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Tarion 12-17-2001 10:06 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by bira

Hi Tarion,

that requires an extra condition - so it depends where you want it.

1) If you want an extra link in the memberlist's navbar, then open memberlist.php and find:


  if ($what=="datejoined") {



  if ($what=="away") {
          $condition.=" AND away='1'";

The open the memberlist template and add a link to memberlist.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&what=away

2) if you want to add the away to the ADVANCED SEARCH in the member's list,



    if ($postsupper!="") {
      $condition.=" AND posts<'$postsupper'";



    if ($away=="1") {
            $condition.=" AND away='1'";
    } elseif ($away=="2") {
            $condition.=" AND away='0'";

Open template memberlistsearch, and find:


        <td bgcolor="#F1F1F1"><normalfont><b>and Number of Posts is less than</b></normalfont></td>
        <td bgcolor="#F1F1F1"><normalfont><input type="text" class="bginput" size="35" name="postsupper" value=""></normalfont></td>



        <td bgcolor="#DFDFDF"><normalfont><b>and user is away or not</b></normalfont></td>
        <td bgcolor="#DFDFDF"><normalfont><select name="away">
    <option value=""></option>
    <option value="2">user is NOT away</option>
    <option value="1">user IS away</option>

JJR512 12-17-2001 12:14 PM

Yes, those hacks do exist. They don't have to exist plentifully; all you need is one, that modified just one line that another later hack also wants to modify. One such very extensive hack is ethank's persistent mark forum read hack.

And yes, you can search for just a part of the line. The potential problem with that is that as you make your search less specific, the chances increase of you finding what you're searching for more than once. In that event, you can either look at the text around each hit, and see if it looks close enough to what you're supposed to be looking for that you can reasonably decide you've found it. Alternatively, line numbers would make that process a lot easier; you would just have to find the partial search terms at or near the specified line number.

Please understand, I am not saying that line numbers are the ultimate best solution. There are multiple ways for handling any situation here, and what might be best for you, might not be best for some (anybody feel like singing the theme song from Diff'rent Strokes? :D).

Hooper 12-17-2001 12:33 PM

Amen JJ,

I'll sing different strokes with you! :D

ptbyjason 12-17-2001 01:48 PM

I think this is a great hack, and I can't wait to use it. I ran into a problem installing it though. I am running version 2.03 and when I look in my usercp.php I cannot find any code that matches the two I am suppose to find. :confused:

Lesane 12-17-2001 02:21 PM

Well, check again :p because i'm using also 2.0.3 and the code matched.

ptbyjason 12-17-2001 02:59 PM

I've tried it several times now and I just tried it again. I have used my search command and I have even searched for just part of the string in case my code is messed up. The code is still the original without modification, so I don't know why it wouldn't be in there. I saw the code that you had help with on the first page for functions.php and I couldn't find the original code in the download nor the code bira suggested. Functions.php and usercp.php are the only ones that I am having problems with. Everything else was found easily.

Remi 12-17-2001 03:11 PM

Hi Bira

It is me, again :D

what can I do, I love your hacks :D

Is this hack compatable with tha Random Password hack.

I noticed this in the /root/member.php

$bbuserinfo[usergroupid]'$changepw $awaysql WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'

is that the right order


Lesane 12-17-2001 03:19 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by ptbyjason
I've tried it several times now and I just tried it again. I have used my search command and I have even searched for just part of the string in case my code is messed up. The code is still the original without modification, so I don't know why it wouldn't be in there. I saw the code that you had help with on the first page for functions.php and I couldn't find the original code in the download nor the code bira suggested. Functions.php and usercp.php are the only ones that I am having problems with. Everything else was found easily.

ptbyjason 12-17-2001 03:34 PM


In the usercp.php I can't find

$sql="SELECT userid,username,invisible,lastactivity

AND I can't find

if ((!$buddy[invisible] or $bbuserinfo['usergroupid']==6) and $buddy[lastactivity]>$datecut) {
} else {

