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DragonByte Tech 02-27-2014 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by xony (Post 2484022)
Hi, I have the pro version, and since the last update when I click http://www.zzz.com/dbtclassifieds.ph...n=feedbacklist reviews gives me a database error:

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2:

Invalid SQL:

UPDATE xxxuser
dbtech_classifieds_feedbackleftcount = 0,
dbtech_classifieds_feedbackreccount = 0
WHERE userid = 1;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'dbtech_classifieds_feedbackreccount' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Thursday, February 27th 2014 @ 01:09:04 PM
Error Date : Thursday, February 27th 2014 @ 01:09:04 PM
Script : http://www.zzz.com/dbtclassifieds.ph...n=feedbacklist
Referrer : http://www.zzz.com/dbtclassifieds.ph...ng&listingid=4
IP Address :
Username : xxxxx
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.5.35-cll

Ozzy is right, though this error existed in the Lite version. Some notes in the release details on how to get the fix in the Beta 2 release are noted in this post at DBTech:


And here at vb.org:



DragonByte Tech 03-03-2014 11:55 PM

DragonByte Classifieds v1.1.0 Beta 3

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: MySQL errors when viewing a thread in TapaTalk (In Beta 2 PL2)
Fixed: MySQL errors caused by missing column in the user table (In Beta 2 PL2)
Fixed: Issue with Offers not displaying when the seller's listings are displayed in the post footer
Fixed: Problem where not adding a valid category wasn't triggering an invalid category error
Fixed: Added missing tables and columns from the uninstall process
Fixed: Watch Item button and Bid/Buy now options are removed from the View Listing page of the person viewing the page is not logged in (doesn't have a User ID)

Changes To Existing Features:
Change: Items that are not marked as 'Is Digital' now require a valid postage option before they can be submitted. Note: This change does not fix any existing listings that are missing postage options


btedition 03-04-2014 03:08 AM


Thanks for the update first of all. Second, is the suggestion about having a thread-like conversation system in listings being looked at?


DragonByte Tech 03-06-2014 05:30 AM

It is, but we're focusing on getting 1.1.0 bug free before working on new features :)


btedition 03-06-2014 10:06 AM

Sure thing :)

migratoria 03-08-2014 07:39 AM

Installed v1.1.0 Beta 3

Problems in Tapatalk solved

Potters-Online 03-08-2014 10:21 AM

I'm getting a weird error when trying to install this, the install seems to go fine then the page hangs on Finalising Install...

There is no admin settings for me to edit or anything ?

I have disabled all other plug ins and tried a fresh install (it's a brand new board) still getting the same problems

ozzy47 03-08-2014 11:24 AM

Make sure you set yourself as superadministrator in includes/config.php

puertoblack2003 03-08-2014 03:42 PM

removed wrong thread.

My Hattiesburg 03-09-2014 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by Potters-Online (Post 2485836)
I'm getting a weird error when trying to install this, the install seems to go fine then the page hangs on Finalising Install...

There is no admin settings for me to edit or anything ?

I have disabled all other plug ins and tried a fresh install (it's a brand new board) still getting the same problems

I get a similar message when doing the install but when I refresh the page, all is well.

DragonByte Tech 03-10-2014 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by Potters-Online (Post 2485836)
I'm getting a weird error when trying to install this, the install seems to go fine then the page hangs on Finalising Install...

There is no admin settings for me to edit or anything ?

I have disabled all other plug ins and tried a fresh install (it's a brand new board) still getting the same problems

Thanks for highlighting this issue. I'll have a look at why it is. It does look like the issue is purely a matter of the redirect not kicking in correctly, so if you are not getting any other errors then carry on for now. :)


bonkel 03-10-2014 08:50 PM

is there a german Translation file for this plugin?

DragonByte Tech 03-10-2014 09:01 PM

Not at the moment, though we are happy for anyone to provide one. :)


DragonByte Tech 03-10-2014 11:58 PM

Hi everyone,

This week we have the fourth beta of DragonByte Classifieds (v1.1.0 Beta 4) which has a number of bug fixes as well as some changes and new features. Among the bug fixes are several MySQL errors that have cropped up and errors that have caused a few rogue listings with incorrect settings. In the changes we've improved checks done when submitting a listing to prevent errors unintentionally or maliciously being inserted into the listing, as well as now included the listing type when posting threads for new listings.

The new features focus mainly around maintaining and correcting errors. It is now possible to force a recount of of stock for a listing individually, or use a maintenance tool to check every listing in the database for the stock count or inconsistencies in the pricing and listing type structure of a listing. Additionally when a listing is completed or ended, then the associated thread is also locked automatically.

