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Bouncer222 06-16-2010 12:27 PM

Well I disabled it and it looked fine afterwards. the hlxstats link is not the one causing it, because it acts like text because the guy inserted it wrong.

DragonByte Tech 06-16-2010 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Mike007 (Post 2054478)
Having issues with it lately.

Sometimes the like this and thank this doesnt appear for a particular member?

See attached (I've checked the group permission and forum permissions and it's okay. The user has posted in other threads and thank and like appears okay as well)

Would it be possible for you to PM with an admin account that can access Plugins and Styles, and an FTP account?


Originally Posted by Bouncer222 (Post 2054484)
Well I disabled it and it looked fine afterwards. the hlxstats link is not the one causing it, because it acts like text because the guy inserted it wrong.

I'm not sure what you mean - which mod did you disable? Thanks or hlxstats?


BrightStar 06-16-2010 01:03 PM

I've sent you admin details

BrightStar 06-16-2010 05:24 PM

Just wanted to let everyone know Fillip kindly fixed this for me very quickly. Provided I was using a free version of the mod, it's very good service and effort from the author.

Much appreciated :)

Bouncer222 06-16-2010 07:25 PM


I disabled the thanks mod, it's not that text, at all. That has nothing to do with it. Disabling the thanks mod fixed it.

DragonByte Tech 06-16-2010 07:31 PM

I'm not sure how to solve it then, it could be an issue with the skin or something because dozens of people have installed it and nobody has had the problem you describe :(


DragonByte Tech 06-17-2010 02:11 PM

I've updated the files with improved permissions checking for new posts.


weddingforum 06-17-2010 02:32 PM

Thanks, all works great @ INSTALLED

djbaxter 06-20-2010 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by vauge (Post 2048743)
All of your current pro features currently really are worthless. It is kind of upsetting that we are forced to by a converter to a product that we cannot test... and you were trying to sell a product which competes with Abe's mod that is free.

I totally agree. Abe's mod is largely functional with a couple of unfixed bugs that are irritations but don't impede functionality. I was looking for a possible replacement as an alternative to those irritations.

But at this point, I neither need or want any of your Pro features. My only motivation for buying the Pro version would because I have to do that to get the importer. So, as vauge says, you are asking us to pay for something to find out if we can even make use of the product or if it improves upon what Abe has made available for free.

I also agree with an earflier comment that this is essentially a bait and switch operation, whether or not it contravenes vb.org rules.

This is a very poor marketing strategy, ij my opinion. And please do not add insult to injury by claiming that you are "not in it for the money". If you stand by that statement, add the importer to this version. Otherwise, it is clearly utter hogwash.

DragonByte Tech 06-20-2010 05:53 PM

I'll let Iain handle the bulk of your post, but I'd just like to add that there's nothing stopping you from installing the Lite version and temporarily disabling Abe's mod to figure out whether this mod is a viable replacement for your wants and needs.

The importer is not a required function for this mod to be operational, it's an additional perk for those who have found the Lite version as well as the Pro features, interesting but still want to preserve their forums' Thanks.


djbaxter 06-20-2010 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2056551)
I'll let Iain handle the bulk of your post, but I'd just like to add that there's nothing stopping you from installing the Lite version and temporarily disabling Abe's mod to figure out whether this mod is a viable replacement for your wants and needs.

The importer is not a required function for this mod to be operational, it's an additional perk for those who have found the Lite version as well as the Pro features, interesting but still want to preserve their forums' Thanks.


And if you want/need to import existing thanks? That's the definition of bait and switch.

a7lameza.com 06-20-2010 07:20 PM

thank you

DragonByte Tech 06-20-2010 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2056593)
And if you want/need to import existing thanks? That's the definition of bait and switch.

I think you need to look up the definition of "bait-and-switch" :)

By your logic, Windows should only come in 1 version and it should be free, because what if we want/need some feature from Windows Ultimate? Why should we be forced to pay for it when we don't even know if the feature is better than something Linux can provide?

We are offering the import script as a free addition to our Pro features. All our Pro features behave exactly as they are described and it costs exactly what we claim it costs (although vBulletin.org rules prevent us from putting price information here on vBulletin.org, the price information is readily available and easily discerned before any purchase is completed).
We are not obliged to provide the import script and it does not hinder the functionality of our product (Lite or Pro version) in any way, shape or form.

