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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Facebook Connect - Update for Facebook PHP SDK (v.3.0.0) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=270219)

Morrus 09-27-2011 09:29 PM

If you're still interested in feature requests, here's a BIG one:

Make it include Google+ and Twitter, too. A universal social sharing mod. You'd need to let admins decide which social sites to include, of course.

Maybe a bit of a big jump - but you asked for feature requests, and it occurred to me. :)

Artes_Marciales 09-28-2011 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by Morrus (Post 2250682)
If you're still interested in feature requests, here's a BIG one:

Make it include Google+ and Twitter, too. A universal social sharing mod. You'd need to let admins decide which social sites to include, of course.

Maybe a bit of a big jump - but you asked for feature requests, and it occurred to me. :)

This s a mod to connect Facebook, no other social networks. If mtbikemike manage to repair the bugs will be a great mod.

notrious 09-28-2011 08:57 AM

1: Getting blank page after allowing permission for app @ /forum/fblogin.php
2: blank page @ FB Connect Options > News-Feed Templates

Using (vBulletin 3.8.7 Patch Level 2)

Morrus 09-28-2011 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Artes_Marciales (Post 2250786)
This s a mod to connect Facebook, no other social networks.

He asked, so I answered.

mtbikemike 09-28-2011 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by notrious (Post 2250846)
1: Getting blank page after allowing permission for app @ /forum/fblogin.php

What browser are you using? I found a bug yesterday in IE where FB would redirect to channel.html. Blank page sometimes means a php error, but the php.ini defines display_errors = off. Can you check your server's error logs?


Originally Posted by notrious (Post 2250846)
2: blank page @ FB Connect Options > News-Feed Templates

News-Feed Templates?? This was an option in sllik's version of FB Connect -- probably 2.0.5. I removed it in 3.0.

mtbikemike 09-28-2011 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Morrus (Post 2250871)
He asked, so I answered.

I've dabbled a bit with posting to twitter. It can be done via their javascript API. I'm gonna focus on getting this solid first, then we'll start adding features.

One neat idea would be to offer OAuth 2.0 connect through any major site. Like how some sites can let you log in with your yahoo, google, facebook or twitter account.

But this is probably waaaay down the line from now.

mtbikemike 09-30-2011 01:29 PM

Just released 3.0.5. Fixes some issues with guest sessions.

I'm seeing random errors caused by the $vbulletin->options['fbconnect_showfbavatar'] variable not being set correctly in the fbconnect_init template when it's called from the STANDARD_ERROR template and not the normal footer template. This seems to happen randomly. Still trying to track it down.

if you see weirdness with your FB avatar, remove this code in the fbconnect_init template:

<if condition="$vboptions['fbconnect_showfbavatar']">
                    document.getElementById('tdFBConnected').style.display = 'block';

And replace with:

                    document.getElementById('tdFBConnected').style.display = 'block';
Or if you don't want to show the FB avatar, just leave the above code out.

Also, added some flowcharts to help document how FB and vB sessions interact.

Please test it out and let me know if you see any issues. I'm thinking of setting up two instances of vbulletin on my hosting service for demo purposes. One instance on 3.8.7 PL2 and another on 3.5.0 (or maybe some other popular version).

Does anyone know of a vBulletin version distribution graph which shows how many installs each version of vBulletin has?

Artes_Marciales 09-30-2011 02:13 PM


Just released 3.0.5.
Blank page after login from facebook : S

mtbikemike 09-30-2011 10:36 PM

is it trying to go to channel.html? I noticed this happening in IE, but I wrote a fix for it.

Artes_Marciales 10-01-2011 04:46 AM

when I accepted the permissions on the popup from facebook goes blank page, in my case tested with IE and Opera.

pgowder 10-02-2011 12:34 AM

Does this capture or ask the user to enter their email address?

mtbikemike 10-02-2011 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by pgowder (Post 2252179)
Does this capture or ask the user to enter their email address?

captures their email address via a backend facebook API call. In other words, the user logs into their FB account, FB sends an auth token back to the plugin code, the plugin makes a secure request to FB for the user's email address then saves it to the db.

