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chloe101 06-02-2017 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2587188)
Hello Chloe! :)

Open the "additional.css" template for this style, and locate the selector:

HTML Code:

.postbit .posttitle, .postbitlegacy .title{
  display: none;

Now, to get the post titles to display, simply comment that out, like so:

HTML Code:

/*.postbit .posttitle, .postbitlegacy .title{
  display: none;

Now your post titles should display. :cool:

Thank you! That worked. I'm shocked it was something so simple. And apologies that I can't 'like' your reply. The software keeps insisting I must like someone else's post first (which I have) before I can like yours. The liking part of vb.org makes no sense to me but consider it liked with many many thanks :)

chloe101 06-02-2017 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 2587195)
No problem at all!
Follow Mark's lovely instructions and they should show up again. :)

They showed up immediately when I did. Thanks for sharing this awesome theme and thanks a ton for responsive support!

MarkFL 06-02-2017 01:39 PM

Dave, I want to confirm that this theme works on vB 4.2.5 as well...I noticed that version wasn't listed in the OP. :)

Dave 06-02-2017 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2587199)
Dave, I want to confirm that this theme works on vB 4.2.5 as well...I noticed that version wasn't listed in the OP. :)

Thanks, added it to the list.

chloe101 06-03-2017 02:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi :)

Can you please help me with this calendar issue on the blog page? The month and navigational tabs aren't visible and I'm not savvy enough to change them without messing up other items on the page.

MarkFL 06-03-2017 02:58 PM

Hello Chloe! :)

Open up the "additional.css" template and locate the selector:

HTML Code:

.blocksubhead a{
  color: #EEF6FF;

And change it to read:

HTML Code:

.blocksubhead a{
  color: #EEF6FF !important;

This will allow the intended color to override the CSS given elsewhere. The best I can tell the tabs to the left and right of the month name don't contain anything.

chloe101 06-03-2017 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2587244)
Hello Chloe! :)

Open up the "additional.css" template and locate the selector:

HTML Code:

.blocksubhead a{
  color: #EEF6FF;

And change it to read:

HTML Code:

.blocksubhead a{
  color: #EEF6FF !important;

This will allow the intended color to override the CSS given elsewhere. The best I can tell the tabs to the left and right of the month name don't contain anything.

Hi Mark! :) That worked but it changed the font color in the navtabs of the blog sidebar also:( Is it possible to change it just for the calendar? Also, the tabs to the left and right were the < and > symbols to select previous/next month.... Everytime I think I finally understand vb styling, fate throws another brick lol.

MarkFL 06-03-2017 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by chloe101 (Post 2587245)
Hi Mark! :) That worked but it changed the font color in the navtabs of the blog sidebar also:( Is it possible to change it just for the calendar? Also, the tabs to the left and right were the < and > symbols to select previous/next month.... Everytime I think I finally understand vb styling, fate throws another brick lol.

Okay, try changing the selector you previously changed to:

HTML Code:

th.blocksubhead a{
  color: #EEF6FF !important;

I'm not getting the "<>" symbols in any of my styles in the blog calendar at that location.

chloe101 06-03-2017 05:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2587246)
Okay, try changing the selector you previously changed to:

HTML Code:

th.blocksubhead a{
  color: #EEF6FF !important;

I'm not getting the "<>" symbols in any of my styles in the blog calendar at that location.

Possibly because you have no entries in the calendar... because now it works great on mine :) Thank you! Again lol

Just to be clear, I changed that entry by adding the th. in front. Will that affect anything that's not using the th. in front. I'm sorry if this sounds like a silly question but it helps me learn. I would have assumed the two were 2 totally different rules.

MarkFL 06-03-2017 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by chloe101 (Post 2587247)
Possibly because you have no entries in the calendar... because now it works great on mine :) Thank you! Again lol

I wondered if that might be the case, since the elements are there, but just blank on my dev site.


Originally Posted by chloe101 (Post 2587247)
Just to be clear, I changed that entry by adding the th. in front. Will that affect anything that's not using the th. in front. I'm sorry if this sounds like a silly question but it helps me learn. I would have assumed the two were 2 totally different rules.

That's a good point (not silly at all), and you might want to add a selector equivalent to what was there before you made any changes, that is, beneath your edited selector, add:

HTML Code:

.blocksubhead a{
  color: #EEF6FF;

That way Dave's original selector is still there, doing what it's supposed to do elsewhere. :)

chloe101 06-03-2017 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2587248)
I wondered if that might be the case, since the elements are there, but just blank on my dev site.

