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-   -   [HTL] & [Normal] Shoutbox Hack - 1.03d (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=59985)

Link14716 01-16-2004 06:52 PM

Reverse all file and template edits and run these queries:
[sql]DELETE FROM phrasetype WHERE phrasetypeid='716';
DELETE FROM phrase WHERE varname LIKE '%shoutbox%';
DELETE FROM setting WHERE varname LIKE 'shoutbox%';
DELETE FROM settinggroup WHERE grouptitle='shoutbox';
ALTER TABLE language DROP phrasegroup_shoutbox;
ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP shoutboxpermissions, DROP shouthierarchy;
ALTER TABLE user DROP shouts, DROP shoutbanned;
DROP TABLE shoutbox_posts;[/sql]

geezzaa 01-16-2004 06:58 PM

Ok i have redone everything i can think of and a square has appeared
can you take a look at www.ukctest.geezzaa.com.
Very anxious to get this working on my main site

Link14716 01-16-2004 07:02 PM

All I see is a standard vB3 RC2. Did you edit/add the templates?

AshAbed 01-16-2004 07:36 PM

my template was named shoutbox_iframe_shoubits
i had an S at the end... thanks for the help

geezzaa 01-16-2004 07:47 PM

Yes i have re checked twice

Link14716 01-16-2004 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by geezzaa
Yes i have re checked twice

Well, if you have ran the installer, done all the file edits, and added/edited the templates, then it should work perfectly.

PET 01-16-2004 09:40 PM

Just a bit offtopic.

Link14716 are you really 15 ?

Link14716 01-16-2004 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by PET
Just a bit offtopic.

Link14716 are you really 15 ?

Yep. :)

Ryan Ashbrook 01-17-2004 01:04 AM

I updated from RC1 to Final and all of the phrases aren't working.

Link14716 01-17-2004 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by Ryan Ashbrook
I updated from RC1 to Final and all of the phrases aren't working.

Try editing a phrase and saving it. If not, can you check if the phrases exist? (In the phrase manager, most of the phrase are located in the "Shoutbox Hack" phrasegroup).

Link14716 01-17-2004 01:37 AM

I noticed that the copyright phrase is messed up as well. It was fixed in the RC2 -> Final upgrade. Did you click the link at the end of the first 9 steps to continue the upgrade from RC2 -> Final?

Ryan Ashbrook 01-17-2004 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Link14716
Try editing a phrase and saving it. If not, can you check if the phrases exist? (In the phrase manager, most of the phrase are located in the "Shoutbox Hack" phrasegroup).

They're not there.

geezzaa 01-17-2004 09:19 AM

15 yrs old. Fair play mate, :)
Im nealy 40 and know f*** all about programming. Keep it up mate

Back to the problem at www.ukctest.geezzaa.com Sorry i had it set on default template and was working off a setting from cpanel.
Anyways as you can now see summit aint right any ideas??

assassingod 01-17-2004 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Ryan Ashbrook
They're not there.

You'll need to add the phrases again (or run the queries that do add them)

Link14716 01-17-2004 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Ryan Ashbrook
They're not there.

Do the phrases show up when editing a usergroup/user? If so, run install_shoutbox.php?step=5&version=10g1. If not run install_shoutbox.php?step=5&version=new.

Then run install_shoutbox.php?step=6 to update the caches.

Link14716 01-17-2004 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by geezzaa
15 yrs old. Fair play mate, :)
Im nealy 40 and know f*** all about programming. Keep it up mate

Back to the problem at www.ukctest.geezzaa.com Sorry i had it set on default template and was working off a setting from cpanel.
Anyways as you can now see summit aint right any ideas??

It appears that you didn't edit index.php. Follow the instructions for index.php in upload/admincp/shoutbox_install/new_file.txt.

infernonet 01-17-2004 04:00 PM

Nice hack thanks again :)

monstergamer 01-17-2004 05:38 PM

installed it on localhost and tried to upgrade from my Black Vivi's BVShoutbox
the first time i have tried this is said all the post and users were converter
but when i look at the shout box on the home it is blank untill i went into the shoubox.php page ***FIXED**** i turned off Use an iFrame on Forumhome

i am also having problems with the shoutbox page
the footer is beside the header (it is a fixed style)

also when editing a shout i get a blank error message

Link14716 01-17-2004 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by monstergamer
installed it on localhost and tried to upgrade from my Black Vivi's BVShoutbox
the first time i have tried this is said all the post and users were converter
but when i look at the shout box on the home it is blank untill i went into the shoubox.php page ***FIXED**** i turned off Use an iFrame on Forumhome

i am also having problems with the shoutbox page
the footer is beside the header (it is a fixed style)

also when editing a shout i get a blank error message

I can guess that you haven't added the shoutbox_iframe_shoutbit template if the shouts didn't appear on the iframe. You might need to do some template editing to get it to the shoutbox to work 100% properly on you style. And as for editing, are you sure you added the shoutbox_editshout template?

