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mattpist 07-28-2010 10:40 PM

how do you uninstall this? i get database errors when uninstalling:


Database error in vBulletin 4.0.5:

Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM vb_credits_display WHERE displayid IN ('postbit', 'memberlist', 'navbar', 'profile');

MySQL Error  : Table 'squattheplanet.vb_credits_display' doesn't exist
Error Number  : 1146
Request Date  : Wednesday, July 28th 2010 @ 04:39:43 PM
Error Date    : Wednesday, July 28th 2010 @ 04:39:43 PM
Script        : http://squattheplanet.com/community/admincp/plugin.php?do=productkill
Referrer      : http://squattheplanet.com/community/admincp/plugin.php?do=productdelete&productid=credits_vbulletin&s=
IP Address    :
Username      : Matt Pist
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.39-log

kartik786 07-29-2010 12:40 PM

any plans of integrating this with facebook credits?

Darkwaltz4 07-29-2010 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by x9751 (Post 2075569)
After i made an event to give my users Credits when ever they posted one of them informed me their was a glitch (i had to threaten to IP ban him if he didn't tell me) and to get credits without posting they can edit one of their post and click save and it gives them more. How do i fix that?


Originally Posted by Sarcoth (Post 2075740)
Ahhh. That may explain it then. I have a couple users stating that they have more credits than they should. And, I went through their transaction log and I am noticing that problem. One of my users have 23 credits and their transactions say they should only have 9 credits.

Both of you need to set negation amounts on the post events. The way it works is that during editing, it negates the event and then reissues it, so that any different in credits will be realized. So if you didnt put a negation, then you effectively get a new reward by just editing your post.


Originally Posted by Sarcoth (Post 2075795)
Oooo, oooo! I got another suggestion. For the transferring of credits to someone else, the admin can set a charge to the users sending the credits, receiving, or both. In addition to that, can we have something that allows us not only to charge an certain amount, but a percentage of the amount sent? For instance, I'd like to set mine up to charge 5 credits to the sender as a flat rate when sending credits to someone else. Then, on top of that, I want them to get charged an additional, say 5% on the amount they send.

You can already do this. Set the event to Charge, then if you put a value on the Donate Amount = flat fee, Currency Amount = percentage fee (entered as a decimal). both work together, and you select who to apply it to (sender or receiver). You could, if you wanted, also award for donating at the same time :p


Originally Posted by mattpist (Post 2075986)
how do you uninstall this? i get database errors when uninstalling:


Database error in vBulletin 4.0.5:

Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM vb_credits_display WHERE displayid IN ('postbit', 'memberlist', 'navbar', 'profile');

MySQL Error  : Table 'squattheplanet.vb_credits_display' doesn't exist
Error Number  : 1146
Request Date  : Wednesday, July 28th 2010 @ 04:39:43 PM
Error Date    : Wednesday, July 28th 2010 @ 04:39:43 PM
Script        : http://squattheplanet.com/community/admincp/plugin.php?do=productkill
Referrer      : http://squattheplanet.com/community/admincp/plugin.php?do=productdelete&productid=credits_vbulletin&s=
IP Address    :
Username      : Matt Pist
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.39-log

Import the product for vbcredits again, then run the uninstall. Looks like you are missing a table somehow, but importing will restore that for you so you can complete the uninstall. Let me know how that goes.


Originally Posted by kartik786 (Post 2076260)
any plans of integrating this with facebook credits?

Where is that?

Darkwaltz4 07-29-2010 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Linux123 (Post 2075389)
How do I make a savings currency?

In the currency manager, create a new one, and call it whatever you want. For the column, put something like credits_saved. An interest action will be implemented for the pro version on the next update


Originally Posted by Sarcoth (Post 2075344)
Very cool, I like the addition of buying credits via paypal and redemption codes. How about the same with the Subscription Manager. For instance, adding an extra column to the Cost table at the bottom of the subscription (access via the Subscription Manager). See attached screenshot.

If credits are added via the subscription, then the number of credits should be included in the subscription dropdown (accessed via Settings -> Paid Subscriptions). See attached screenshot.

