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nacaruncr 05-19-2012 04:53 AM

Why everytime that I enter in the thread I have to mark the hack as Installed?

Hippy 05-19-2012 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Badshah93 (Post 2330605)
replace old edit with this

PHP Code:

global $vfc_hide;
$pagetext $vfc_hide->strip_hide_bbcodes($pagetext'quote'); 

thanks for your efforts and support / help ..

nexxzus 05-22-2012 05:44 AM

Thank you very much is really good.

Badshah93 05-22-2012 05:07 PM

Version 2.2 Added (for vB 4.1.10 +)
will update later when i release 2.2 for vB (4.1.10 -)

After installing vFcoders - Hide Hack 2.2 (for vB 4.1.10+), No Manual File edits is required to strip contents from Forum Sideblock, CMS, Activity Streams etc...

nacaruncr 05-23-2012 12:55 AM

Thanks man.. I'll wait for the update for 4.1.10- :)
Regards ;)

Easy5s.net 05-23-2012 01:09 AM

pls add number post and image like


netsploiter 05-24-2012 07:59 PM

is it working for 4.1.12 thanks in advance!

nacaruncr 05-24-2012 08:50 PM

jajajja forgot it XD I misunderstood XD

Thanks man for the new version :) I gonna upgrade my web :D
Thanks :)

blueperspective 05-27-2012 08:31 AM

OK, installed it. Running tests.
As far as it's the only working Hide Hack (meaning working properly and being supported), I've put your link in my signature.
Thanks for all your effort and just keep it supported.

LouiseWilson 05-27-2012 06:22 PM

Cool might think about upgrading to VB4 now :) Tagged

faraz_hamza 05-28-2012 06:52 PM

**Hidden Content: Reply to see the content**

how can we change the color and font size of this Text... how can we change this text to blinking. like Cursor blink?

is there any way to make prominant these words like to change color or blinking style???

faraz_hamza 05-28-2012 07:15 PM

**Hidden Content: Reply to see the content**

how can we change the color and font size of this Text... how can we change this text to blinking. like Cursor blink?

is there any way to make prominant these words like to change color or blinking style???

Badshah93 05-29-2012 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by faraz_hamza (Post 2333991)
**Hidden Content: Reply to see the content**

how can we change the color and font size of this Text... how can we change this text to blinking. like Cursor blink?

is there any way to make prominant these words like to change color or blinking style???

Edit vfc_hide_hack_bbcode_reply template


{vb:rawphrase vfc_hidden_content_reply_ntml}
Replace With:

<blink>{vb:rawphrase vfc_hidden_content_reply_ntml}</blink>

blueperspective 05-29-2012 05:37 AM

I have a question on the same field: Where can I change "** Hidden Content: You don't have sufficient privileges to see this hidden data **" ?
Thanks in advance!
Till now, the mod works wonderful!

Badshah93 05-29-2012 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by blueperspective (Post 2334162)
I have a question on the same field: Where can I change "** Hidden Content: You don't have sufficient privileges to see this hidden data **" ?
Thanks in advance!
Till now, the mod works wonderful!

edit this phrase



faraz_hamza 05-29-2012 06:06 PM

you just
Is it possible to display an image instead of displaying that text

**Hidden Content: Reply to see the content**

image which designed by me and showing the message to reply or press thanks?

Eosian 05-29-2012 09:27 PM

Seems obvious, but you need a [HIDE-VOTE] option as well so that people can say things in a thread thats hidden to people who haven't already voted.

Approximately this;


    * Callback function for Parsing [HIDE-VOTE] Tag
    * @param        string        Message text
    * @return        Message (Parsed)

function p_bb_code_hv($message)
  global $vbphrase;
  $message = str_replace('\"', '"', $message);
  // Checking if user can view the message
  if (!$this->_registry->owner)
                if ($this->_registry->threadid)
                        $creply = $this->_vbulletin->db->query_first("
                                                                SELECT p.pollid, p.votedate
                                                                FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread t
                                                                left join " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pollvote p on t.pollid = p.pollid
                                                                        p.userid = " . $this->_vbulletin->userinfo[userid] . "
                                                                        AND t.threadid = " . $this->_registry->threadid . "
                                                                        AND userid > 0 LIMIT 1 "); 

