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Mobo 03-14-2012 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by shahryar_neo (Post 2309322)
Would you please explain the differences between this system and award one ?

Really sorry but I read all two threads but cannot understand . The award one just can work with Award Pictures but Rank one can be used without any ICon or Pic ?

Thanks In Advance !

They are pretty much the same and can be used interchangeably as well as can be used together. YARS is a little better supported and has one of the bugs fixed in the base code that YAAS does not. Both can use any type of icon or pic. YAAS does have an "automation" future, but it is not documented, supported or overly useful in it's functions.

I currently use YAAS, but if I was just starting out, I'd use YARS.

Patriots1049 03-15-2012 01:00 PM

Is there a way to change the number of awards in the showcase in user profile???

KGodel 03-18-2012 09:06 PM

Just switched over from YAAS and am glad I did. Are there plans to also port the automation?

Also, if this is actively being improved maybe, some great features might be the ability to chose where to display awards separate for each category, so maybe you have different types of awards (medals, trophies, etc) that you want to appear different places in posts or on the profile. Also, maybe the ability to have active awards that don't display on the awards page. Anyhow thanks, and marked as installed!

DannyV 03-21-2012 03:33 PM

How can I give permissions to certain users to add medals/categories, without giving them full access in vbulleting ?

Mobo 03-21-2012 04:12 PM

I've not tried it, but you might have to setup a new usergroup and give them Admin rights, then adjust the permission they have as Admin.

ElfenLied1337 03-29-2012 08:37 PM

Considering switching over from YAAS because this mod seems to be better supported. However, I have been using YAAS for some time now and have already given out a lot of awards--is there any way to import them from YAAS to YARS?

Mukashi 03-31-2012 08:16 AM

Hmmm. Just had a bit of an error in the installation of the mod which looks a bit unusual. Was complaining about class_core.php for some reason. I didn't catch exactly what it said, it flashed by too quick, but I know we do have a modified class_core.php thanks to Paul M's proxy IP mod. Anything to be concerned about there?

Mobo 03-31-2012 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by ElfenLied1337 (Post 2314829)
Considering switching over from YAAS because this mod seems to be better supported. However, I have been using YAAS for some time now and have already given out a lot of awards--is there any way to import them from YAAS to YARS?

I don't think there is. There might be a way to do it if you export the database table "award_user" and then re-import it into the corresponding YARS table (not sure what that one is since I don't have it installed).


Originally Posted by Mukashi (Post 2315303)
Hmmm. Just had a bit of an error in the installation of the mod which looks a bit unusual. Was complaining about class_core.php for some reason. I didn't catch exactly what it said, it flashed by too quick, but I know we do have a modified class_core.php thanks to Paul M's proxy IP mod. Anything to be concerned about there?

Sorry, I'm no help on this one.

KGodel 04-01-2012 04:40 AM

It didn't take me long to move everything over from YAAS. I'm hoping the developer of YARS will implement some new features or something cool. :P

Bluefin221 04-02-2012 01:55 PM

I'm having issues with the postbit, the system is functioning normally but not the way I want. I will try to explain what it is I'm after properly.

If you look at the postbit of the user in this post: http://www.fpcforums.com/forums/f6/v...872/#post10149

You will see he has a few medals already, however where my problem occurs is that he has two caps for his country currently issued these display on the postbit each time, so he has the same medal twice, my issue with this is this member currently had 8 caps as he has played for his country 8 times, this will continue to grow, he could potentially play 3 matches per month home and away which is 6 caps per month, add this over a year and this member could have 72 medals, obviously I do not want 72 medals showing on the postbit as that would be ridiculous, so how do I show the same medal only once?

I want individual medals to show once but I can issue it as many times as I want and it updates his medals total, I have tried a few times to edit the code but have wrecked it each time, can anyone possibly help me as currently I cannot issue users the awards with the way its currently working. I would really appreciate any help anyone can give.

Mobo 04-02-2012 02:13 PM

You would have to custom code something like that as this product will not support it as is. I'm not sure, but I think that would require an extensive re-write of the code.

How many times can a player get the same cap?

Also, have you tried just limiting the number of medals shown on the post bit and letting the rest of them display only in the user's profile tab? That way you could control how many show on the postbit and still have the total count reflect the greater number (also in the postbit as you have it now).

