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sdynak 01-30-2016 11:51 PM

Thanks Action! Exactly what my site needed as finishing touches.. www.camaro-talk.com

Even looks like you are in a similar style & Camaro enthusiast as I am :)

VecSignia 04-26-2016 08:30 AM

Don't suppose this will work with vB5.2.1 ??

Dragonsys 06-13-2016 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by VecSignia (Post 2569608)
Don't suppose this will work with vB5.2.1 ??

Doubt it

bmwfans 12-03-2016 05:22 PM

Awesome plugin!!!!! :)

I was wondering if anyone have implemented any related VBA CMPS module e.g. in order to display Popular rides like in vbrides.php main page.

Dragonsys 12-05-2016 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by bmwfans (Post 2579103)
Awesome plugin!!!!! :)

I was wondering if anyone have implemented any related VBA CMPS module e.g. in order to display Popular rides like in vbrides.php main page.

Not that I'm aware of. I have been thinking about this for my site though.

rcull 12-25-2016 05:49 PM

My importer was motoring along just fine until it got to importing rides.

It appeared to import 8 vehicles and on the 9th it threw this error:
[CODE]Database error in vBulletin 4.2.3:

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.3:

Invalid SQL:

INSERT INTO vb3_vbrides_rides
(categoryid, userid, username, title, carname, year, make, model, options, smalldesc, bodytext, price, paint_color, views, postdate, updated, active, status)
('33', '11351', 'dale's48', '1948 Buick Super', '', '1948', 'Buick', 'Super' , '', 'it\'s a 2 door sedanet,all there, much work done, but needs the motor rebuilt', 'it\'s a 2 door sedanet,all there, much work done, but needs the motor rebuilt', '0.00', '', '0', '1301957903', '1301957903', '1', '2');

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's48', '1948 Buick Super', '', '1948', 'Buick', 'Super' , '', 'it\'s a 2 door sed' at line 4
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Saturday, December 31st 2016 @ 04:02:42 PM
Error Date : Saturday, December 31st 2016 @ 04:02:43 PM
Script : http://www.teambuick.com/forums/admincp/vbrides_import.php?do=import_vehicle
Referrer : https://www.teambuick.com/forums/admincp/vbrides_import.php?do=import_trim
IP Address :
Username : Bob
Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version : 5.6.34

I have gone into the database, and deleted this vehicle, run the script again and had the same error after it imported a few more vehicles. I deleted each problem vehicle as it came up. The script came to an end and loaded the vbulletin admincp. Unfortunately, when I go to rides, they are not there:(


Sal Collaziano, below, you mention Approving, the script I ran did not require approving, not that it means much as it did not work either:)


Sal Collaziano 12-31-2016 01:45 PM

I'm finding I need to manually approve every submission by editing each one and clicking "Approve" to submit. Did I configure something incorrectly?

Dragonsys 12-31-2016 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by rcull (Post 2579863)
My importer was motoring along just fine until it got to importing rides.

This is the problem:

the middle ' isn't being escaped.


Originally Posted by Sal Collaziano (Post 2580107)
I'm finding I need to manually approve every submission by editing each one and clicking "Approve" to submit. Did I configure something incorrectly?

That is how it works, all new rides require moderation. I have not found a way to turn it off in the options.

Sal Collaziano 12-31-2016 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Dragonsys (Post 2580109)
That is how it works, all new rides require moderation. I have not found a way to turn it off in the options.

Thank you very much! Certainly not a deal breaker... :)

rcull 12-31-2016 05:13 PM

I am afraid I am still having a problem.

The import script appears to work properly. Then I go to the rides and there is a list on the left like:

I have enabled the administration options.

Nothing appears on the main page. I click Moderation/Approve Rides, under the navbar and it takes me to: Settings - Rides - Approve Rides , which appears to be in my settings. However the page doesn't contain anything to approve.

I went to My Profile - Rides and I see my rides there, but it has a default "No Image Available".

Dragonsys 01-01-2017 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by rcull (Post 2580114)
I am afraid I am still having a problem.

Are there any errors?
I have not looked at the importer, so I'm not familiar with it at all, but I will help as much as I can.

