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theflatline 07-09-2004 11:29 AM

That would be me. I was a Vbulletin guy long before I worked for Digichat. Now lo and behold I am the manager of the Digichat product line.

Give me a shout.

Norman Taylor
Digi-Net Sales Consultant
Digi-Net Technologies, Inc.
1034 NW 57th Street
Gainesville, FL 32605
(352) 333-3042 xt 7035
Mobile/Cell (352)-208-3224
Toll Free 877-404-2428 xt 7035
FAX (352) 333-1117

Romeos Tune 07-09-2004 11:37 AM

ThankYou! I appreciate it and I'm looking forward to adding this to the site...... :)

Romeos Tune 07-09-2004 11:58 AM

Thanks very much theflatline and nice chatting with you...... :)

Romeos Tune 07-14-2004 02:11 PM

Ok.... I have this installed and it seems to be basically working but, is there some files with english translation somewhere or do I need to try doing this myself?

Romeos Tune 07-14-2004 02:20 PM

Ok, I found the problem. In the chatconfig.php "english" should be english instead of "englisch".

Pseudomizer 07-14-2004 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Romeos Tune
Ok, I found the problem. In the chatconfig.php "english" should be english instead of "englisch".

Sorry, my mistake. Will fix that in the next release.

P.S.: please click the install button


Romeos Tune 07-14-2004 04:31 PM

Clicked! :) BTW, for some odd reason.... I can't get the chatmaster applet to load on the chat.php? page...... I can login in as a user but not as admin..... I do have the names in DigiChat with the (CM) and all but before even logging into DigiChat the Applet with the admin password doesn't load..... Any ideas on this? Also, it seems that all users must use the behind firewall option before the applets will load. Even if not using a firewall.....

Pseudomizer 07-14-2004 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Romeos Tune
Clicked! :) BTW, for some odd reason.... I can't get the chatmaster applet to load on the chat.php? page...... I can login in as a user but not as admin..... I do have the names in DigiChat with the (CM) and all but before even logging into DigiChat the Applet with the admin password doesn't load..... Any ideas on this? Also, it seems that all users must use the behind firewall option before the applets will load. Even if not using a firewall.....

Hi Romeos Tune,

please check the chatlauncher.php. If you find in the applet code somewhere the host lovetalks.de then i uploaded the wrong file. You can correct this on your own if you replace the hostname with $CHATSERVER. I had this issue before and some people reported this behavior.

You can also crosscheck this if you right click next to the applet and click on source code. Check where they are connecting to.

This about the standard login. But with the chatmaster you should be able to login. Do you get the login for the chatmaster applet ? Or does the applet not load in the chat window ?


Romeos Tune 07-15-2004 03:37 AM

Hiya and thanks once again! :)

What I'm wondering is, could it be possible to have VB running on my site at stormchat.com and then run DigiChat on a different domain on the same machine but it would be a totally different domain and virtual server? I wonder if the hack will work as long as I specify the domain name or will I get an error?

Romeos Tune 07-15-2004 04:29 AM

Alrighty then.... I have it all worked out..... Now I'm gonna figure out how to use the bots...... :D Thanks for an awesome hack!

Pseudomizer 07-15-2004 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by Romeos Tune
Alrighty then.... I have it all worked out..... Now I'm gonna figure out how to use the bots...... :D Thanks for an awesome hack!

Helo Romeos Tune,

keep in mind that i am based in Europe. The time shift. :-) But i am glad that you fixed your problem.


Romeos Tune 07-17-2004 10:55 AM

Thanks my friend..... :)

Romeos Tune 07-19-2004 02:51 AM

Ok....I'm having one more problem I need to get knocked out. I just realized when a user changes their chat icon in the VB user control panel it doesn't pass the value to the chat applet. They still just have the default icon. What can I do to correct this problem?

Pseudomizer 07-19-2004 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by Romeos Tune
Ok....I'm having one more problem I need to get knocked out. I just realized when a user changes their chat icon in the VB user control panel it doesn't pass the value to the chat applet. They still just have the default icon. What can I do to correct this problem?

Hi Romeos Tune,

you have to figure out where the problem is. Is the setting lost during the save process or is it not read during the applet load process ?

You can check this if you are familiar with MySQL. Look into the customprofilefields and look what numbers are stored there. If the field is empty or the number is above the total number, then DigiChat loads the default icon.

To explain this:
If you choose Icon number 5, then number 5 is stored in the DB. During the load of the applet it takes the number 5 and adds 1000 to it, because DigiChat UserIcons start from ID 1000. If you have let's say 40 icons and you have in the DB the number 50 stored, then it will become 1050. DigiChat will not find number 1050 and it will take the default icon number.

Hint: If you have wholes during the iconIDs then you have to manually adjust the script. Just look into your DigiChat UserIcon IDs. Are they contiguously ?


Romeos Tune 07-21-2004 01:25 AM

Hi again,

Did you mean the table named customprofilefields? I haven't checked the script but which field will have the number you're speaking about? Is it profilefieldid? I'm a little lost here.......I'm sorry....


