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TheShell 12-08-2004 10:32 AM

Seas ..

Nice Hack but i have found some errors.
Take a look at the Whois Online when a User is named with this one -> "[ ]" like "[Clan]Username". That will be displayed like "{[Clan]Username}" ??

Greetings ...

TheShell 12-08-2004 04:18 PM

Next Bug ->

HalfOps have to marked with "%" but they were displayed with "@" !? Why? :ermm:

Greetings ..

belinea 02-07-2005 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by uomoragno
FINALLY I understand the problem :)

when in the Board --> Unregistered / Not Logged In --> Can View Forum--> NO

the hack don't work :) because th file .php don't execute the query :)

Is there any chance to get EIM1.4 working with "Unregistered / Not Logged In --> Can View Forum--> NO" ???

ChuanSE 02-09-2005 06:22 AM

You just gotta love this hack :D

lifesourcerec 02-09-2005 05:23 PM

For some reason, the bot won't load anymore, so I have to revert back to mIRC version.

T3MEDIA 02-09-2005 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by JohnBee
this hack is dead.
apparently the coder decided to stop supporting it.

it doesnt look like it works with 3.0.3 either.
I use .htaccess on my site the .tcl script from eggdrop has no way
of getting http auth. to pass through the security and update the
tables (this is one problem) another is that if you don't have guest
browsing enabled I don't think the script can update the tables either.

I tried both hacks from this same maker and they both did the same

We need another person to take over the project and fix it.

Thank GOD I read before I installed.

lifesourcerec 02-09-2005 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by JohnBee
this hack is dead.
apparently the coder decided to stop supporting it.

it doesnt look like it works with 3.0.3 either.
I use .htaccess on my site the .tcl script from eggdrop has no way
of getting http auth. to pass through the security and update the
tables (this is one problem) another is that if you don't have guest
browsing enabled I don't think the script can update the tables either.

I tried both hacks from this same maker and they both did the same

We need another person to take over the project and fix it.

That's the problem I was having with the bot loading.

lebanon 02-18-2005 04:36 PM

i installed this few hours ago , the bot is not posting appearantly , but i had no errors , and i have guests can view forum already , i tried removing htaccess files as well but nothing yet ! the board still has the tables empty !

KBV 02-18-2005 08:59 PM

I use 3.0.6 now (used it with 3.0.3 before) and it works perfectly. My botmaster says that the TCL script is bugged, he can't find it tough. But it does work. :P

lifesourcerec 02-18-2005 09:04 PM

I just removed it and installed flashchat. Problem solved.

Hazzo 03-01-2005 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Luciolle
Ok I have a little newbie question, I read all message for this hack, but I still have a question:

If you have HTACCESS on your (adress of board/forums/) folder, you know the browser now don't accept the adresse like that (http://login:pass@adresse) you have solution for this kind of problem ?

Thanks for your help

Simple solution to this problem..

/yoursite/forum/ << protected htaccess dir
/yoursite/irc_addon/ << unprotected htaccess dir

put the following files into the /yoursite/irc_addon/ dir

That should get you by the htaccess issue.

Hazzo 03-01-2005 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by KBV
I use 3.0.6 now (used it with 3.0.3 before) and it works perfectly. My botmaster says that the TCL script is bugged, he can't find it tough. But it does work. :P

Been using this script for awhile now.

only issues I have found:

channel ADMINS are not reconigized correctly

otherwise the script is working fine on vb3.03, vb 3.06 and vb 3.07 on some of those sites w/ htaccess

All I can say, you people having troubles--

make sure you got the password set in the files, make sure you are not trying to pass the info threw a htaccess folder and make sure the sql info is correct..
be sure and do the !startact / !refresh commands as well..

should work for you, unless I am a lucky one :)

hXc Radio 03-02-2005 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by er0sion
change incr activity 1
to incr activity 2 :)

so I got it all installed but it does not show any info

both keys are the same.. but I get no info on forumhome

and on partyline when doing !refresh in the channel i see
[20:56] Tcl error [refresh_users]: invalid command name "p@ssie"

any help please?