In the functions.php I can't find (orginal install)

if ($post['lastactivity'] > $datecut and !$post['invisible'] and $post['lastvisit'] != $post['lastactivity']) {
eval("\$onlinestatus = \"".gettemplate("postbit_online")."\";");
} else {
eval("\$onlinestatus = \"".gettemplate("postbit_offline")."\";");

NOR (modified by bira on page 1)

if ($post[sessionuserid]>0) {
eval("\$onlinestatus = \"".gettemplate("postbit_online")."\";");
} else {
eval("\$onlinestatus = \"".gettemplate("postbit_offline")."\";");

eva2000 12-17-2001 04:04 PM

i'm just going through 'Bira only made' hacks today and wow !!!

Going to be adding some of these hacks right after christmas :D

Lesane 12-17-2001 05:10 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by ptbyjason

In the usercp.php I can't find

$sql="SELECT userid,username,invisible,lastactivity

Right, thats this rule on 20:

$sql="SELECT DISTINCT session.lastactivity, user.userid,username,session.userid AS online,invisible,away

(i have added away on the end)

ptbyjason 12-17-2001 05:25 PM

Ok, now that was what I needed. Thank you so much Lesane. Now last question before I change this. Since I have changed the code I was looking for, do I put the code in that is says in the original install or do I need to alter it in anyway?

Lesane 12-17-2001 06:32 PM

Here are the instructions for the usercp.php code.

ptbyjason 12-17-2001 07:25 PM

The whole database goes down and I get the following error when I follow the instructions:

Parse error: parse error in /business/bclapp/html/vbulletin/admin/functions.php on line 2103

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getuserinfo() in /business/bclapp/html/vbulletin/admin/sessions.php on line 327

This is the code I put in from the for functions.php

PHP Code:

// Leave Away Message in Profile (v1.0)
if ($post[away]=="1") {
"\$onlinestatus = \"".gettemplate("postbit_away")."\";");
            } else {
                if (
$post[sessionuserid]>0) {
"\$onlinestatus = \"".gettemplate("postbit_online")."\";");
                } else {
"\$onlinestatus = \"".gettemplate("postbit_offline")."\";");
// Leave Away Message in Profile (v1.0) 

Lesane, I am so sorry that I haven't gotten this down yet. I haven't had any trouble installing anything until this one.

Adding this:

functions.php line 2103

$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM post WHERE postid IN ($postids"."0)");

Sessions.php is still original.

ptbyjason 12-17-2001 07:59 PM

D'oh figured it out. Sorry. Who would have thought placing a code after what it is suppose to replace in functions.php could cause the problem? jk :)

Thank you for your patience Lesane, I couldn't have done it without you.

Lesane 12-18-2001 09:05 AM

Your welcome :), so it works fine now?

ptbyjason 12-18-2001 12:19 PM

It works perfectly now Lesane. I couldn't be happier. :D

Tarion 12-18-2001 01:46 PM

Hi Bira,

i have a little problem viewing my modifie_profile template, wenn i add an bithday, the day and the month of the birthday is also showing in the selectboxes of your hack, i tried to get it work but it doesn't.

here the template:
PHP Code:

td bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}" colspan="2"><normalfont color="{tableheadtextcolor}" class="thtcolor"><b>Abwesenheitsinformation</b></normalfont> <smallfont color="{tableheadtextcolor}" class=thtcolor>Benutze diese Option um anderen Mitglieder deine Abwesenheit zu signalisieren</smallfont></td>
td bgcolor="{secondaltcolor}"><b><normalfont>Abwesenheits Status</normalfont></b><br><smallfont>$awaystatus</smallfont></td>
td bgcolor="{secondaltcolor}"><normalfont><input type="radio" name="away" value="0" $away0checkedBin da &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="radio" name="away" value="1" $away1checkedBin abwesend</normalfont></td>
td bgcolor="{firstaltcolor}"><b><normalfont>Abwesenheits Grund:</normalfont></b><br><smallfont>max200 Zeichen</smallfont></td>
td bgcolor="{firstaltcolor}"><normalfont><input type="text" class="bginput" name="awayreason" value="$bbuserinfo[awayreason]size="30" maxlength="200"></normalfont></td>
td bgcolor="{secondaltcolor}"><b><normalfont>R?ckkehr Datum:</normalfont></b></td>
td bgcolor="{secondaltcolor}">
table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
td><smallfont><select name="awayday">
option value="">Tag</option>
option value="1" $day01selected>1</option>
option value="2" $day02selected>2</option>
option value="3" $day03selected>3</option>
option value="4" $day04selected>4</option>
option value="5" $day05selected>5</option>
option value="6" $day06selected>6</option>
option value="7" $day07selected>7</option>
option value="8" $day08selected>8</option>
option value="9" $day09selected>9</option>
option value="10" $day10selected>10</option>
option value="11" $day11selected>11</option>
option value="12" $day12selected>12</option>
option value="13" $day13selected>13</option>
option value="14" $day14selected>14</option>
option value="15" $day15selected>15</option>
option value="16" $day16selected>16</option>
option value="17" $day17selected>17</option>
option value="18" $day18selected>18</option>
option value="19" $day19selected>19</option>
option value="20" $day20selected>20</option>
option value="21" $day21selected>21</option>
option value="22" $day22selected>22</option>
option value="23" $day23selected>23</option>
option value="24" $day24selected>24</option>
option value="25" $day25selected>25</option>
option value="26" $day26selected>26</option>
option value="27" $day27selected>27</option>
option value="28" $day28selected>28</option>
option value="29" $day29selected>29</option>
option value="30" $day30selected>30</option>
option value="31" $day31selected>31</option>
td><smallfont><select name="awaymonth">
option value="">Monat</option>
option value="1" $month01selected>Januar</option>
option value="2" $month02selected>Februar</option>
option value="3" $month03selected>M?rz</option>
option value="4" $month04selected>April</option>
option value="5" $month05selected>Mai</option>
option value="6" $month06selected>Juni</option>
option value="7" $month07selected>Juli</option>
option value="8" $month08selected>August</option>
option value="9" $month09selected>September</option>
option value="10" $month10selected>Oktober</option>
option value="11" $month11selected>November</option>
option value="12" $month12selected>Dezember</option>
td><smallfont><select name="awayyear">
option value="">Jahr</option>
option value="01" $year2001selected>2001</option>
option value="02" $year2002selected>2002</option>
option value="03" $year2003selected>2003</option>
option value="04" $year2004selected>2004</option>

and here the part of member.php i insert your code:

PHP Code:

  // Get referrals
if ($usereferrer) {
    if (
$backcolor=="#13486D") {
$bgclass "alt2";
    } else {
$bgclass "alt1";
$refcount $DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS count
                                       FROM user
                                       WHERE referrerid = '
$referrals $refcount[count];
"\$referrals = \"".gettemplate("getinfo_referrals")."\";");
// Leave Away Message in Profile (v1.2)
if ($userinfo[away]=="1") {
$sincedate vbdate($dateformat$userinfo[awaydate]);
    if (
$userinfo[returndate]=="0000-00-00") {
$returndate "Unbekannt";
    } else {
$returnaway explode("-"$userinfo[returndate]);
$returndate vbdate($dateformatmktime(0,0,0,$returnaway[1],$returnaway[2],$returnaway[0]));
"\$away .= \"".gettemplate("getinfo_away")."\";");
  } else {
$away "";
// Leave Away Message in Profile (v1.2)

  // get extra profile fields 

THX Bira

Sorry but the template is in german, i hope you understand this so far ;)

bira 12-18-2001 07:40 PM

Tarion, yes, that was a mistake I made which FireFly commented about in the first page of this thread :)

You need to change all the $xxxxxselected> in the template to $xxxxxaway> (replace 'selected' with 'away').