Originally Posted by Pseudomizer
Hi Romeos Tune,

you have to figure out where the problem is. Is the setting lost during the save process or is it not read during the applet load process ?

You can check this if you are familiar with MySQL. Look into the customprofilefields and look what numbers are stored there. If the field is empty or the number is above the total number, then DigiChat loads the default icon.

To explain this:
If you choose Icon number 5, then number 5 is stored in the DB. During the load of the applet it takes the number 5 and adds 1000 to it, because DigiChat UserIcons start from ID 1000. If you have let's say 40 icons and you have in the DB the number 50 stored, then it will become 1050. DigiChat will not find number 1050 and it will take the default icon number.

Hint: If you have wholes during the iconIDs then you have to manually adjust the script. Just look into your DigiChat UserIcon IDs. Are they contiguously ?


Romeos Tune 07-21-2004 01:57 AM

Hiya, It's me again......

Well, for some reason it works with new users. If they register and pick a certain icon then it remembers and works properly in chat. But if an old user goes to user control panel and chooses an icon for chat it doesn't work...... ?

Widey 08-12-2004 11:59 PM

Fantastic hack, a few minor tweaks and it's running like a dream with Digichat 5AV.

dellow 08-15-2004 08:55 PM

but i found i very small problem , but very important !

the users that their username contain " & " can't login as member thay login only as guest . any idea how to resove this issue ?

secont think , what if some bad user save the chat.php as file and edit the haml code and type his name in the username field ?
any idea ?

Pseudomizer 08-16-2004 10:07 AM

Hi @LL,

@Romeos Tune: Is your problem now resolved?

@Widey: Thanks. Any hints what is missing for DC5?

@dellow: I have users with all kind of special characters in chat and it works fine. What you are describing sounds like they click on "Go to chat" and they are automatically connected as guest? If yes, then your members have cookie problems.

Regarding your second problem: Go into your DC Admin Panel and place your hostname and your hostip in the TAB "Host". This will deny access to any other applet which is not startet on your server. This is a very important security setting which should be set during installation.


dellow 08-16-2004 04:07 PM

Pseudomizer i PM you with some details about the forum to test it your self .


Romeos Tune 08-16-2004 04:25 PM

Hiya..... Nope..... I still haven't been able to sort it out..... *sigh*


Originally Posted by Pseudomizer
Hi @LL,

@Romeos Tune: Is your problem now resolved?

Pseudomizer 08-16-2004 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Romeos Tune
Hiya..... Nope..... I still haven't been able to sort it out..... *sigh*

So your existing user accounts can choose a chaticon, but it is not saved. But any new registrations can choose a chaticon and it stays after having selected one? Is this the right description?


Romeos Tune 08-16-2004 07:10 PM

Yes.... That's what is happening....... Exactly.....

Pseudomizer 08-16-2004 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Romeos Tune
Yes.... That's what is happening....... Exactly.....

Try the following:

Please find a userid where the user can not save his chaticon and run this query where xxx is the userid of the user:

PHP Code:

select from userfield where userid 'xxx'

Then run the same query on a userid where the user can save the chaticon with his userid.

Please post the output.


Romeos Tune 08-17-2004 03:51 AM

First image is of myself..... The chat icon isn't working......


Second picture here is just scrolling to the right.... same picture...... Icon not working......


This picture is of someone who it did work for.... New user that selected an icon on registration.


pagekeeper 09-09-2004 04:58 AM

hmmm, im confused does this hack actually work ?

also how much bandwidth does digichat take, say 50 concurrent users all day?
whats the load like on the server ? i've used digichat before but im finding it hard to host it as vps is just to restricting on how many users you can have, and servers are too expensive. so im stuck.

Pseudomizer 09-09-2004 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by pagekeeper
hmmm, im confused does this hack actually work ?

also how much bandwidth does digichat take, say 50 concurrent users all day?
whats the load like on the server ? i've used digichat before but im finding it hard to host it as vps is just to restricting on how many users you can have, and servers are too expensive. so im stuck.

Hi @LL,


yes, this hack works and it also works with DigiChat 5 / AV. That's the reason why i did not have the time to give 100% support here. We have just upgraded to 5 AV and the hack works fine.

Regarding the performance: As soon as you go above 200 simultaneous chat users, i would suggest to install a separte chat server. But below this number you should not have any problems at all.


as it looks like your icon matrix is not correct. My suggestion: Look at your forum chat profile and the icon you have selected. Right click on it and look up the number. It should be icon29.gif in your case. Then go into your chat and then right click in the chat launcher and open the source code of the chat launcher. In the source code there should be your icon number with 1029.

So either the chatlauncher has the wrong number or in your DigiChat Admin GUI there is no icon 1029. Please check both and then tell me where you are missing your number.


OrangeFlea 09-10-2004 07:46 AM


I've been trying to get a hold of Flatliner. Left messages on his phone extension and his email, and I'm getting no reply. I want to purchase Digichat by this weekend, but I also want to take advantage of the offer that he graciously presented to any would-be customer.

Can you help me?

