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restless 05-08-2005 03:25 AM

Not sure if anyone has answered this anywhere... but I've added this to my vba cmps.

Here how i did it (I have no idea if this is the BEST way to do it):

1. Edit global.php

PHP Code:

$specialtemplates array_merge($specialtemplates

add BELOW:
PHP Code:


PHP Code:

$globaltemplates array_merge($globaltemplates,

PHP Code:


PHP Code:

|| ####################################################################
|| # Downloaded: 13:38, Tue Feb 22nd 2005
|| # CVS: $RCSfile: global.php,v $ - $Revision: $
|| ####################################################################

PHP Code:

$mday unserialize($datastore['memberoftheday']);
if (!
$mday['hascustomavatar'] && $mday['avatarpath'])
$avatarurl $mday['avatarpath'];
$avatarurl "vboptions[bburl]/image.php?u=$mday[userid]";
'$memberoftheday .= "' fetch_template('memberoftheday') . '";'); 

2. create new template adv_portal_member

Add code:
PHP Code:


3. Add a new module:

Module Title: Member of the Day
Template to Include: member

Place it wherever you like (left, center, right)

That's it.

restless 05-08-2005 03:44 AM

you can see this in action here: http://www.vagrantcafe.com/index.php?

this is my code for my memberoftheday template:
PHP Code:

<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]class="tborder" width="80%">

tr><td class="alt1" width="100%"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
td class="alt1"><img src="$avatarurl"></td>
td class="alt1"><b>Vagrant of the Day: <a target="_top" href="$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?&u=$mday[userid]">$mday[username]</a></b><br/><br/>
View $mday[username]'s <a target="_top" href="$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?&u=$mday[userid]">Profile</a><BR>
      View $mday[username]'
<a target="_top" href="$vboptions[bburl]/usernote.php?&u=$mday[userid]">UserNotes</a><BR>
View $mday[username]'s <a target="_top" href="$vboptions[bburl]/buddies.php?&u=$mday[userid]">Friends</a><BR>
      Posts: $mday[posts]</span><br/>
    <if condition="$mday[age]">Age: $mday[age]</span><br/></if>
    Favorite forum: <a href="$vboptions[bburl]/forumdisplay.php?f=$mday[forumid]">$mday[forumname]</a> </td>

i literally just figured out and installed this tonight... so i'll probably change my look at a bit.

cdoyle 05-15-2005 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by AutomatikStudio
When I try to run the cron I get: "Couldn't elect a member of the day, not enough members"...i have a couple of hundred members and I check to make sure the correct usergroups weren't restricted. Also the member box on FORUMHOME is just showing blank b/c it hasn't selected anybody.

I'm getting this too on my testboard. Here are the settings I have everything at.
I have created a couple test members, and just posted several threads for each.

$restrictedGroups = "0";
$posts = 0;
$lastactivity = 90;
$lastpost = 30;
$reputation = 0;
$days = 7;
$privateForums = "0";

When I run the scheduler, I get that "Couldn't elect a member of the day, not enough members"

any ideas?

cdoyle 05-16-2005 10:12 PM

I got it to work, I was having the problem because this is a test forum, and I only have about 7 members listed. Since the hack wouldn't allow you to 'repeat' member of the day for at least 7 days, that is why I would get the error.

I just decreased it to 1 day and it worked finally.

Now to install on the real forum!!

cdoyle 05-20-2005 12:52 AM

Has support for this hack stopped?

I did finally get everything working, and got it to work on my CMPS page. But was wondering if some other features could be added?

Is it possible to display the users profile image? (I think that question was asked before, but I didn't see an answer)

Or how about also displaying their signature?

I hope the creator of this hack is still around!

Thanks in advance

Paul M 05-20-2005 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by cdoyle
Has support for this hack stopped?


I hope the creator of this hack is still around!

Well the hack is not marked as supported - but that may just be an oversight. The coder last visited four days ago so he's still around.

Corriewf 05-20-2005 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by cdoyle
Has support for this hack stopped?

I did finally get everything working, and got it to work on my CMPS page. But was wondering if some other features could be added?

Is it possible to display the users profile image? (I think that question was asked before, but I didn't see an answer)

Or how about also displaying their signature?

I hope the creator of this hack is still around!