Then, in member.php, find:


    $dayname = "day".$returndate[2]."selected";
    $$dayname = "selected";
    $monthname = "month".$returndate[1]."selected";
    $$monthname = "selected";
    $yearname = "year".$returndate[0]."selected";
    $$yearname = "selected";

And replace it with:


    $dayname = "day".$returndate[2]."[high]away[/high]";
    $$dayname = "selected";
    $monthname = "month".$returndate[1]."[high]away[/high]";
    $$monthname = "selected";
    $yearname = "year".$returndate[0]."[high]away[/high]";
    $$yearname = "selected";

Remi 12-19-2001 09:02 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Remi
Hi Bira

It is me, again :D

what can I do, I love your hacks :D

Is this hack compatable with tha Random Password hack.

I noticed this in the /root/member.php

$bbuserinfo[usergroupid]'$changepw $awaysql WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'

is that the right order


Tarion 12-19-2001 09:04 AM

great bira, it works perfect now :) youre wonderfull and it's a very good hack.

THX for your fast support

bira 12-19-2001 09:05 AM

oops, sorry Remi -- yes, that's the correct order :)

Thanks :)

the_sisko 12-22-2001 03:30 PM

Just a small add on I created and want to share with you:
It's just a small CP add on which shows all away users.

To add it do the following:
In admin/index.php
PHP Code:


Add above:
PHP Code:

makenavoption("Find away user","user.php?action=findaway"); 

In admin/user.php
PHP Code:


Add above:
PHP Code:

// ###################### Start findaway #######################
if ($action=="findaway") {

  if (
$orderby=="") {
  if (
$limitstart=="") {
  } else {
  if (
$limitnumber=="") {

$users=$DB_site->query("SELECT user.userid,username,FROM_UNIXTIME(awaydate) AS awaydate,returndate,awayreason,away FROM user WHERE away = 1 ORDER BY $orderby $direction LIMIT $limitstart,$limitnumber");
$countusers=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS users FROM user WHERE away=1");

"<p>Showing records ".($limitstart+1)." to ".iif($limitfinish>$countusers[users],$countusers[users],$limitfinish)." of $countusers[users]. Click username to view forum profile.</p>";

"<tr class='tblhead'>";
"<td><p><b><span class='tblhead'>Name</span></b></p></td>";
"<td><p><b><span class='tblhead'>Options</span></b></p></td>";
"<td><p><b><span class='tblhead'>Away reason</span></b></p></td>";
"<td><p><b><span class='tblhead'>Away date</span></b></p></td>";
"<td><p><b><span class='tblhead'>Return date</span></b></p></td>";

  while (
$user=$DB_site->fetch_array($users)) {

"<tr class='".getrowbg()."'>";
"<td><p><a href='../member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&userid=$user[userid]' target='_blank'>$user[username]</a>&nbsp;</p></td>";
// end while
echo "</table></td></tr></table></form>";

  if (
$limitnumber!=99999999 AND $limitfinish<$countusers[users]) {
"<input type=submit value=\"Show Next Page\">";

Upload the two files and you will find a new link under Users: "Find away user ".

Thats all ;)
Not the best, but it works

bira 12-22-2001 03:33 PM

hey the_sisko - long time no see!!!

You know, I was wondering where you were -- I never got the chance to thank you for the Links Directory hack :up: :up: :up:

Thanks for the add-on :)

bira 12-22-2001 03:41 PM


Not sure the 4 is required :D

the_sisko 12-22-2001 03:53 PM

Thx bira,...;)

Changed post above with .php. Its my system running on .php4...I always forget to change it :D

Sadie Frost 12-22-2001 05:44 PM

Great add-on! That will be so useful!

Could someone help me with what to put in the postbit template to display in their posts when people are away?

And did somebody say links directory hack? *goes off to search for that one*


Bedhead 12-22-2001 05:59 PM

Thanks the_sisko

Works great

bira 12-22-2001 06:32 PM

Sadie the Links Directory hack can be found at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...threadid=12815

You can see a demonstration of it on my BB:

Sadie Frost 12-22-2001 07:33 PM

Thanks so much bira (that's a good one!)