Bluefin221 04-02-2012 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Mobo (Post 2316015)
You would have to custom code something like that as this product will not support it as is. I'm not sure, but I think that would require an extensive re-write of the code.

How many times can a player get the same cap?

Also, have you tried just limiting the number of medals shown on the post bit and letting the rest of them display only in the user's profile tab? That way you could control how many show on the postbit and still have the total count reflect the greater number (also in the postbit as you have it now).

I think an if condition could just be added to the ranks_postbit_display just not sure how I should do it, I tried a couple of variations and ruined the display.

I also did limit the awards that how however I have an extensive list of awards if you have a look: http://www.fpcforums.com/forums/ranks.php

The problem is if I limit it to one medal then that is not great as members want to see there award, but if I limit it to two then some users only have caps and that would display twice so that is also an issue. I need to do something though as I have currently 18 countries listed that will play with players needing caps, at 11 players each time currently thats 198 members not issued with awards because of this current problem I have. And since some have played 4/5 games you can imagine how many awards are to be issued.

Mobo 04-02-2012 02:53 PM

Besides doing the custom coding, I think you may be stuck with just displaying the top X rated medals on the post bit and letting rest stay on the profile tab.

Another thought that might work for you and be easier to code. Have you thought about using YARS to show your highest ranked medals in the postbit, and then use a modified YAAS to display your Cap medals in the signature area? The Sig area has more room, so could display more Cap medals. I think you might be able to modify that with the hook location (but I've not checked it out, just thinking out loud really).

Mobo 04-02-2012 02:56 PM

I just took a quick look, and you can put them in the Sig area with a setting in YAAS, so no code modification needed for that.

Bluefin221 04-02-2012 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Mobo (Post 2316027)
I just took a quick look, and you can put them in the Sig area with a setting in YAAS, so no code modification needed for that.

I don't want hundreds of medals in my sig area either, I want to be able to issue the same medal as many times as I like but it only shows once.

Mobo 04-03-2012 12:08 AM

Sounds like you are set on modifying this code or writing your own then. If you don't have the coding skills, check out vWorker.com. I've hired coders off of there several times with good results.

I've actually worked with this one coder on several vB4 projects and have always been happy with this work:


      CodeIsLife Toan T. Tran
      W3TDS - World Wide Web Transfer Data Services
      Email: toan.trantuan@gmail.com

Good luck.

WoODoO 04-04-2012 11:42 AM

Separating the ranks by category within the postbit, is it possible?

How to this?
Exemple image:

Mobo 04-04-2012 01:29 PM

I'm not sure if you can do that with just this Mod, but I think if you used both YARS and YAAS, they would be separated by default... again, I think. You would use one of the Mods to handel your Badges and the other to handle the Medals.

WoODoO 04-04-2012 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Mobo (Post 2316682)
I'm not sure if you can do that with just this Mod, but I think if you used both YARS and YAAS, they would be separated by default... again, I think. You would use one of the Mods to handel your Badges and the other to handle the Medals.

where I find the YAAS?

Mobo 04-04-2012 08:47 PM

Here you go, YAAS.

Ik0n88 04-05-2012 12:31 AM

I get this error when requesting an award:

Something unexpected has happened, your rank request cannot be sent at this time. Please contact a site administrator for assistance.

I have read the main post and all settings are correct. The request even comes up in the admincp and everything, just gives users that error.

WoODoO 04-05-2012 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Mobo (Post 2316812)
Here you go, YAAS.

Perfect... tnks :up:

Ik0n88 04-05-2012 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Ik0n88 (Post 2316853)
I get this error when requesting an award:

Something unexpected has happened, your rank request cannot be sent at this time. Please contact a site administrator for assistance.

I have read the main post and all settings are correct. The request even comes up in the admincp and everything, just gives users that error.

Any idea what could be causing this?

sadiq6210 04-06-2012 07:01 AM

Thanks dear :up: I will install it
Nominated and much appreciated

Mobo 04-06-2012 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Ik0n88 (Post 2316853)
I get this error when requesting an award:

Something unexpected has happened, your rank request cannot be sent at this time. Please contact a site administrator for assistance.

I have read the main post and all settings are correct. The request even comes up in the admincp and everything, just gives users that error.

