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TECK 04-12-2004 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by neocorteqz
Page generated in 3.35731196 seconds (9.05% PHP - 90.95% MySQL) with 17 queries

It's totally extreme, I can't believe it that the code generate this kind of stress on the server.
Imagine this: the code uses only 10% the resources to read the actual PHP code and the rest of 90% is used only to scan the tables... WOW!
That means the code forces to read into the database for each user who visits the site at this percentage... if you have 1000 users viewing the page in the same time.. you can get a picture of it...
If you compare this with vBulletin, the software does the opposite, 90% PHP and 10% MySQL... the right way.

I would like to know if other coders who use those portals have the same results... could be a server issue also??? Thanks guys for sharing.

Originally Posted by Christine
Teck -- So you know, the blue highlighting isn't working in Opera 7.23. It is fine in IE 6 and FireFox 0.8.

Thanks for the info Christine, I will make sure it's linked to the first post. :)

Originally Posted by djohn
Thank you very much TECK, that did help a great deal. You were, I do have 3 categories and 9 forums with 2 sub-forums :)

Glad that helped you... my little VB speech. :D

Guys, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them.

Just as an off-topic subject, I just got off the hospital, after a very bad infection that knocked me off the real world for almost a week... my sinuses started to be really inflamated then my lungs got filled with infection, follwed by the ears... it was really bad...
But, with a lot of care from my wife and mom, I was able to get back today on my feet and walk outside of the house a little...
Glad to see you all ok, here, in our little family, and share this with you.

Boofo 04-12-2004 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by TECK
Just as an off-topic subject, I just got off the hospital, after a very bad infection that knocked me off the real world for almost a week... my sinuses started to be really inflamated then my lungs got filled with infection, follwed by the ears... it was really bad...
But, with a lot of care from my wife and mom, I was able to get back today on my feet and walk outside of the house a little...
Glad to see you all ok, here, in our little family, and share this with you.

I think it's in the rules somewhere where you're allowed to go off-topic in you're own thread, Floren. ;)

Sorry to hear about you being down. I hope you're feeling better, my friend. We need you aorund here so take care of yourself and get healthy. Boofo's orders. ;)

TECK 04-12-2004 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by sabret00the
PHP Code:

    $ms .= '        <td class="tcat"' iif($vboptions['allowchangestyles'], ' colspan="2"') . '><div class="smallfont">'

still getting an error on that line

What is the error? Thanks for posting.

Originally Posted by Boofo
I think it's in the rules somewhere where you're allowed to go off-topic in you're own thread, Floren. ;)

Sorry to hear about you being down. I hope you're feeling better, my friend. We need you aorund here so take care of yourself and get healthy. Boofo's orders. ;)

Thanks for the info and... the kind words, Bob. Cheers.

Christine 04-12-2004 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by TECK
What is the error? Thanks for posting.

Thanks for the info and... the kind words, Bob. Cheers.

Sorry to hear that Floren. Feel better soon!!

ChuanSE 04-12-2004 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by TECK
Chuan, what portal you use?
Is extremly intense on the table scans... Holly molly...

The number of queries is ok, but the code is not very strong, IMO.
Compare it yourself with any forums page. As soon as you go over 20% MySQL, you got to ask yourself what bad code you added there to perform table scans that generate those results...

Oops, i missed this post hehehe, same reason btw.
I was knocked out for a week by the same kind of infection :(

But hey, all beter now :D

I'm using vBadvanced Teck.

Page generated in 1.03972507 seconds (31.84% PHP - 68.16% MySQL) with 19 queries
NO Uncached Templates | DEBUG Mode OFF | GZIP ON (level 2) | 0.22 : 0.90 : 0.62

OMG indeed, how can this happen? allthough the page is generated in 1 sec :|

Anything I can do 'bout this?

ChuanSE 04-12-2004 06:04 AM

btw, i attached the php file...

TECK 04-12-2004 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by ChuanSE
Oops, i missed this post hehehe, same reason btw.
I was knocked out for a week by the same kind of infection :(

But hey, all beter now :D

I'm using vBadvanced Teck.

Page generated in 1.03972507 seconds (31.84% PHP - 68.16% MySQL) with 19 queries
NO Uncached Templates | DEBUG Mode OFF | GZIP ON (level 2) | 0.22 : 0.90 : 0.62

OMG indeed, how can this happen? allthough the page is generated in 1 sec :|

Anything I can do 'bout this?

Same here my friend, I was dead sick also for a week...