The fact that you or anyone else wants / needs the import script but does not want / need any other Pro feature is sadly just the way things work - sometimes a product appears that is perfect for your needs, sometimes you have to pay extra for other features you don't want in order to get the feature(s) you do want.

To return to my Windows analogue: Say that you need "Virtual Hard Disk booting" and only this feature (from Windows 7 Ultimate) - would you complain to MS and say that this should be available in the Professional version simply because Professional costs less and you want / need this feature?
The response would be that to get this feature, you need to purchase Ultimate.

I hope this clarifies things for you :)


DragonByte Tech 06-20-2010 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2056543)
I totally agree. Abe's mod is largely functional with a couple of unfixed bugs that are irritations but don't impede functionality. I was looking for a possible replacement as an alternative to those irritations.

But at this point, I neither need or want any of your Pro features. My only motivation for buying the Pro version would because I have to do that to get the importer. So, as vauge says, you are asking us to pay for something to find out if we can even make use of the product or if it improves upon what Abe has made available for free.

I also agree with an earflier comment that this is essentially a bait and switch operation, whether or not it contravenes vb.org rules.

This is a very poor marketing strategy, ij my opinion. And please do not add insult to injury by claiming that you are "not in it for the money". If you stand by that statement, add the importer to this version. Otherwise, it is clearly utter hogwash.

Fillips answer was very eloquent, but i guess it's my job to explain our position/choice in the matter.

As stated, there is literally nothing stopping you from installing Lite and disabling abe's mod to try our product out - this solves your problem right off the bat.

There is absolutely 0 need to transfer thanks etc to see how the product functions.

As far as I can see your complaint seems to be that the pro version does something you want, but you don't want to pay for it.

I'm sorry but you're not *entitled* to anything for free. No one is forcing you to stop using abe's mod, we are not shoving this down your throat. We are here providing a free modification which does exactly what it is intended to, bug free as far as we are aware.

We also offer another version which does even more, including transfer information from old mods you may have, and for our work we ask for a fee.

Your argument of "if you're not in it for the money give us it for free" doesn't really hold water. If we were to go by your logic we would simply release everything for free. Then this would be nothing more than a hobby and we wouldn't be able to put the time and resources into making the products as well as we do.

I'm sorry you feel that us asking for money from you for something you want is somehow despicable, but I have to disagree with you there.

Just because you want something and you have to pay for it, doesn't somehow make the person charging you a bad guy, and it baffles me that any mature person could hold that attitude :confused: This isn't some neccessity of life we're withholding from you here.

Just want to add that i personally know quite a few coders who have left vb.org, and almost all of them have named ungrateful users as the reason. Complaining that something you're getting for free doesn't include MORE stuff for free? I'd say thats both rude and unreasonable personally.

Hope that clears up my personal feelings on the matter,


Charlie98902 06-20-2010 09:33 PM

Looking into maybe getting the Pro due to the import but need to see what my staff thinks. Only reason I want the pro though is due to importing abe's thanked posts but my members may just want to start fresh who knows. Either product version looks kewl as there is still the like button.

djbaxter 06-20-2010 11:02 PM

I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from misrepresenting what I've said.


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2056644)
As far as I can see your complaint seems to be that the pro version does something you want, but you don't want to pay for it.

Not at all. Perhaps it's a language barrier thing but if you re-read what I posted my complaint is in the bait-and-switch strategy,


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2056644)
I'm sorry but you're not *entitled* to anything for free. No one is forcing you to stop using abe's mod, we are not shoving this down your throat. We are here providing a free modification which does exactly what it is intended to, bug free as far as we are aware.

Please show me where I stated that I or anyone else is "entitled" to something free. What you are doing is providing a "free modification" and then littering the thread with promotions for the paid product. That's my primary objection.


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2056644)
Your argument of "if you're not in it for the money give us it for free" doesn't really hold water. If we were to go by your logic we would simply release everything for free. Then this would be nothing more than a hobby and we wouldn't be able to put the time and resources into making the products as well as we do.

Precisely. You were the one who said earlier it was not about money. I'm simply pointing out that in fact that's BS.


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2056644)
I'm sorry you feel that us asking for money from you for something you want is somehow despicable, but I have to disagree with you there.