                        if ($creply['pollid'] > 0 AND $creply['votedate'] > 0) 
                                $this->_registry->hvote = true;
                if ($this->_registry->dohtml)
                        if ($this->_registry->owner OR $this->_registry->hvote)
                        {  $usercansee = true; }       
                        $templater = vB_Template::create('vfc_hide_hack_bbcode_vote');
                        $templater->register('usercansee', $usercansee);
                        $templater->register('postid', $this->_registry->postid);
                        $templater->register('message', $message);
                        $message = $templater->render();
                        return $message;
                        if ($this->_registry->owner OR $this->_registry->hvote)
                                return $message;
                                return $vbphrase[vfc_hidden_content_reply_vote];;
        return $message;

Plus the associated vfc_hide_hack_bbcode_vote template.

And adding this

'HIDE-VOTE' => 'p_bb_code_hv',
to $taglist


You could go one step more complex and make a hide-vote-option that's only visible to people who selected a specific vote option, but seems unnecessarily complex for most usage.

Otherwise very good mod.

faraz_hamza 05-30-2012 05:23 AM

i think you failed to Got my point.

i just Want to Display Image(jpg banner) instead of the text hiddent content

faraz_hamza 05-30-2012 05:47 AM

How Can we hide Attachments???

Cuz when i do attachment then there is nothing displayed in text editor . and after submiting it displayed attached file in thread.

Badshah93 05-30-2012 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by faraz_hamza (Post 2334390)
you just
Is it possible to display an image instead of displaying that text

**Hidden Content: Reply to see the content**

image which designed by me and showing the message to reply or press thanks?

Edit vfc_hide_hack_bbcode_reply template

PHP Code:

{vb:rawphrase vfc_hidden_content_reply_ntml

With Your Img Code

<img src="yourimgurl" alt="{vb:rawphrase vfc_hidden_content_reply_ntml}">

Badshah93 05-30-2012 08:26 PM

Will be soon adding STU user tag also in this mod. Jus created an user selection box for STU in cKEditor.


LouiseWilson 05-31-2012 10:17 AM

Not sure if this is do able.. but incorporating it in with the face book like/share system

Example there will be a FB like button on the thread, user presses like/share unhides post
Just something to think about

None the less When I upgrade I will be using your mod

Hippy 05-31-2012 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Badshah93 (Post 2334137)
Edit vfc_hide_hack_bbcode_reply template


{vb:rawphrase vfc_hidden_content_reply_ntml}
Replace With:

<blink>{vb:rawphrase vfc_hidden_content_reply_ntml}</blink>

Has anyone treat this blink out. Does not seem to work for me... was a pretty good idea.

mitch84 05-31-2012 10:29 AM

hi, this images are added in next release? thx

Badshah93 05-31-2012 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Hippy (Post 2335007)
Has anyone treat this blink out. Does not seem to work for me... was a pretty good idea.

<blink> tag is only supported on firefox and few others.


Originally Posted by mitch84 (Post 2335009)
hi, this images are added in next release? thx


Hippy 05-31-2012 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Badshah93 (Post 2335014)
<blink> tag is only supported on firefox and few others.


Thanks for the super support ..

chiggy 05-31-2012 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Badshah93 (Post 2334835)
Edit vfc_hide_hack_bbcode_reply template

PHP Code:

{vb:rawphrase vfc_hidden_content_reply_ntml

With Your Img Code

<img src="yourimgurl" alt="{vb:rawphrase vfc_hidden_content_reply_ntml}">

Above Modification For HIDE-REPLY work perfectly.But What Is The Changes For This I Want To Use Image For This Also

**Hidden Content: Thanks to see the content**
**Hidden Content: Reply or Thanks to see the content**
I Want Images Here To How To Do It.
Thanx In Advanced

Badshah93 05-31-2012 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by chiggy (Post 2335078)
Above Modification For HIDE-REPLY work perfectly.But What Is The Changes For This I Want To Use Image For This Also

**Hidden Content: Thanks to see the content**
**Hidden Content: Reply or Thanks to see the content**
I Want Images Here To How To Do It.
Thanx In Advanced