Something like that will be available, however altering that subscription page is difficult without making you do file edits.


Originally Posted by Sarcoth (Post 2075317)
I'd like to request some integration with ibProArcade if you can. I know we had it working back in 3.6. If you don't do this with the main release, any chance for a separate addon like the older version?

I'd post this over at DragonByte, but sadly I can't get there from work anymore.

I am working on integrations with the arcade, but that one will need many file edits :p


Originally Posted by ProSportsForums (Post 2074966)
Here is an odd error: The mod works fine excepting it is producing this error when I manually run the RSS feed manager ...

RSS Poster Robot

Fatal error: Call to a member function escape_string() on a non-object in /home/content/58/6028658/html/dbtech/credits/credits_core.php on line 297

I have logged this bug in our bug tracker. You can see its progress here, or add your comments if they would be helpful. I will also post instructions to fix there if they are easy enough:


Originally Posted by TNERatedEdge (Post 2074831)
vBookie integration in a few days?!


almost have this ready - thanks for the patience everyone!

Darkwaltz4 07-30-2010 03:48 PM

vBookie Actionset now available free here: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/threa...tionset?p=7001

merk_aus 07-30-2010 04:22 PM

Thanks for that mate installing now :D

ayam 07-30-2010 05:07 PM

the addition of buying credits via paypal and redemption codes is what i'm looking for from many epoint systems

however, if you can add more payment processor, like liberty reserve or anything more else, will worth a try for some of us.

Darkwaltz4 07-30-2010 05:14 PM

Purchasing credits through payment processors, and redemption features are both pro only; see the website in my sig for details, where you can also submit your suggestions for other services like LR.

Sarcoth 07-30-2010 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Darkwaltz4 (Post 2076484)
Both of you need to set negation amounts on the post events. The way it works is that during editing, it negates the event and then reissues it, so that any different in credits will be realized. So if you didnt put a negation, then you effectively get a new reward by just editing your post.

I do have negation amounts set. Maybe this was not the cause, but some of my members have more points than the transaction log shows them to have. Just out of curiousity, what point values do you use for post amount and character amount? I am using 1 pt for post and .001 for characters. Could the number of decimals cause an issue.


Originally Posted by Darkwaltz4 (Post 2076484)
You can already do this. Set the event to Charge, then if you put a value on the Donate Amount = flat fee, Currency Amount = percentage fee (entered as a decimal). both work together, and you select who to apply it to (sender or receiver). You could, if you wanted, also award for donating at the same time :p

Well look at that. Always learning something new. Thanks. :)

Darkwaltz4 07-30-2010 05:45 PM

Sarcoth, are you sure you are using the latest version? Says you havent downloaded :p if you got it from dbt, probably best to post support questions there for faster responses.

Yes, rounding can play a role in that, so long as the difference is very small. I dont set any default point values and havent figured out any personally :p everyone has their own idea of the economy they want to promote.

Sarcoth 07-30-2010 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Darkwaltz4 (Post 2076489)
Something like that will be available, however altering that subscription page is difficult without making you do file edits.

True, I had not thought about that. Would any edit's to the .php files be needed? A possible option for that is to make a new subscription file called credits_subscription.php, copy paste everything already there and then just add what else you need. Then, if people turn on the subsciption option, it will link to the new .php file rather than the old.


Originally Posted by Darkwaltz4 (Post 2076489)
I am working on integrations with the arcade, but that one will need many file edits :p

This may be a little different if .php file edits are needed. Although, I never mind making template edits because I can do that with the Template Modification System (probably the best mod ever made for vB). :)

Sarcoth 07-30-2010 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Darkwaltz4 (Post 2076902)
Sarcoth, are you sure you are using the latest version? Says you havent downloaded :p if you got it from dbt, probably best to post support questions there for faster responses.

Yes, rounding can play a role in that, so long as the difference is very small. I dont set any default point values and havent figured out any personally :p everyone has their own idea of the economy they want to promote.

