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Alfo 04-10-2002 10:15 PM


Originally posted by GOD-Dblade
i cant get this hack to work with 2.2.5...there a reason for this? shows a error...

Warning: Variable passed to reset() is not an array or object in /home/virtual/site16/fst/var/www/html/forums/admin/vbhacker.php on line 278
Warning: The vBulletin version you are currently using (2.2.5) does not match the vBulletin version required by this hack ().

I think the hack has to be written for your current version, could you add more information like what hack you were trying to install?

Logician 04-11-2002 09:56 AM

I am impressed! This is a very nice add-on and should be default in vbulletin releases in the future..

I am surprised nobody has commented about the most important benefit of using this system: It makes upgrading the vbulletin very easy! It's now a pain to read an anouncement that vbulletin has a new version especially if your board was heavily hacked. But if all hack writers comply with this standart, there will be no concern in upgrading your board anymore.

I'll try my best to publish my upcoming hacks with vbhacker maker.



Ps. After getting used to it, I may post a few tips or suggestions for the next releases. ;)

Logician 04-18-2002 01:22 PM

Firefly, can you please check what am I missing here:

I'm trying to replace template "email_pmboxfull" for a hack I'm trying to convert into vbhackmaker.

Template has this data:
-- cut --

$bbuserinfo[username] has just tried to send you a private message. However, your private messages box on $bbtitle has reached the specified quota. In order to receive further private messages, you must delete some messages. Please visit this page to do so:

$bbtitle team
---cut --

I copied&pasted this data from the original template to vbhackermaker 3 times, trying to be careful about trailing space or smt.

However I cant make vbhacker replace the data with the new code. I receive "The code needed in the "email_pmboxfull" template in the "Default" template set was not found." (and I'm trying to replace "default template" while applying the hack). Am I missing smt. or might there be a tiny bug here?


Jawelin 04-18-2002 04:21 PM


Originally posted by Jawelin
If I used a custom directory below the admin folder, do you think it should be enough simply to add a '../' just before any file path reference within vbhacker.php ? :eek:
Of course, that dir itself should be moded to 777, shouldn it ?

Thank you very much.

:nervous: I'm here again... just to make some kind of order in my /admin/ directory.... I'd prefer an /admin/vbhacker/ very much.
Should it be hard ?

Mutt 04-24-2002 03:39 AM

Love vbhacker and wanted to contribute. I was playing around with vbHackMaker today and tried adding 2 things to it.

when editing a hack you have to type in the name of the file. I grabbed some code from vbhacker and now it lists all available hacks instead. that way you can just pick it from the list.

after you make a hack you have to manually save the text to a .hack.php file. now you can just submit the last form and it creates the file for you in your admin dir. there is no error checking involved when writing the file. someone might want to put in some checks. (grabbed code for vbhacker to do this as well.)

of course, I've included a vbhacker file :)

DWZ 04-27-2002 02:55 AM

Someone think they can help me?

I have installed vbHacker and wish to install the Users browsing this thread hack. I have copyed vbHacker to my /forims/admin/ directory and set the entire /forums/ direcotry (and all sub-folders) to chmod 777.

When I went to run vbHacker, i selected the Users browsing this thread hack and hit "install" I then told it to do everything, in the next screen, im told it cant edit the files and It needs chmod 0777 or something. Any ideas what I have done wrong?

Oh, and last thing, is it save to keep chmod set to 777? I mean, some idiot user cant come around and do something with this new chmod?



JTMON 04-27-2002 02:49 PM

finally installed this and using on 2.2.5 with Portal, works great. You truly ARE the PRESIDENT!:D

DWZ 04-30-2002 10:58 AM


Originally posted by DWZ
Someone think they can help me?

I have installed vbHacker and wish to install the Users browsing this thread hack. I have copyed vbHacker to my /forims/admin/ directory and set the entire /forums/ direcotry (and all sub-folders) to chmod 777.

When I went to run vbHacker, i selected the Users browsing this thread hack and hit "install" I then told it to do everything, in the next screen, im told it cant edit the files and It needs chmod 0777 or something. Any ideas what I have done wrong?

Oh, and last thing, is it save to keep chmod set to 777? I mean, some idiot user cant come around and do something with this new chmod?




KuraFire 04-30-2002 03:43 PM

Amazing, the brilliance of this thing....


Well done, FireFly :)

DWZ 05-02-2002 03:20 AM


Originally posted by DWZ

come on, please, anyone?

TalkHardRandy 05-05-2002 09:01 PM

Here's on for you hacker like gods...

I installed VBHacker & my first installed hack was the Mulit-Quote hack. Well, since my ISP doesn't allow telnet to the server, I have to do the PHP mods manually. I get through to the last step & have a new Multi-Quote hack installed... but I can't get back to see the list of other hacks. It's just stuck there... no forward... no backward... no nothing...

Any ideas how to reset vbhacker.php to accept a new hack?

Smalley 05-07-2002 02:08 AM

when we can expact vbhacker version 2.2.5 ?!?


DWZ 05-13-2002 09:06 AM

I still can't get this to work :(

I set my admin cp directory to CHMOD 777 yet it still cant edit files...

Here is my phpinfo if you need it... http://www.consoleradar.com/phpinfo/

Admin 05-13-2002 11:01 AM

You must CHMOD every .php file.

DWZ 05-17-2002 11:08 AM


Originally posted by FireFly
You must CHMOD every .php file.