MaDCaT75 01-18-2004 05:19 AM

IMHO ya shoulda let TW_Commish convert his cause I checked the instructions over and over and I keep getting errors in the first 4 steps of the installer over and over and I cant fix it!!

AshAbed 01-18-2004 12:02 PM

can you please tell me how to place the shoutbox on the bottom of my portal(code attached)
and im using the latest version of your shoutbox(1.0)
this is how the portal looks-: http://forums.rebelliongfx.com/adv_index.php
this is the code for the portal-: http://forums.rebelliongfx.com/readme.txt
(you told me how to put the previous version on the top before, now im trying to get the new version on the bottom)

Link14716 01-18-2004 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by MaDCaT75
IMHO ya shoulda let TW_Commish convert his cause I checked the instructions over and over and I keep getting errors in the first 4 steps of the installer over and over and I cant fix it!!

Only this isn't TWTCommish's and the PHP code is 100% different. Maybe you should post these errors so I can help you fix it? This hack is working fine on most installations, if you install it properly (although it still may need some template modifications).

Link14716 01-18-2004 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by AshAbed
can you please tell me how to place the shoutbox on the bottom of my portal(code attached)
and im using the latest version of your shoutbox(1.0)
this is how the portal looks-: http://forums.rebelliongfx.com/adv_index.php
this is the code for the portal-: http://forums.rebelliongfx.com/readme.txt
(you told me how to put the previous version on the top before, now im trying to get the new version on the bottom)

The same PHP code from before should work, it's only a template edit to change where it appears.

AshAbed 01-18-2004 07:09 PM

ok thanks

MaDCaT75 01-18-2004 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Link14716
Only this isn't TWTCommish's and the PHP code is 100% different. Maybe you should post these errors so I can help you fix it? This hack is working fine on most installations, if you install it properly (although it still may need some template modifications).

Bleh nevermind I installed the other shoutbox instead... the mirc style one

monstergamer 01-19-2004 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by Link14716
I can guess that you haven't added the shoutbox_iframe_shoutbit template if the shouts didn't appear on the iframe. You might need to do some template editing to get it to the shoutbox to work 100% properly on you style. And as for editing, are you sure you added the shoutbox_editshout template?

ok the edit is working long as you try not to do it so fast

and the shoutbox_iframe_shoutbit template is there and the iFrame dose not show any post

Link14716 01-19-2004 03:05 AM

What about shoutbox_iframe?

monstergamer 01-19-2004 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by Link14716
What about shoutbox_iframe?


Brahm 01-19-2004 04:59 PM

I think I am going mad.. heh -- I can not find where to allow/disallow certain usergroups to have permission to view the shoutbox. I have it installed, but no one can access it but admins and mods and registered users. None of my other usergroups can access it.

Am I missing something? Yes my shoutbox is "active"

Link14716 01-19-2004 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by monstergamer

Well, then I don't know what to tell you. Just double and triple check everything.

Link14716 01-19-2004 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Brahm
I think I am going mad.. heh -- I can not find where to allow/disallow certain usergroups to have permission to view the shoutbox. I have it installed, but no one can access it but admins and mods and registered users. None of my other usergroups can access it.

Am I missing something? Yes my shoutbox is "active"

Usergroup permissions for the shoutbox are with every other usergroup permission - they are on the Edit Usergroup page for every usergroup.

Brahm 01-20-2004 01:55 AM

not mine...

Link14716 01-20-2004 01:59 AM

Did you edit admincp/usergroup.php?

NuclioN 01-21-2004 09:35 AM

It won't let me install on vb3 rc3. I've uninstalled the tables and the installfile won't start. "We have automatically detected your current shoutbox version, and it appears to be up-to-date."

Link14716 01-21-2004 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by NuclioN
It won't let me install on vb3 rc3. I've uninstalled the tables and the installfile won't start. "We have automatically detected your current shoutbox version, and it appears to be up-to-date."

That's because you didn't uninstall it all the way. You must get rid of all the settings, phrases, and added columns to the user and usergroup tables as well.

VampireMan 01-21-2004 01:25 PM

Upgraded to vb RC3, shoutbox still works 100% , thanks :)

Brahm 01-21-2004 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Link14716
Did you edit admincp/usergroup.php?

Could you post that edit please so I can be sure?

Link14716 01-22-2004 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Brahm
Could you post that edit please so I can be sure?

Suuuure can.