Thanks to everyone for their input and feedback in the past week. It's help immensely in tracking down several issues, especially thanks to JaiKai and Mick who have fed back several bits of data directly from their databases.

We're working through the rest of the issues and relevant changes that we want to introduce into v1.1.0 for next week. Keep the feedback and reports coming. It will be especially useful to get feedback on the Maintenance tools and how they help tidy up some of the rogue listings that have been floating about. :)

The full changelog for v1.1.0 Beta 4 can be found below.

Remember, we have installed the latest Beta of Classifieds here on DBTech. We have created some 'fake' items and have left PayPal in Sandbox mode so that no real money changes hands allowing anyone to test how the system works. We look forward to your feedback. Go here for the latest listings: View Listings - DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons.

To create a PayPal Sandbox account you need to head over to this page: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps...tions/accounts. Once you login with your regular PayPal account you can then create a sandbox testing account to use to 'purchase' the items on our Classifieds.

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: Issue where a user could create the wrong or invalid listingtype when creating a new listing
Fixed: Issue where in rare circumstances no prices could be set for a listing when first created
Fixed: Missing category information when trying to relist an item
Fixed: Missing listing type information when trying to submit a relisted item
Fixed: Missing Pages when viewing or searching through listings
Fixed: Missing defaut settings for default thread and forum when using the Pro version (now set to 0)
Fixed: MySQL error in some rare cases of not finding a valid listing in the Admin Control Panel
Fixed: MySQL error if there is a bad listing with no current items when trying to complete the listing
Fixed: Missing Listing Length options when relisting a listing
Fixed: Permissions error when a user is trying to edit their own listing for and has canedit permissions

Changes To Existing Features:
Change: Improved checks when submitting a new listing to prevent mismatches with listing settings
Change: Threads created after a new listing is submitted include the listingtype in their title and their post text
Change: The Feedback to Leave link now is to the My Classifieds section of the User Control Panel

Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added:
Feature: Now possible to Recount the Stock of a listing, update the information or complete/cancel the listing and notify the seller and the webmaster of issues
Feature: Maintenance tool to check the stock count of all the listings and closes corrupted or no stock listings
Feature: Maintenance tool to check the prices are valid for listings and deactivates and ends them if they are not
Feature: Threads created when posting a new listing are automatically closed when the last item in a listing has been sold (this does not apply to threads which automatically have posts inserted into them with the listing details)


poita 03-11-2014 12:40 AM

Is it possible to have a thread that is posted to, or a forum section that is posted to when a new item is listed?

Just so everyone knows when a new item is listed.

Have only installed the mod today, but appears to be pretty awesome so far, big fan of DBTech mods.


DragonByte Tech 03-11-2014 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by poita (Post 2486304)
Is it possible to have a thread that is posted to, or a forum section that is posted to when a new item is listed?

Just so everyone knows when a new item is listed.

Have only installed the mod today, but appears to be pretty awesome so far, big fan of DBTech mods.


Thanks for the vote of confidence! :)

There is a feature in the Pro version of the mod that does that, but not the Lite version.


poita 03-11-2014 01:13 PM

Thanks for the prompt reply.

Is there any chance of mobile style/tapatalk integration for this?

And being able to change/add to Buy It now, Auction, Wanted. ir Freebies, Swaps?

Sorry for all the questions, just asking on behalf of my forum users and other

DragonByte Tech 03-11-2014 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by poita (Post 2486402)
Thanks for the prompt reply.

Is there any chance of mobile style/tapatalk integration for this?

And being able to change/add to Buy It now, Auction, Wanted. ir Freebies, Swaps?

Sorry for all the questions, just asking on behalf of my forum users and other

Tapatalk won't happen, but a mobile style will. Once we're happy with how things are with the main styling and functionality, we'll start work on a mobile style.

We do have plans for other types of listings, including similar ideas to what you've suggested. :)


poita 03-11-2014 01:43 PM


Will keep an eye on the thread.

Once again, thanks for the prompt reply Matt and the great mods!

Keep up the good work DBTech.


My Hattiesburg 03-12-2014 02:44 AM

Can someone explain to me what "specifications" and "options" should be used for? We're wanting to use this for general type classified ads.

migratoria 03-14-2014 04:47 AM

Hi Matt


If the administrator or a moderator edit the ad, a notification appears in the case of Shipping not specified.

This notification hinder modification of the ad



Your ad is marked as non digital object, so it requires a shipping option. Please go back and select a valid postage.

DragonByte Tech 03-16-2014 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by migratoria (Post 2487136)
Hi Matt


If the administrator or a moderator edit the ad, a notification appears in the case of Shipping not specified.