Just a quick check, but do you get this same error when you are using the vB default style?

Ik0n88 04-08-2012 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Mobo (Post 2317373)
Just a quick check, but do you get this same error when you are using the vB default style?

Yes, same error occurs.

Mobo 04-09-2012 07:44 AM

Humm, not sure what it is. Do you get any errors when you recommend a rank for someone? The next step would be to disable all of your other mods and turn them back on one at a time checking to see if the issue is there or not. That will narrow it down to either being caused by a conflict with another mod or not.

EasyEazy 04-09-2012 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Ik0n88 (Post 2317140)
Any idea what could be causing this?

I had this issue. the way around it was in this setting:

Submission: Rank Submissions PM Username

Enter your forum username. Not sure if it will work for anyone else though.

Ik0n88 04-11-2012 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by EasyEazy (Post 2318286)
I had this issue. the way around it was in this setting:

Submission: Rank Submissions PM Username

Enter your forum username. Not sure if it will work for anyone else though.

Thank you very much man. That worked. One more question though, is there a way to get rid of the rank requests after I 'grant' them. After I grant the award, I have to manually delete the request.

TheLastSuperman 04-11-2012 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Mobo (Post 2316682)
I'm not sure if you can do that with just this Mod, but I think if you used both YARS and YAAS, they would be separated by default... again, I think. You would use one of the Mods to handel your Badges and the other to handle the Medals.

Yes they are separated by default... everything "awards" or "award" or "a" or "au" was replaced in all the coding so there should be no conflicts HOWEVER some tend to become confused and see some of the issues with the Awards mod (not sure if they have updated it yet) for example the messed up profile tab and assume it's this mod conflicting yet it's not ;). So your more than welcome to run both however if you have any issues with the Awards mod please post for support in that thread :cool:.

Gn_Snake 04-22-2012 07:30 PM

i have the same error of Mobo,

I get this error when requesting an award:

Something unexpected has happened, your rank request cannot be sent at this time. Please contact a site administrator for assistance.

I running VB4.1.12,
any idea?

Mobo 04-23-2012 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Gn_Snake (Post 2322542)
i have the same error of Mobo,

I get this error when requesting an award:

Something unexpected has happened, your rank request cannot be sent at this time. Please contact a site administrator for assistance.

I running VB4.1.12,
any idea?

gn_Snake, see if this post helps you.

Gn_Snake 04-23-2012 11:02 AM

Thanks @Mobo,
i have apply this but i don't fixed it.


cen1 04-24-2012 12:34 AM

Hello. We would like to replace the broken and not supported YAAS with this plugin. Does it work fine with latest vb version and is it maintained well?

Also, would it be any problem manually transfering the ranks from YAAS to this? I see that the core system looks quite similar.

Gn_Snake 05-01-2012 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Gn_Snake (Post 2322715)
Thanks @Mobo,
i have apply this but i don't fixed it.


Help please, nothing idea?

Mobo 05-01-2012 11:14 AM

I still think it's a permission issue, is it for all ranks/medals?

Gn_Snake 05-01-2012 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Mobo (Post 2325195)
I still think it's a permission issue, is it for all ranks/medals?

I checked again to be sure. :rolleyes:
I put "Yes" in the various Ranks and enabled for each user group the opportunity to apply for the rank

Set Yes for all Rank Active


Allow member to request this rank?
You need to enable "Display Request Rank Link" in Rank System Settings, in order to use this       

Allow member to recommend this rank?
You need to enable "Display Recommend Rank Link" in Rank System Settings, in order to use this       

Is this Rank active?
If not active, the rank will not be listed in ranklist

Set Yes for all User Group


Can request ranks       
Can recommend ranks

Gn_Snake 05-07-2012 02:09 PM

No idea what it is?

Mobo 05-07-2012 03:33 PM

Sorry, no. If I get time and you want to set me up a temp admin account, I can take a look around and see if I can find some thing. It would be a week or so before I could though.

Gn_Snake 05-18-2012 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mobo (Post 2327077)
Sorry, no. If I get time and you want to set me up a temp admin account, I can take a look around and see if I can find some thing. It would be a week or so before I could though.

Thanks, i. will give a big help
I send PM with account

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