That's a good point (not silly at all), and you might want to add a selector equivalent to what was there before you made any changes, that is, beneath your edited selector, add:

HTML Code:

.blocksubhead a{
  color: #EEF6FF;

That way Dave's original selector is still there, doing what it's supposed to do elsewhere. :)

Thank you! It feels slightly good to know that despite all my novice-level questions, I may be catching on and learning. Thanks for all your patience and your explanations :)

thoffmann 10-22-2017 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by juggler (Post 2571074)
I'm finding that the tabs in the user profile are all washed out. Yes, there are two tabs beside "my activity" and User profile customization is turned off. How do I fix this?


(updated with a better screen snippet)

Same Problem here! I am on 4.2.5

Please get a fix :):confused:

thoffmann 10-22-2017 12:38 PM


Have the strange problem that the bookmark icons are not being displayed. Any tip what i can try to get them displayed?

thoffmann 11-19-2017 01:03 PM

Anyone? Please.

Dave 11-19-2017 02:10 PM

Bit hard to say without a link to the page that has this problem so I can take a look and see what's going wrong.

artcrimes 03-07-2018 10:19 AM

Woow very clean theme. Support lates vbulletin 4?

Thank you.

Dave 03-07-2018 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by artcrimes (Post 2593356)
Woow very clean theme. Support lates vbulletin 4?

Thank you.

Yes, it should support the latest vBulletin 4 version.

gnrx 02-08-2019 08:45 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Great style!
I was install yesterday, work all good, but in postbit I have a little problem that I can't resolved.
I use the thanks mod, in te image that I attach, in postbil, thanks given I can't align to left like the others fields.
Its possible fixed this?
Thanks and regards.

gnrx 02-12-2019 04:21 PM

Hi (again :) )
I can't solved the issue indicate in my last post, but I solved installin other mod for thanks (and I imported the thanks to new mod, also, I like more this new mod of dbtech) :)

Today I go to set this style by default at my site (this last days I was some modifications), but I have the same problem that indicate juggler and thoffmann, in User Profile don't view the tabs , if move mouse can click, but don't view...
Its possible some fix for this?

Again, thank you very much.


Originally Posted by juggler (Post 2571074)
I'm finding that the tabs in the user profile are all washed out. Yes, there are two tabs beside "my activity" and User profile customization is turned off. How do I fix this?


(updated with a better screen snippet)


Originally Posted by thoffmann (Post 2590624)
Same Problem here! I am on 4.2.5

Please get a fix :):confused:

gnrx 02-13-2019 08:54 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I don't edit my last reply, post new reply because are other issue (do not get mad at me :) )
I was set default this style from 2 days ago, really, cool style, the users are very happy with this style.
But some users are detect a some "issue" that I don't was view (before post this my last 2 post I read all this thread).

When you click in the nick of some user and click in view posts go to results search pages of her posts but...only appears the title of thread and if you click, go to first page of this thread, not to the post on this user was post.
Also, if you made search by user.

In default vb (or others styles) this result page search appears same but with the title of the thread (and if you click also, go to forst page of the thread) and the link for go to the post of the user in this thread (post made by the user).

I attach 2 images.

The first image is with this style.

The second is with vb default, in this image I input 1 and 2 numbers, 1 is the link to first post of the thread, second link is to the post that the user was post in this thread.

I've been looking for templates for hours and I'm not able to find the template that generates this.
If you could tell me what template it is, I would try to solve it myself.

Thanks in advance.

MarkFL 03-27-2019 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by gnrx (Post 2598457)
Hi (again :) )
I can't solved the issue indicate in my last post, but I solved installin other mod for thanks (and I imported the thanks to new mod, also, I like more this new mod of dbtech) :)

Today I go to set this style by default at my site (this last days I was some modifications), but I have the same problem that indicate juggler and thoffmann, in User Profile don't view the tabs , if move mouse can click, but don't view...
Its possible some fix for this?

Again, thank you very much.

As I indicated by PM, I have already applied this CSS to your site, but I wanted to post it for others. For these issues, add the following to your "additional.css" template for this style:


dl.as-tabs dd:not(.selected) a {
        color: #3e3e3e !important;

dl.as-tabs dd:not(.selected) a:hover {
        color: #7e7e7e !important;

.activitystream_block dd, dd.userprof_moduleinactive {
        border: 1px solid #3e3e3e !important;
        margin-bottom: -2px;

.activitystream_block dd, dd.userprof_moduleinactive:hover {
        background: #dddddd;

.activitystream_block dd, dd.userprof_moduleinactive a {
        color: #3e3e3e !important;

gnrx 03-27-2019 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2598887)
As I indicated by PM, I have already applied this CSS to your site, but I wanted to post it for others. For these issues, add the following to your "additional.css" template for this style:


dl.as-tabs dd:not(.selected) a {
        color: #3e3e3e !important;

dl.as-tabs dd:not(.selected) a:hover {
        color: #7e7e7e !important;

.activitystream_block dd, dd.userprof_moduleinactive {
        border: 1px solid #3e3e3e !important;
        margin-bottom: -2px;

.activitystream_block dd, dd.userprof_moduleinactive:hover {
        background: #dddddd;

.activitystream_block dd, dd.userprof_moduleinactive a {
        color: #3e3e3e !important;

Thank you very much MarkFL!
Really fantastic, now, this style its perfect for me, all work fine, fantastic look...but whit your help.

