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DragonByte Tech 10-15-2016 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by mdawg (Post 2576903)

Can you use the debug tools in your browser to check the result of the AJAX query? There's probably a PHP error "infecting" the JSON, and I'll need that error message to assist you further with this.


mdawg 10-15-2016 01:38 PM

Now where would I look for the debug tools in my browser? Also would I need to look at the exact moment this error occurs because it has happened that once only so far.

What about the other issues, that the mod is telling people they have unread PMs when in fact they have zero, and that it always says that last time you visited was midnight today?


P.S. Also just determined that for example, even after a new post is made (yesterday), and viewed (today), the mod will not let go and keeps claiming that "There have been 1 posts and 0 threads since your last visit at Today 12:00 AM."

DragonByte Tech 10-24-2016 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by mdawg (Post 2576977)
Now where would I look for the debug tools in my browser? Also would I need to look at the exact moment this error occurs because it has happened that once only so far.

F12 on Windows, Cmd-Opt-I on Mac, will open the developer tools in most browsers :)


Originally Posted by mdawg (Post 2576977)
What about the other issues, that the mod is telling people they have unread PMs when in fact they have zero, and that it always says that last time you visited was midnight today?

We'll deal with one issue at a time, it may be that vB has changed the structure for this information but I can't look into that properly just now as I am in the process of moving house, so things are a bit chaotic for me just now :)


mdawg 10-26-2016 01:39 AM

When the Top X Stars / Internal Server Error
happened on Firefox (running OSX 10.12.1), the debugger contents were:

var g=this,q=function(a,b){a=a.split(".");var c=g;a[0]in c||!c.execScript||c.execScript("var "+a[0]);for(var d;a.length&&(d=a.shift());)a.length||void 0===b?c=c[d]?c[d]:c[d]={}:c[d]=b},r=function(a,b){function c(){}c.prototype=b.prototype;a.o=b.prototype;a.pro totype=new c;a.m=function(a,c,f){for(var e=Array(arguments.length-2),d=2;d<arguments.length;d++)e[d-2]=arguments[d];return b.prototype[c].apply(a,e)}};var t=function(a){if(Error.captureStackTrace)Error.cap tureStackTrace(this,t);else{var b=Error().stack;b&&(this.stack=b)}a&&(this.message =String(a))};r(t,Error);var aa=function(a,b){for(var c=a.split("%s"),d="",e=Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments,1);e.length&&1<c.length;)d+=c.shift()+e. shift();return d+c.join("%s")},u=String.prototype.trim?function(a ){return a.trim()}:function(a){return a.replace(/^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g,"")},v=function(a,b){return a<b?-1:a>b?1:0};var w=function(a,b){b.unshift(a);t.call(this,aa.apply( null,b));b.shift()};r(w,t);var x=function(a,b,c){if(!a){var d="Assertion failed";if(b)var d=d+(": "+b),e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,2);thr ow new w(""+d,e||[]);}};var ba=Array.prototype.forEach?function(a,b,c){x(null! =a.length);Array.prototype.forEach.call(a,b,c)}:fu nction(a,b,c){for(var d=a.length,e="string"==typeof a?a.split(""):a,f=0;f<d;f++)f in e&&b.call(c,e[f],f,a)};var y;a:{var z=g.navigator;if(z){var A=z.userAgent;if(A){y=A;break a}}y=""}var B=function(a){return-1!=y.indexOf(a)};var da=function(a,b){var c=ca;Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c,a)||(c[a]=b(a))};var ea=B("Opera"),C=B("Trident")||B("MSIE"),fa=B("Edge "),D=B("Gecko")&&!(-1!=y.toLowerCase().indexOf("webkit")&&!B("Edge"))& &!(B("Trident")||B("MSIE"))&&!B("Edge"),E=-1!=y.toLowerCase().indexOf("webkit")&&!B("Edge"),g a=E&&B("Mobile"),F=function(){var a=g.document;return a?a.documentMode:void 0},G;
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"")){b=String(this.b.LSOLH||"").split(":");c=b.len gth;if(1==c||4==c)this.l=b[0];if(3==c||4==c)a=String(b[c-3]||""),b=String(b[c-1]||""),c=this.h,a?(d=[a],c&&d.push(c),c=ka(d.join(" ")).substr(0,4)):c=null,c===b&&(this.j=a);this.a&& (a=this.a.indexOf("."),-1!=a&&(a=this.a.substr(0,a)||"",this.a=a+"."+ma([this.g,this.i,this.f,this.l,this.j,a]).substr(0,4)));a=ma([this.g,this.i,this.f,this.a]);this.a&&(a=a+"."+this.a);this.c=a}else this.c="";else this.c=""};
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a=b.length<=a?null:b[a]||null):a=null:a=null;return a},pa=function(a){a=String(a.origin||"");if(!a)thr ow Error("RPC has no origin.");return a};q("checkSessionState",S);q("getVersionInfo",T); var U,V,W,X,Y,Z,qa=window,ra=(window.location.href||qa .location.href).match(/.*(\?|#|&)usegapi=([^&#]+)/)||[];
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ta);X("get_versioninfo",ua)}):(W=function(a,b,c,d, e){gadgets.rpc.call(a,b+":"+c,d,e)},X=function(a,b ){gadgets.rpc.register(a,b)},Y=function(a){gadgets .rpc.getTargetOrigin("..")==gadgets.rpc.getOrigin( a)&&W("..","oauth2callback",gadgets.rpc.getAuthTok en(".."),void 0,a)},V=function(){Z()},Z=function(){W("..","oauth 2relayReady",gadgets.rpc.getAuthToken(".."));X("ch eck_session_state",S);X("get_versioninfo",T)});
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b)},window.realClearTimeout=window.realClearTimeou t||window.clearTimeout,window.clearTimeout=functio n(a){try{var b=window.timeoutMap[String(a)];b&&c.clearTimeout(b)}catch(h){}try{window.timeout Map[String(a)]=void 0,delete window.timeoutMap[String(a)]}catch(h){}window.realClearTimeout(a)},va(String(d )),"keep_open"!=b&&R(c),!0;c&&!c.closed&&R(c);retu rn!1});q("init",function(){wa=!0;xa&&V()});window. addEventListener?window.addEventListener("load",ya ,!1):window.attachEvent("onload",ya);