Morrus 10-02-2011 04:51 PM

Can I install 3.05 with a simple import of the xml? The manual template changes from 3.03 are all still in place.

pgowder 10-03-2011 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by mtbikemike (Post 2252337)
captures their email address via a backend facebook API call. In other words, the user logs into their FB account, FB sends an auth token back to the plugin code, the plugin makes a secure request to FB for the user's email address then saves it to the db.


Do you have a working demo? The car review integration didn't work for me.

mtbikemike 10-03-2011 03:49 PM

The .php files should be the same. You might want to double check the showthread, newreply, newpost template HTML ... compare with what is in install.html.

Morrus 10-04-2011 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by mtbikemike (Post 2252750)
The .php files should be the same. You might want to double check the showthread, newreply, newpost template HTML ... compare with what is in install.html.

Unfortunately, you've removed 3.03 and I didn't keep it, so I can't compare the two install.htmls.

I did just try an xml import of 3.05, but I'm still getting that top-half button/avatar display issue.

mtbikemike 10-05-2011 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Morrus (Post 2253118)
Unfortunately, you've removed 3.03 and I didn't keep it, so I can't compare the two install.htmls.

I did just try an xml import of 3.05, but I'm still getting that top-half button/avatar display issue.

That's most likely a javascript error. What browser are you using? Can you check to see if you're getting js errors?

Artes_Marciales 10-06-2011 08:17 AM

Blank page after login:
mydomain.com/fblogin.php?url=index.php = blank page
Any idea? :confused:

Morrus 10-06-2011 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by mtbikemike (Post 2253585)
That's most likely a javascript error. What browser are you using? Can you check to see if you're getting js errors?

Chrome and IE both have the same effect.

How would I check for js errors?

cache 10-09-2011 03:35 AM

I am reading the install instruction, create a fb app and : " Generate an authorization token". When the app is created I can see the APP ID and secret, but I don't see any token. How can I generate the token?

I have heard that after oct 1, secure ssl is needed for fb app. If I use this app, does it mean the vbulletin forum has to be hosted with ssl?

mtbikemike 10-09-2011 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by cache (Post 2254969)
I am reading the install instruction, create a fb app and : " Generate an authorization token". When the app is created I can see the APP ID and secret, but I don't see any token. How can I generate the token?

I have heard that after oct 1, secure ssl is needed for fb app. If I use this app, does it mean the vbulletin forum has to be hosted with ssl?

Auth token is old wording. You just need an app id and secret.

Yep, it'll still work according to this page...


By October 1, 2011:
  • all Website and Canvas apps must exclusively support OAuth 2.0 (draft 20) (check)
  • all Canvas and Page Tab Apps must use the signed_request parameter (N/A)
  • an SSL Certificate is required for all Canvas and Page Tab apps (not in Sandbox mode and not FBML) (N/A)
  • old, previous versions of our SDKs will stop working, including the old JavaScript SDK (FeatureLoader.js), old iOS SDK (facebook-iphone-sdk) (check)

Artes_Marciales 10-09-2011 01:57 PM

blank page when trying to connect to facebook: myforum.com/fblogin.php?url=index.php
Why? :confused:

cache 10-09-2011 09:51 PM

I checked your link, it looks like we have to buy the ssl? So with vbulletin and this mod, do we have to buy ssl?

Also from your install instruction, I was not sure how to provide the canvas and secure or non-secure URL, can you give an example?



Originally Posted by mtbikemike (Post 2255099)
Auth token is old wording. You just need an app id and secret.

Yep, it'll still work according to this page...

Alfa1 10-10-2011 01:34 AM

Could you post a screen shot of the admincp settings?
Is it possible to turn off automatic friending?

