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FCS-Webmaster 05-03-2010 06:44 AM

Excellent idea please keep up working on this mod.
It is a little bit confusing about the product you offer for download.
There are inside the zip file 2 and one directly from this page so 3 versions?
And any other version then Slide_show_pro.xml doesn't seem to work.

lovevn 05-03-2010 08:42 AM

Works well on cms here

Thanks(cam on nhieu:D)

betts02 05-03-2010 04:20 PM

Looking for someone to place this on my forum home at the side of my chat box

Anyone up for this ?

Cheers as i have tried and have no clus,lol

ry215 05-03-2010 06:03 PM

some day, i have free time, i update more version :D
now im busy for mod security forum T_T

mfbmike 05-03-2010 09:44 PM

The slide show works perfectly on my forum home. However, when I copy the appropriate source code and create the static html widget, it does not display properly on my cms. It doesn't import the slide show style.

<style type="text/css" media="all">
@import "slideshow/templates/TT/template_css_ie.css";

On forum home it does, because it's www.digitalsportscene.com/forum

and the slideshow folders/files are installed in the forum directory. So the style is imported correctly.

However, my cms is located at http://www.digitalsportscene.com/forum/content/ and therefore is trying to import the style from /content/slideshows/templates/tt/template_css_ie.css which obviously does not exist.

Anyone know of a workaround for this or will this addon not work on CMS unless forum is installed in root?

DjEddie 05-03-2010 11:08 PM

can this be made to show php files in each slide instead of images only?

Preech 05-03-2010 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by mfbmike (Post 2031356)
The slide show works perfectly on my forum home. However, when I copy the appropriate source code and create the static html widget, it does not display properly on my cms. It doesn't import the slide show style.

<style type="text/css" media="all">
@import "slideshow/templates/TT/template_css_ie.css";

On forum home it does, because it's www.digitalsportscene.com/forum

and the slideshow folders/files are installed in the forum directory. So the style is imported correctly.

However, my cms is located at http://www.digitalsportscene.com/forum/content/ and therefore is trying to import the style from /content/slideshows/templates/tt/template_css_ie.css which obviously does not exist.

Anyone know of a workaround for this or will this addon not work on CMS unless forum is installed in root?

It should still work. The style code you posted is only a portion of it. There is a whole lot more code that goes with it. But you could always edit the links to fit. It works fine for me.

mfbmike 05-03-2010 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Preech (Post 2031403)
It should still work. The style code you posted is only a portion of it. There is a whole lot more code that goes with it. But you could always edit the links to fit. It works fine for me.

Correct. But the way it is being displayed incorrectly, I know it is because it is not loading the style template. I tried putting in the full URL to the template.css file but that didn't work either. :o

daveaite 05-04-2010 04:55 AM

I've managed to get this working on my cms properly using an older version of your mod. The newer one doesn't work and actually Im not really using "the backend" of this anymore, just the actual imaging script.

My question is, how do you properly set up more than 4 images, I have 5 set up, but only 4 are showing.


ry215 05-04-2010 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by daveaite (Post 2031506)
I've managed to get this working on my cms properly using an older version of your mod. The newer one doesn't work and actually Im not really using "the backend" of this anymore, just the actual imaging script.

My question is, how do you properly set up more than 4 images, I have 5 set up, but only 4 are showing.


i see it your site 5 images

and u dont make install :p

Preech 05-04-2010 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Preech (Post 2031403)
It should still work. The style code you posted is only a portion of it. There is a whole lot more code that goes with it. But you could always edit the links to fit. It works fine for me.

try putting the foward slash in front of slideshow. I'm telling you though. Once I went to a older version. The forumhome worked like a charm. I than view my source code, copied the info, created a static html widget and I'm good. Now I have to edit my images better to actually fit and still look good.

http://www.djmal.net/thaspot/content.php Check here. You'll see it running on the latest build of vbulletin.

TheKdd 05-04-2010 05:00 PM

Has anyone tried this on 3.8.x and if so, does it work? Thanks. Looks like a real nice mod!

ry215 05-04-2010 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by TheKdd (Post 2031691)
Has anyone tried this on 3.8.x and if so, does it work? Thanks. Looks like a real nice mod!

my mod for 4x, not for 3.8 :rolleyes:

murekhalir 05-04-2010 05:37 PM

this is orgasmic...

