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Viks 12-09-2004 03:56 AM



will wait for final release

zukowskig 12-10-2004 01:50 PM

Would anyone be interested in helping us get this installed? We'd be willing to pay for services....

Please email me at garyz@easysoftsolutions.com...

XanaduRanch 12-12-2004 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by KidCharlemane
I'm also getting blank emails from the forum when my posts are updated. Also no subject line. I've changed both instances of the notify phrase to match the required text but still nothing. Any ideas?

Had the same problem after fixing a few others an uninstalled it. Guess we'll have to wait for a non-beta.

In the next version would it also be too difficult just to set up one e-mail account, that whenever an e-mail is sent to that account, a new thread or new post is created from the receipt of the e-mail, automatically? That is all we need for our purposes. But it'd be nice to have the rest as well.

RCSwap 12-22-2004 03:15 AM

Just blank emails here too. :(

zukowskig 01-03-2005 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by zukowskig
Would anyone be interested in helping us get this installed? We'd be willing to pay for services....

Please email me at garyz@easysoftsolutions.com...

The only taker I got on this was Colin F, but he has seemed to have disappeared and has not finished the job. Anyone else want to help?

H2k 01-07-2005 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by sabret00the
wow, i've been waiting for this, who's got it working thus far?

why u dont make that they can also creat Thread by useing email ? kind like Yahoo Group

i remember there is a mod in phpBB but not sure .. iread about it 3 year ago ..

poeple can reply and creat thread all by use email and how join the group for example Malling List Group and u must make a forums so allthe thread will be created there it iwll be send to this group and they can reply to any thread in their email and they also can creat thread by use email

not sure about this info .. but i remember it was old LOL in phpBB

anyway nice hack i need to install it..

DjTaz 01-12-2005 07:39 PM

I just tried this myself on version 3.0.5 and it didnt kill my boards or anything , but i found that none of my mails were sending for the subscribed threads anymore...

Excellent idea, its a pity that it isnt working perfectly on all systems yet , but excellent work on it so far Colin ... hope you dont get discouraged .. it would be a shame to give up on it since its so good and almost there as regards working 100%

Thanks anyway

Viks 02-14-2005 02:50 PM

i cant install beta as i dont have a test forum.. where i can try it out... but i am eagerly looking forward for the final release.... keep us posted!

eva01_ 02-14-2005 03:25 PM

this is a fantastic idea, i have someone that has been looking for this.

i hope that Colin continues development on it ^^.

i am going to install it on my test forum to see if it works when i get home

DjTaz 03-05-2005 10:37 AM

Anything further on this ? Id love to try it again and see if its doing any better ?

Freezerator 03-23-2005 09:29 AM

Is there still any development on this great hack? I really want to use it, but i rather don't use something beta.

Willing to donate if someone repairs the bugs and makes it a final?

nexialys 03-23-2005 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Freezerator
Willing to donate if someone repairs the bugs and makes it a final?

you can always ask in the Services Requests forum if you want this made by a commercial coder$$$... else, you have low chances these guys pass across your request!

Aylwin 03-30-2005 05:54 AM

Has anyone got this working with version 3.0.7? The main reason I decided on vBulletin was because of this hack. Yes, I realize it's still in Beta version but it's nevertheless very frustrating that I can't get it to work.

First, I was getting blank emails. After removing the code below, emails arrive correctly:

Additionaly, you can start a new thread in the $foruminfo[title] Forum simply by sending a mail to $vboptions[mailserver_emailaddress] with this code in the subject: $subjectcode_newthread
This means I can't start new threads but that's okay... for now. By the way, I also tried the correction posted by freeshares1 but that didn't work either.

Then, when I try to reply I get the error "No permission: you do not have permission to post in this forum." This is exactly the same as Lionel's error where the forumID is empty for some reason (I, too, commented out the part that checks permissions). However, in my case I have no other hacks installed so this is probably related to the version.

Could Colin or someone please please give some advice?


P.S. Is there any way to configure this so that it only processes emails with the code in the subject? The email address I'm using is also used for other purposes.

Aylwin 04-01-2005 02:20 PM

Finally got it working! :banana: Now I can say that this is a truly wonderful mod! In my opinion, it should be a standard feature on all commercial forum software!