Thanks in advance

Dont you think that will be a little over doing it? How much do you want to have people go through when they are trying to get to your forums?

If you really want it just input the variables using the hacks syntax.

cdoyle 05-20-2005 08:57 PM

I'm not really sure what you mean by input the 'vairables using the hacks syntax' I'm new to this, could you give me an example of what you mean?


cdoyle 05-27-2005 03:59 AM

I've just noticed something, it seems that it selects a new user whenever you refresh the screen?

I've checked the scheduler and it's only suppose to run on the 23rd hour of each day.

Anyone know why it would be selecting a new one, everytime the page is refreshed or opened?

Also, I'm still not sure what I would need to do add the profile pic?


Corriewf 05-27-2005 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by cdoyle
I've just noticed something, it seems that it selects a new user whenever you refresh the screen?

I've checked the scheduler and it's only suppose to run on the 23rd hour of each day.

Anyone know why it would be selecting a new one, everytime the page is refreshed or opened?

Also, I'm still not sure what I would need to do add the profile pic?


Did you run the queries from the install? Somehow the cron is running everytime you refresh.

Corriewf 05-27-2005 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by cdoyle
I'm not really sure what you mean by input the 'vairables using the hacks syntax' I'm new to this, could you give me an example of what you mean?


PHP Code:

Add a template with name "memberoftheday" (without the quotes), and this content:

table class="" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]border="0" width="80%" align="center">
b>Member of the day is: <a target="_top" href="member.php?&u=$mday[userid]">$mday[username]</a>!</b><br/><br/>
Favorite forum: <a href="forumdisplay.php?f=$mday[forumid]">$mday[forumname]</a>
td><img src="$avatarurl"></td>    

This code will move the avatar to the right hand side ( as I think it looks better there) and give you the signature you were looking for.

cdoyle 05-27-2005 01:06 PM

Ya I ran the query, but just to make sure I tried to run it again, and it said that it already existed.

I also noticed that it doesn't do it on every refresh, it seems to be more random. One time you may be able to refresh the screen 10 times in a row, and it stays the same. Then the next time you open the page, and refresh it changes on the first try.

cdoyle 05-27-2005 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by corriewf
PHP Code:

Add a template with name "memberoftheday" (without the quotes), and this content:

table class="" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]border="0" width="80%" align="center">
b>Member of the day is: <a target="_top" href="member.php?&u=$mday[userid]">$mday[username]</a>!</b><br/><br/>
Favorite forum: <a href="forumdisplay.php?f=$mday[forumid]">$mday[forumname]</a>
td><img src="$avatarurl"></td>    

This code will move the avatar to the right hand side ( as I think it looks better there) and give you the signature you were looking for.

Thanks, that does look better have the avatar on the right.

I did just noticed something with the sig, not sure if this can be fixed or not, On the current member it shows as this


I had to remove some brackets in this post to make it look the way it does on my member field.

You can really see what I'm talking about at

Is there anyway to make it display correctly?

Thanks again for your help.

Corriewf 05-27-2005 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by cdoyle
Ya I ran the query, but just to make sure I tried to run it again, and it said that it already existed.

I also noticed that it doesn't do it on every refresh, it seems to be more random. One time you may be able to refresh the screen 10 times in a row, and it stays the same. Then the next time you open the page, and refresh it changes on the first try.

Sounds like you have the time to run cron incorrectly set.....

Corriewf 05-27-2005 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by cdoyle
Thanks, that does look better have the avatar on the right.

I did just noticed something with the sig, not sure if this can be fixed or not, On the current member it shows as this


I had to remove some brackets in this post to make it look the way it does on my member field.

You can really see what I'm talking about at

Is there anyway to make it display correctly?

Thanks again for your help.

This has nothing to do with the code or this hack itself but with cmps as the software is outside of the forum index so any link like say "navbar" have to be fully inputed along with smileys and BB code. The user who is currently member of the day is using BBcode which is currently not recognized by your cmps. You need to go to vbadanced.com and research getting that to work.

cdoyle 05-27-2005 01:58 PM

Thanks, I had a feeling it might have something to do with that.

Thanks again

Corriewf 05-27-2005 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by cdoyle
Thanks, I had a feeling it might have something to do with that.

Thanks again

Yeah I am sure that its a easy fix, but I just dont have the time to research it for you right now......

cdoyle 06-04-2005 11:39 PM

Well I tried posting over at teh vbadvance forums about this, and the only response was to contact the author of the hack.

