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Kwak 06-09-2004 04:43 AM

Can we use the "Article" hack outside of the /forum/ directory?

EXAMPLE: www.vbulletin.org/forum/articles.php? to www.vbulletin.org/articles.php?

monstergamer 06-09-2004 07:52 AM

is there a way to take the Featured Article down
i put one up but now it stays there

Brad 06-09-2004 07:59 AM

I'll be using this, and hacking it to my heart content, ok if I release some add on's for it at a later time?

Kohhal 06-09-2004 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
although this is excellent work, i just don't understand how it is really any different than using the forum for this type of thing? Which is what I am doing now for my DIY's....

Ditto on this, it seems that normal forum operation provides the same functionality as this, only slightly different layout?

I've been waiting for an article hack for a while now, dunno if this is it though?

How does this look if legacy postbit is used? Is there an option to allow an article to span several pages?


RaZor Edge 06-09-2004 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Lionel
very nice. I wish someone does a hack to display article titles on front page.

Would be great too if we can use the External Javascript feed to show last articles anywhere on the website...

Mone' 06-09-2004 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by TheMasterG
Is there an option to allow an article to span several pages?

I'd like to know too about this :)

SnowBot 06-09-2004 04:47 PM

Installed without a hitch :) thanks john and great work.

trackpads 06-09-2004 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by trackpads

I am still having a problem with the articles not counting on the index-





Thanks again,


John 06-09-2004 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Brad.loo
I'll be using this, and hacking it to my heart content, ok if I release some add on's for it at a later time?

Go ahead. :)

xQuEeNzNaZcHox 06-09-2004 06:46 PM

HTL compatible?

DWard 06-09-2004 07:44 PM

Managed to skin it moderately, works very well :)

DWard 06-09-2004 07:53 PM

Also, managed to separate the article categories, like I have done with my forums :D

Pitman 06-09-2004 08:53 PM

When editing an article, if you preview the changes and then save it, it saves the original. When you click preview, it enters the original text in the textbox.

John 06-09-2004 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by xQuEeNzNaZcHox
HTL compatible?


ap0c 06-10-2004 12:49 AM

installed, nice job on the install.php adding the templates to all themes!

Reeve of shinra 06-10-2004 02:30 AM

Installed on RC4 without no real problems... I had to actually change a vboption and then save to get it to work though.


How does this look if legacy postbit is used?
You can take a look here -- I have to edit the templates a bit but I think thats more to do with my style than the hack or anything.


designstylez 06-10-2004 02:39 AM

Really nice...

Can someone please tell me how to integrate this hack with vbIndex?

Thanks =0)

+d-cipher 06-10-2004 06:47 AM

Small modifications (working for me)

Whos Online:

Find in /includes/functions_online.php:
PHP Code:

case 'showgroups':
$userinfo['action'] = $vbphrase['viewing_forum_leaders'];

under it add:
PHP Code:

case 'article':
$userinfo['action'] = $vbphrase['viewing_articles'];

Still in includes/functions_online.php find:
PHP Code:

case 'showgroups.php':
$userinfo['activity'] = 'showgroups';

Under it add:
PHP Code:

case 'article.php':
$userinfo['activity'] = 'article';

Then add the following phrases:


Who's Online
Var: viewing_articles
Text: Viewing Articles

Admin Quick Stats Addition:

I plan on moderating all new articles so this is handy for me.

In ..admincp/index.php find:
PHP Code:

$newthreads $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "thread WHERE dateline >= $starttime"); 

Under it add:
PHP Code:

$newarticles $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "article WHERE dateline >= $starttime"); 

Still in ..admincp/index.php find:
PHP Code:

$vbphrase['new_threads_today'], vb_number_format($newthreads['count']),
$vbphrase['threads_awaiting_moderation'] . construct_link_code($vbphrase['view'], "../$modcpdir/moderate.php?$session[sessionurl]do=posts"), vb_number_format($threadcount['count']),
00, -4'top'1); 

Under it add:
PHP Code:

$vbphrase['new_articles_today'], vb_number_format($newarticles['count']),
$vbphrase['articles_awaiting_moderation'] . construct_link_code($vbphrase['view'], "article.php?do=modarticles"), vb_number_format($articlecount['count']),
00, -4'top'1); 

Add the following phrases:

Control Panel Home Pages
var: articles
text: Articles

Control Panel Home Pages
var: new_articles_today
text: New Articles Today

Control Panel Home Pages
var: articles_awaiting_moderation
text: Articles Awaiting Moderation

Mone' 06-10-2004 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by +d-cipher
Small modifications (working for me)

Whos Online:

Find in /includes/functions_online.php:
PHP Code:

case 'showgroups':
$userinfo['action'] = $vbphrase['viewing_forum_leaders'];

under it add:
PHP Code:

case 'article':
$userinfo['action'] = $vbphrase['viewing_articles'];

Still in includes/functions_online.php find:
PHP Code:

case 'showgroups.php':
$userinfo['activity'] = 'showgroups';

Under it add:
PHP Code:

case 'article.php':
$userinfo['activity'] = 'article';

Then add the following phrases:


Who's Online
Var: viewing_articles
Text: Viewing Articles

Admin Quick Stats Addition:

I plan on moderating all new articles so this is handy for me.

In ..admincp/index.php find:
PHP Code:

$newthreads $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "thread WHERE dateline >= $starttime"); 

Under it add:
PHP Code:

$newarticles $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "article WHERE dateline >= $starttime"); 

Still in ..admincp/index.php find:
PHP Code:

$vbphrase['new_threads_today'], vb_number_format($newthreads['count']),
$vbphrase['threads_awaiting_moderation'] . construct_link_code($vbphrase['view'], "../$modcpdir/moderate.php?$session[sessionurl]do=posts"), vb_number_format($threadcount['count']),
00, -4'top'1); 

Under it add:
PHP Code:

$vbphrase['new_articles_today'], vb_number_format($newarticles['count']),
$vbphrase['articles_awaiting_moderation'] . construct_link_code($vbphrase['view'], "article.php?do=modarticles"), vb_number_format($articlecount['count']),
00, -4'top'1); 

Add the following phrases:

Control Panel Home Pages
var: articles
text: Articles

Control Panel Home Pages
var: new_articles_today
text: New Articles Today

Control Panel Home Pages
var: articles_awaiting_moderation
text: Articles Awaiting Moderation

well done very nice add-on :)

animate 06-10-2004 10:42 AM

great hack John thanks,

does search function work ? in usergroup permission i can se "Can Search for Articles" but when i would like to search result is "not found"

greets seiya

skinvb 06-10-2004 01:27 PM

i am using it but i get some error when i upload images

Warning: move_uploaded_file(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/uhp/public_html/music/a0c48c3d039b4f815a1eea4565984256) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/music:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home/music/public_html/forum/includes/functions_file.php on line 214

Warning: filesize(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/uhp/public_html/music/a0c48c3d039b4f815a1eea4565984256) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/music:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home/music/public_html/forum/includes/functions_file.php on line 226

djohn 06-10-2004 04:36 PM

Installed the hack, it's great, but I have a slight problem with the styles. I use custom skins, and one part (see screenshot) on the main Article list page is not really the way I wanted to look. I need to change the area, where the text is to some other class, where can I do that?

Also, what class is the test, which says in small letters "Main Category Description"? I guess it's not smallfont because my small font is white, and here, as you can see on the screenshot it's dark. How can i change that?

John 06-10-2004 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by skinvb
i am using it but i get some error when i upload images

Warning: move_uploaded_file(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/uhp/public_html/music/a0c48c3d039b4f815a1eea4565984256) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/music:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home/music/public_html/forum/includes/functions_file.php on line 214

Warning: filesize(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/uhp/public_html/music/a0c48c3d039b4f815a1eea4565984256) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/music:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home/music/public_html/forum/includes/functions_file.php on line 226

Do regular vB attachments work for you?

Pitman 06-10-2004 11:14 PM

Also, in the "Latest Comment" column... the username that commented comes up properly, but the link leaves out the username of the person.

