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pityocamptes 10-31-2013 04:05 AM

I just realized that this mod crapped out my chat box!!!! Chat box is GONE...and this is in its place!!!

Ok, got it figured out, basically installed manually in the template(s). Chat box shows up!! Yea... nice mod...

ywwz 10-31-2013 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by pityocamptes (Post 2457388)
I just realized that this mod crapped out my chat box!!!! Chat box is GONE...and this is in its place!!!

Ok, got it figured out, basically installed manually in the template(s). Chat box shows up!! Yea... nice mod...

How did you do the make up...

pityocamptes 10-31-2013 05:01 PM

Took the advice from dizzynation, and created a new ad (in admincp) under the navbar. Put this code in: {vb:raw template_hook.bop5_rfr_form} the HTML box when creating a new advertisement...

In the mod itself, in settings, the last option, for using it in other templates should be checked to YES. It now appears on every page under the advertisement banner... and allows the mgc chat to work...

Katoona 11-01-2013 06:16 AM

It would be great with an option to auto-delete member registrations that does not log in after X number of days.

Is this possible?

VertoPB 11-02-2013 02:42 PM


It would be great with an option to auto-delete member registrations that does not log in after X number of days.

Is this possible?
Me too I find very interesting this option

Excellent work.
Thank you very much.

It would be interesting to include the ability to add a custom field to the record, such as the real name.

In any case, thanks again.

BirdOPrey5 11-20-2013 01:14 PM

Updated to version 2.0!

At long last, full support for all vBulletin Human Verification options. The HV Challenge pops up after pressing the Register Now button so it doesn't waste space on the page.


Also fixed some hard coded phrases and fixed bug where it would prevent chatboxes and other mods that shared same template hook from working.

Remember, also compatible with VB 3.8.x!

If you like the update please nominate it MOTM. We were so close last time!

pityocamptes 11-22-2013 03:22 AM

OK,I found this in my style templates:


"vb3" is red - altered by system while "vb4" is black... do I need to do anything? I want to make sure that the mod installed correctly. Thanks!

BirdOPrey5 11-22-2013 08:08 AM

If you're using vBulletin 3.x then you will need to revert the really_fast_reg_bop5_vb3 template to get the changes in version 2.0.

If you're running vBulletin 4.x then there is nothing to worry about the really_fast_reg_bop5_vb3 template is completely ignored, but it wouldn't hurt anything to revert it if you want. No reason it needed to be changed.

Krusty1231 11-22-2013 10:35 AM

Thank you for the update. I really like the new addition. It worked great using Funcaptcha, but I liked your screenshot better, so I changed it back to regular captcha screen.

Thanks again BOP5

dhonchik 11-22-2013 01:52 PM

Nice mod, 4.2.2 works, thanks, but How disable timezone Asia/dubai? :)

pityocamptes 11-22-2013 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2462815)
If you're using vBulletin 3.x then you will need to revert the really_fast_reg_bop5_vb3 template to get the changes in version 2.0.

If you're running vBulletin 4.x then there is nothing to worry about the really_fast_reg_bop5_vb3 template is completely ignored, but it wouldn't hurt anything to revert it if you want. No reason it needed to be changed.

I have always been running VB 4.2.X (upgraded to 4.2.2). So do I need to delete the version VB3, leave it alone, or do something else? How do you revert it? What does "reverting" do? I don't want to mess anything up... thanks again!

Krusty1231 11-23-2013 12:46 AM

Just redown the news files - reupload with FTP - overwrite the existing ones - import the xml - overrwrite that one - tada!

That's what I did - works great.

BirdOPrey5 11-23-2013 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by dhonchik (Post 2462854)
Nice mod, 4.2.2 works, thanks, but How disable timezone Asia/dubai? :)

Please "Mark as Installed."