Here is what they said.


You'll need to talk to the hack author about including the bb code parse logic in his hack. CMPS is just displaying the results of the hack code, in order to get the hack to parse the bb codes it'll have to be changed to call the vB function.
I really don't know anything about this stuff, so if anyone has an idea! THANKS :)

mfarmerhi 06-06-2005 08:17 PM

Ooo Ooo! Me too! Me too! LOL

If anyone has some direction on porting this for a Vbadvanced module, I'd really appreciate it.

~ Mark

bmroyer 08-21-2005 04:36 AM

How do I remove this hack from my website? Or atleast get it out of view if I cant delete the hack..I don't like it anymore. Do I just edit my template addons? Not sure how to go about it, thanks.

jilly 08-23-2005 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by bmroyer
How do I remove this hack from my website? Or atleast get it out of view if I cant delete the hack..I don't like it anymore. Do I just edit my template addons? Not sure how to go about it, thanks.

Did you add it to your main page, where you look at the index of the boards? if it's there, then you'd have to edit your forumhome template in your main style to find it and remove the code from view.

FreeFox 09-30-2005 02:40 PM

Hello all,

I followed the step by step, but still the box is empty from any informations !

So please provide me with the resolution.


jilly 10-26-2005 06:54 PM

Is there a way we could set this to do any or all of these things? I'd liek to make member of the day have some of the same functions as 'birthday', for example..

* Notify the member of the day that they are "member of the day" through email, or pm, or both?

* Start a thread in a specified forum, like the birthday function, that says "Today's member of the day is xxx"

JayJay 11-20-2005 01:21 PM

Would be nice to see this hack updated for 3.5.x

cdoyle 11-20-2005 05:19 PM

Ya I'm hoping someone is working on a 3.5 version as well. I really like this hack.

ambrosious 12-28-2005 10:06 PM

Is there a way to have the hack not pick a member for a pre determined time? I have it set up on a weekly basis and sometimes one member will be member of the week for three weeks out of four. Can I put code in that will take them out of the pool for... say, 4 weeks?

MarsNIIT 01-19-2006 03:57 PM

error when run Scheduled Task Manager in vbb 3.5.3

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/marsniit/public_html/includes/cron/memberoftheday.php on line 34

cdoyle 01-20-2006 11:38 AM

This hack is for 3.0x, and hasn't been converted over to 3.5x yet.

I hope someone does soon, I miss this one.

Zachariah 01-20-2006 01:45 PM

I have it almost done - I'll post soon.


cdoyle 01-20-2006 04:59 PM

Great!! Cant' wait to see it!

MarsNIIT 01-20-2006 09:29 PM

Yes, great :D

Have body know about mod display member who post many of today???

Zachariah 01-22-2006 12:56 AM

I'll post 3.5x ver. tomorrow. (Sunday - 01.22.06 PST)

- CMPS Block
- FORUMHOME (no image yet)
- AdminCP settings vs. edit Cron file.
- Other things as the hack progresses


cdoyle 01-22-2006 02:38 AM


and a CMPS block too!!!

Can't wait to see it!

jilly 01-22-2006 03:50 PM

wooohooo! Go zachariah!

cdoyle 01-22-2006 04:25 PM

Is it posted yet, is it posted yet, is it posted yet :)

MarsNIIT 01-22-2006 05:35 PM

Have body know about mod display member who post many of today???

Zachariah 01-22-2006 09:34 PM

Not yet no :D
- I was working on the forumhome layout.

Default is @ the top. I had thoughts of in the "What's Going On?" box @ the bottem.

cdoyle 01-22-2006 09:42 PM

will we be able to not have it display on the forumhome?

I'm the 3.0x version, I just had it appear on the CMPS homepage and not on the actual forum.

Zachariah 01-22-2006 10:06 PM

yes the hack will have options of both.
- I have a CMPS done
- working on the "look" of the forumhome side.

There is tons of data you can pull up from the selected member, but how much of that should be, and not shown (since its all in the Profile anyhoo.)

- Shall we go basic and work from there ?

Simple w/ no member avatar.
EX: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachmen...chmentid=20416

Zachariah 01-23-2006 01:59 AM

- Perhaps Monday.

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