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SaintDog 02-04-2002 06:21 PM

The only thing I can think of now is maybe you have installed another hack that is calling something from the FAQ hack that is making it not work? I have done that before with other hacks, such as Biras, unless you look at it and make changes one by one, you can not install both the Away Hack & the Random Password hack.

Omero 02-04-2002 08:16 PM

IT doesn't work for me :(


No matter what I do, i always get the same window with all the questions, I can't see the answers, etc...

My misc.php code is:



if ($action=="faq") {
  $templatesused = "faq_title,faq_head,faq_entry";

  if(isset($page)){$sql = "WHERE faqid='$page'";}
  $query = "SELECT faqid,title FROM faq $sql ORDER BY showorder";
  while ($faq=$DB_site->fetch_array($faqs)) {
    if (isset($page))
          {$title = " > <a href='misc.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=faq&page=$faq[faqid]'>$faq[title]</a>";
    $questions=$DB_site->query("SELECT entryid,title,faqid FROM faqentries WHERE faqid='$faq[faqid]' ORDER BY showorder");
    while ($question=$DB_site->fetch_array($questions)) {
          eval ("\$faqtitles .= \"".gettemplate("faq_title")."\";");
    eval ("\$faqhead .= \"".gettemplate("faq_head")."\";");
        unset ($faqtitles);
  if (isset($page)) {
    $entries=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM faqentries WHERE faqid='$page' ORDER BY showorder");
          $entry[text] = bbcodeparse2($entry[text],$entry[dohtml],$entry[dobbcode],$entry[dosmilies],$entry[dobbcode]);
      eval ("\$faqentries .= \"".gettemplate("faq_entry")."\";");

AS you can I applied bira's hack, but still doesnt work... can someone help please? :(

christina 02-05-2002 12:59 AM

Ok, the only other real hack installed is the Welcome panel hack, nothing else very big really. I'm sure the hacks don't overlap. :( Only possibility is vbportal, perhaps? I wish the 'internal server error' was a little more explicative...

LuBi 02-07-2002 06:46 PM


Originally posted by christina
Does this hack work on vb 2.2.2? Just curious as I'm looking to add it. :)


Any word on this working? Is everyone still having trouble?

fonzerelli_79 02-07-2002 08:00 PM

the hack worked fine with me

Lars 02-11-2002 08:38 PM

Where do I change the "categoryfontcolor" that the script generates for colors of the links? I know I can change the colors in CP, but I need to change it in the code.. any ideas?

Or, even better, where do I remove the link after the question on FAQ page? (As it is on this board).

christina 02-11-2002 09:55 PM

Not here, my boards are cursed. Perhabs vbportal is screwing with this somehow, I dunno. So far this is the only hack/mod I've failed at getting going. :D


Originally posted by LuBi

Any word on this working? Is everyone still having trouble?

Xelation 02-18-2002 07:16 PM

I'm running 2.2.2 and it doesn't seem to be working for me either.

Remi 02-19-2002 09:28 AM

Can't someone rewrite the instruction for the hack and release it in a new thread?

threr are so many instructons for this hack wich is very confusing

AndyTSJ 02-22-2002 10:51 PM

This doen't work properly for me. I can add a category, which shows up fine, and while I can submit a new FAQ perfectly well, the problem is that the question never appears on the list of FAQ's anywhere. No error messages or anything - it just doesn't show on the list :(

slideboxer 02-23-2002 01:42 AM

It seems to only allow you to add the questions from under the "Edit FAQS" link in admincp. Everything else, like everyone says, seems to comply but no show.

AndyTSJ 02-23-2002 10:55 AM

Gotcha... thanks for that ;)

slideboxer 02-23-2002 04:53 PM

My pleasure, now if someone could just fix that :D

5861king 02-28-2002 08:25 PM

Can any kind soul help me the order function does not work in the Admin CP I get this error message.

Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /home/sites/site253/web/bboard/admin/faq.php on line 347

Everything else is working fine :D

isoking 03-02-2002 02:47 PM

Well After a little messing with the code (wish i know what i was doing :P)

here is the modified code for v2.2.2

Open Admin/index.php

// ***
makenavoption("Modify","bbcode.php?action=modify") ;
makenavselect("Custom vB Codes","<hr>");

Add Directly Under that:

makenavoption("Add Question","faq.php?action=addquestion");
makenavoption("Add Group","faq.php?action=addfaq");
makenavoption("Add Edit","faq.php?action=modify");
makenavselect("FAQ Database","<hr>");

Save And Upload.

Hope The Orig Authour didnt mind me adding this info,

Mutt 03-16-2002 01:38 PM

works great for me on 222

small fix though. html wasn't working

then I also noticed that the replacement vars weren't working so images were dead. It's because of the bbcodeparse. since I will be using html instead of vbcode or smiles, I just commented out the bbcode pars line in misc.php

$entry[text] = bbcodeparse2($entry[text],$entry[dohtml],$entry[dobbcode],$entry[dosmilies],$entry[dobbcode]);

add // in front of the line

this will fix html and replacement vars but you'll lose vbcode and smilies. oh well

I'm still not able to get vars like $bbtitle to work though. odd

shadow_old 03-20-2002 11:47 AM

Running fine on 2.2.4 here is my faq code from the misc.php:


// ############################### start faq ###############################
if ($action=="faq") {
  $templatesused = "faq_title,faq_head,faq_entry";

  if(isset($page)){$sql = "WHERE faqid='$page'";}
  $query = "SELECT faqid,title FROM faq $sql ORDER BY showorder";
  while ($faq=$DB_site->fetch_array($faqs)) {
    if (isset($page))
          {$title = " > <a href='misc.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=faq&page=$faq[faqid]'>$faq[title]</a>";
    $questions=$DB_site->query("SELECT entryid,title,faqid FROM faqentries WHERE faqid='$faq[faqid]' ORDER BY showorder");
    while ($question=$DB_site->fetch_array($questions)) {
          eval ("\$faqtitles .= \"".gettemplate("faq_title")."\";");
    eval ("\$faqhead .= \"".gettemplate("faq_head")."\";");
        unset ($faqtitles);
  if (isset($page)) {
    $entries=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM faqentries WHERE faqid='$page' ORDER BY showorder");
          $entry[text] = bbcodeparse2($entry[text],$entry[dohtml],$entry[dobbcode],$entry[dosmilies],$entry[dobbcode]);
      eval ("\$faqentries .= \"".gettemplate("faq_entry")."\";");

i also set dohtml to 1
my html smilies AND vbcode are working

the only thing that doesn't work is variables

freehtml 03-20-2002 01:07 PM


Originally posted by 5861king
Can any kind soul help me the order function does not work in the Admin CP I get this error message.

Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /home/sites/site253/web/bboard/admin/faq.php on line 347

Everything else is working fine :D

I am using vb 2.2.4

Here is my FAQ section.

I had done the changes and now can display HTML as well as vb codes. But variables as pointed out by many others, is not working.

diettalk 04-03-2002 11:46 PM

I installed FAQ on 2.2.4 and I just upgraded to v2.2.5 and it works but none of the hacks I added work. I just tried to add a FAQ but it didn't work. It accepts it but it never shows up.

Is anyone else having this problem after an upgrade?

diettalk 04-06-2002 01:39 PM

I uninstalled and reistalled it again and all is working fine.


Originally posted by diettalk
I installed FAQ on 2.2.4 and I just upgraded to v2.2.5 and it works but none of the hacks I added work. I just tried to add a FAQ but it didn't work. It accepts it but it never shows up.

Is anyone else having this problem after an upgrade?