Hey Dark, I'll check tonight when I get home. I thought I had the latest. I would post there, but I'm at work....I can't visit the dragonbytetech forums from work though. :( /CRY

I just happen to have more time to read the forums during the day. I'm all caught up on my work (no one is giving me anything to program), so I'm trying to get all my questions out. :) Too many things to do with the family when at home. Not to mention I am playing StarCraft 2 now.

Not sure I understand the rounding. I thought I saw correct decimal's in the credits for the users in that respect. The just are not showing correctly in the transaction log. Can we add decimals to the transaction log? Oh, maybe that's what you mean by rounding in that.

ayam 07-30-2010 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Darkwaltz4 (Post 2076885)
Purchasing credits through payment processors, and redemption features are both pro only; see the website in my sig for details, where you can also submit your suggestions for other services like LR.

thank you, just notice that and registered with the forums to propose the features in the project section

Sarcoth 07-30-2010 06:06 PM

BTW, I show I currently have 1.1.0, which is what I downloaded on Sunday or Monday.

Darkwaltz4 07-30-2010 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sarcoth (Post 2076903)
True, I had not thought about that. Would any edit's to the .php files be needed? A possible option for that is to make a new subscription file called credits_subscription.php, copy paste everything already there and then just add what else you need. Then, if people turn on the subsciption option, it will link to the new .php file rather than the old.

This may be a little different if .php file edits are needed. Although, I never mind making template edits because I can do that with the Template Modification System (probably the best mod ever made for vB). :)

I dont know about what edits are needed as I havent looked into it yet :p I dont want to duplicate most of a stock vb file because it would fall out of date with the official copy, and that is treading on vb's copyright.


Originally Posted by Sarcoth (Post 2076904)
Not sure I understand the rounding. I thought I saw correct decimal's in the credits for the users in that respect. The just are not showing correctly in the transaction log. Can we add decimals to the transaction log? Oh, maybe that's what you mean by rounding in that.

Generally decimals will show when the amount is in an input field. When it is being displayed everywhere else, it will round to your decimal settings from the currency manager.


Originally Posted by Sarcoth (Post 2076908)
BTW, I show I currently have 1.1.0, which is what I downloaded on Sunday or Monday.

alright, vb must not have updated you. that is the latest version (as of this post). mark as installed! :p

Sarcoth 07-30-2010 06:58 PM

True, I had not thought about the files falling out of date, good point.

In regards to the rounding, I understand what you mean on that now. Can we possible add something so viewing the decimals in the postbit and the transaction log are different? I would like to see all the decimals .000 in the transaction log, but I'd prefer the postbit and profile area just show the normal with no decimals. I hope I said that correctly and did not confuse you.

In regards to marking installed, I'm already a pro member over at DBtech so I get emails from there everytime something is upgraded. No biggie, I like being notified when something is updated. The problem with that is I also then get notified here. Getting messages from both places for each product can get a bit annoying. I can just stop asking things here if you prefer, I just wish I had more time in the evening to do my coding and that I was not blocked from access DBtech from work. /sigh again. :)

Thanks for answering all my questions. Great product.

Darkwaltz4 07-30-2010 08:55 PM

Nah you dont have to stop posting here, I was just confused because I couldnt verify which version you were using because vborg says you havent downloaded :p However, support related to pro features cannot and wont be discussed here!

I put in a suggestion for seeing rounded-off decimals here: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/project.php?issueid=366

(also, you can go to Edit Settings on this mod [or any others on vborg] and go to the bottom and set whether you want to be alerted by manual/automatic/both/never and by email/pm to control if/when/how you get alerted after youve clicked install :D)

mikeylikesitz 07-31-2010 01:08 PM

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare vbcredits_size() (previously declared in /home/lyris/www/forum/plugins/credits_core.php:0) in /home/lyris/www/forum/dbtech/credits/credits_core.php on line 655

upgrading from the vbc 2.03 beta previously released on vbc.com

Darkwaltz4 07-31-2010 03:05 PM

Disable the old version, do the upgrade regularly, then reenable when you are done.

mikeylikesitz 07-31-2010 06:01 PM

thanks, looks good so far

Sarcoth 08-02-2010 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Darkwaltz4 (Post 2076984)
Nah you dont have to stop posting here, I was just confused because I couldnt verify which version you were using because vborg says you havent downloaded :p However, support related to pro features cannot and wont be discussed here!