Just thought I'ld let you know ;)

ImportPassion 06-10-2004 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by John
If you can't see the reason for it, you'll probably never need it. :)

I did have a need, but i just used the forum for it. I would just like to see what makes it different other than the layout. If u can convince me why I should use it over the forum for articles, I may install it.

monstergamer 06-11-2004 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
I did have a need, but i just used the forum for it. I would just like to see what makes it different other than the layout. If u can convince me why I should use it over the forum for articles, I may install it.

i am going to use it to post game related news, previews, reviews and cheats
i could use the forum for it but i like this alot better

Shack Networks 06-11-2004 02:24 PM

I installed it and it went just fine, I would love to see a block made for this for the vbadvanced cmps as that would realy make my day.


skinvb 06-11-2004 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by John
Do regular vB attachments work for you?

sure man :)

Holidazed 06-11-2004 07:01 PM

John, this is awesome work. is it possible to add new features? Such as
  • Able to edit/delete articles from within the ACP or move it to another category.
  • Password protect a particular category
  • Appoint a moderator of the article section (with thier own CP)
  • Appoint a moderator of a particular article category (with their own CP)
  • Individual permissions for individual categories (like the forums do) so I can allow users to create articles in one category, but not another.
  • Create articles from within the ACP (so I can close the whole system, but still add articles).
  • A "Byline" field to be displayed next to the article. Too often I will upload an article but it was actually written by somebody else.

proxyMX 06-11-2004 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by egyptsons
your a great man John ;)

Im thinking of using this
but im keen to know if i can transfer exsiting posts to articles?

proxyMX 06-11-2004 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by egyptsons
your a great man John ;)

never mind, not using it because theres not any Vbadvanced integration, sorry

Holidazed 06-11-2004 09:32 PM

When I delete an article, it does not show one less article on the listing.

I had 3 articles in my category and seleted one. It says there are still 3, but when I go into the category, it only shows 2.


Shack Networks 06-11-2004 09:59 PM

I am using it and thinks its kewl, I would like to see as a request some form of block made available for vbadvance as this for me would put the icing on the cake.

This has to in my view be put down for hack of the month as its fantastic.


wcbryant 06-11-2004 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
I did have a need, but i just used the forum for it. I would just like to see what makes it different other than the layout. If u can convince me why I should use it over the forum for articles, I may install it.

Wow! You'd do that for him? And all he has to do is convince you? If only all users here were so giving, vb.org would be a better place for it. :rolleyes:

Kwak 06-11-2004 10:45 PM

Using vB3.0.0 and I get the following error when attempting to install:


Warning: main(./global.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/ikwak/public_html/calpolyonline/forums/articles/admincp/install.php on line 7

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/ikwak/public_html/calpolyonline/forums/articles/admincp/install.php on line 7

I made the exact modifications instructed on the instructions file.

John 06-11-2004 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by iKwak
Using vB3.0.0 and I get the following error when attempting to install:


Warning: main(./global.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/ikwak/public_html/calpolyonline/forums/articles/admincp/install.php on line 7

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/ikwak/public_html/calpolyonline/forums/articles/admincp/install.php on line 7

I made the exact modifications instructed on the instructions file.

Try uploading the files to the correct place. What ever gave you the impression that you should create a new "articles" folder in the forum root?

John 06-11-2004 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
I did have a need, but i just used the forum for it. I would just like to see what makes it different other than the layout. If u can convince me why I should use it over the forum for articles, I may install it.

If you can convince me why I should bother to attempt to explain it to you, I might provide a serious response.


Pitman 06-12-2004 05:14 AM

Hmm... I have one user post a new article, then another post one and delete the second one.... the second user shows as the "Latest Article" author but with the first article's name

djohn 06-12-2004 08:16 AM

John, any idea about my question?

Shack Networks 06-12-2004 02:11 PM

I know I have mentioned this before several times, but I would love to see this intergrated into the CMPS portal system in the forum of a block, maybe similar to the one posted bellow that vbportal uses. Also maybe a forum sidebar block for recent articles in the same fashion as the recent posts block ?

I admit I dont have the skill to do this but I am 100% sure you guys do and would love to see this addition done as for me it would be the Bee's Knee's so to speak :)


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