Pseudomizer 09-10-2004 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by theflatline
That would be me. I was a Vbulletin guy long before I worked for Digichat. Now lo and behold I am the manager of the Digichat product line.

Give me a shout.

Norman Taylor
Digi-Net Sales Consultant
Digi-Net Technologies, Inc.
1034 NW 57th Street
Gainesville, FL 32605
(352) 333-3042 xt 7035
Mobile/Cell (352)-208-3224
Toll Free 877-404-2428 xt 7035
FAX (352) 333-1117

Have you tried these numbers?


OrangeFlea 09-10-2004 05:26 PM


I called twice (left 2 messages) and I've sent an email. No response.

I would LOVE to get this program by tonight or tomorrow, so if you can get a hold of him, please tell him to contact me at maddux@realmofinfamy.com.

Thanks Pseudomizer!

Pseudomizer 09-10-2004 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by OrangeFlea

I called twice (left 2 messages) and I've sent an email. No response.

I would LOVE to get this program by tonight or tomorrow, so if you can get a hold of him, please tell him to contact me at maddux@realmofinfamy.com.

Thanks Pseudomizer!

I just spoke with Norman and he told that you already purchased DigiChat. So this problem should be solved then. ;-)


OrangeFlea 09-15-2004 01:48 AM

Yup, I got it and it's hosted.

I was wondering if it was possible to show a "Who's Chatting" indicator on the FORUM HOME (not through a series of clicks). Can you give me the steps?

OrangeFlea 09-15-2004 10:04 AM

Nevermind the previous request. I need to get commander from Digi-net first before I get into that.

I have a technical question, however. When users sign on the regular way (digital sign in), a small "ChatLauncher" window appears along with the chat room. It's rather annoying. Is there a way to have that removed so that the only thing that pops up is the chat?

Second question, can you tell me how to keep the chat window up regardless of what the user does with the browser (browser window which they used to sign on with)?

Thank you.

OrangeFlea 09-15-2004 02:22 PM

Great. I called Digi-net. Seems that hosted accounts can't get the commander function. What the hell am I supposed to do now?

Pseudomizer 09-15-2004 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by OrangeFlea
Great. I called Digi-net. Seems that hosted accounts can't get the commander function. What the hell am I supposed to do now?


the only way to get a user list, is to use a BOT then. The BOT logs into the chat and writes a file in the time period you define on the host you started the BOT. I had this on DC4 but the DC5 BOT Api changed. So my old BOT will not work any more.

So my suggestion: Ask Digi-Net to provide you the latest DC5 API and then find someone with Java knowledge to create this for you.


OrangeFlea 09-16-2004 12:38 AM

Thank you, Pseudomizer.

By the way, do you know of a method to prevent the chat from shutting down whenever my users fiddle with the browser? I know that an HTML command is supposed to be implanted somewhere, but I have no clue where to put it exactly. Help?

pagekeeper 09-16-2004 01:03 AM

i found a few things that might need a mod...

Bitte die Art ausw?hlen: - chat_start_member

was the follow by accident or on purpose, haha ;)

document.write(" <PARAM NAME=MenuLocation1 VALUE=http://www.lovetalks.de/emoticons.html>");

document.write(" <PARAM NAME=MenuItem2 VALUE='Chat-Abk?rzungen'>");

document.write(" <PARAM NAME=MenuLocation2 VALUE='http://www.lovetalks.de/chatabkuerzungen.html'>");

it appears in quite a few of the scripts.

just thought i'd help out.

pagekeeper 09-16-2004 02:25 AM

i was going to ask wether it was possible, to add a modertor login page ?
and maybe remove guest access ?

basically you have to be a member to access chat ... haha im soo evil :D

Pseudomizer 09-16-2004 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by OrangeFlea
Thank you, Pseudomizer.

By the way, do you know of a method to prevent the chat from shutting down whenever my users fiddle with the browser? I know that an HTML command is supposed to be implanted somewhere, but I have no clue where to put it exactly. Help?

Yes, there is a parameter for the applet in the documentation to start the chat and stay in chat even if the browser is closed. But this parameter does not work for all browsers and due to this i have implemented 3 ways of logging into the chat:

- the chatlauncher ( small window ) which has to stay open to stay in chat
- the firewall login ( only if you have tomcat for HTTP Tunneling enabled )
- emergency/standard login ( for users who have pop-up blockers but when they reload the page the chat is gone )


Pseudomizer 09-16-2004 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by pagekeeper
i found a few things that might need a mod...

Bitte die Art ausw?hlen: - chat_start_member

was the follow by accident or on purpose, haha ;)

document.write(" <PARAM NAME=MenuLocation1 VALUE=http://www.lovetalks.de/emoticons.html>");

document.write(" <PARAM NAME=MenuItem2 VALUE='Chat-Abk?rzungen'>");

document.write(" <PARAM NAME=MenuLocation2 VALUE='http://www.lovetalks.de/chatabkuerzungen.html'>");

it appears in quite a few of the scripts.

just thought i'd help out.

Nobody is peferct. Thanks for this. ;-)


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