I put in a suggestion for seeing rounded-off decimals here: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/project.php?issueid=366

(also, you can go to Edit Settings on this mod [or any others on vborg] and go to the bottom and set whether you want to be alerted by manual/automatic/both/never and by email/pm to control if/when/how you get alerted after youve clicked install :D)

Understood. And, that is cool. I never knew you could prevent updates from certain mods. Thanks. :)

TheChaosFactor 08-05-2010 07:30 PM

The option to purchase the ability to join groups does not work. I have bought it twice with the same member and when I send invite from different member name, it says receiving member is unable to join groups.

TheChaosFactor 08-05-2010 07:50 PM

Also just a couple things I'd love to see maybe added in future updates:

Currency Exchange where currency value can be made relative to other currencies and maybe where that currency value depends on how much of that currency is on the market compared to other currencies.

So if there are 100,000 units of currency 'A' and currency 'B' they'd be equal with 50,000 of each on the market. Then if there were 40,000 of currency 'A' on the market and 60,000 of currency 'B' currency be would be worth 66% the value of currency 'A'. Is that making sense? So the currency with the smallest availability would be worth 1:1 and the others would be worth lased based on supply.

Ps. This could be tied into vbShop to create an inflation factor. Just a thought I had. I'd be glad to work out some psuedo code for how I could see it working if you'd be interested.

Edit: I almost forgot the other idea I had. You guys should add on a bbcode that hides material until the cost is paid AND splits it between system tax and the author of the material.

mdcdeve 08-05-2010 10:06 PM

Had to disable it for now as it seems to stop my rss poster from running.


Fatal error: Call to a member function escape_string() on a non-object in /home/mdcdecom/public_html/forums/dbtech/credits/credits_core.php  on line 300

Darkwaltz4 08-06-2010 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by TheChaosFactor (Post 2079752)
The option to purchase the ability to join groups does not work. I have bought it twice with the same member and when I send invite from different member name, it says receiving member is unable to join groups.

What did you have set up and how did you go about trying to test it?


Originally Posted by TheChaosFactor (Post 2079760)
Also just a couple things I'd love to see maybe added in future updates:

Currency Exchange where currency value can be made relative to other currencies and maybe where that currency value depends on how much of that currency is on the market compared to other currencies.

So if there are 100,000 units of currency 'A' and currency 'B' they'd be equal with 50,000 of each on the market. Then if there were 40,000 of currency 'A' on the market and 60,000 of currency 'B' currency be would be worth 66% the value of currency 'A'. Is that making sense? So the currency with the smallest availability would be worth 1:1 and the others would be worth lased based on supply.

Ps. This could be tied into vbShop to create an inflation factor. Just a thought I had. I'd be glad to work out some psuedo code for how I could see it working if you'd be interested.

Edit: I almost forgot the other idea I had. You guys should add on a bbcode that hides material until the cost is paid AND splits it between system tax and the author of the material.

Relative value is already a pro feature of vBCredits II Deluxe.
I used to have an addon like that, however its reintroduction status is up in the air, and would most likely be a pro feature anyway.


Originally Posted by mdcdeve (Post 2079804)
Had to disable it for now as it seems to stop my rss poster from running.


Fatal error: Call to a member function escape_string() on a non-object in /home/mdcdecom/public_html/forums/dbtech/credits/credits_core.php  on line 300

Sorry about that; keep an eye on this bug report for when I figure out the cause: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/project.php?issueid=362

x9751 08-07-2010 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Darkwaltz4 (Post 2076484)
Both of you need to set negation amounts on the post events. The way it works is that during editing, it negates the event and then reissues it, so that any different in credits will be realized. So if you didnt put a negation, then you effectively get a new reward by just editing your post.

Okay I did both -22 and just 22 in the negative section but it is still doing it. What am i doing wrong?

