchy']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_enablehierarchy']['displayorder'] = '22'; $setting['shoutbox_numberoftopshouters']['titlephrase'] = 'Number of Top Shouters?'; $setting['shoutbox_numberoftopshouters']['descphrase'] = 'Set the number of top shouters to show in the shoutbox, if the option to show them is enabled.'; $setting['shoutbox_numberoftopshouters']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_numberoftopshouters']['value'] = '10'; $setting['shoutbox_numberoftopshouters']['defaultvalue'] = '10'; $setting['shoutbox_numberoftopshouters']['optioncode'] = ''; $setting['shoutbox_numberoftopshouters']['displayorder'] = '5'; $setting['shoutbox_forumhomeshouts']['titlephrase'] = 'Show Latest Shouts on Forum Home?'; $setting['shoutbox_forumhomeshouts']['descphrase'] = 'Setting this to \'yes\' will shout the lateast <i>x</i> shouts on forum home, where <i>x</i> is defined in the next setting.'; $setting['shoutbox_forumhomeshouts']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_forumhomeshouts']['value'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_forumhomeshouts']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_forumhomeshouts']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_forumhomeshouts']['displayorder'] = '6'; $setting['shoutbox_numberofforumhomeshouts']['titlephrase'] = 'Number of Forum Home Shouts?'; $setting['shoutbox_numberofforumhomeshouts']['descphrase'] = 'Enter the number of shouts to be displayed on forumhome if the option is enabled.'; $setting['shoutbox_numberofforumhomeshouts']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_numberofforumhomeshouts']['value'] = '20'; $setting['shoutbox_numberofforumhomeshouts']['defaultvalue'] = '5'; $setting['shoutbox_numberofforumhomeshouts']['optioncode'] = ''; $setting['shoutbox_numberofforumhomeshouts']['displayorder'] = '7'; $setting['shoutbox_enableusernoview']['titlephrase'] = 'Enable User Shout Exclusion?'; $setting['shoutbox_enableusernoview']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' to enable members to view a shouts excluding a specific member\'s..'; $setting['shoutbox_enableusernoview']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_enableusernoview']['value'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_enableusernoview']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_enableusernoview']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_enableusernoview']['displayorder'] = '8'; $setting['shoutbox_enableuserview']['titlephrase'] = 'Enable User Shout Viewing?'; $setting['shoutbox_enableuserview']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' to enable members to view a specific user\'s shouts.'; $setting['shoutbox_enableuserview']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_enableuserview']['value'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_enableuserview']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_enableuserview']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_enableuserview']['displayorder'] = '9'; $setting['shoutbox_allowdatecutoff']['titlephrase'] = 'Allow Users to Choose Date Cutoff?'; $setting['shoutbox_allowdatecutoff']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' will allow users to specify an amount of days in which shouts from the last <i>x</i> (the number the user specifies) days are shown.'; $setting['shoutbox_allowdatecutoff']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_allowdatecutoff']['value'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_allowdatecutoff']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_allowdatecutoff']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_allowdatecutoff']['displayorder'] = '10'; $setting['shoutbox_allowdatebegin']['titlephrase'] = 'Allow Users to Choose Begining Date?'; $setting['shoutbox_allowdatebegin']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' will allow users to specify an amount of days in which shouts posted at least <i>x</i> (the number the user specifies) days ago are shown.'; $setting['shoutbox_allowdatebegin']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_allowdatebegin']['value'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_allowdatebegin']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_allowdatebegin']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_allowdatebegin']['displayorder'] = '11'; $setting['shoutbox_datecutoffdefault']['titlephrase'] = 'Default Date Cutoff?'; $setting['shoutbox_datecutoffdefault']['descphrase'] = 'Choose the default date cutoff <b>if</b> the option to allow users to chose a date cutoff is enabled.'; $setting['shoutbox_datecutoffdefault']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_datecutoffdefault']['value'] = '0'; $setting['shoutbox_datecutoffdefault']['defaultvalue'] = '0'; $setting['shoutbox_datecutoffdefault']['optioncode'] = ''; $setting['shoutbox_datecutoffdefault']['displayorder'] = '12'; $setting['shoutbox_datebegindefault']['titlephrase'] = 'Default Date Begining?'; $setting['shoutbox_datebegindefault']['descphrase'] = 'Choose the default date begining <b>if</b> the option to allow users to chose a date begining is enabled. <b>0 IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED!</b>'; $setting['shoutbox_datebegindefault']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_datebegindefault']['value'] = '0'; $setting['shoutbox_datebegindefault']['defaultvalue'] = '0'; $setting['shoutbox_datebegindefault']['optioncode'] = ''; $setting['shoutbox_datebegindefault']['displayorder'] = '13'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutsperpage']['titlephrase'] = 'Shouts Per Page'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutsperpage']['descphrase'] = 'How many shouts would you like to display per page by default in the shoutbox?'