Dragonsys 01-01-2017 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by Sal Collaziano (Post 2580110)
Thank you very much! Certainly not a deal breaker... :)

I will look into this when I get a chance.

rcull 01-01-2017 06:28 PM

To me, it looks like it develops the Photos directories, but doesn't place any images in them. It does place a blank index.php in each.

I am not getting any errors since the removal of the files related to not having the delimiter /'s

I really hate to abandon the hundreds of users who have taken the time to upload into Garage, but maybe that is what I am just going to have to accept if I want to clean up my board.

MarkFL 01-01-2017 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by rcull (Post 2580151)
To me, it looks like it develops the Photos directories, but doesn't place any images in them. It does place a blank index.php in each.

I am not getting any errors since the removal of the files related to not having the delimiter /'s

I really hate to abandon the hundreds of users who have taken the time to upload into Garage, but maybe that is what I am just going to have to accept if I want to clean up my board.

Give Eric (Dragonsys) a chance to look into this...he knows what he's doin' and I suspect he'll get it rockin' again (no pressure, Eric LOL!) :p

Dragonsys 01-02-2017 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2580152)
(no pressure, Eric LOL!) :p

lol, thanks

Dragonsys 01-02-2017 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by rcull (Post 2580151)
To me, it looks like it develops the Photos directories, but doesn't place any images in them. It does place a blank index.php in each.

I am not getting any errors since the removal of the files related to not having the delimiter /'s

I really hate to abandon the hundreds of users who have taken the time to upload into Garage, but maybe that is what I am just going to have to accept if I want to clean up my board.

hmmm, ok I will take a look at it as soon as I can.

rcull 01-04-2017 01:27 PM

I have another site running the same vbulletin version and garage. I attempted an import of rides there too with similar results. The other forum is pretty plain and has no problems with garage.

Is there something basic I can be doing wrong?

On my first attempt I did show this error:
[26-Dec-2016 00:11:08 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function can_administer() in /home/carscene/public_html/forums/vbrides_import.php on line 36
[26-Dec-2016 01:28:52 UTC] die 4 false

Dragonsys 01-06-2017 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by rcull (Post 2580317)
I have another site running the same vbulletin version and garage. I attempted an import of rides there too with similar results. The other forum is pretty plain and has no problems with garage.

Is there something basic I can be doing wrong?

On my first attempt I did show this error:
[26-Dec-2016 00:11:08 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function can_administer() in /home/carscene/public_html/forums/vbrides_import.php on line 36
[26-Dec-2016 01:28:52 UTC] die 4 false

No, it is probably an issue with the importer. I have been sick all week and have not been able to look at it yet.

rcull 01-07-2017 01:35 AM

Thanks, so often I just don't see the problem.
Sorry to hear you have been sick, hope you are feeling better soon. It is easy enough to get something with all the seasonal socializing.

Dragonsys 01-09-2017 08:34 PM

try this.

Add the below to line 200-201 (vbrides_import.php):

                create_photo_directories($photodir . 'full/');
                create_photo_directories($photodir . 'thumb/');

Save and try running the import again. Not sure if this is the issue, just stood our to me that the script doesn't seem to create all the folders it tries to use.

rcull 01-10-2017 12:35 AM

That wasn't it:( It just created a second set of files full and thumb under each of full and thumb. They were still empty.

Dragonsys 01-10-2017 12:58 AM

did it create files, or just the empty folders?

rcull 01-10-2017 11:22 AM

Just empty folders containing an empty index.php
Each time the script is run, it creates another consecutive set of files for all the vehicles.

Dragonsys 01-10-2017 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by rcull (Post 2580653)
Just empty folders containing an empty index.php
Each time the script is run, it creates another consecutive set of files for all the vehicles.

ok, do you have this installed on test system?

rcull 01-11-2017 02:20 AM

No, the one site is a very small, not well used site which did not have a problem with the Garage version. If you would like log in info, I can give it to you.

Dragonsys 01-17-2017 06:54 PM

Sorry, I have not forgotten about you, I'm just still getting over being sick, and am not on the computer very much.

I will go through things on the test site you sent me and see what I can find.

rcull 04-15-2017 01:46 AM

Sure would be nice to have a widget for the vbulletin CMS:)

Wouldn't even mind a piece of code to show latest vbrides on another site.

rcull 04-28-2017 10:42 PM

I finally gave up on the import:( and installed it anyway.