OK, well, i did that and its working fine :D

Thanks FireFly

Brad 05-17-2002 11:47 AM

chen ive been meaning to rpely to this for awhile but keep forgetting, i love this man, its better then using multihack, i love your work and hope your around for a loooong time :), keep up the good work man, you know we love ya for it :bunny:

FleaBag 05-21-2002 11:40 AM

Isn't CHMOD'ing every file a security risk? I thought 777 would allow for harmful access to my files?

Admin 05-21-2002 11:42 AM

It is a security risk, but you should CHMOD the files back after you are done.

FleaBag 05-21-2002 12:02 PM

I'd always been a little wary about installing this on my site for some reason, I came accross some hacks that only have vbhacker versions and I just realised what I've been missing out on! Running smoothly on 2.2.5. Thanks FireFly! :)

FleaBag 05-21-2002 12:08 PM

FireFly what should I CHMOD them back to?

Admin 05-21-2002 12:29 PM

644 (rw-r--r--).

FleaBag 05-21-2002 12:37 PM

OK, thanks FireFly. It might be an idea to tell people in your first post what files need to be CHMOD' to which value and what to change them back to, I spent a while looking around this thread and didn't understand why things weren't working.

Two requests for future versions... can backup files be saved with a date and hack name in them? For example if you added the /me hack today the file would be called functions.21-05-02.me.bak - and in it's own folder. Maybe more complicated than it's worth! It would make error tracking easier if you installed a few hacks on the same day don't you think? Also, hacks in their own folder too if that's possible.

On a final note, FireFly, could you possibly help me rectify a problem in the moderation queue hack for the calendar?

Thanks. :)

DelusionalMind 05-24-2002 06:58 AM

all i have to say, is DAMN. I love this!

2 questions though...

1) when i go to apply a hack, I keep getting this accross the top of vbhacker (and also when i just open vbhacker.php)

Warning: Unterminated comment starting line 755 in /home/sites/site43/web/forum/admin/vbhacker.php on line 755
2) When I open up vbhacker.php, I get the error message above, as well as:

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/sites/site43/web/forum/admin/vbhacker.php:755) in /home/sites/site43/web/forum/admin/functions.php on line 1548
Why is it doing this? Sorry if this has been asked already...i looked around but didn't see anythin. Thanks!

Mone' 05-28-2002 09:42 AM

Thx for this one
installing hacks is so easy with this ;)

but i still get this error message :


Warning: Empty delimiter

in /home/site/public_html/forum/admin/vbhacker.php on line 132

I' m using vb2.2.6

any suggestion?



sidhighwind 05-30-2002 07:04 PM


I love all your Hacks. This one is the best. Alto I do see somethings that vbhacker and vbhackmaker need. support for replacments. i would see that as a valuable addition to the hacks.

Thanks again for all the great hacks

SiD :cool:

sidhighwind 05-30-2002 08:05 PM

I just found an glitch in the script.

when ever i put a single quote into a hack and try and run it. it always leaves the slash in there before the single quote but on the ones that i have downloaded it works fine. i am running 2.2.6. any ideas on what could be the problem?


Ok i got it fixed. all i had to do was turn magic_quotes_gpc off.

Thanks in advance


Dolamite 06-04-2002 12:29 AM

man i have been waiting for something like this for a very long time..... FireFly.... you are my hero..... thank you man!

PS. anyone know when vb3 comes out?

Kinox 06-10-2002 03:27 AM

vbhackmaker - FIX
magic_quotes_gpc - fix

When? been waiting over 2 and 1/2 months now...
vbhackmaker still generates extra slashes when I try to edit a xxxx.hack.php file... arg...

Derek 06-18-2002 10:46 AM

To those of you wanting to add this to your Admin CP, just use the code that I used... I noticed that the other code didn't work, and this was tested.

PHP Code:


PHP Code:

// ***
makenavoption("Add Hack","/admin/vbhacker.php?","|");
makenavoption("Make Hack","/adminvbhackmaker.php?");
makenavselect("vbHacker | vbHackMaker","<hr>"); 

Just want to help those of who never got it added in to their Admin CP correctly.

FleaBag 06-19-2002 06:50 PM

Working great on 2.2.6, thanks! :)

Admin 06-20-2002 05:09 AM

You again! :eek:

FleaBag 06-20-2002 09:18 AM

Me?! I'm sorry... I just get these hacking urges... :(

Kinox 06-25-2002 05:38 AM

Version: 1.0.2
vBversion: 2.2.6.

Well, I got tired of waiting for an updated version that fixs many things like:

General look...
magic_quotes - duble "\\" in hackmaker when you try to edit something...
More options...
auto hack generation...
+ more...

Anyways you can use this or not... I wrote this update for personal use only...

And this version dose not work on .hack.php hacks made by vbhackmaker v1.0.1...

I give no support on this...

FIX to vbhackmaker, it had a bug that I just found...
Please redownload the zip file...

[edit] - Important FIX
Added .htaccess to correct duble slashes, all in zip file... +vbhackmaker code fixs...


Kinox 06-25-2002 05:39 AM


globalwin 06-25-2002 06:03 AM

looks mint, thanx :D

scsa20 06-25-2002 06:23 AM

this looks promiseing, I'll try it ;)

pattox2k1 06-25-2002 09:13 AM

wait is there any diff between the versions????

Chris M 06-25-2002 09:58 AM


This version looks better:)


Admin 06-25-2002 10:10 AM


DestyNova 06-26-2002 10:10 PM


You re ... er... ah... arrhg.. oh yeah, god!

I was disappoint that Firefly's hack doesnt work on my host server since my server refuse to turn off the magic_quotes_gpc so I have no choice until now...

Thanks Firefly for making this cool hack and thanks Kinox to roll your sleeves and fix it up. It is beautiful work, indeed! thanks! :thumb up:


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