To remove the timezone notice add this code to the additional.css template-

#bop5timediv {display: none;}

Originally Posted by pityocamptes (Post 2462864)
I have always been running VB 4.2.X (upgraded to 4.2.2). So do I need to delete the version VB3, leave it alone, or do something else? How do you revert it? What does "reverting" do? I don't want to mess anything up... thanks again!

Then just ignore it, don't worry about it, don't delete anything. it is absolutely fine as is.

Reverting simply removes customizations and reverts to the default template. In Template Editor in Style Manager in the Admin CP, when you see a red template name, you highlight it there is a Revert button on the right side that becomes active.

However it is not necessary in your case.

newbie2007 11-24-2013 08:24 PM

Does this work on vb5?

ozzy47 11-24-2013 09:39 PM

No this will not work on vB5

crazyboy1661 11-25-2013 09:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hello BirdOPrey5, I am using this mode and it is fine. The thing is, when someone lands on my site, I want them to see the displaying of a pop-up as shown in the attached pic with Dismissible option. Is there any way to do like that? I need your suggestion pls. So it would be useful in getting more registrations.

thanks in advance.

BirdOPrey5 11-25-2013 01:00 PM

There is no way of dismissing the fast registration form at the moment, I will look into adding it into a future release.

crazyboy1661 11-25-2013 01:25 PM

thanks for your reply BOP5, I am waiting for your next release.

Naijasite 11-25-2013 05:53 PM

I added this below code on my footer it did not show the quick registration page on other pages except on my forum home only.

Please how do i make it show on every page and exclude the default vBulletin registration page?

Enable RFR Anywhere {vb:raw template_hook.bop5_rfr_form}

BirdOPrey5 11-25-2013 06:10 PM

Did you set Enable RFR Anywhere to Yes? Please confirm you did and the setting saved correctly.

Naijasite 11-25-2013 08:01 PM

yes i enable Enable RFR Anywhere to yes. the setting is set correctly. am using vb 4.2.2

not showing on everypage

BirdOPrey5 11-25-2013 08:28 PM

And you have added the code to the footer template itself? Not FORUMHOME template?

I ask because I have tested it on many forums and never ran into the issue where it was in the footer template but only showing on FORUMHOME. Can you link to your site?

Naijasite 11-25-2013 08:52 PM

its working now. thanks man...nice script

BirdOPrey5 11-26-2013 11:34 AM

New Release: 2.1.0

New Option- Allow users to hide (dismiss) the RFR Form for an Admin set number of days.

Note- if upgrading from 2.0.0 only file upload is not necessary, just import the XML file.

jimsflies 12-08-2013 12:26 PM

Joe- I installed this on my vb3.8 forum. I'm also running the BBR - Welcome Thread mod. It appears that when registering with Really Fast Registration, a welcome thread is not created. Is it possible to make these work together? Or perhaps I have something set incorrectly.

Also, I'm not seeing the time zone detection script on firefox. Does it not work with firefox?

EDIT: I now see firefox is working, wasn't looking for the timezone in the top area of the page. Still would like to see it work with the Welcome Thread Mod

BirdOPrey5 12-08-2013 01:47 PM


Probably doesn't work with the BBR mod since this doesn't have any of the registration built in hooks.


Try editing the bor5_rfr.php file.

Just above the line-

if (!$vbo['bop5rfr_showpass'])
Add this code-

$vbulletin->userinfo['username'] = $username;
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('register_addmember_complete')) ? eval($hook) : false;

With any luck that may get the mods to work together- make sure you test it though.

Also- please "Mark as Installed" :up:

jimsflies 12-08-2013 02:23 PM

That sort of worked.... it while I registered a username called "testing", it created a welcomed thread for a member called "unregistered".

Ooops... I take that back. Originally I only added the second line of code above and didn't have the $username defined. It works like a charm now with the BBR Welcome Thread mod.

Joe you ROCK!

BirdOPrey5 12-08-2013 03:40 PM

You're welcome. Originally I didn't put in the first line, when I looked at the BBR code more closely I realized I needed it. It was an Edit to the original post.