Reimer 03-18-2005 07:44 PM

A small note about security:

In the moment users, who have the permission to change the topic in the channel, can add their own JavaScript code to the website by changing the website. In the moment the results are not parsed through htmlspecialchars. In a few minutes our admin will be redirect to our *h4ck4d by* Website on a different server, but I guess that he will be shocked for a few seconds ;)

AxEsLoCkEd 03-19-2005 09:25 AM

How can i add & and ~ modes for operators. and max users in chan :) and some random quotes actually i only need & and ~ right now :)

packzz 04-29-2005 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by hXc Radio
so I got it all installed but it does not show any info

both keys are the same.. but I get no info on forumhome

and on partyline when doing !refresh in the channel i see
[20:56] Tcl error [refresh_users]: invalid command name "p@ssie"

any help please?

Make sure when you pasted the script to whever you pasted it you didn't leave any extra spaces. I did by accident, I had one line going over to a new line, i back spaced it and everything works fine now :)

khurt 05-03-2005 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by wcbryant
Recently I discovered that only ops, halfops and voiced users were showing up on the "Who's Online" area.

So if there were 7 people chatting, two were ops, one was voiced, and the rest were regular users, it would look like this;

@Op-1, @Op2, +Voiced1, , , ,

I've looked over everything, and can't figure out what's gone wrong. It used to work fine, and I can only assume that maybe another hack is somehow interfering with $users/$user, but I don't know where or how.

Any thoughts? It's driving me nuts.

I didn't notice a reply to this (my apologies if I missed it) and I'm not sure if people are still having this problem, but this is what I did:

You want to take a look at your vbulletin index file and the section of code that velocd told you to add. He has it setup to look at four different items: ops, half-ops, voiced and users. However, in the admincp, there isn't a place to indicate a style for half-ops. So, as the code in index.php tried to apply a style to each set of users, it has nothing to apply to the regular users (which is the last group in his setup).

Your options:

A) manually adjust the entry in your database to account for all 4 groups


B) remove all reference to half-ops in your vbulletin/index.php file and renumber the 2 lower groups (voiced = $nick_style[1], users = $nick_style[2])

Splinter77 05-04-2005 07:39 PM

Hi boys I urgently have needs help, have I shaped everything but on my home the chat doesn't appear under as it had to appear how come that I have to still do?
A thing I don't understand in the guide where it says New Create template, irc_loggedin where I have to go to create on the db or on the panel of the forum?
Because I have created on the db in homeforum and it doesn't appear anything

From my site XBOX

Mikal 05-24-2005 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Splinter77
Hi boys I urgently have needs help, have I shaped everything but on my home the chat doesn't appear under as it had to appear how come that I have to still do?
A thing I don't understand in the guide where it says New Create template, irc_loggedin where I have to go to create on the db or on the panel of the forum?
Because I have created on the db in homeforum and it doesn't appear anything

From my site XBOX

you have to create the template in your forum within you admin page. look under styles & templates :)

Mikal 05-24-2005 05:00 PM

I have a question. I use vbportal and I would like to make this into a block, so that I can use it on the front page, instead of forumhome.......I'm not a coder or anything like that, so if there's someone here that can tell me if its possible to show this irc info in a block. and maybe tell me how to do it..

Thanks in advance. :)

Fusion.nl 05-26-2005 10:47 PM

Sweet hack!

/me clicks install

Forum-Style 06-02-2005 06:25 PM

for recognising oper'd users, you can do if{iso ..... (iso is the oper version of isop)

if that helps at all :) I ended up putting a line and manually inputting nicks (if($nick = me||$nick = him) etc.

Activity isn't being passed into my sql :( did just after installing. so dont know where to go from that. may just remove that idle image all together. Got a base tho so can modify for the next vb version. :)

my channel's not that active anyway but i thought it would read something atleast.

Snort_2005 06-05-2005 02:07 AM

Nice.. The only thing I need is the ~ and & to show up for me. -_-

Jaxx 07-01-2005 04:42 AM

Exactly.... since i'm owner of the chan, I only show up as a normal user.

I'm also using one the latest versions of eggdrop, but i get the ishalfop command error in the party line. :/

Carnage 07-04-2005 04:09 PM

unreal ircd's ~ and & modes aren't supported by most things at the moment. This is your problem. I at one point attempted to write some code of my own to deal with this problem based off the smart irc php class. Perhaps i should code that up to a releasable script package...


having spent the past 8hrs coding, i've finially got a working ircbot that handles unreal ircd correctly. Expect a full release of something when i've finnished the vb side of things. (nb my bot is NOT an eggdrop.)

od3m 07-18-2005 02:53 PM

Hi all !

Has any one got an solution for implementing this nice Hack into vBAdvanced Portal home ?