This notification hinder modification of the ad



Your ad is marked as non digital object, so it requires a shipping option. Please go back and select a valid postage.

Interesting problem. I'll have a look at it and see how we can fix it. :)


DragonByte Tech 03-17-2014 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by migratoria (Post 2487136)
Hi Matt


If the administrator or a moderator edit the ad, a notification appears in the case of Shipping not specified.

This notification hinder modification of the ad



Your ad is marked as non digital object, so it requires a shipping option. Please go back and select a valid postage.

Fixed in the next update. :)


DragonByte Tech 03-17-2014 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by My Hattiesburg (Post 2486602)
Can someone explain to me what "specifications" and "options" should be used for? We're wanting to use this for general type classified ads.

Just noticed your message. To answer your question the best way of explaining it is like this:

Specification: Colour:
Options: Red, Green, Blue.

We intend on expanding how Specifications/Options work, at the moment users can only select options from a drop down menu, but plans are to make it more capable. :)


DragonByte Tech 03-18-2014 12:25 AM

Hi everyone,

This week we have the gold release of DragonByte Classifieds v1.1.0 which has a number of bug fixes as well as a couple of changes. Among the bug fixes are several MySQL errors that have cropped up and and further fixes and workarounds for any corrupted listings that might exist. Additionally users can no longer edit a listing that has completed or been marked as inactive, and the page correctly redirects back to the page of origin when updating the stock amounts.

The updates of version 1.1.0 brings a lot of new features as well as continued improvements and bug fixes. Among the main highlights of this series of updates are the listing views allowing users to see the popularity of listings, new notifications that use the vBulletin notifications system, new and improved advert boxes that include randomization and JavaScript rotation settings as well as new locations. Additionally we've added more settings and controls, like the ability to set which usergroups can select from various listing lengths.

We've got a lot more planned for Classifieds over the course of the next few months, and look forward to getting more feedback and ideas from you all as to where we can take this mod. I've compiled a changelog of the updates from Beta 4, as well as a complete changelog for all the fixes, changes and features that have been introduced in the v1.1.0 updates.

Remember, we have installed the latest Beta of Classifieds here on DBTech. We have created some 'fake' items and have left PayPal in Sandbox mode so that no real money changes hands allowing anyone to test how the system works. We look forward to your feedback. Go here for the latest listings: View Listings - DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons.

To create a PayPal Sandbox account you need to head over to this page: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps...tions/accounts. Once you login with your regular PayPal account you can then create a sandbox testing account to use to 'purchase' the items on our Classifieds.

The full changelog for v1.1.0 gold can be found below.

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: Potential MySQL error when viewing a corrupted listing with no items associated with it in the database
Fixed: Item marked as sold when at least one item out of several is sold, but not all are sold
Fixed: Missing category data when submitting a listing with an existing category in the edit listing form could cause a invalid category error
Fixed: MySQL error when viewing older listings with incorrect item data (pre v1.1.0 Beta 4)
Fixed: Error when editing the postage of another user as a moderator, now the system will only load postage options for the user who created the thread
Fixed: Redundant code removed from the Lite version
Fixed: Issue with Current Maximum bid for a user not showing when loading a listing a user has already bid on
Fixed: Issue with Current Maximum bid for a user not showing when refreshing a listing via AJAX that a user has already bid on
Fixed: Link appearing to usernames when viewing the offers list for a listing and who is not the user who has made the offer, or a moderator, or the seller
Fixed: Error when trying to delete a currency in the Admin Control Panel
Fixed: Incorrect unsold stock details on the My Listings page

Changes To Existing Features:
Change: It's now not possible to edit a listing that has completed
Change: When adjusting stock, the page now redirects to either the My Listing page, or the View Listings page, depending on where you started from

The full changelog for all versions of v1.1.0 are:

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: Issue where invalid listing lengths could be inserted into the page before submitting the listing that would not trigger an error
Fixed: Style issue with advert boxes on the top of the View Listings page
Fixed: Invalid plugin loading in Lite version
Fixed: Issue that would prevent the total featured items updating for a user on a buy-it-now listing
Fixed: Issue where fees could be created even when an item has gone unsold
Fixed: Problem where listings that hadn't been approved before their expiry time would still count in the moderated listings count
Fixed: Missing date details from My Classifieds feedback images (in the alt and title parts of the HTML)
Fixed: Sale Email/PM not being sent when purchasing a listing with a buy-it-now
Fixed: MySQL error when viewing a thread in TapaTalk (In Beta 1 PL1)
Fixed: Watchlists items of other users being displayed for the user viewing the page (In Beta 1 PL1)
Fixed: Issue with random adverts not being correctly randomized (In Beta PL1)
Fixed: Images bleeding through drop down menus
Fixed: Issue which caused every bid from a listing to receive a 'item won' PM/email
Fixed: MySQL errors when viewing a thread in TapaTalk (In Beta 2 PL2)
Fixed: MySQL errors caused by missing column in the user table (In Beta 2 PL2)
Fixed: Issue with Offers not displaying when the seller's listings are displayed in the post footer
Fixed: Problem where not adding a valid category wasn't triggering an invalid category error
Fixed: Added missing tables and columns from the uninstall process
Fixed: Watch Item button and Bid/Buy now options are removed from the View Listing page of the person viewing the page is not logged in (doesn't have a User ID)
Fixed: Issue where a user could create the wrong or invalid listingtype when creating a new listing
Fixed: Issue where in rare circumstances no prices could be set for a listing when first created
Fixed: Missing category information when trying to relist an item
Fixed: Missing listing type information when trying to submit a relisted item
Fixed: Missing Pages when viewing or searching through listings
Fixed: Missing defaut settings for default thread and forum when using the Pro version (now set to 0)
Fixed: MySQL error in some rare cases of not finding a valid listing in the Admin Control Panel
Fixed: MySQL error if there is a bad listing with no current items when trying to complete the listing
Fixed: Missing Listing Length options when relisting a listing
Fixed: Permissions error when a user is trying to edit their own listing for and has canedit permissons
Fixed: Potential MySQL error when viewing a corrupted listing with no items associated with it in the database
Fixed: Item marked as sold when at least one item out of several is sold, but not all are sold
Fixed: Missing category data when submitting a listing with an existing category in the edit listing form could cause a invalid category error
Fixed: MySQL error when viewing older listings with incorrect item data (pre v1.1.0 Beta 4)
Fixed: Error when editing the postage of another user as a moderator, now the system will only load postage options for the user who created the thread
Fixed: Redundant code removed from the Lite version
Fixed: Issue with Current Maximum bid for a user not showing when loading a listing a user has already bid on
Fixed: Issue with Current Maximum bid for a user not showing when refreshing a listing via AJAX that a user has already bid on
Fixed: Link appearing to usernames when viewing the offers list for a listing and who is not the user who has made the offer, or a moderator, or the seller
Fixed: Error when trying to delete a currency in the Admin Control Panel
Fixed: Incorrect unsold stock details on the My Listings page

Changes To Existing Features:
Change: Moved several settings to the new DragonByte Tech: Classifieds - Listing Settings group
Change: Items that are not marked as 'Is Digital' now require a valid postage option before they can be submitted. Note: This change does not fix any existing listings that are missing postage options
Change: Improved checks when submitting a new listing to prevent mismatches with listing settings
Change: Threads created after a new listing is submitted include the listingtype in their title and their post text
Change: The Feedback to Leave link now is to the My Classifieds section of the User Control Panel
Change: It's now not possible to edit a listing that has completed
Change: When adjusting stock, the page now redirects to either the My Listing page, or the View Listings page, depending on where you started from

Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added:
Feature: Listing Lengths now include usergroup controls to allow restriction to particular usergroups
Feature: Postbit Link to My Listings for users with currently active listings
Feature: Links to Usernames now link directly to a page displaying all the user's current listings
Feature: Seller's Items box above signature in postbit
Feature: Views of Listings are now tracked and stored either immediately or via a Scheduled Task once an hour
Feature: Random Adverts for Classifieds and Featured boxes
Feature: New Notifications for Feedback left and received, Items won, Items Sold and Unsold
Feature: New settings to Post a thread or post for each new listing submitted
Feature: JavaScript controlled rotation setting for the Advert boxes
Feature: New Setting to enable choice of email or PM notifications, or the option to send both types or neither type
Feature: Now possible to Recount the Stock of a listing, update the information or complete/cancel the listing and notify the seller and the webmaster of issues
Feature: Maintenance tool to check the stock count of all the listings and closes corrupted or no stock listings
Feature: Maintenance tool to check the prices are valid for listings and deactivates and ends them if they are not
Feature: Threads created when posting a new listing are automatically closed when the last item in a listing has been sold (this does not apply to threads which automatically have posts inserted into them with the listing details)


Nelson58 03-19-2014 03:31 PM

I tried to reactivate it in general settings after having it disabled with the "Coming back soon" message, and it will not re-enable....


DragonByte Tech 03-21-2014 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by Nelson58 (Post 2488329)
I tried to reactivate it in general settings after having it disabled with the "Coming back soon" message, and it will not re-enable....


