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b-b00gie 03-11-2002 04:44 AM

I guess this doesnt work with Netscape?

It works fine in IE, but I'm trying it with NS 6 and nothing happens... :ermm:

FWC 03-11-2002 05:24 AM


Originally posted by b-b00gie
I guess this doesnt work with Netscape?

It works fine in IE, but I'm trying it with NS 6 and nothing happens... :ermm:

What does work with Nutscrape? It's junk. :tired:

b-b00gie 03-11-2002 10:19 AM

Well I use IE, but I'm concerned about the rest of my visitors.

It looks like this goes above and beyond the 'blink PM' hack. All the tables in vb are messed up in Netscape 6. They are all sized incorrectly. Same goes for the text fields.

If you click on a smilie to insert it, it erases your text. Also... why are animated gifs moving at 10x the correct speed!! aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!@#$!@!


EDIT: ok, looks like the smilies thing was a one time thing.. it works now.

This is with Netscape 6.2 btw. Tested on XP and NT4.

Will vb3 fix any of these issues? Mainly the table/textbox sizes?

Admin 03-11-2002 11:22 AM

Just edit the javascript code in the hack... replace the {replacement} with whatever color code you want.

b-b00gie 03-11-2002 11:49 AM

PHP Code:

<script language="JavaScript">
$pmblink pmBox
$pmblink setInterval("Timer()"500);
$pmblink x=1;
Timer() {
x==&& set==1) {
pmBox.bgColor='#336D95" background="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/catagory_backing.gif';
x==&& set==1) {
// End -->

Thats what I have as the javascript, it still doesnt work.

I've also tried:

pmBox.bgColor='#D60000'; & pmBox.bgColor=#D60000;

Help! :cry:

Ack!! how do I paste code without having it come up with the category colors from this forum?

Anyway.. I have {variables} for the category color which is fine... the flashing color I manually set to #D60000 (red). It doesnt work in NS 6.2

Radon3k 03-11-2002 02:33 PM

FireFly-It works great, thanks! :)

b-b00gie-You have to leave the {} in there. It works just fine for me! :)

b-b00gie 03-11-2002 02:41 PM


Originally posted by Radon3k
FireFly-It works great, thanks! :)

b-b00gie-You have to leave the {} in there. It works just fine for me! :)

Tried that too a few minutes ago.

How about this... on 4 different machines running 95,98,XP,NT all with Netscape 6.2 the blink PM wont even work on vbulletin.org when I send myself a PM..

Do any of you even have NS 6.2 installed that are telling me it works?? :(

Dont get me wrong this works like a charm in IE and I LOVE IT!!! but I'm concerned with my netscape viewers... :(

Admin 03-11-2002 04:16 PM

It's probably because of Nutscrape unbelievably crappiness which doesn't support this code. Sorry. :(

b-b00gie 03-11-2002 04:28 PM

OK.. no worries then... :cool:

I was just getting frustrated because I thought others were saying it does work with Netscape 6. But then I tried it on this site and it didnt work here either.. :disappointed:

Thanks for the help though! :tired:

Birdie501 03-13-2002 10:55 AM


can somebody tell me how to change the code that when the table is blinking and you go over this field it will be linked to the privat messages in user cp?

Sorry for my english :)


FWC 03-15-2002 04:47 AM


Originally posted by Birdie501

can somebody tell me how to change the code that when the table is blinking and you go over this field it will be linked to the privat messages in user cp?

Sorry for my english :)



onclick="window.location.href='private.php?s=$sess ion[sessionhash]'

to the <td> at the beginning of forumhome_pmloggedin.

jjj0923 03-18-2002 12:33 AM

I just love simple and highly functional hacks and this one sure qualifies...


- jeff

Webmasta XT 03-20-2002 09:43 AM

ok, mine never flashes, everytime there is a new PM, it just goes to a different color then the rest but doesn't flash, why?
This is what I have in my Template:
PHP Code:

<tr id="cat">
td id="pmBox" bgcolor="{categorybackcolor}" colspan="6"><a href="private.php?s=$session[sessionhash]title="Click Here to Open Your Private Messages $inboxname"><normalfont color="{categoryfontcolor}"><b>Private Messages</normalfont></b></a></td>
td bgcolor="{secondaltcolor}" align="center" valign="top"><img src="{imagesfolder}/$lightbulb.gif" alt=""></td>
td bgcolor="{firstaltcolor}" colspan="5"><smallfont>
b>$bbuserinfo[username]</b> - You have $newpm[messages] new message(ssince your last visit.<br>
You have $unreadpm[messagesunread messages and $allpm[messagestotal messages in all your folders.)</smallfont></td>
script language="JavaScript">
$pmblink pmBox
$pmblink setInterval("Timer()"500);
$pmblink x=1;
Timer() {        x=1;
x==&& set==1) {
x==&& set==1) {

// End -->

FWC 03-21-2002 01:24 AM


Originally posted by Webmasta XT
ok, mine never flashes, everytime there is a new PM, it just goes to a different color then the rest but doesn't flash, why?

You have a category background image. You can't blink that. I made a modifed version that will enable you to get the bar to blink:


google54 03-24-2002 12:27 PM

can somone past a working template that works

GeOrGe 03-26-2002 11:29 AM

Very nice Hack, thankĀ“s

Kevlar 03-28-2002 12:43 PM

Nice hack... I installed it on v2.2.4.

One question tho... is there any code that can get the PM box to blink in the User Control Panel?

Visionray 03-30-2002 04:48 AM

Hello guys I have read through the entire thread and I STILL cannot get this hack to work. :(

code removed :)

Even if I change all the colors for the categorybackground color and tablehead background color...it does not blink. The color changes but it doesnt blink.