Just because you want something and you have to pay for it, doesn't somehow make the person charging you a bad guy, and it baffles me that any mature person could hold that attitude.

Just want to add that i personally know quite a few coders who have left vb.org, and almost all of them have named ungrateful users as the reason. Complaining that something you're getting for free doesn't include MORE stuff for free? I'd say thats both rude and unreasonable personally.

I don't object to anyone making money for decent products or services. I object to the use of the vBulletin.org peer community to push commercial products disguised as free add-ons.


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2056644)
Hope that clears up my personal feelings on the matter,


Absolutely. For anyone who missed it, the clarification is this: DBTech is a commercial operation. Nothing at all wrong with that. However, they are promoting their products all over the vb.prg forums in a bait-and-switch manner which is underhanded and obnoxious. There's a lot wrong with that.

DragonByte Tech 06-20-2010 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2056685)
I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from misrepresenting what I've said.

Not at all. Perhaps it's a language barrier thing but if you re-read what I posted my complaint is in the bait-and-switch strategy,

Please show me where I stated that I or anyone else is "entitled" to something free. What you are doing is providing a "free modification" and then littering the thread with promotions for the paid product. That's my primary objection.

Precisely. You were the one who said earlier it was not about money. I'm simply pointing out that in fact that's BS.

I don't object to anyone making money for decent products or services. I object to the use of the vBulletin.org peer community to push commercial products disguised as free add-ons.

Absolutely. For anyone who missed it, the clarification is this: DBTech is a commercial operation. Nothing at all wrong with that. However, they are promoting their products all over the vb.prg forums in a bait-and-switch manner which is underhanded and obnoxious. There's a lot wrong with that.

Just so I have your objections correct and there's no language barrier interfering:

You're saying that us providing free modifications is a bad thing, because we also provide paid versions?


Please show me where I stated that I or anyone else is "entitled" to something free. What you are doing is providing a "free modification" and then littering the thread with promotions for the paid product. That's my primary objection.
So, simply because there are pro versions of our products, and we let people know this, you think no one at vb.org should get to download/use the free versions either?

Pretty sure most people would disagree with you there.

Still, since thats your stance, you're more than welcome not to use any of our free products to improve your board - this resolves your problem =)


I don't object to anyone making money for decent products or services. I object to the use of the vBulletin.org peer community to push commercial products disguised as free add-ons.
There is no "disguising", there are no prompts to buy the pro versions in the product, no features installed with a "you cannot use with without pro" notice... Many people switch to our free mods from others because they do the same or more, and any bugs get fixed instantly, unlike with other mods.

So what you are saying is that even though our free mods are as good as, or better than, the competition, that thery're somehow a scam? Give me a break.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but vbulletin.org was not designed around what you want. Everything we do is well within the rules. I'm sorry that vb.org isn't the exact website run the exact way you want it to be. Perhaps you should find another website that is instead of harassing people who give people things for free on this one?


djbaxter 06-20-2010 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2056685)
I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from misrepresenting what I've said.


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2056685)
Please show me where I stated that I or anyone else is "entitled" to something free. What you are doing is providing a "free modification" and then littering the thread with promotions for the paid product. That's my primary objection.


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2056685)
I don't object to anyone making money for decent products or services. I object to the use of the vBulletin.org peer community to push commercial products disguised as free add-ons.


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2056685)
DBTech is a commercial operation. Nothing at all wrong with that. However, they are promoting their products all over the vb.prg forums in a bait-and-switch manner which is underhanded and obnoxious. There's a lot wrong with that.


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2056689)
You're saying that us providing free modifications is a bad thing, because we also provide paid versions?

I did ask you nicely not to misrepresent my statements. Please stop it.


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2056689)
So, simply because there are pro versions of our products, and we let people know this, you think no one at vb.org should get to download/use the free versions either?

See above.


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2056689)
I hate to be the one to break it to you, but vbulletin.org was not designed around what you want. Everything we do is well within the rules. I'm sorry that vb.org isn't the exact website run the exact way you want it to be. Perhaps you should find another website that is instead of harassing people who give people things for free on this one?

Others have received warnings from vb.org for doing what you are doing (e.g., Maria). Want to offer a free add-on? Great. Want to promote a paid add-on? Also great. Just not in a thread about a free add-on.