Here's how I got it to work on my forums:

In vbemailreply.php, find this:

                if (preg_match('#\[post-([0-9]+)-([a-z0-9]+)\]#i', $subject, $subjectparts)) {
                        $postid = intval($subjectparts[1]);
                } else if (preg_match('#\[thread-([0-9]+)-([a-z0-9]+)\]#i', $subject, $subjectparts)) {
                        $threadid = intval($subjectparts[1]);
                } else {
                        preg_match('#\[newthread-([0-9]+)-([a-z0-9]+)\]#i', $subject, $subjectparts);
                        $forumid = intval($subjectparts[1]);
                        $type = "thread";

and replace with this:

                ###### GET THE THREAD OR POSTID  AND OTHER INFO ######
                if (preg_match('/\[post-([0-9]+)-([a-z0-9]+)\]/i', $subject, $subjectparts)) {
                        $postid = intval($subjectparts[1]);
                } else if (preg_match('/\[thread-([0-9]+)-([a-z0-9]+)\]/i', $subject, $subjectparts)) {
                        $threadid = intval($subjectparts[1]);
                } else if (preg_match('/\[newthread-([0-9]+)-([a-z0-9]+)\]/i', $subject, $subjectparts)) {
                        $forumid = intval($subjectparts[1]);
                        $type = "thread";

I also had a few problems with the confirmation emails. So a few changes to vbemailreply_install.php are needed.

Around line 440, find:

and replace with:

Around line 447, find:

Your thread \"\$threadinfo[title]\" was succesfully received and entered in the forum \$foruminfo[title]!
Here is a direct link to your post:

and replace with:

Your thread entitled "$title" was successfully received and entered in the forum $foruminfo[title].

Here is a direct link to your post: $vboptions[bburl]/showthread.php?t=$newpost[threadid]

Or in my case, I simply modified the necessary phrases after the installation.

A few things I wish it could do though:
1) If I reply via email, I would like to resume receiving the reply notification email (as if I had visited the forum and viewed the subscribed thread)).
2) If I start a new thread via email, I would like to be automatically subscribed to that thread if that is the default setting in my profile.
3) Long lines of text are automatically cut and continued on the next line after about 70 characters. That's fine but there also a "=" added at the end of each line. I wish it wouldn't do that.

I think there were one or two more but I can't remember. :rolleyes:

Anyway, great mod! I hope further development is done this.

Lionel 04-01-2005 03:58 PM

I can confirm that works

Aylwin 04-04-2005 09:26 AM

I've fixed the problem about lines being automatically cut and the "=" sign showing up! :)

In vbemailreply.php, at around line 92, find:

                $mailmessage = imap_body($mailbox,$msgno);
after it, add a new line:

                $mailmessage = quoted_printable_decode ($mailmessage);

Viks 04-08-2005 01:37 AM

Is there a place for admins to switch the option ON/OFF for users to start and stop vBmail Reply option for members/usrgroups.

Viks 04-10-2005 11:48 PM

anyone.. !?

please reply..

I just want to know if there is a way to send emails out to members with each new post that is made on the board.. but TURN off vBMail Reply option.


Eternal2u 04-12-2005 05:40 PM

a couple questions..

will this slow a large forum down..since it has to draw each email reply that has been sent in..

my concern is a slow down of my forums which happened before with vB on a slower server, but since upgrading to dual xeon's, i've had no problems, and don't want to install mods that will cause issues with my boards speed..

Also, is it admin cp configurable, in other words, on off like said above, and do you have to make a new email address on your site to allow this to work, or use an email address of your own..

Also, is email virus going to cause issues, and cause for the server to become infected with email virus etc, which would in turn screw over your vB forum with using a email reply system like this?

Just some concerns of mine, if you'd please answer them I would much appreciate it..



Aylwin 04-13-2005 05:33 AM

I'm probably not the best person to answer this but...

I'm not sure if this will really slow down a large forum that much. For each email reply that is sent, it means one less user visiting the site. That means less clicks, less page generations, less MySQL queries, etc.

At the moment, there's no easy way to turn it on and off. And yes, you do need a dedicated email address because it processes every single email that arrives. I though tabout using a shared email address too but I'm too lazy (and probably too incompetent) to make the necessary changes. It was much easier to simply setup a dedicated email address.