About your problem, I guess is all in how you write the code. Take a look at my portal, how the results are for MySQL:

The MySQL usage is around 10% as it should be normally (not to mention that the page is generated only in 0.2 seconds), the server likes it. ;)

neocorteqz 04-13-2004 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by TECK
It's totally extreme, I can't believe it that the code generate this kind of stress on the server.
Imagine this: the code uses only 10% the resources to read the actual PHP code and the rest of 90% is used only to scan the tables... WOW!
That means the code forces to read into the database for each user who visits the site at this percentage... if you have 1000 users viewing the page in the same time.. you can get a picture of it...
If you compare this with vBulletin, the software does the opposite, 90% PHP and 10% MySQL... the right way.

I would like to know if other coders who use those portals have the same results... could be a server issue also??? Thanks guys for sharing.


Just as an off-topic subject, I just got off the hospital, after a very bad infection that knocked me off the real world for almost a week... my sinuses started to be really inflamated then my lungs got filled with infection, follwed by the ears... it was really bad...
But, with a lot of care from my wife and mom, I was able to get back today on my feet and walk outside of the house a little...
Glad to see you all ok, here, in our little family, and share this with you.

Maybe it's a server issue, but without knowing any other results from other users who have installed vBindex. I couldn't tell you one way or another.

here's what it reads right now.

Page generated in 1.65803409 seconds (31.48% PHP - 68.52% MySQL) with 17 queries

and here's what it reads with just the newsbit and welcome Panel options enabled.

Page generated in 1.21568489 seconds (16.95% PHP - 83.05% MySQL) with 9 queries

and it's pulling Topics from two forums, with a limit of 5 Total threads listed.

I really don't know. I suppose i will ask in his thread. and I will ask my host about any tweaks to MySQL.

edit: good to see your well again. Or at least hoping you are. :)

TECK 04-13-2004 11:03 AM

I would like to know also if other users experience those type of percentages (for portals like vbIndex, vbAdvanced, etc. only).
Guys, let us know please.

PitchouneN64ngc 04-13-2004 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by TECK
I would like to know also if other users experience those type of percentages.
Guys, let us know please.

I can't say for my forum actually but into my forum test, I have:


Page generated in 0.29032302 seconds (83,48% PHP - 16,52% MySQL) with 8 queries
So, no problem for me :)

TECK 04-13-2004 11:19 AM

I was not clear, sorry... for portals like vbIndex, vbAdvanced, etc. only. :)
The forums are always ok...

Guys, let me know if you have any portal software installed that give you those weird results. Thanks.

BarBeQue 04-13-2004 11:22 AM

Don't like portals much, i want to see the forums right away.
Which is why i installed the sidebar hack, so it shows a nice left sidebar with some links, rss feeds and arcade news (and a poll as soon as i find out how to add one there) and all my forums to the right next of it.

Mysql % never goes above 15%, most of the time it's like 11-12 %.


Page generated in 0.43167710 seconds (94.18% PHP - 5.82% MySQL) with 10 queries
DEBUG Mode OFF | GZIP ON (level 1) | Server load AVG 0.83 : 1.16 : 1.42

Reeve of shinra 04-15-2004 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by sabret00the
PHP Code:

    $ms .= '        <td class="tcat"' iif($vboptions['allowchangestyles'], ' colspan="2"') . '><div class="smallfont">'

still getting an error on that line

I am recieving the same error. I am running vbIndex dunno if thats an issue here or not.

Parse error: parse error in /home/nytalk/domains/nytalk.net/public_html/board/includes/functions.php on line 1941

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: exec_nocache_headers() in /home/nytalk/domains/nytalk.net/public_html/board/admincp/global.php on line 37

TECK 04-21-2004 05:40 PM

Reeve, the code posted above simply adds a colspan, if you have enabled the style dropdown.
The code was tested in a unhacked board. Please try it in a unmodified board and you will see there are no problems.
If vbIndex creates any problems, I would recommend you to contact the hack author for a workaround.

In the same time, I recommend to all portal users to ask the authors how to reduce the usage of MySQL database.
I saw people using VBportals (like vbIndex, vbAdvanced, etc) who stress to server up to 90% usage... [high]Is really intense.[/high] A normal MySQL usage should be around 10-15%.

Is all in how you write the code, IMO... and you can have the same results... it doesn't have to be intense for the server.
Take a look at those results and let me know what you think.


Natch 04-21-2004 11:25 PM

Ive just started to get a problem with this showing 100.00% PHP - 0.00% MySQL ..., but with x queries ... anyone seen this problem before ?

EDIT:// Apologies - my bad - I had forgotten to re-edit db_mysql.php after the 3.0.1 upgrade ...

Boofo 04-21-2004 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Natch
Ive just started to get a problem with this showing 100.00% PHP - 0.00% MySQL ..., but with x queries ... anyone seen this problem before ?