DjEddie 05-04-2010 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by DjEddie (Post 2031395)
can this be made to show php files in each slide instead of images only?

Any ideas on this?

Thanks :)


Edrondol 05-04-2010 06:06 PM

One thing I've noticed is that a lot of people are saying to add this to your CMS you copy and paste the forum home page source into a static html widget. I don't know about you, but I had to really think about this before I finally realized what it was saying.

1) Load the hack as per instructions, setting it up to work on the forums and not the CMS.
2) Once you see it on your forums, view the webpage source which is usually done by going to the View menu. On IE it is Source, in Firefox it is Page Source. I'm afraid I can't say for any other browser.
3) Scroll down until you see the words "<!-- Slide Show by Keite v1.0 starts here -->"
4) Copy that all the way to "<!-- Slide Show by Keite v1.0 ands here -->". You can include these if you want but its not strictly necessary.
5) In your AdmimCP go to vBulletinCMS -> Widgets -> Create New Widget.
6) Make sure the widget is Type "Static HTML". Title should be Slideshow (but you can change this) and Description doesn't matter. Save.
7) When the list of widgets come back up, find the Slideshow widget and click Configure.
8) Where it says "Enter Static HTML" paste in the code you copied earlier. Save.
9) Now all you have to do is place the widget on your page. Go to vBulletinCMS -> Layout Manager and edit.

That's it. Note that you still have to turn the hack off on your forum and any changes you make to the hack (changing links, etc) using the vBulletin options will NOT be reflected in the CMS until you recopy the code and paste it back into the widget. Granted, you can just edit the widget HTML, but only do this if you feel comfortable doing so.

That's it. I apologize if the steps don't match vbAdvanced. I don't have it so I can't say if the steps remain exactly the same, but they should be close.

PixelFx 05-04-2010 06:08 PM

I'm working on a way to make it a bit more friendly with vbadvanced cmps modules, vs just cut and paste. I'll share info once sorted out.

Edrondol 05-04-2010 06:25 PM

Sorry, another piece of possible information are the style types, of which there are 8.

When you first load it you get "Movies" but there are more.

1) Default
2) FSD
3) JJ-Obs
4) JJ-Rasper
5) Movies
6) Sleek
7) TT
8) Uncut

The screen prints show these but it doesn't say which is which. Play around and try out each one to your own taste. Changing these are pretty easy. For forums you simply change the "Styles" portion of the options. If you have copied already to your CMS, you find the line that includes "+ '@import "slideshow/templates/Sleek/template_css.php" and change the folder to the new Style you want.

I really hope this is helping. It's stuff I found out through trial and error. But man do I like this hack!

trackpads 05-04-2010 06:46 PM

I want this: http://www.joomlaworks.gr/

GamerPerfection 05-04-2010 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by daveaite (Post 2031506)
I've managed to get this working on my cms properly using an older version of your mod. The newer one doesn't work and actually Im not really using "the backend" of this anymore, just the actual imaging script.

My question is, how do you properly set up more than 4 images, I have 5 set up, but only 4 are showing.


Did you get that first image from my site????

Rahstyles 05-04-2010 11:15 PM

Can sombody install this for me?

TheKdd 05-05-2010 01:25 AM

Any plans on making this mod compatible with 3.8.5? Would love to have it!

ndL 05-05-2010 08:57 AM

still needs a lot of work to do.

Bacon Butty 05-05-2010 09:45 AM

Is there any way to limit the amount of slides?

I'd have hoped simply deleting the extra content in the admincp options would work, but it doesn't.

Preech 05-05-2010 11:29 AM

If you have it on your cms, than you have to manually edit the code you put into the widget..

Trackpads, the link you provided, there is a option to make this mod look like that. I won't lie, it looks just like the same hack that was created to work with joomla. I'm not going to complain, it works for me.

Bacon Butty 05-05-2010 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Preech (Post 2032070)
If you have it on your cms, than you have to manually edit the code you put into the widget..

Was that at me?

I have it on the forumhome. Any ideas which section of code to edit?

masterb44hz 05-05-2010 05:29 PM

I really like the addon. However, is there going to be a working CMS widget (without copying and pasting source code)? planned in the near future? Me and I believe a lot of other ppl could really use such a widget !