// admincp/usergroup.php -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

// find -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

                        // set default yes permissions (bitfields)
                        $ug_bitfield = array(
                                'showgroup' => 1, 'canview' => 1, 'canviewmembers' => 1,
                                'canviewothers' => 1, 'cagetattachment' => 1, 'cansearch' => 1,
                                'canmodifyprofile' => 1, 'canthreadrate' => 1, 'canpostattachment' => 1,
                                'canpostpoll' => 1, 'canvote' => 1, 'canwhosonline' => 1,
                                'allowhidden' => 1, 'showeditedby' => 1, 'canseeprofilepic' => 1,
                                'canusesignature' => 1
                        // set default numeric permissions
                        $usergroup = array(
                                'pmquota' => 0, 'pmsendmax' => 5, 'attachlimit' => 1000000,
                                'avatarmaxwidth' => 50, 'avatarmaxheight' => 50, 'avatarmaxsize' => 20000,
                                'profilepicmaxwidth' => 100, 'profilepicmaxheight' => 100, 'profilepicmaxsize' => 25000

// replace with -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

                        // set default yes permissions (bitfields)
                        $ug_bitfield = array(
                                'showgroup' => 1, 'canview' => 1, 'canviewmembers' => 1,
                                'canviewothers' => 1, 'cagetattachment' => 1, 'cansearch' => 1,
                                'canmodifyprofile' => 1, 'canthreadrate' => 1, 'canpostattachment' => 1,
                                'canpostpoll' => 1, 'canvote' => 1, 'canwhosonline' => 1,
                                'allowhidden' => 1, 'showeditedby' => 1, 'canseeprofilepic' => 1,
                                'canusesignature' => 1, 'shoutview' => 1, 'shoutpost' => 1, 'shoutedit' => 1,
                                'shoutdelete' => 1, 'shouthdelete' => 0, 'shouteditothers' => 0,
                                'shoutdeleteothers' => 0, 'shouthdeleteothers' => 0, 'shoutip' => 0,
                                'shoutcoventry' => 0
                        // set default numeric permissions
                        $usergroup = array(
                                'pmquota' => 0, 'pmsendmax' => 5, 'attachlimit' => 1000000,
                                'avatarmaxwidth' => 50, 'avatarmaxheight' => 50, 'avatarmaxsize' => 20000,
                                'profilepicmaxwidth' => 100, 'profilepicmaxheight' => 100, 'profilepicmaxsize' => 25000,
                                'shouthierarchy' => 5, 'shoutmaxdaily' =>0

// find -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

        if ($usergroupid != 1) // Guests can not post attachments

// add above -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

        print_yes_no_row($vbphrase['shoutbox_admin_permissions_canview'], 'usergroup[shoutview]', $ug_bitfield['shoutview']);
        print_yes_no_row($vbphrase['shoutbox_admin_permissions_canshout'], 'usergroup[shoutpost]', $ug_bitfield['shoutpost']);
        print_input_row($vbphrase['shoutbox_admin_permissions_maxdaily'], 'usergroup[shoutmaxdaily]', $usergroup[shoutmaxdaily]);
        if ($usergroupid != 1) { // Allow guests to shout but do nothing else...
                print_yes_no_row($vbphrase['shoutbox_admin_permissions_canedit'], 'usergroup[shoutedit]', $ug_bitfield['shoutedit']);
                print_yes_no_row($vbphrase['shoutbox_admin_permissions_candelete'], 'usergroup[shoutdelete]', $ug_bitfield['shoutdelete']);
                print_yes_no_row($vbphrase['shoutbox_admin_permissions_canhdelete'], 'usergroup[shouthdelete]', $ug_bitfield['shouthdelete']);
                print_yes_no_row($vbphrase['shoutbox_admin_permissions_caneditothers'], 'usergroup[shouteditothers]', $ug_bitfield['shouteditothers']);
                print_yes_no_row($vbphrase['shoutbox_admin_permissions_candeleteothers'], 'usergroup[shoutdeleteothers]', $ug_bitfield['shoutdeleteothers']);
                print_yes_no_row($vbphrase['shoutbox_admin_permissions_canhdeleteothers'], 'usergroup[shouthdeleteothers]', $ug_bitfield['shouthdeleteothers']);
                print_yes_no_row($vbphrase['shoutbox_admin_permissions_canip'], 'usergroup[shoutip]', $ug_bitfield['shoutip']);
                print_yes_no_row($vbphrase['shoutbox_admin_permissions_coventry'], 'usergroup[shoutcoventry]', $ug_bitfield['shoutcoventry']);
                if ($vboptions['shoutbox_enablehierarchy'] == 1) {
                        print_input_row($vbphrase['shoutbox_admin_permissions_hierarchy'], 'usergroup[shouthierarchy]', $usergroup['shouthierarchy']);

Alien 01-22-2004 03:39 AM

Very nice job with this, thanks a bunch.

Martin CX 01-22-2004 08:39 AM

Two things:

First of all, some of my users are complaining that they are getting errors both when they try to read the iframe and the full-screen version. They are told, their usergroup isn't allowed to read the blablabla... but they are members of the ordinary registered usergroup and they should be allowed

Second: When upgrading to RC3 which steps do I have to repeat in the installation?

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