EDIT:// Apologies - my bad - I had forgotten to re-edit db_mysql.php after the 3.0.1 upgrade ...

My goodness. ;)

Where you been, my friend? ;)

Natch 04-22-2004 12:12 AM

I know I know ;)

[high]* Natch eats some more humble pie for breakfast

Been busy busy d00d .... trying to survive while not making money is not the easiest thing :)

Pseudomizer 04-22-2004 11:26 AM


after reading the first page and the description i am a little bit concerned. When a guest visits my VBindex portal page i have stats like: 30,23% PHP - 69,77% MySQL.

When i log in as the admin i got stats like 25,72% PHP - 74,28% MySQL.

So i have 2 questions:

1. Any experiences with vbindex portal so far why the MySQL stats are so high ? I know that this should not be placed in this thread but i would like to know if someone has got the same experience with this portal ?

2. which is clearly related to this hack: Why do my stats increase when i log in as admin ? The number of queries stay the same with 16 queries as before.

My loading time for the portal is always 0.7 seconds which i would say is fine.

Any help would be appreciated.


TECK 04-22-2004 04:15 PM

Hi Pseudomizer,
From my experience with this type of portals, I could explain why the MySQL is high.
Normally, the MySQL % is a lot higher then the vBulletin pages because the intense table scans.

VB is very intelligent in this area, it avoids to do full table scans and also it uses a very judicious system cache. All this results in a very low database usage and, indirectly a very low server usage.

Let me be more explicit.
For every option you enable in those portals, you perform extra queries, for each member that access instantly the page. The more members view in the same time the front page, the higher is the stress on the server.
So, if I enter your portal site, in an instance, the software will perform several queries that scan FULLY the hole tables in your database.

A good rule to keep in mind for coders is this: ALWAYS avoid full table scans, is the worst thing in the world.
If you have a very small forum with 200-300 posts, that will not really count, since your database is very small, but what do you do with huge forums who have 1 million posts?
Let's take as example "the x latest threads". The query will perform a full scan from ALL forums and ALL threads. I'm sure you understand why the MySQL % will raise to the sky... for an instance the server will be suffocated with the flood of information it has to compile, in order to display the results, and that?s only for ONE person... imagine what will happen when 500 users will visit in the same time your front page.
What vBulletin does is this: it puts a time/date limit, limits the search for 30 threads and also it separates it only for one forum, not all. So instead of scanning the hole forum/thread tables, it selects a very small portion of it.
The result is obvious, a very small server usage... ;)

I hope that help you understand better the % usage.


PS. When I have time, I will release my portal version that have a very low MySQL usage.
I posted a screenshot, few posts above, so people can see that is possible to have good MySQL results. ;)

Pseudomizer 04-22-2004 04:19 PM

Hi Teck,

if you should go for your own portal please add me to your list. I would be more then happy to help if you need any help. Meanwhile i will try to limit the SQL queries on my current board.

Thanks for your detailed explanation. If i am successfull i will post my results for crosschecking.


TECK 04-22-2004 06:39 PM

Thanks for the offer, Pseudo. :)
I should be able to make a little room in my schedule to post all the procedure... but I will tell you that is very simple... it involves no database modifications, only a bunch of new templates and few minor edits in vBulletin files.

Natch 04-23-2004 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by TECK
Thanks for the offer, Pseudo. :)
I should be able to make a little room in my schedule to post all the procedure... but I will tell you that is very simple... it involves no database modifications, only a bunch of new templates and few minor edits in vBulletin files.

Very much looking forward to this kind of Portal ... I am and have been a vBIndex user, and have been happy with it - but I have noticed more server load with greater traffic (only have 2100+ threads, 25,000+ posts, and maybe 30-50 active users a day ...)

por4x4 04-28-2004 05:51 PM

Great hack!

But I would like to move the location of the information to below the copyright notice... How do I go about doing this?

TECK 04-28-2004 07:20 PM

Place {ms} in any template and anywhere you want. :)

por4x4 04-28-2004 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by TECK
Place {ms} in any template and anywhere you want. :)

When I tried that, it screwed up my templates... I will play with it a little more. Thanks!

TECK 04-28-2004 08:14 PM

You are right, there are some table rows inside the php code...
Post a screenshot when done. ;)

por4x4 04-28-2004 08:17 PM

ok, I placed it in a table, and it works now. Thanks!

ChrisLM2001 05-06-2004 05:49 PM

Like to ask one question about this wonderful mod (a must to install!): How does one center it like the copyright info?

Someone is bound to want this, so I'm asking.