Any suggestions?

Oh and yes I am using IE and Ive uploaded the index.php file, and sent myself a pm etc.....

Visionray 03-30-2002 04:55 AM

Oiy Vey!!! Nevermind folks. Got it too work. I forgot to change both tablehead colors.

Nice hack firefly

jarvis 04-02-2002 03:36 AM

Ok, I just upgraded to 2.2.5 and my PM bar now blinks all the time. I did a quick search for this problem, but did not find anything. Have I overlooked it, or any ideas as to what may cause this. It worked fine with 2.0.3.


Admin 04-02-2002 04:55 AM

Reapply changes to index.php.

oliwood 04-10-2002 03:01 PM

What must i edit, to put the bar from bottom to top???

GsxrTony 04-19-2002 08:20 PM

Damn this hack is cool and its my first ever. There goes my Cherry :D I noticed someone else was having the same probleem I am, now My pop up box is non existant.

Did you ever figure out why this happens?
Thanks Firefly

flasvt 04-27-2002 12:27 AM

This is the first hack I've done to my site and it worked perfectly. Thanks.

JulianD 04-27-2002 02:22 AM

Yeap, great hack! Thanks!

Boofo 04-29-2002 02:02 PM

Great hack, Firefly! But then, all of yours usually are! ;)

Baratator 05-03-2002 03:34 PM

I installed it on vbb 2.2.5 and it works.... strangely :) :

When i got no new pm it's ok not blinking
When i got a new pm okay blinking....
When i send a pm it's blinking "you've got 0 new pms" ???
When i logoff and that i am now a guest it is blinking too "you've got (*nothing*) new PM"

I analysed the code and as i'm not a php guru don't find what was wrong...

plzzzz :)

MomofThree 05-22-2002 12:20 AM

Great and easy hack! :)

The only thing that I see, is that it's blinks once for me. How can I make it to blink continuously until the person reads their pm?



MomofThree 05-22-2002 03:36 PM


Marty McFly 05-23-2002 04:45 PM

i dig! good work.

Ryan McBain 05-28-2002 02:26 AM

Heres my entire forumhome mp logged template. i cant get the hack to work for me...

<tr id="cat">
<td id="pmBox" bgcolor="{categorybackcolor}" colspan="6"><a href="private.php?s=$session[sessionhash]" title="Click Here to Open Your Private Messages $inboxname"><normalfont color="{categoryfontcolor}"><b>Private Messages</normalfont></b></a></td>
<td bgcolor="{secondaltcolor}" align="center" valign="top"><img src="{imagesfolder}/$lightbulb.gif" alt=""></td>
<td bgcolor="{firstaltcolor}" colspan="5"><smallfont>
<b>$bbuserinfo[username]</b> - You have $newpm[messages] new message(s) since your last visit.<br>
(You have $unreadpm[messages] unread messages and $allpm[messages] total messages in all your folders.)</smallfont></td>
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Begin
$pmblink pmBox.bgColor='{tableheadbgcolor}';
$pmblink setInterval("Timer()", 500);
$pmblink x=1;
function Timer() {
if(x==0 && set==1) {
if(x==1 && set==1) {
// End -->

FWC 05-28-2002 05:01 AM


Originally posted by Ryan McBain

$pmblink pmBox.bgColor='#006633';
$pmblink setInterval("Timer()", 500);
$pmblink x=1;
 function Timer() {
        if(x==0 && set==1) {
        if(x==1 && set==1) {

I'm not certain because all your replacement variables got parsed, but you have three colors there. The first color should be your alternating flashing color. The second one should be your category background color and the third color should be the alternating flashing color again. You may have it right already. It just looks wrong here.

Ryan McBain 05-28-2002 06:24 AM

well im sure its wrong cause its not working.... what code should i have??

FWC 05-28-2002 07:01 AM


Originally posted by Ryan McBain
well im sure its wrong cause its not working.... what code should i have??
This is what you should add to the end of template. Substitute the colors you want:

<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Begin
$pmblink pmBox.bgColor='Alternate Flashing Color';
$pmblink setInterval("Timer()", 500);
$pmblink x=1;
 function Timer() {
        if(x==0 && set==1) {
                pmBox.bgColor='Normal Category Background Color';
        if(x==1 && set==1) {
                pmBox.bgColor='Alternate Flashing Color';
// End -->

Ryan McBain 05-28-2002 12:31 PM

still doesnt work, and i have this code....

<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Begin
$pmblink pmBox.bgColor='#880000';
$pmblink setInterval("Timer()", 500);
$pmblink x=1;
function Timer() {
if(x==0 && set==1) {
if(x==1 && set==1) {
// End -->

deano1 05-28-2002 07:17 PM

i still want to know
how you move the PM bar to the top of the page

TLfuRy 06-28-2002 06:40 PM


Originally posted by deano1
i still want to know
how you move the PM bar to the top of the page

Edit your forumhome template, and find the "$pminfo" variable towards the bottom:

And move it just above the </tr> tag two lines above it. That will move it to just above your first Forum in the index, like this:

deano1 07-01-2002 09:13 PM

i thank you very much sir

Jared Press 07-04-2002 05:28 AM

I tried to install this hack and have my bar flashing but I haven't been able to edit the index.php files success fully.

Every time I try adding the code for blink I get a serever parse error and the site wont load up.

Any ideas what is wrong?

I inserted the code after the light bulp on code by entering a new line and pasting it after the light bulb code.

Jared Press 07-04-2002 05:39 AM

Never mind. I screwed up the code. I noticed what appeared to be a bracket out of place and rechecked the original code.

Great Hack!!!!!!

Thanks. Oh and I even picked up on the quick tip about moving the position of the PM bar...cool!

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