The login does not work on your site. It doesn't seem to load the js

ShawneyJ 10-11-2011 06:05 AM


An example of this plugin running on a live site: CarREVIEW.com.
that sites facebook login dont work for me in IE and FF. till then tagged for now thanks.

jdougher 10-11-2011 09:21 PM

Doesn't even work on your demo site. Why should anyone install this?

mtbikemike 10-12-2011 12:46 PM

forums.carreview.com is not my site. The site manager installed some twitter code which broke the FB plugin.

javascript code snippets often don't play nicely with each other. When you have twitter, FB, google analytics, adsense, crazyegg, quantcast, the YUI library and jquery all on one site, you're asking for trouble.

Site should be working now.

artherd 10-13-2011 05:18 AM

The style I am using has the login form moved to the header Template. I moved the

<!-- fbconnect -->
<!-- / fbconnect -->

to the header template, but no matter where I put it - nothing ever shows.

Works in the Default Template (but that's no fun.) Any ideas?

mtbikemike 10-13-2011 01:01 PM

probably because the header template is compiled before the nav template. maybe change the "Init Templates and FB Session" plugin hook location from "parse_templates" to "global_start".

artherd 10-14-2011 08:53 AM

Tried that, no change. Is it possible to use a more standard FB connect image?

artherd 10-14-2011 07:12 PM

fixed it - plugin forgot the api keys :P Thanks for a great mod. Would like to use a more standard FB Connect image - what's a good way to do that and keep the avatar once signed-in?

mtbikemike 10-15-2011 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by artherd (Post 2257273)
fixed it - plugin forgot the api keys :P Thanks for a great mod. Would like to use a more standard FB Connect image - what's a good way to do that and keep the avatar once signed-in?

glad it's working for you. Not sure what you're looking for. Maybe post a screen shot of what you had in mind?

ShawneyJ 10-16-2011 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by artherd (Post 2257273)
fixed it - plugin forgot the api keys :P Thanks for a great mod. Would like to use a more standard FB Connect image - what's a good way to do that and keep the avatar once signed-in?

care to show a demo?

Ipuck 10-17-2011 04:57 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for the mod! So far is working OK for me, but there is one minor issue. On newreply and viewthread the button and facebook avatar show at the same time. See attached image.

Attachment 133889

Any ideas how can I fix this??

mtbikemike 10-17-2011 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Ipuck (Post 2258041)
Thanks for the mod! So far is working OK for me, but there is one minor issue. On newreply and viewthread the button and facebook avatar show at the same time. See attached image.

Attachment 133889

Any ideas how can I fix this??

most likely javascript gone bad on that page. chrome has a good javascript console that can point you in the direction where the error is occurring.

Taringa! CS 10-18-2011 01:17 PM

Is it possible instead of showing tdFBNotConnected and tdFBNotConnected by default and then hide one of them, to make them hidden and then display the right one?

Vibhor 10-19-2011 12:52 PM


Great add-on! But we’re having a few troubles using it:

I created a “Test User” account and attempted to log in with a few different Facebook profiles. Surprisingly, regardless of whatever Facebook profile we attempt to log in with, it opens up the same “Test User” account on vBulletin. I have cleared the cache, cookies and tried with several different browsers but this issue still remains and this is happening with ALL the users whoever log in with Facebook connect. However, if I connect admin account with face book, it works perfectly well.

Apart of this problem, I would also like to bring into attention that welcome PM / E-Mail is not being received upon registering with this Facebook connect hack. And the time zone is showing as London where as ours is a different country. So how to change that?

Help on the above issues will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Originally Posted by Ipuck (Post 2258041)
Thanks for the mod! So far is working OK for me, but there is one minor issue. On newreply and viewthread the button and facebook avatar show at the same time. See attached image.

Attachment 133889

Any ideas how can I fix this??

We're having this issue as well.

MoMan 10-23-2011 03:07 AM

Very nice plugin! I had to install the PECL json extension on my server before things worked, but after that, the installation process was very easy.

I would recommend considering using a different icon for the button area though - maybe the same one that vb4 has?

cache 10-23-2011 07:11 PM

when a new user sign in, the new user can post using admin as a user to post, I kind of think this is a security problem, I have 3.8.5

xXxStitchxXx 10-23-2011 10:14 PM

Any news about vbseo fix?

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