TECK 05-08-2004 11:59 AM

There is no table class that allow you to do this, in VB css.
Don't use align="center", it's deprecated. ;)

If you have a CSS editor (TopStyle Pro is very good), it will be very easy to make a class for Netscape/IE 4 and add it into your headincludes.

Boofo 05-08-2004 12:07 PM

Floren, what does this mean?


Don't use align="center", it's deprecated.
I don't know that word deprecated, I guess. Sorry. ;)

TECK 05-08-2004 12:25 PM

Hi Bob,
"Deprecated" is a term, used most of the time in programming, that is considered obsolete and in the process of being phased out in favor of a specified/better replacement.
The best example is this: certain PHP functions were replaced by better ones, in newer versions. Their names changed. However, some programmers still like to use the old ones, taking the chance to have their program fail.

Boofo 05-08-2004 12:47 PM

Ahhh, I see now. Thanks for explaining that. ;)

You said not to use align="center". What would you use instead then? ;)

TECK 05-08-2004 01:05 PM

The best way is to use a class. Here it is an example:

.txtcenter {
  text-align: center;

Then you could simply use:

<td class="txtcenter">Centered text will be here</td>

You could also use:

<div class="txtcenter">Centered text will be here</div>

<span class="txtcenter">Centered text will be here</span>
to obtain the same results.

Boofo 05-08-2004 02:30 PM

Ok, thanks. I guess I never knew that was the new way to do the align="center". But wouldn't you use this for td instead of class?

HTML Code:

<td style="txtcenter">Centered text will be here</td>
Because you might want to add something like class="thead", too. ;)

TECK 05-08-2004 06:37 PM

You can apply the class="txtcenter" anywhere in a TD, TR or TABLE.
If you apply it in a TABLE line, it will make the hole table centered.
In a TR (column), all child rows will be centered.
In a TD, that specific row will have the text centered.

If you currently have a class present, you cannot use style="txtcenter".
Instead, use:
style="text-align: center", beside class="thead"...
Although, I don't like this way to write code for the reason mentioned few lines above... In certain versions of XHTML (for example Strict 1.1) the "style" is deprecated also... it's getting hard to code huh? ;)

The best way is this:
Edit the actual class and add the text-align: center; line into it.

Boofo 05-08-2004 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by TECK
You can aply the class="txtcenter" anywhere in a TD, TR or TABLE.
If you aply it in a TABLE line, it will make the hole table centered.
In a TR (column), all child rows will be centered.
In a TD, that specific row will have the text centered.

If you curently have a class present, you cannot use style="txtcenter".
Instead, use:
style="text-align: center", beside class="thead"...
Although, I don't like this way to write code for the reason mentioned few lines above... In certain versions of XHTML (for example Strict 1.1) the "style" is deprecated also... it's getting hard to code huh? ;)

The best way is this:
Edit the actual class and add the text-align: center; line into it.

That's very interesting. I didn't know this before. ;)

The only thing about editing the current class is that in some areas you might not want it to center something. Right now I have it as:

HTML Code:

<td colspan="4" style="text-align: center;" class="thead">
and it seems to be working fine. But this isn't XHTML compliant, then, right?

You're definately right about it being hard to keep up with the coding changes. ;)

TECK 05-08-2004 07:06 PM

Do this:
Create a new class called "theadcenter"

.theadcenter {
        text-align: center;
        ... the rest of thead class contents ...

Then stick the new class only where you need it, in your html code... in this way you remain code compliant... :p

lifesourcerec 05-09-2004 10:55 AM

I have a problem. This:
Page generated in 2.72278 seconds with 14 queries [Server Loads: 6.36 4.98 : 3.55]

is at the top and bottom of the forum. even when I remove the {ms}, it's still there. And server load is high

ChrisLM2001 05-10-2004 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by TECK
Do this:
Create a new class called "theadcenter"

.theadcenter {
        text-align: center;
        ... the rest of thead class contents ...

Then stick the new class only where you need it, in your html code... in this way you remain code compliant... :p

Thanks, Teck and Boofo about this issue. ;) Spent months learning XHTML, and this is a reminder to hit the books again (nevermind remembering how whitespace is handled in XHTML....thunk, thunk, thunk....me bad!).

Love this mod, Teck. First one I installed and rightly so!


TECK 05-10-2004 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by lifesourcerec
I have a problem...

Please check the way you mod the files, make sure you use a good php/text editor, for example TextPad.

Originally Posted by ChrisLM2001
Thanks, Teck and Boofo about this issue. ;) Spent months learning XHTML, and this is a reminder to hit the books again (nevermind remembering how whitespace is handled in XHTML....thunk, thunk, thunk....me bad!).

I'm glad this tip was useful for you. :)


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