Without your help, it would not have been possible ...

Again, I can not give the thanks button in your post :)

Thank you very much for all your hard work!

Scyther 01-08-2020 05:25 AM

Looks great. How do I get rid of your copyright?

gnrx 01-08-2020 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by Scyther (Post 2601707)
Looks great. How do I get rid of your copyright?

I think it is not good to get rid of copyright, he is the one who made the theme and therefore puts copyright. Copyright must always be left.

gnrx 01-29-2020 07:22 AM

I think that I have a problem with this style.
All work fine but...I have cloudflare, always I was think the problem is in cloudflare but...when I change the style (for the default for example) I don't have this problem, only have the problem with this style.
The problem lies in, many times, in the main page box to enter username and password, when clicking, the text is not deleted (you have to delete it "by hand") and when entering username and password and login, it gives error login, on that next page (the error page) if you can login correctly
On the other hand, when I am in a forum and I mark several topics to move them, delete them ... etc ... the lower moderation dialog, where it indicates how many topics you have selected mark me 0 and sometimes mark me the selected ones but when I click on move , it tells me that I have not selected any message.
In the private message tray, the same thing happens, I mark some, but it always indicates that I have marked 0, yes, here it allows me to delete.
I hope I have explained myself well, it is a difficult error to explain, but that has forced me to pause cloudflare because users have login problems (and I have moderation).
Thanks in advance.

paulnicholson 01-31-2020 06:12 AM

Firstly, thank you very much for this style - it looks great!

I just need some tweaks to fix a couple of bugs:

The Facebook Like and Share buttons are floating off the screen in this style in each thread. How do I fix this please?

Also, there are some places such as the profile section and articles section in which the buttons are white with white writing so no text is visible. How can I fix these please?

gnrx 02-12-2020 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by gnrx (Post 2601856)
I think that I have a problem with this style.
All work fine but...I have cloudflare, always I was think the problem is in cloudflare but...when I change the style (for the default for example) I don't have this problem, only have the problem with this style.
The problem lies in, many times, in the main page box to enter username and password, when clicking, the text is not deleted (you have to delete it "by hand") and when entering username and password and login, it gives error login, on that next page (the error page) if you can login correctly
On the other hand, when I am in a forum and I mark several topics to move them, delete them ... etc ... the lower moderation dialog, where it indicates how many topics you have selected mark me 0 and sometimes mark me the selected ones but when I click on move , it tells me that I have not selected any message.
In the private message tray, the same thing happens, I mark some, but it always indicates that I have marked 0, yes, here it allows me to delete.
I hope I have explained myself well, it is a difficult error to explain, but that has forced me to pause cloudflare because users have login problems (and I have moderation).
Thanks in advance.

Any iddea about this?
I contact with CloudFlare and not know what happens, I think that I have this problem only with this theme and I have create a video with the issue. At the moment, I don't use CloudFlare for this reasson.

Thanks and regards!!!!

Edit: It's something that happens to me often ....
I have spent some time or many days looking for information on this problem, just posting again, a few minutes later I find the solution ...
The problem lies in CloudFlare (or a section of CloudFlare with this theme): Disabling the Rocket Loader option in CloudFlare, the problem has disappeared and it works perfectly now.

sebil 05-08-2020 12:48 PM

awesome style
one of the best

Harris1 10-19-2020 03:25 PM

Hi do i remove all the footer pls. or how do i edit all the content on it

gnrx 10-20-2020 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Harris1 (Post 2604290)
Hi do i remove all the footer pls. or how do i edit all the content on it

For edit, you need edit the template of footer.

Harris1 10-20-2020 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by gnrx (Post 2604309)
For edit, you need edit the template of footer.

Do you know exactly what part of the footer code i need to remove pls

gnrx 10-20-2020 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by gnrx (Post 2604309)
For edit, you need edit the template of footer.

Remove not, edit.
If you remove this template....bad iddea...

Harris1 10-21-2020 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by gnrx (Post 2604312)
Remove not, edit.
If you remove this template....bad iddea...

So what part of the code do i edit or do i remove the whole templet

gnrx 10-21-2020 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by Harris1 (Post 2604325)
So what part of the code do i edit or do i remove the whole templet

You can't remove the whole template, you can edit, the text in template, the links the colours...etc...but you can't remove.

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