DragonByte Tech 11-04-2016 07:28 PM

That's not an error message, it's a JavaScript file. If your site is unable to run JavaScript correctly then that's beyond this mod, it's a much deeper problem that I've never encountered before.


torcidas 11-08-2016 03:41 AM

I try to search but didn't find answer so I ask you is it possible to add in topXstats block with newest threads insted of newest members or top posters?

P.S. Info panels are working fine at my forum.

shimei 11-08-2016 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by torcidas (Post 2577955)
I try to search but didn't find answer so I ask you is it possible to add in topXstats block with newest threads insted of newest members or top posters?

P.S. Info panels are working fine at my forum.

I checked active newest members to no on the newest members block. But it did not cease to display. Instead I had blanked out dbtech_infopanels_block_newestmember css template. Here's the result:


You may as a work around consider blanking out the appropriate templates for top posters.

Would love to see this fixed.


torcidas 11-15-2016 02:25 PM

This is perfect how you did this. Much better then they make as default :)
I blank it too but still have only empty column.

How did you manage to have it displayed like this? It's just perfect:
Thread Last Post By Forum Replies User Name Join Date User Name Posts

shimei 11-15-2016 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by torcidas (Post 2578202)
This is perfect how you did this. Much better then they make as default :)
I blank it too but still have only empty column.