Is it possible to put the vbrides directory in a subdomain?

rcull 04-28-2017 11:05 PM

When moderating a ride with the "New Rides Forum", the posting is made by the moderator, I would have thought it should be by the person who uploaded the ride.

Sal Collaziano 05-22-2017 01:13 PM

I'm having issues with the plugin since upgrading from PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.1. Any solutions?

syntax error, unexpected '/', expecting '-' or identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or number (T_NUM_STRING) on line 4 in /home/username/public_html/forum/vbrides_modcp.php(254) : eval()'d code
#0 {main}

rcull 05-22-2017 05:37 PM

Do you need 7.1?

I have had similar problems, you should only run as new a PHP version as you need to run the programs you are using.

If not you should be able to roll it back in your Cpanel. I think your host can even roll it back for certain programs. You could ask them.

I am probably going to abandon this plugin too:(

By the way, I don't know nut'in, so hopefully someone else will give you better help!

MarkFL 05-22-2017 05:43 PM

I would think the errors/warning are due to deprecated function, and in many cases the scripts/plugins can be edited to rewrite the deprecated functions in terms of non-deprecated functions.

Sal Collaziano 05-22-2017 05:46 PM

Interesting... Well... I upgraded to the latest version of vBulletin to keep up to date and figured I'd jump to PHP 7.1 while I was at it. So far this is the only piece of my puzzle that's not working. I'd like to keep it running but it's not absolutely necessary. I guess if there's no fix I'll close it down. But it IS a nice feature and I do like using it. I hope somebody comes up with a fix some time soon...

MarkFL 05-22-2017 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Sal Collaziano (Post 2586792)
Interesting... Well... I upgraded to the latest version of vBulletin to keep up to date and figured I'd jump to PHP 7.1 while I was at it. So far this is the only piece of my puzzle that's not working. I'd like to keep it running but it's not absolutely necessary. I guess if there's no fix I'll close it down. But it IS a nice feature and I do like using it. I hope somebody comes up with a fix some time soon...

What errors are you getting? I'd like to help resolve these if I can. :)

Sal Collaziano 05-22-2017 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2586793)
What errors are you getting? I'd like to help resolve these if I can. :)

Thank you. When I attempt to moderate a new ride. For example, if I try to reject one, I get the following error:

syntax error, unexpected '/', expecting '-' or identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or number (T_NUM_STRING) on line 4 in /home/username/public_html/forum/vbrides_modcp.php(254) : eval()'d code
#0 {main}

Sal Collaziano 05-22-2017 05:53 PM

To note, approving works fine...

MarkFL 05-22-2017 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Sal Collaziano (Post 2586794)
Thank you. When I attempt to moderate a new ride. For example, if I try to reject one, I get the following error:

syntax error, unexpected '/', expecting '-' or identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or number (T_NUM_STRING) on line 4 in /home/username/public_html/forum/vbrides_modcp.php(254) : eval()'d code
#0 {main}

I'll have to download and install this product on my local dev site to investigate this. I will let you know what I find when I do this tonight. :)

Sal Collaziano 05-22-2017 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2586796)
I'll have to download and install this product on my local dev site to investigate this. I will let you know what I find when I do this tonight. :)

Thank you very much! I appreciate it! :)

MarkFL 05-23-2017 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by Sal Collaziano (Post 2586797)
Thank you very much! I appreciate it! :)

Okay, I installed the product, and encountered the same error you reported when rejecting a ride.

To resolve this issue, locate the file "vbrides_modcp.php" and locate line 254 which reads:

PHP Code:


Change this line to read:

PHP Code:


Once I did that, the rejection process functioned correctly. :)

Sal Collaziano 05-23-2017 11:21 AM

That did it! Thank you very much! I hope the developer makes this change for those using the latest versions of PHP...


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2586806)
Okay, I installed the product, and encountered the same error you reported when rejecting a ride.

To resolve this issue, locate the file "vbrides_modcp.php" and locate line 254 which reads:

PHP Code:


Change this line to read:

PHP Code:


Once I did that, the rejection process functioned correctly. :)

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