Thx 4 ideas


Vizionz 08-17-2005 09:13 AM

Someone port this to 3.50

Disi 09-19-2005 03:42 PM

Yeah is there a 3.5 Port already :)

khurt 10-16-2005 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Disi
Yeah is there a 3.5 Port already :)

In the part of this hack that modifies the forum index page, the original instructions tell you to add this...

$channels = $DB_site->query("
FROM `irc_channel`

while ($channel = $DB_site->fetch_array($channels))
For 3.5, it should be changed to this...

$channels = $db->query_read("
FROM `irc_channel`

while ($channel = $db->fetch_array($channels))
note: I just included the first couple of lines from the code he tells you to add to index.php because that's the only part that changes. Everything else seems to work fine.

Anti-Gremlin 10-19-2005 01:23 AM

Here is a fix to get it work on 3.5.0

Make sure you compare to Velocd's version to know exactly where to place it.
PHP Code:

/////////// Eggdrop IRC Manager - By Velocd ///////////
//          Modified by Anti-Gremlin                 //

$channels $db->query("SELECT * FROM `irc_channel`");

while (
$channel $db->fetch_array($channels))
$nick_style explode('||'$channel['nick_style']);

$ops     explode(' '$channel['operators']);
$halfops explode(' '$channel['halfops']);
$voiced  explode(' '$channel['voiced']);
$users   explode(' '$channel['users']);

    if (!empty(
        foreach (
$ops AS $op)
$channel['nick_list'] .= str_replace('{nick}'$op$nick_style[0] . ', ');
    if (!empty(
        foreach (
$halfops AS $halfop)
$channel['nick_list'] .= str_replace('{nick}'$halfop$nick_style[1] . ', ');

    if (!empty(
        foreach (
$voiced AS $voice)
$channel['nick_list'] .= str_replace('{nick}'$voice$nick_style[2]) . ', ';

    if (!empty(
        foreach (
$users AS $user)
$channel['nick_list'] .= str_replace('{nick}'$user$nick_style[3]) . ', ';

$channel['nick_list'] = substr($channel['nick_list'], 0, -2);

    if (
$channel['activity'] > 100)
$channel['alevel'] = 5;
    else if(
$channel['activity'] == 0)
$channel['alevel'] = 0;
$channel['activity'] *= .05;

$channel['alevel'] = round($channel['activity']);

        if (
$channel['alevel'] < 1)
$channel['alevel'] = 1;

$channel['aname']      = $channel["act$channel[alevel]"];

$channel['online_max'] = number_format($channel['online_max']);
$channel['online']     = number_format($channel['online']);

$channel['date_max']   = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $channel['dateline_max']);
$channel['time_max']   = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $channel['dateline_max']);

'$irc_channels .= "' fetch_template('irc_loggedin') . '";');


Disi 10-24-2005 11:23 AM

well unfortunatly it seems not working

maybe someone can make a working product out of it? :)

Man1c M0g 10-28-2005 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Disi
Yeah is there a 3.5 Port already :)

Care to tell us where? Other people have posted code snippets, but nothing solid enough to make into a fully working hack...

lanc3lot 11-29-2005 06:26 PM

Any update on this for 3.5.0?

Mikal 01-07-2006 01:52 AM

I need some help on where to put the code in admincp/index.php for 3.5.0
as my index doesnt match the installation guide. can someone help me on where to put the code?


path/to/forums/admincp/index.php, find:
// *************************************************

        $printhr = false;
        if (can_administer('canadminusers'))

Above, paste the following:


                construct_nav_option('Manage', 'ircadmin.php?do=manage', '|');
                construct_nav_group('IRC Channels');


But I cant find it, so I tried after my best efforts to put the code in, but I get this error in admincp

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/y-10147/www/forums/admincp/ircadmin.php on line 83
I have had installed with 3.0 which worked fine, but I would be nice if I could get it to work with 3.5.0

Thanks in advance! :)

neutek 01-26-2006 05:21 AM

Call to a member function on a non-object in /// on line 239

how can i get this working
please :)

bubba01 02-19-2006 04:45 PM

will try it out :)

ian@TS 03-09-2006 04:46 PM


Call to a member function on a non-object in /// on line 239


global $db;

at the very beginning of the code, works for me :)

Nizam 03-14-2006 10:44 AM

I would also like to know if there is a 3.5 port for this.

HondaATC 07-31-2006 12:11 AM

any update on a 3.5 version?

ChuanSE 07-31-2006 12:23 AM

i hope so

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