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutsperpage']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutsperpage']['value'] = '25'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutsperpage']['defaultvalue'] = '25'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutsperpage']['optioncode'] = ''; $setting['shoutbox_shoutsperpage']['displayorder'] = '14'; $setting['shoutbox_showtopshouters']['titlephrase'] = 'Show Top Shouters?'; $setting['shoutbox_showtopshouters']['descphrase'] = 'Selecting \'yes\' will the users with the top number of shouts.'; $setting['shoutbox_showtopshouters']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_showtopshouters']['value'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_showtopshouters']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_showtopshouters']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_showtopshouters']['displayorder'] = '4'; $setting['shoutbox_closereason']['titlephrase'] = 'Close Reason'; $setting['shoutbox_closereason']['descphrase'] = 'Enter a reason for closing/disallowing new shouts here.'; $setting['shoutbox_closereason']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_closereason']['value'] = 'The shoutbox is closed.'; $setting['shoutbox_closereason']['defaultvalue'] = 'The shoutbox is closed.'; $setting['shoutbox_closereason']['optioncode'] = 'textarea'; $setting['shoutbox_closereason']['displayorder'] = '3'; $setting['shoutbox_allownewshouts']['titlephrase'] = 'Allow New Shouts?'; $setting['shoutbox_allownewshouts']['descphrase'] = 'Setting this to \'no\' will make the shoutbox viewable, but members will not be able to edit, delete, or hard delete their shouts, nor will they be able to post new ones.'; $setting['shoutbox_allownewshouts']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_allownewshouts']['value'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_allownewshouts']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_allownewshouts']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_allownewshouts']['displayorder'] = '2'; $setting['shoutbox_open']['titlephrase'] = 'Shoutbox Active?'; $setting['shoutbox_open']['descphrase'] = 'If set to \'no\', only admins will be able to view the shoubtox until it is re-opened.'; $setting['shoutbox_open']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_open']['value'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_open']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_open']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_open']['displayorder'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_maxunregshouts']['titlephrase'] = 'Maximum Times a Guest Can Shout?'; $setting['shoutbox_maxunregshouts']['descphrase'] = 'If you allow guests to shout, you can define this option to limit each guest to a certain amount of shouts before they are required to register to shout more. Set this to 0 to have no effect.'; $setting['shoutbox_maxunregshouts']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_maxunregshouts']['value'] = '0'; $setting['shoutbox_maxunregshouts']['defaultvalue'] = '0'; $setting['shoutbox_maxunregshouts']['optioncode'] = ''; $setting['shoutbox_maxunregshouts']['displayorder'] = '25'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutminchars']['titlephrase'] = 'Minimum Character Limit?'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutminchars']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to the minimum amount of characters you want to allow per shout. Set this to 0 to have no effect.'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutminchars']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutminchars']['value'] = '2'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutminchars']['defaultvalue'] = '5'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutminchars']['optioncode'] = ''; $setting['shoutbox_shoutminchars']['displayorder'] = '26'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutcharlimit']['titlephrase'] = 'Maximum Character Limit?'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutcharlimit']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to the maximum amount of characters you want to allow per shout. Set this to 0 to have no effect.'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutcharlimit']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutcharlimit']['value'] = '0'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutcharlimit']['defaultvalue'] = '0'; $setting['shoutbox_shoutcharlimit']['optioncode'] = ''; $setting['shoutbox_shoutcharlimit']['displayorder'] = '27'; $setting['shoutbox_iframe']['titlephrase'] = 'Use an iFrame on Forumhome?'; $setting['shoutbox_iframe']['descphrase'] = 'Setting this to yes will display an iFrame on forumhome instead of the normal &lt;div&gt;. This allows for auto-refreshing and other things but it also increases the total number of queries ran (since the iFrame also includes global.php and the rest of the vB back-end). '; $setting['shoutbox_iframe']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_iframe']['value'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_iframe']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_iframe']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_iframe']['displayorder'] = '28'; $setting['shoutbox_iframe_metarefresh']['titlephrase'] = 'Refresh iFrame Every x Seconds?'; $setting['shoutbox_iframe_metarefresh']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to the number of seconds between each automatic refresh of the iFrame on forumhome if you are using the iFrame.'; $setting['shoutbox_iframe_metarefresh']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_iframe_metarefresh']['value'] = '90'; $setting['shoutbox_iframe_metarefresh']['defaultvalue'] = '90'; $setting['shoutbox_iframe_metarefresh']['optioncode'] = ''; $setting['shoutbox_iframe_metarefresh']['displayorder'] = '29'; $setting['shoutbox_usestandardtextarea']['titlephrase'] = 'Use Standard Textarea?'; $setting['shoutbox_usestandardtextarea']['descphrase'] = 'Setting this to yes will display a standard textarea instead of the normal toolbar/WYSIWYG editor, since they may be too bulky for the shoutbox.'; $setting['shoutbox_usestandardtextarea']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox'; $setting['shoutbox_usestandardtextarea']['value'] = '0'; $setting['shoutbox_usestandardtextarea']['defaultvalue'] = '1'; $setting['shoutbox_usestandardtextarea']['optioncode'] = 'yesno'; $setting['shoutbox_usestandardtextarea']['displayorder'] = '30'; ?> and this: Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3: Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE vb3_language ADD `phrasegroup_shoutbox` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL mysql error: Duplicate column name 'phrasegroup_shoutbox' mysql error number: 1060 Date: Monday 13th of September 2004 09:08:17 PM Script: http://www.punktek.com/forums/instal...=Shoutbox_Hack Referer: Username: Trunks IP Address: |
Any news on possible fixes, suggestions etc on the iframe issue I have got ?