Fallout2man 04-07-2002 04:38 AM

Would it be possible in the future for this hack to be made into a vbhacker file?

nulltone 04-12-2002 01:16 AM

Changing the question order does not seem to work. Whenever I change the numbers, and press update order, the page freshes, but nothing happens. Anyone have a fix for this?

scsa20 04-15-2002 11:15 PM

ok, this sucks, HTML works and vB code works, and I think smilyles works (don't know, never tryed yet) but non of the images shows up, looking at the path of the image, I notice it is going to { imagesfolder } instead of changeing it to the image folder path....how can I fix this??

scsa20 04-18-2002 01:50 AM


scsa20 04-19-2002 04:12 AM


Mathiau 05-01-2002 07:54 AM

hey m8

would love to install this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BUT! saw alot of problems above....have they all been a added to the code already as updates? or fixes, whateva :)

will it work in 2.2.5? (perhaps time for a new updated version, if you got LotZ of free time :), or if u just want too :D

Dark Odin 05-08-2002 12:17 AM

I think this should be re-released..

FleaBag 05-18-2002 02:00 PM

The code I search for in misc.php in version 2.2.5 doesn't exist. Anyone able to help?

scsa20 05-18-2002 08:20 PM

I found the code, I just can't find a way to get my replacements code back :(

FleaBag 05-20-2002 07:07 PM

So this hack no longer works on later versions?

FleaBag 05-21-2002 10:10 PM


geniuscrew 05-23-2002 12:14 AM

Works like a charm on 2.2.5 ;)

FleaBag 05-23-2002 12:15 AM

Oh dear, wonder what I'm doing wrong then. I'll have to take another look later this morning. :)

geniuscrew 05-23-2002 12:17 AM

Maybe I can help GF - what's the problem?

FleaBag 05-23-2002 12:18 AM

I couldn't find the code I was looking for in misc.php, I didn't spend that long on it, admittedly, as I didn't have much time. Did you run into any problems?

geniuscrew 05-23-2002 12:25 AM

If you open it using Wordpad search for FAQ - now replace the code that is between

// ############################### start faq ###############################


// ############################### Popup Smilies for vbCode ################

The only problem i had was with the parsing of HTML - but that's fixed now

FleaBag 05-23-2002 11:17 AM

OK, maybe this is just me but the code in admin/index.php isn't there either, so for anyone else - this is what I did.

PHP Code:

makenavselect("User Titles");
// *** 

Below that, add...
PHP Code:

makenavoption("Add Group","faq.php?action=addfaq","|");
makenavoption("Edit Group","faq.php?action=modify","<br>");
makenavoption("Add Question","faq.php?&action=addquestion");
makenavselect("FAQ Maintenance");
// *** 

...and that should have your CP sorted. :) Seems to be running fine on 2.2.5, thanks for the tip geniuscrew and thanks for the hack tubedogg. :D

scsa20 05-23-2002 05:08 PM


Originally posted by geniuscrew
The only problem i had was with the parsing of HTML - but that's fixed now
how did you fix that?? I don't know how to fix it :(

geniuscrew 05-24-2002 12:02 AM

Firstly do EXACTLY what it tells you in the instructions - don't run any queries mentioned in this thread or change bbparsecode2 to bbparsecode

simple replace this


$entries=$DB_site->query("SELECT entryid,title,text FROM faqentries WHERE faqid='$page' ORDER BY showorder");


$entries=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM faqentries WHERE faqid='$page' ORDER BY showorder");
(in misc.php)

That's what fixed mine :)

Hope that helped!

@ GamerForums - you're welcome ;) Glad i could help

geniuscrew 05-24-2002 12:04 AM


Originally posted by GamerForums
OK, maybe this is just me but the code in admin/index.php isn't there either, so for anyone else - this is what I did.

PHP Code:

makenavselect("User Titles");
// *** 

Below that, add...
PHP Code:

makenavoption("Add Group","faq.php?action=addfaq","|");
makenavoption("Edit Group","faq.php?action=modify","<br>");
makenavoption("Add Question","faq.php?&action=addquestion");
makenavselect("FAQ Maintenance");
// *** 

...and that should have your CP sorted. :) Seems to be running fine on 2.2.5, thanks for the tip geniuscrew and thanks for the hack tubedogg. :D

Exactly - I got errors when I used the code given in the instructions

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