For the record, I have purchased a number of paid add-ons and enhancements for my forums. This isn't about money. It's about misrepresentation.

DragonByte Tech 06-20-2010 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2056693)
I did ask you nicely not to misrepresent my statements. Please stop it.

See above.

Others have received warnings from vb.org for doing what you are doing (e.g., Maria). Want to offer a free add-on? Great. Want to promote a paid add-on? Also great. Just not in a thread about a free add-on.

If we are in any way breaking the rules, then we will be informed how and why by staff, and change them.

It is not your place to decide who is, and is not, breaking the rules, unless you have a usergroup that isn't displayed?

If not i suggest you allow the admins and moderators to do what they are good at, and not try interpret the rules for them.


DragonByte Tech 06-20-2010 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2056685)
Absolutely. For anyone who missed it, the clarification is this: DBTech is a commercial operation. Nothing at all wrong with that. However, they are promoting their products all over the vb.prg forums in a bait-and-switch manner which is underhanded and obnoxious. There's a lot wrong with that.

Can you please explain where we have been "putting forth the fraud lures in customers by advertising a product or service at a low price or with many features, then reveals to potential customers that the advertised good is not available at the original price or list of assumed features, but something different is." (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bait-and-switch )

We have not, in any way, shape or form offered something that came with hidden fees, not been as stated or anything else of the sort.

Please refrain from using this term unless you are prepared to explain which definition of "bait-and-switch" you are referring to, and explain how exactly we have fallen under said definition.


Charlie98902 06-20-2010 11:58 PM

This is how I see it...
There is a free version has most of the functions that one may need. You can't offer a professional product with only one or two things different than the free one this would kill sales. The developer needs to further better a product. With time and resource this isn't easy or cheap. It is your choice to choose to use the lite over the pro. Yes there is no import on the lite this may be a big sales point to get customers to go pro as the devs here that provide free products' or plugins really don't get anything close to what they deserve. Just my 2ยข. Gripe all you want but I can't see the scam as you put it in other words.

DragonByte Tech 06-21-2010 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Charlie98902 (Post 2056699)
This is how I see it...
There is a free version has most of the functions that one may need. You can't offer a professional product with only one or two things different than the free one this would kill sales. The developer needs to further better a product. With time and resource this isn't easy or cheap. It is your choice to choose to use the lite over the pro. Yes there is no import on the lite this may be a big sales point to get customers to go pro as the devs here that provide free products' or plugins really don't get anything close to what they deserve. Just my 2?. Gripe all you want but I can't see the scam as you put it in other words.

Thanks a lot Charlie.

It's comments like this, and people who see things like this, that make us feel good about continuing to make our free versions as good as possible.

Just wanted you to know that sentiments like this mean more to the mod makers than you might think.


Trek 06-21-2010 12:15 AM

I've been reading this thread and keeping up with it and stopping from replying, but seriously... I can't anymore.

Bottom line is. DJBaxter, you're wrong. Suck it up, move on. If there was a problem with what DBT is doing, the mods/admins here at vb.org would say so. There's nothing wrong happening, as evidenced by their NOT SAYING SO.

If you don't like it, it's too bad. I've been a customer of DBT since they started releasing their mods and have been VERY happy with everything they've done. They've helped me out when it was MY fault, or otherwise not their mods in issue. They've gone out of their way to help me any chance they can. Their mods work, work well and do what they are supposed to.

That is what *I* pay for, the support and the knowledge that I'm giving my money to some that cares about their products.

I've spent a bit of cash at DBT and have never regretted it. If you're not interested in doing the same, don't. If anything, your statements are slanderous.

Please, go elsewhere and while you're at it, good luck on getting support for the other mod your "happy with".

Ohh and so your statements aren't "misrepresented" again, please refrain from posting here. That'll assure you don't have to worry about it again.

Paul M 06-21-2010 11:49 AM

This is modification support thread, not a debate. If you are not requiring support then please refrain from further off topic posting. Thank you.

KURTZ 06-21-2010 11:57 AM

@ DBT: have you planned any integration with integrate Facebook applications?

DragonByte Tech 06-21-2010 02:16 PM

What kind of integration did you have in mind?