DelusionalMind 12-24-2001 01:43 AM

gonna be installing this in a few :)

awesome hack. thanks a lot :) I'm sure this will be used frequently on my teen forum :) :up:

Parker Clack 12-25-2001 06:03 PM


I hope you don't mind but I have added a couple of things to the main script and the control panel script

Where you have:

// Leave Away Message in Profile (v1.0)
if ($away=="1") {
$awaysql = ",away='$away',awaydate='".time()."',returndate='" .$awayyear."-".$awaymonth."-".$awayday."',awayreason='".addslashes(htmlspecial chars(censortext($awayreason)))."'";
} else {
$awaysql = ",away='0',awaydate='',returndate='',awayreason='' ";
// Leave Away Message in Profile (v1.0)

in the member.php file change this to:

// Leave Away Message in Profile (v1.0)
if ($away=="1") {
$awaysql = ",away='$away',awaydate='".time()."',returndate='" .$awayyear."-".$awaymonth."-".$awayday."',awayreason='".addslashes(htmlspecial chars(censortext($awayreason)))."'";
} else {
$awaysql = ",away='0',awaydate='',returndate='',awayreason='' ";
// Leave Away Message in Profile (v1.0)

and then in the user.php file

where you have:

if ($awaydate!="") {
$awaydate="UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($awaydate) ."')";
} else {

just below this put

if ($away==1) {
} else {

The changes to the member.php file I highlighted and user.php file is just the add on.

Both will set the showemail option to either one or zero if they are away or back. That way people can't email them if they are away.


bira 12-25-2001 07:25 PM


The problem with your add-on is that it forces the change on the user, and without his knowledge.

Example: say you have showemail=0 by default. You set yourself away, it stays 0. You return, and it changes it to 1 without you knowing...

Likewise, if you WANT to continue getting e-mails while you're away, you're not gonna be able to, and you won't even know that it's disabled.



Parker Clack 12-25-2001 09:26 PM


Hmm.....I will have to work on this.


SirSteve 12-27-2001 04:18 AM

This isn't a big deal but when a user is away and the Buddy List alt tag message says "User is Away-line"

Dex 01-21-2002 10:49 AM

The installation went well and I did all the manual changes by the letter. Yet I get the following error message when I try to access the admin panel in order to do the necessary template changes:

"Parse error: parse error in /home/*****/public_html/memberarea/admin/functions.php on line 242

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getuserinfo() in /home/*****/public_html/memberarea/admin/sessions.php on line 108"


Shenlong 01-21-2002 02:31 PM

mines just plainly not showing up.....heres a screenshot


nuke 01-21-2002 08:23 PM



if ($post['lastactivity'] > $datecut and !$post['invisible'] and $post['lastvisit'] != $post['lastactivity']) {
eval("\$onlinestatus = \"".gettemplate("postbit_online")."\";");
} else {
eval("\$onlinestatus = \"".gettemplate("postbit_offline")."\";");

REPLACE that with:

// Leave Away Message in Profile (v1.2)
if ($post[away]=="1") {
eval("\$onlinestatus = \"".gettemplate("postbit_away")."\";");
} else {
if ($post['lastactivity'] > $datecut and !$post['invisible'] and $post['lastvisit'] != $post['lastactivity']) {
eval("\$onlinestatus = \"".gettemplate("postbit_online")."\";");
} else {
eval("\$onlinestatus = \"".gettemplate("postbit_offline")."\";");
// Leave Away Message in Profile (v1.2)

By this Code Pharsen Error in Funktions.php

Pleas Help


PS: Very God HAck

Joshua Clinard 01-22-2002 05:04 AM

Bira, did you add all the addons, including the_sisko's cpanel addon to the zip?

Wolf42 01-22-2002 01:45 PM

Thx, great hack, ...

but one question: What changes do I have to make in the "showgroups.php" to the forum-staff is away or not?

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