As for viruses and other malicious code sent via email, I doubt you'll have any problems. This system is text based and any attachments are ignored and eventually deleted along with the email after processing. The only issue I see is if the dedicated email address somehow got on a spam list. It won't show up on the site but it will be a lot of useless work for the server since it processes all incoming emails. But this can be fixed by changing the email account.

Someone please correct me if anything I've said above is nonsense.


amphicar770 04-15-2005 04:20 PM

Great hack and a much needed enhancement to VB.

One question, does it only send out a notification of new messages or does it actually provide the text of those messages. The ability for a user to subscribe to email delivery of messages to a specified forums is also greatly needed.

Thanks again. Keep up the great work.

Jagged Tooth 04-25-2005 09:23 AM

Great Hack

/me clicks install

--Jagged Tooth--

dbalzotti 05-13-2005 08:50 PM

Thanks for this hack, e-mail posting would be a great addition to vbulletin...

My Problem:
I got to 'Step 4) Obtain Mailserver Data' in the install and it won't go any further, no error message, just sits at that step. Any ideas?


Chris M 05-13-2005 09:33 PM

Very nice hack idea Colin - Any idea when this is going to come out of BETA and become a full release?:)


yoyoyoyo 07-18-2005 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by hellsatan
Very nice hack idea Colin - Any idea when this is going to come out of BETA and become a full release?:)


I am also wondering the same thing... this looks very cool!

banuchi2 07-31-2005 11:34 AM

Any idea if there will be either this hack or a similar one available for vb 3.5? Thanks.

yoyoyoyo 07-31-2005 12:24 PM

so what would be the format for sending an e-mail reply to a post? I have installed this, and have sent a few test e-mail but have seen no posts

yoyoyoyo 08-26-2005 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo
so what would be the format for sending an e-mail reply to a post? I have installed this, and have sent a few test e-mail but have seen no posts


MrMister 09-22-2005 05:12 PM

Doh, something tells me he isn't around anymore :(

With this link at least

MrMister 10-11-2005 12:28 PM

I take it no 3.5 eh? :(

COBRAws 10-12-2005 05:20 AM

Calling Colin F :D

3.5? pleasee

MrMister 10-12-2005 04:17 PM

Has anyone tried to port this to 3.5?

I am in the process of it, but the problem is that the install file just stalls... it doesn't do anything but bring me into some kinda "endless loop" page.

COBRAws 11-10-2005 07:29 PM


Annapurna 03-05-2006 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by MrMister
Has anyone tried to port this to 3.5?

I am in the process of it, but the problem is that the install file just stalls... it doesn't do anything but bring me into some kinda "endless loop" page.

Anything new?
I'd really appreciate it to have it worked on 3.5.4!


DjTaz 04-08-2006 12:25 AM

I managed to get this working at last - but im not even sure what i did to be honest - i was trying everyones suggestions , and after messing with a load of files it eventually worked , but i was doing so much i cant say what did it !

Great script , its working on 3.0.7

DjTaz 04-08-2006 03:34 PM

I did a tiny edit on this that may help people as well

In /includes/functions_newpost.php find (around 1217) :

'$subject = "' . str_replace("\\'", "'", addslashes(iif(empty($email_text[PHRASETYPEID_MAILSUB]), $emails['-1'][PHRASETYPEID_MAILSUB],$email_text[PHRASETYPEID_MAILSUB]))) . '";';
and replace with :

'$subject = "' . str_replace("\\'", "'", addslashes(iif(empty($email_text[PHRASETYPEID_MAILSUB]), $emails['-1'][PHRASETYPEID_MAILSUB],$email_text[PHRASETYPEID_MAILSUB]))) ." ". $subjectcode_reply . '";';
This will put the reply code into your subject line of the mails sent , so that all your users need to do is click REPLY - it saves them having to change the subject line.

Dax IX 04-15-2006 11:07 PM

I would really like to see a port of this as well. It sounds like JUST the thing I'm looking for! :D

fat3x 04-20-2006 12:17 AM

nice very god

DjTaz 07-06-2006 01:04 PM

Dont suppose anyone has upgraded this to 3.5 yet ?

I had to move hosts so i decided to upgrade to 3.5 and i miss this hack - only just had it working and all !

Bashar 07-09-2006 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by DjTaz
Dont suppose anyone has upgraded this to 3.5 yet ?

I had to move hosts so i decided to upgrade to 3.5 and i miss this hack - only just had it working and all !

it didnt work for you when you moved to 3.5.x ?

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