How did you manage to have it displayed like this? It's just perfect:
Thread Last Post By Forum Replies User Name Join Date User Name Posts

To get rid of the empty columns you'll have to add some css like this to your additional_css:

div#dbtech_topxstats_column2 {
display:none !important;
div#dbtech_topxstats_column3 {
display:none !important;

torcidas 11-15-2016 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by shimei (Post 2578206)
To get rid of the empty columns you'll have to add some css like this to your additional_css:

div#dbtech_topxstats_column2 {
display:none !important;
div#dbtech_topxstats_column3 {
display:none !important;

I manage to do same by deleteing part od code from dbtech_infopanels_topxstats. But what about displaying all that informations that are dispayed on your page. How to do that?
Curently I have only (Thread Last Post By Forum Replies) and you have (Thread Last Post By Forum Replies User Name Join Date User Name Posts)

shimei 11-15-2016 08:47 PM

Can you include a screen shot of what you're seeing? All I have displayed is the latest reply which includes by who, the category that last reply was made in, and how many posts are in that thread:


torcidas 11-16-2016 05:04 AM

My error sorry. Now I see what you made. I thought that all that info is related to the topic not that is 3 different standard blocks :)

5noopz 02-01-2017 05:01 PM

The welcom message display the avatar. But when a user has no avatar there is no one.
I use this hack: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=227947
But your hack don't display this avatar, why?

DragonByte Tech 02-07-2017 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by 5noopz (Post 2581642)
The welcom message display the avatar. But when a user has no avatar there is no one.
I use this hack: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=227947
But your hack don't display this avatar, why?

That modification does not work on vB5.


shimei 02-08-2017 06:12 PM

Just a heads up, infopanels stopped working in 5.2.6 beta.

shimei 02-13-2017 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by shimei (Post 2582076)
Just a heads up, infopanels stopped working in 5.2.6 beta.

And also in 5.2.6 Rc 1

DragonByte Tech 02-13-2017 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by shimei (Post 2582251)
And also in 5.2.6 Rc 1

Do you have any more information to share? Are there any error messages? Is the display corrupt? etc


shimei 02-13-2017 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2582255)
Do you have any more information to share? Are there any error messages? Is the display corrupt? etc


Hello Fillip,

Here's a screen shot. No errors display:


DragonByte Tech 02-13-2017 05:00 PM

Have you checked your server's error log? vB5 does not print any errors unless you enable debug & error display in both of its config.php files, IIRC.


shimei 02-13-2017 05:25 PM

I have the site in debug right now: https://www.christforums.org/Activity

I don't see any error reported outside the debug panel. And in there is too much information to list.

DragonByte Tech 02-14-2017 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by shimei (Post 2582275)
I have the site in debug right now: https://www.christforums.org/Activity

I legitimately can't figure out how to get to your forum from your Activity page, there doesn't appear to be any links to it :confused:


shimei 02-14-2017 03:42 PM


DragonByte Tech 02-15-2017 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by shimei (Post 2582322)
There's a menu and a home link.

I could not find the home link at all when I visited your site :(


Originally Posted by shimei (Post 2582322)
I must say, updating your testing environment when a problem presents itself on a new update seemingly would solve a lot of these back and forth issues.

Sure, but please also bear in mind that it takes a long time to update my testing environment every time there's an update, vB5 release a lot of Alpha and Beta versions that should never be used in a production environment or on a live site, and also the fact that as a business it's virtually impossible to make money for vB5.

I hope you, in your professional life, do not rely on a single 3rd party company to make good decisions that enables you to make money improving their product. I have done so in the past (when we tried to make mods for vB5), and it was a nightmare.

If you think it's just me, that I'm the only coder that don't want to deal with vB5, then why not look right here on vB.org?
vB3 add-ons: 1,438
vB4 add-ons: 1,959
vB5 add-ons: 73

If vB5 is a platform that supports modification development, then why would there be so few vB5 mods? Purely in terms of numbers, vB5 has 3.72% of the amount of modifications vB4 has. 5.0.0 Gold was officially released four years ago, on 21 February 2013. Four years to make 73 mods, that's quite the slow rate of development, if you were going to say "but vB4 has been out for longer".

On a more personal note, development for vB5 is needlessly complicated, and I don't like working with the platform. Compared to literally every other platform I have worked with (vB3, vB4, XenForo, Zend Framework, Laravel, Symfony), vB5 is easily the worst in terms of whether I am enjoying my time coding.
I hope you can understand and sympathise; coding isn't just "coding", each platform is almost like its own dialect of a language, and there are some dialects you can understand much more easily than others.