Thanks and sorry for the hassle... |
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=122 Basically I narrowed it down to the iframe... You cant see any shouts - if you shout nothing appears... If you check shoutbox.php - they are there... Also - if you use the static/manual mode - then you can see shouts and post shouts... I posted this over on GeekyDesigns.com - including a link to a fix you gave me when you posted 1.02 and I had the same issue .. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=257 Thanks in advance - sorry for any additional burden - it is a great hack :) BTW - I said I was having phrase issues that suddenly corrected - well on a different hack there was the same deal - if you open/edit any phrase - dont make any changes and save it - seems to fix missing phrases :) |
Hi guys. I notice that when the member has standard editor selected the smilie box does not work. Right now I'm telling people to use the Enhanced one... but they would prefer not to.
I have my shoutbox at the bottom of the forums and when a member hits "shout now" it takes them to the top of the forums page after they submit there shout.
How do I get it to send the member back to the shoutbox towards the bottom after they submit there "shout"?? Thanks for your help! Brandon |
I get these errors when i try and install -
PHP Code:
and this is the sql error - Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3: PHP Code:
heres my php version - PHP Version 4.3.8 ive sort of got it working bby carrying on with the rest of the install , and also ive tried to delete the tables as shown on page 5 but when i goto edit settings in group manager i get sql errors, when i got post a shout i get mysql errors too. hope someone can help, might end up uninstalling this otherwise. regards |
Little embaressed here - but after a bit of fault finding with another member of staff - seems the iframe not working was just me... Very quickly I realised my Nortons firewall was killing the iframe as it though it was a popup window... Really sorry about that - and thanks for a wicked hack !!! |
How would one go about changing the size of the Shout Box, on my site it appears to be to wide and its causing the site to go off screen....
Which template whould I have to modify for this? Thanks "and I clicked installed" works great!!!!! |
Was the installation an upgrade or a fresh install? |
it was for a fresh installation :) |
nevermind i had some sleep and noticed i forgot to upload the back up files:p |
In my ADMINCP, I do not see and SHOUTBOX drop down menu on the left side, I have found in ADMIN PERMISSIONS that there is a blank with a yes/no check box.
I have installed and uninstalled BVShoutbox FULL about 50 times in the past 2 weeks and failed to get it to work. I HAVE however managed to get yours to work, its just the ADMINPC permissions are missing. Thanks for such an easy to install hack and for actually giving support, unlike the last hack i mentioned. I am running VB 3.0.1 is this the cause? or should I uninstall and reinstall the tables? Thanks again. |
Well I had some free time so I tried it again... Got it to work. Thanks.
*clicks install ;) |
PHP Code:
, any suggestions? |
I take that back.... This hack has some problems. You change styles on the page it errors, most times the shouts don't showup. I'm just glad I finally got the entire thing removed.
I'm not touching this again with a 10 foot pole..... *Clicks UNINSTALL |
We've not had any major errors on the developemnt site or we would not have released it |
i can point directly at shoutbox.php and get it, but NOT any other way. i read all 10 pages of posts and don't see an answer either. plus, is there any way to arrange the shout boxes? |
What errors were you having? |
An error I'm having (and I've told Matthew about it too), is that when I try to run the install/hack_install.php script, all I get is a blank white screen. I've triple-checked everything, and it happens every time.
btw nice avatar :) |
the installer works fine on linux and windows on php 4.3.8 we don't know why people are getting specific errors but we are working on fixing them. |
where is the call made to settings.php? |
Upgrade from TWTCommish Shoutbox hack.
I have sucessfully installed and got the shouts transferred to the new Hack, but the last step (?do=update) takes forever and URL Redirect timeout after a long period. I guess the reason is cause we have alot of shouts, and that the update procedure just takes too long time. Is there any possible to work this out? I'm not sure what the update procedure does. Only thing I have figured out is it updates the username fields from the userid in the table. |
did not uninstall properly, errored out, so I ran the above queries in phpMyAdmin. Undid all the file changes and then tried to reinstall. But the installer is still showing that I have shoutbox 1.04 currently installed and will not reinstall? Please help Thanks in advance |
How can i Delete Shouts ? Is there an Option to do this `?
Sorry for my English :nervous: |
All I want to do is UNINSTALL all the TABLES form MYSQL!
So I can reinstall the hack. There has to be something left somewhere in the tables, I removed all file edits and also I've tried to delete the tables as shown on page 5 and still the install program see's that I have it installed and won't let me reinstall. any suggestions. EDIT] I found in the install php file, that it looks to the table "his_installed" If I'm correct, it this the little sucker thats keeping me from reinstalling? and is thid safe to delete? Apache 1.3.31 PHP Version 4.3.6 vBulletin 3.0.1 |
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Template Usage:
Phrase Groups Available:
Included Files:
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