For reference, I'm working with Nelson on the DBTech site to identify what might be the issue.


reesev 04-02-2014 04:14 AM

Any way to integrate this with a points/credit system? looking for a way that users can list items and sell them for points/credits.

moonclamp 04-02-2014 02:11 PM

I might be missing something here, but are there any ways to change the fields a user has to fill in when creating an advert?

I'm trying to create something for second hand vehicles only, and want to have compulsory fields like make, year of manufacture, tax etc.

Also, in the same manner, is it possible to remove any of the default fields (such as payment type and auction option)?

Alan_SP 04-02-2014 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by reesev (Post 2490964)
Any way to integrate this with a points/credit system? looking for a way that users can list items and sell them for points/credits.

I think that you should look at this thread: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=246427

It could be what you looking for.

DragonByte Tech 04-03-2014 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by reesev (Post 2490964)
Any way to integrate this with a points/credit system? looking for a way that users can list items and sell them for points/credits.

Not at the moment, though we are looking into that for version 2.


Originally Posted by moonclamp (Post 2491024)
I might be missing something here, but are there any ways to change the fields a user has to fill in when creating an advert?

I'm trying to create something for second hand vehicles only, and want to have compulsory fields like make, year of manufacture, tax etc.

Also, in the same manner, is it possible to remove any of the default fields (such as payment type and auction option)?

The intention is to how specifications can be setup better in version2. Regarding the second question, the Pro version allows for fields to be hidden that aren't required and populated with a default option. Certain fields require some sort of data, whether it's populated by the user, or as is possible with some settings, by the admins before hand. Payment is required in some form (though the Bank/Transfer and Cash on Hand and Cheque systems are effectively 'blank') and the auction type can be limited by reducing which options are available before hand.


My Dark Tower 04-05-2014 12:18 AM

XML is not loading. I uploaded all of the files to my site and then I went to upload the XML file and it never uploaded. IT just got stuck like the picture below.

It is a fresh new install of Vbulletin. I have tried a couple mods after and they upload the XML. I tried again and still it just gets stuck.

Forum Version: Patch Level 1

Product Version:

DragonByte Tech 04-11-2014 04:13 AM

It might be the size of the XML file. Have you tried doing it via the server itself, i.e. upload the file to the server in FTP, and then install it from that file location on the server in the AdminCP?


My Dark Tower 04-11-2014 04:23 AM

I ăctually figured it out. I upgraded my php from 5.2 to 5.4 and everything seems fine now.

DragonByte Tech 04-11-2014 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by My Dark Tower (Post 2492585)
I ăctually figured it out. I upgraded my php from 5.2 to 5.4 and everything seems fine now.

I'm glad you sort it our matey. I remember having an issue similar in years past that sorted itself out with a PHP upgrade. :)


takdriver 04-13-2014 01:51 AM

I am trying to install this, and at the end, when it's finalising, it just stalls out and won't continue. I've done everything to the 't' - any possible fix here?

My Dark Tower 04-13-2014 02:01 AM

What version php do you have? You should be able to upgrade thru your cpanel. This fixed my stalled install

takdriver 04-13-2014 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by My Dark Tower (Post 2492907)
What version php do you have? You should be able to upgrade thru your cpanel. This fixed my stalled install

I'm not too sure - I'm helping set up some mods over at my buddy's site, he was wondering if I could get any luck with this. Just got a hold of him and told him to check out his php version and update it if needed.

But, I'd still like to hear from the developer, he might have a quick fix (maybe i need to chmod a certain file, who knows)

DragonByte Tech 04-13-2014 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by takdriver (Post 2492914)
I'm not too sure - I'm helping set up some mods over at my buddy's site, he was wondering if I could get any luck with this. Just got a hold of him and told him to check out his php version and update it if needed.

But, I'd still like to hear from the developer, he might have a quick fix (maybe i need to chmod a certain file, who knows)

Sorry for the delay in getting a response to you... internet difficulties... :D

The finalizing 'hang' is fine. You can just navigate to your AdminCP and everything should be fine. I thought we had a fix in place for the issue, but I'll look again to see why it's not moving on.

If you find you are missing phrases at any point, just simple reimport the XML, though I don't think that will be necessary.


DragonByte Tech 04-13-2014 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by takdriver (Post 2492906)
I am trying to install this, and at the end, when it's finalising, it just stalls out and won't continue. I've done everything to the 't' - any possible fix here?

Just as a way of trying to trace the issue, could you try the install on a test site with display_errors turned on so we can get any error messages that might be causing the issue?


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