All of that being said, I do understand where you're coming from. You paid for a product and it isn't receiving new feature or bugfix updates except for when new vB5 versions necessitate it. It's also true that even if a new non-beta version of vB5 was released, I would not update my testing environment unless someone reported an issue I couldn't fix by asking enough questions.

I hope I have at least helped you understand why I've not been rushing to update whenever vB5 releases a new Alpha or Beta version. I do still intend to keep supporting the vB5 mods in terms of bugfixing whenever someone reports that a new version has broken the existing functionality.


meissenation 02-15-2017 10:42 PM

I just installed vB5 for the first time, upgraded from vb4 and I entirely sympathize with you Fillip. For a decently clean install (used a brand new directory with no vb4 files, just upgraded the database) I'm running into a lot of crap-tastic bugs and issues with vBulletin itself.

For what it's worth, the info panels are working fine for me on 5.2.6.

shimei 02-16-2017 07:33 PM


DragonByte Tech 02-16-2017 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by shimei (Post 2582476)
Since you acknowledge my position and I hope, now share empathy for my personal matters - how about issuing a refund?

I looked into the details of your purchase, and if you can demonstrate that the product has been 100% unusable for you for all of the 19 months since you purchased the product (meaning, the issue you are experiencing just now has happened ever since day 1 of purchase), I would be happy to grant you a refund :)

Otherwise, I will unfortunately have to refer to our refund policy that states that once a product has been downloaded, the customer is no longer eligible for a refund.

As always, I'm happy to visit a customer's site to resolve any issues they may be facing, but I prefer to try to ascertain the nature of the problem and fix it before having to resort to asking for login details. I prefer remote debugging because a lot of people are apprehensive about handing out their login details, and handing over login details always carries with it a security risk. Our site, or vB.org, could be hacked the selfsame day as the PM with the details had been sent, thus exposing the customer's site to risk.

That being said, in this case it would seem like the issue is unique to your site, as neither myself nor other customers can replicate the issue. That's the point where I have no choice but to request an FTP and AdminCP account in order to debug this issue further, so if you change your mind I would be happy to look at the problem on-site :)


shimei 02-16-2017 08:40 PM


meissenation 02-19-2017 12:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Working perfectly fine for me in 5.2.6. I saw Shim posted about how he customized the CSS, maybe that broke the display.

Attachment 155848

shimei 02-19-2017 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by meissenation (Post 2582572)
Working perfectly fine for me in 5.2.6. I saw Shim posted about how he customized the CSS, maybe that broke the display.

Attachment 155848

Issue was resolved after having uninstalled the product and reinstalling it.

meissenation 02-28-2017 10:56 PM

Absolutely love this mod and a million thanks to Filip for your work. Is there any way to have a different colored icon for the Top Newest Replies that have unread posts?

meissenation 03-08-2017 11:32 PM

The threads which show up in the Newest Replies seems to be hit or miss on my forum. Some threads show up, but other new replies in the same forum doesn't show up. I also have a subforum which is hidden to the public and only accessible to Administrators -- I can see the forum, but new replies in that subforum doesn't show up in the Newest Replies block. Any tips on troubleshooting?

shimei 03-09-2017 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by meissenation (Post 2583498)
The threads which show up in the Newest Replies seems to be hit or miss on my forum. Some threads show up, but other new replies in the same forum doesn't show up. I also have a subforum which is hidden to the public and only accessible to Administrators -- I can see the forum, but new replies in that subforum doesn't show up in the Newest Replies block. Any tips on troubleshooting?

I only notice this when someone posts a polls or links thread. They are different than a regular discussion thread, I suppose. So if someone starts a thread that began as a link, it and further replies will not show.

Can I ask you to check something for me too? When I trim the maximum amount of characters in the thread title, forum title, and or user name in the Newest Replies it does not display. Anything other than zero and the entire module does not show.


meissenation 03-11-2017 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by shimei (Post 2583512)
I only notice this when someone posts a polls or links thread. They are different than a regular discussion thread, I suppose. So if someone starts a thread that began as a link, it and further replies will not show.