Thanks for your work so far btw :)

g10net 05-06-2010 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by masterb44hz (Post 2032218)
I really like the addon. However, is there going to be a working CMS widget (without copying and pasting source code)? planned in the near future? Me and I believe a lot of other ppl could really use such a widget !

Thanks for your work so far btw :)

agree with you ;)

mmostafayousef 05-06-2010 08:04 PM

Can this mod be converted into a news rotator for the CMS?? Just by making it draw the items from the CMS or from a specific forum ID. I guess it is not difficult at all.

@ ry215:

Please consider my suggestion above.

murekhalir 05-07-2010 06:10 AM

Everybody should show support, click install, nominate and donate a dollar!

Show some love to the cool mods =p

Bacon Butty 05-07-2010 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by murekhalir (Post 2032970)
Everybody should show support, click install, nominate and donate a dollar!

Show some love to the cool mods =p

On my to do list if I can work out how to limit the amount of slides from four to three!

murekhalir 05-07-2010 05:28 PM


murekhalir 05-07-2010 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Edrondol (Post 2031729)
One thing I've noticed is that a lot of people are saying to add this to your CMS you copy and paste the forum home page source into a static html widget. I don't know about you, but I had to really think about this before I finally realized what it was saying.

1) Load the hack as per instructions, setting it up to work on the forums and not the CMS.
2) Once you see it on your forums, view the webpage source which is usually done by going to the View menu. On IE it is Source, in Firefox it is Page Source. I'm afraid I can't say for any other browser.
3) Scroll down until you see the words "<!-- Slide Show by Keite v1.0 starts here -->"
4) Copy that all the way to "<!-- Slide Show by Keite v1.0 ands here -->". You can include these if you want but its not strictly necessary.
5) In your AdmimCP go to vBulletinCMS -> Widgets -> Create New Widget.
6) Make sure the widget is Type "Static HTML". Title should be Slideshow (but you can change this) and Description doesn't matter. Save.
7) When the list of widgets come back up, find the Slideshow widget and click Configure.
8) Where it says "Enter Static HTML" paste in the code you copied earlier. Save.
9) Now all you have to do is place the widget on your page. Go to vBulletinCMS -> Layout Manager and edit.

That's it. Note that you still have to turn the hack off on your forum and any changes you make to the hack (changing links, etc) using the vBulletin options will NOT be reflected in the CMS until you recopy the code and paste it back into the widget. Granted, you can just edit the widget HTML, but only do this if you feel comfortable doing so.

That's it. I apologize if the steps don't match vbAdvanced. I don't have it so I can't say if the steps remain exactly the same, but they should be close.


These steps exactly work.

I do notice, however, you have to repeatedly update this everytime you want to change the cms. Is there some way to streamline this more?

Thanks though for an awesome mod.

mikem164 05-07-2010 05:47 PM

Any chance this can recognize an uploaded Jpeg or .Gif and incorporate in slideshow? Instead of clicking each image as attachment?

ry215 05-08-2010 01:17 AM

i think upload images with ftp
and pate url its ok
browse upload it onload server no good bro TT

Martyn1983 05-09-2010 10:24 PM

No joy!

How exactly do you set this up as a widget? Can't get it to display in forum, let alone CMS :(

masterb44hz 05-10-2010 08:42 AM

Is there any way to have each slide showing up for a longer period of time, e.g. 15 secs instead of about 7-8secs?

Would really appreciate a solution to that question. :)

Mastergumble 05-10-2010 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by masterb44hz (Post 2034441)
Is there any way to have each slide showing up for a longer period of time, e.g. 15 secs instead of about 7-8secs?

Would really appreciate a solution to that question. :)

Check this:

var speed_delay = 6000;
var slide_speed = 1000;

Nice mod added and working nice in frontpage on www.eximiusclan.com

Rahstyles 05-11-2010 04:24 AM

Yo this doest not work for "Fluid" Content cms?

masterb44hz 05-11-2010 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Mastergumble (Post 2034810)
Check this:
var speed_delay = 6000;
var slide_speed = 1000;

Thanks for the hint, but where do i change this settings. Couldnt find them exactly like this in the 'engine'. Sorry but im not very good with javascript. Help would be much appreciated!


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