Template: vfc_hide_hack_bbcode_thanks


{vb:rawphrase vfc_hidden_content_thanks_ntml}
With Your IMG CODE


Template: vfc_hide_hack_bbcode_replythanks


{vb:rawphrase vfc_hidden_content_hr_ntml}
With Your IMG CODE

LouiseWilson 06-02-2012 05:04 AM

hello there
I've installed this on VB 4.2.0 and it seems to not hide the content, just wondering if you can take a look for me ?
I have uploaded your contents, added the xml etc
Been through the Forum permissions and usergroup permissions

I'm not a young VB owner so I usually know what i'm doing
thank you

Badshah93 06-02-2012 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by LouiseWilson (Post 2335692)
hello there
I've installed this on VB 4.2.0 and it seems to not hide the content, just wondering if you can take a look for me ?
I have uploaded your contents, added the xml etc
Been through the Forum permissions and usergroup permissions

I'm not a young VB owner so I usually know what i'm doing
thank you

PM me your forum url and admin id.

fevredsuk 06-02-2012 10:44 PM

I use a similar hack to this for the SHOWTOGROUPS hide.

problem is when member are using tapatalk and forumrunner etc on smart phones they se the hidden content

is this the same???

Badshah93 06-03-2012 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by fevredsuk (Post 2335964)
I use a similar hack to this for the SHOWTOGROUPS hide.

problem is when member are using tapatalk and forumrunner etc on smart phones they se the hidden content

is this the same???

well i haven't tested this mod with forumrunner, so can't really tell but i expect it to work if it doesn't then i am here to fix it.

fevredsuk 06-03-2012 12:50 PM

ok mate i'll give it ago because currently the one i am using doesn't hide in the latest threads sidebar block or when searching a members posts

fevredsuk 06-03-2012 07:51 PM

Hides allover the forum.

just a few issues

1. image not showing in editor Edit / sorted
2. I only want to use showtogroups - can I disable the hide tag and keep only showtogroups so that i only have 1 button in the editor
3. I have hide mapped to showtogroups but for some reason using [showtogroups] or [HIDE] on their own doesn't work even though in setting i have groups 5,6,7 set as default if members dont choose a group.

dwx 06-04-2012 01:03 AM

I made a quick change to use the 1.72 version of jquery hosted on google's CDN. (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs.../jquery.min.js)

All seems fine after doing this, do you foresee any problems?

This is a great extension to VB. Thanks for making it!

Badshah93 06-04-2012 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by fevredsuk (Post 2336268)
Hides allover the forum.

just a few issues

1. image not showing in editor Edit / sorted
2. I only want to use showtogroups - can I disable the hide tag and keep only showtogroups so that i only have 1 button in the editor
3. I have hide mapped to showtogroups but for some reason using [showtogroups] or [HIDE] on their own doesn't work even though in setting i have groups 5,6,7 set as default if members dont choose a group.

you can disable any hide tags which you don't want to use in admincp.
Issue #3 -> will check it out.

and can i know where you using (site url) this mod ?

fevredsuk 06-04-2012 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Badshah93 (Post 2336344)
you can disable any hide tags which you don't want to use in admincp.
Issue #3 -> will check it out.

and can i know where you using (site url) this mod ?

As far as I can see you cant hide the [HIDE] tag only map it to another therefore its always in the editor. As i only want to use [SHOWTOGROUPS] I dont see the point of having a HIDE button and a SHOWTOGROUPS button doing the same thing

I can give you the url here but it will be of no use to you Click here I can make you an account and send you the details in pm

Badshah93 06-04-2012 08:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by fevredsuk (Post 2336402)
As far as I can see you cant hide the [HIDE] tag only map it to another therefore its always in the editor. As i only want to use [SHOWTOGROUPS] I dont see the point of having a HIDE button and a SHOWTOGROUPS button doing the same thing

I can give you the url here but it will be of no use to you Click here I can make you an account and send you the details in pm

well you can disable hide button also if you want.
Under usergroup Manager, uncheck HIDE TAG for every usergroup.


fevredsuk 06-04-2012 09:59 AM

No different mate, if member dont select a usergroup the message just posts has


also denying all usergroups ability to use hide tags doesn't remove the icon from the editor and it can still be used

Badshah93 06-04-2012 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by fevredsuk (Post 2336419)
No different mate, if member dont select a usergroup the message just posts has


also denying all usergroups ability to use hide tags doesn't remove the icon from the editor and it can still be used

go in admincp -> settings -> hide hack settings
select default usergroups and save it.. (after saving it will rebuild settings)

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