Can I ask you to check something for me too? When I trim the maximum amount of characters in the thread title, forum title, and or user name in the Newest Replies it does not display. Anything other than zero and the entire module does not show.


Yeah I have the same problem.

I also have random "Visitor Messages" showing up for people and I can't get rid of it.

meissenation 03-13-2017 08:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
See screenshot -- random "Visitor Messages" and no clue where it's coming from or what it is.

meissenation 03-23-2017 04:03 PM


shimei 03-23-2017 04:42 PM


daddybird292 03-26-2017 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2582362)
I could not find the home link at all when I visited your site :(

Sure, but please also bear in mind that it takes a long time to update my testing environment every time there's an update, vB5 release a lot of Alpha and Beta versions that should never be used in a production environment or on a live site, and also the fact that as a business it's virtually impossible to make money for vB5.

I hope you, in your professional life, do not rely on a single 3rd party company to make good decisions that enables you to make money improving their product. I have done so in the past (when we tried to make mods for vB5), and it was a nightmare.

If you think it's just me, that I'm the only coder that don't want to deal with vB5, then why not look right here on vB.org?
vB3 add-ons: 1,438
vB4 add-ons: 1,959
vB5 add-ons: 73

If vB5 is a platform that supports modification development, then why would there be so few vB5 mods? Purely in terms of numbers, vB5 has 3.72% of the amount of modifications vB4 has. 5.0.0 Gold was officially released four years ago, on 21 February 2013. Four years to make 73 mods, that's quite the slow rate of development, if you were going to say "but vB4 has been out for longer".

On a more personal note, development for vB5 is needlessly complicated, and I don't like working with the platform. Compared to literally every other platform I have worked with (vB3, vB4, XenForo, Zend Framework, Laravel, Symfony), vB5 is easily the worst in terms of whether I am enjoying my time coding.
I hope you can understand and sympathise; coding isn't just "coding", each platform is almost like its own dialect of a language, and there are some dialects you can understand much more easily than others.

All of that being said, I do understand where you're coming from. You paid for a product and it isn't receiving new feature or bugfix updates except for when new vB5 versions necessitate it. It's also true that even if a new non-beta version of vB5 was released, I would not update my testing environment unless someone reported an issue I couldn't fix by asking enough questions.

I hope I have at least helped you understand why I've not been rushing to update whenever vB5 releases a new Alpha or Beta version. I do still intend to keep supporting the vB5 mods in terms of bugfixing whenever someone reports that a new version has broken the existing functionality.


Hey DragonByte,
I had bought a lot of plugs for VB4 from you and I LOVED THEM!!!
I was looking at your webpage since I've made the switch to VB5, and the top of the page says "no more major updates due to changes VB has made".
So I was under the impression that they just opened the hooks system up so that Dev's could have an easier time..... no?

Just trying to understand your plight and I'm holding out hope that things improve so that people come back to VB.

meissenation 04-04-2017 08:41 AM

Apparently this mod is no longer supported. :( This is bar none the most important add-on on my site and while it's good, it's not quite as good as what we had in vb4. The "Visitor Messages" that shows up is really annoying, though.

DragonByte Tech 04-04-2017 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by meissenation (Post 2584705)
Apparently this mod is no longer supported. :( This is bar none the most important add-on on my site and while it's good, it's not quite as good as what we had in vb4. The "Visitor Messages" that shows up is really annoying, though.

It is supported, although I rely on users reporting issues rather than installing every new vB5 version to test for bugs.

The message @ our site still stands; it is not currently possible or viable to provide major updates to this mod due to design decisions taken by Internet Brands. The product is provided as-is, with no promise of future feature updates.


meissenation 04-04-2017 11:36 AM

I've been reporting the issue for almost a month, bumping this thread asking for help about random "Visitor Messages" being captured in the Top Stats panel including the screenshot.

Edit: Disregard the new issue - apparently vB5 doesn't give a clean "Database connection error" window anymore and just throws error code 500 when it can't connect to the database. God I hate vB5.

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