I will add the hook as an option in a future version. :up:

jimsflies 12-08-2013 04:04 PM

That'll teach me to take the file edits from the email notification instead of coming here to make sure I get the latest. :)

dougdirac 12-15-2013 05:33 AM

Anyway to get this mod to work in a small window by itself? I'm using vBSSO with Wordpress, and while I want people to use the regular registration on the vB side, on the Wordpress side I'd like people to get fast registration. Perhaps just getting this fast registration box through an iframe.

BirdOPrey5 12-15-2013 11:06 AM

Let me work on that a bit and see what happens...

jjohns12 12-16-2013 03:19 AM

Let me start off with i Love this mod works great!:)

I did just discover that using your mod increases my servers first byte time by more than .500 ms when enabled if I disable your mod first byte times are good. Keep in mind I am on a shared server but find that much increase strange. Any ideas?


BirdOPrey5 12-16-2013 12:15 PM

Not sure... are you using it on "every" page or just on forumhome?

BirdOPrey5 12-16-2013 12:32 PM

What site (or tool?) are you using to determine the time to first byte?

I tried this site - http://www.webpagetest.org/result/131216_C3_GDG/ - but running the test several times with no changes and getting very different numbers each time.. from 0.3 seconds to 1.1 seconds and I haven't even turned the mod on or off.

jjohns12 12-16-2013 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2468673)
What site (or tool?) are you using to determine the time to first byte?

I tried this site - http://www.webpagetest.org/result/131216_C3_GDG/ - but running the test several times with no changes and getting very different numbers each time.. from 0.3 seconds to 1.1 seconds and I haven't even turned the mod on or off.

I am using the same tool as you but after looking into it more cause couldn't believe it was just your mod It's my server!

I seen such a improvement due to i am using VB Optimize and it did a great job of covering up my first byte and load times when i enabled your mod the your script gets executed and my real issue is back!

Should have known it was not your work all along Sorry for the trouble! I just need a better server!

P.S. Great Mod! :up: :)

BirdOPrey5 12-18-2013 10:36 AM

OK... Updated to version 2.2.0.

New to this version-

Added the register_addmember_complete hook to the file as an option. If you enable this hook in settings it may help let you run some other mods that run after default registration such as "Welcome thread" mods.

Also - I'm considering this feature being "in beta" but you can new enable "Frame Mode" which allows access to the form via an IFRAME- this allows you to integrate the form into a 3rd party page like a Wordpress site or custom landing page.

To use "Frame Mode" enable it in the mode options, then make the IFRAME URL-

Of course if you customized the value of bop5_rfr.php then you need to use the custom value instead of the default file name.

Some of the differences in "Frame Mode" besides displaying the form itself alone is that any errors generated do not bring up the full vBulletin error page because it would be too big to show in a frame and you don't want the forum header, navbar, and footer, etc... So an error, such as a human verify error, simply displays a message to please try again. Also, assuming the registration is completed successfully the success message is also displayed alone without a vBulletin header and footer so it fits better in a frame.

Caution- I have not done much testing with this feature since I have no real need for it- it seems to work though in my VB4 testing. Honestly VB3 testing was even less than VB4- if you need to use this feature please test it yourself to make sure it works once or twice with your chosen settings before relying on it for registrations.

Sahin 12-24-2013 05:26 AM

it is skippin email activation mail. Direct sending password.

BirdOPrey5 12-24-2013 10:15 AM

There is no activation email with this mod- upon registration it emails them a password, that is the point of this mod.

If a user didn't sign up with a real email account they will never get the password and can therefore never log in.

PAPPACLART 01-05-2014 06:12 AM

the register buttom is grayed out when I test so it is nit possible to register?

webmastersitesi 01-08-2014 11:00 AM

how to make this mod check, vbstopforumspam plugin to work together? it allows spammers otherwise

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