Darkwaltz4 08-08-2010 05:39 AM

Follow the descriptions in the settings to see what they will do with those numbers.
In the case of the negation on your post event, don't put it as negative.

If it still doesn't seem right, PM me an admin login with vBCredits permissions and I will check your event settings.

x9751 08-08-2010 01:16 PM

Never mind it seems to be fixed now. It was probably because i wanted my staff to get 2x as much as regular users and i didn't set permissions correctly or something idk but thanks for you help

RollaJedi 08-10-2010 03:59 PM

is there an addon/integration with ibProArcade anymore? if so, could you please point me to it. thanks!

Darkwaltz4 08-10-2010 05:39 PM

The old integration probably still works, provided you retain the default currency (credits). An updated, multi-currency integration is still being developed

rootsxrocks 08-17-2010 12:29 AM

I had sevral questions but decided it would be best to ask them at Dragonbytes.

RedDevil 08-17-2010 08:34 AM

Installed and another great addition, one question is:

Unlike vb3 system how do you set default credits per user group, cant seem to find this been doing it manually can you point me the right direction.

kevin.kool 08-17-2010 09:10 AM

After update from vB3 to vB4, i've upgrade vBCredits to version II, it's smoothly but the credits never raise up, it's still at the old one.

I've tried to find the point settings for each forum but can't found anything (to set the point for post new thread, reply,...etc.)

kartik786 08-21-2010 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Darkwaltz4
Misquoted a wrong post by Darkwaltz.. the below links are the ones that explain facebook credits.




Darkwaltz4 08-21-2010 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Red-Devil (Post 2085147)
Installed and another great addition, one question is:

Unlike vb3 system how do you set default credits per user group, cant seem to find this been doing it manually can you point me the right direction.


Originally Posted by kevin.kool (Post 2085163)
After update from vB3 to vB4, i've upgrade vBCredits to version II, it's smoothly but the credits never raise up, it's still at the old one.

I've tried to find the point settings for each forum but can't found anything (to set the point for post new thread, reply,...etc.)

Both of you need to visit the Event Manager to start setting up events. As I have said before, upgrading from old vbcredits will keep the amounts but revert the settings, so you need to set them up before people will earn again.

I am busy liteifying the new 1.2.0 version which contains new import/export events as well as a default set for quick setup. Keep an eye out for the update message from vborg in a little bit.

MOGmartin 08-21-2010 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by dcuellar (Post 2063849)
....Here's a question for you. How soon before I can get my forum back? I need content merchants.

Content Merchants was the #1 part of the old version, I used it with incredible success on an old board, and Im DESPERATLY waiting on that release for vb4.

rootsxrocks 08-21-2010 08:25 PM

Unfortunitly I can't seem to nominate or rate this , I don't have perrmission ??

Darkwaltz4 08-22-2010 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by MOGmartin (Post 2087461)
Content Merchants was the #1 part of the old version, I used it with incredible success on an old board, and Im DESPERATLY waiting on that release for vb4.

Content Merchants was unpopular and extremely buggy, and thus has very low priority to be remade. We do have a thanks hack which has hide functionality, so I will be extending vBCredits II support into that to approximate Content Merchants, albeit in a more consistent and stable manner.


Originally Posted by rootsxrocks (Post 2087515)
Unfortunitly I can't seem to nominate or rate this , I don't have perrmission ??

vBCredits II has made it into the MOTM (although its in last place :( ). You cant nominate it while its there :D Dunno why you cant rate it though - did you already?

rootsxrocks 08-22-2010 07:42 AM

Maybe I did rate it before now thanks for staying on top of this Dark. I'm thinking about going ahead with the shop too , your not gonna upload a new version tomorrow , are you ?

sbsforum.us 08-24-2010 04:52 PM

This does not seem to work with the awards system...

When I try and view the awards ribbons @ http://www.totalandroid.co/awards.php it get the following error.

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare construct_depth_mark() (previously declared in /home/*****public_html/awards.php:98) in /home/*****/public_html/includes/adminfunctions.php on line 1906

I have disabled this hack until a solution can be found. Hopefully something can be done I trust Dark

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