Kolbi 06-23-2010 01:35 PM


these features:
# Can Un-Thank a post
# Can Un-Like a post

should be implented in the free version :)

DragonByte Tech 06-23-2010 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Kolbi (Post 2058166)

these features:
# Can Un-Thank a post
# Can Un-Like a post

should be implented in the free version :)

Sorry, but we need to have some features that people need to pay for. If we just put all the features people wanted in the free version, then there'd be no reason for anyone to ever buy pro! :P


bchertov 06-25-2010 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2046651)
This isn't something that we offer unfortauntely, sorry.

Wrong Answer! :D

bchertov 06-25-2010 10:23 PM

What's the guesstimate of the next release timing and features?

BTW, here are some features I'd like to see:

1) Email user when they receive thanks (fully phrased)

2) Link in both postbit and user profile that is a count of thanks given and received that links to a list of the posts concerned.

3) Widget for posts most thanked, with an option to show by thread which would add up all the thanks within that thread.

4) As mentioned earlier, should be able to configure adding to the users reputation points when thanks are received.

For the record, I am happy to see this and other mods offered as paid Pro versions that are well supported. I'd love to see more Paid Pro hacks being offered! Anybody know of a site that gathers up all the paid/commercial offerings?

DragonByte Tech 06-25-2010 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by bchertov (Post 2059606)
What's the guesstimate of the next release timing and features?

BTW, here are some features I'd like to see:

1) Email user when they receive thanks (fully phrased)

2) Link in both postbit and user profile that is a count of thanks given and received that links to a list of the posts concerned.

3) Widget for posts most thanked, with an option to show by thread which would add up all the thanks within that thread.

4) As mentioned earlier, should be able to configure adding to the users reputation points when thanks are received.

For the record, I am happy to see this and other mods offered as paid Pro versions that are well supported. I'd love to see more Paid Pro hacks being offered! Anybody know of a site that gathers up all the paid/commercial offerings?

Will keep your ideas in mind when we're doing the next version. Probably won't for at least a month though - theres other mods in the queue to be updated first.

Feel free to post your ideas on our site to make sure they don't get overlooked when we're designing the next version =)


Yellow Slider 06-27-2010 06:44 PM

is there a demo for the HIDE feature? I need to check if it really HIDES the content no matter what, there are a lot of HIDE modifications, is there an option to post a regular post in order to see the hidden content?

DragonByte Tech 06-27-2010 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Yellow Slider (Post 2060621)
is there a demo for the HIDE feature? I need to check if it really HIDES the content no matter what, there are a lot of HIDE modifications, is there an option to post a regular post in order to see the hidden content?

This mod doesn't 100% hide the contents - quoting the post does reveal the content.
However, doing so is much more arduous than simply clicking Like or Thanks ;)

And no, this is not designed to be a HIDE-hack first and foremost, so there's no option to post to un-hide.


DragonByte Tech 06-27-2010 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Yellow Slider (Post 2060621)
is there a demo for the HIDE feature? I need to check if it really HIDES the content no matter what, there are a lot of HIDE modifications, is there an option to post a regular post in order to see the hidden content?

You can try it out on our website =)

There is no option for a normal post to unhide the content currently no, feel free to suggest it for future version though =)


darkie79 06-28-2010 12:57 PM

Very quick question:

I would love to try this mod out; however, the permissions panel in the admincp isn't showing up..have uninstalled/deleted files/reinstalled about 4 times now and I can't figure it out. Any ideas?

DragonByte Tech 06-28-2010 01:01 PM

Make sure your userid has Super Administrator rights in config.php.


darkie79 06-28-2010 01:20 PM

As super admin, I can't get the menu options to show...ideas? Version 3.8.4 and installing the correct XML file.

I also notice (if this matters) in the products page, your two addons that I'm working with today are both black (not hyperlinked)...just noticed it, didn't know if it was relevant.

I should probably also specify that this post is indeed in the wrong place, but the right version is installed.

DragonByte Tech 06-28-2010 01:54 PM

That just means there's no Product URL setting :)

Did you upload the cpnav file in the correct directory as well?
Also, can you try granting yourself the Can Admin Thanks permission? Just in case xP


darkie79 06-28-2010 02:03 PM


Disregard, and thanks....another super admin had "revised" the config.php without letting me know....and this...is only Monday :)

DragonByte Tech 06-28-2010 02:13 PM

Aha, the sneaky little bugger ;)
Glad it got solved :D


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