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TimberFloorAu 04-20-2010 09:21 PM

A cracking feature would be:

A submit button on forum post ( for users when creating posts ) to submit the video within that post to the media centre.

Similar system to vbookie, or polls. Where users place a post anyway, and in this case a tick box ( with perhaps category drop down ) allows the user to simultaneously submit the video to media center after they have submitted new post.

With integration of video parsing in vbulletin this could be done one of two ways, as above: or an extra tick box, when a user clicks the video bbcode button in editor.

This would inevitably propogate the media library quicker and make it more intune with the forum.

IR15H 04-20-2010 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 2024529)
1. I'll look into it
2. Fixed in new version.
3. Editing comments works fine for me, vb4.0.3... what other mods do you have installed?
4. Yes, deleting comments is done through the edit link.
5. This is BY DESIGN. If you look at YouTube, it does a the same thing. You can only comment on a video once without refreshing. This is a deterrent so that people don't try to spam the comments.
6. The error pages use the built in error system for VB. There is no back button because VB itself does not have a back button built in. A user can simply press the back button on their browser, or use the backspace key to go back a page.
7. Reporting media works fine for me, vb4.0.3... what other mods do you have installed?
8. Fixed in new version.

  1. Thanks.
  2. Thanks.
  3. None, unless you count blog/cms. Fresh install of 4.0.3 on local machine. The error message on trying to edit now tells me it's 0 characters long (regardless of actual length).
  4. Okay but can't access it it due to error above.
  5. Okay.
  6. Okay, I'll mention it over on .com then and see what they say about it.
  7. As above, none. What exactly is suppose to happen when you hit Report? Below is what I see from an end user point of view;
    From an admin point of view, is there a "Reported Media" section?
  8. Thanks.

TimberFloorAu 04-20-2010 09:24 PM

Please can you tell us what changes have been made ( changelog ) in this version MediaLibrary-0.3.zip to previous version. As we have done many Phrase changes , and each time we have to redo all of these.

I also have in 8wr_media_main this at very top of the template , {vb:raw submitsmall}
This is in addition to the one at the bottom.

svandanam 04-20-2010 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 2024527)
================================================== =========
================================================== =========
  • NEW FEATURE: The Auto-Create Thread feature has once again returned!
  • NEW FEATURE: Tag, Comment, Description and Title verification handlers now follow built in vB4 settings. Each of these fields will follow their related forum setting such as "Tag Minimum Length" or "Tag Maximum Length". If a field should fail to meet the specifications, the error handlers will now explain why it has failed in more detail.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed information retrieval for feeds with non-Latin sources.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed phrasegroup error within AJAX functions created in 4.0.2.
  • BUG FIX: Miscellaneous SQL and template errors no one knew about but me.

A small Bug with Auto-create Thread feature...when enabled..it does get created inside the forum , but on the main forum it does not show as there is a new thread .

WassoufTunClub 04-20-2010 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Veer (Post 2024532)
Few suggestion:

"Like" button or "Thanks" button integration on media page
"Add to Favorites" button on media page
"Download This Media" button on media page
"Related Media" on media page
"Most Discussed Media" on Main page of Media Library
"Featured Media" on Main page of Media Library
"Recent Media" forum block

:up::up::up::up: Good suggestion

TimberFloorAu 04-20-2010 11:19 PM

Exclude thread id for whats new would be useful.
I have forgotten the code to add

Jaxel 04-20-2010 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by IR15H (Post 2024535)
  1. None, unless you count blog/cms. Fresh install of 4.0.3 on local machine. The error message on trying to edit now tells me it's 0 characters long (regardless of actual length).
  2. As above, none. What exactly is suppose to happen when you hit Report? Below is what I see from an end user point of view;
    From an admin point of view, is there a "Reported Media" section?

Can you give me the URL that the report page sends you to after you submit? If you are using the SEO slugs, try the MOST RECENT version of .htaccess included in the zip.


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 2024536)
Please can you tell us what changes have been made ( changelog ) in this version MediaLibrary-0.3.zip to previous version. As we have done many Phrase changes , and each time we have to redo all of these.

I also have in 8wr_media_main this at very top of the template , {vb:raw submitsmall}
This is in addition to the one at the bottom.

If you open up "product-medialibrary.xml", you'll see that every phrase is timestamped with version numbers. Anything with 4.0.2 or 4.0.3 will need to be updated. You should be using the phrase manager from within your admin CP to update your phrases. It will make it easier for you to find which phrases have been updated.

Also, I have no idea what you said about {vb:raw submitsmall}...


Originally Posted by svandanam (Post 2024553)
A small Bug with Auto-create Thread feature...when enabled..it does get created inside the forum , but on the main forum it does not show as there is a new thread .

That is very weird. Looks like vb changed something because I'm using the same thread creation datamanager (which is included with vb) that I was using with Video Directory Remixed...


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 2024574)
Exclude thread id for whats new would be useful.
I have forgotten the code to add

Again... no idea what you are saying...

TimberFloorAu 04-20-2010 11:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thread does not appear in forumhome view.

Which I can live with.

But does diaplay in What's New link in Navbar

Sorted this part: with &exclude=192 added to whats new search url in Navbar ( where 192 is our forum id )
As it is, it will spam the whats new box up for all members with videos.

your24hourstore 04-21-2010 01:49 AM

i did a reinstall to the board and did a fresh install on this mod but now i cant get the administrative link to show again, just where does that htaccess go anyways ?

Jaxel 04-21-2010 02:10 AM

the htaccess goes in your forum root...

If you did a fresh install, remember to check your permissions.

*EDIT* I just did a fresh install of my test forum... everything is working fine.

willy888 04-21-2010 05:22 AM

Still not work for me = database error
Probably language problem (greek)

Jaxel 04-21-2010 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by willy888 (Post 2024710)
Still not work for me = database error
Probably language problem (greek)


Originally Posted by willy888 (Post 2024168)
Database error
the plugin installed ok but the link does not work

Can't help you. When you get an error, you should cut and paste the error so that I know what the error is and can fix it. Also, what plugin? What link?

Delilahs 04-21-2010 05:29 AM

I've gone through all the permissions, but am still unable to see this create category link.

is there a quick fix as everything else works fine

rotor 04-21-2010 06:05 AM

Installed, voted MOTM and donation made ..... and well worth it I might add :D

This is the best mod that i've installed on VB .... hope you continue to support the VB community with your great mod!!!!!

Thank you very much .... :)

ProFifaLeagues 04-21-2010 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by Delilahs (Post 2024713)
I've gone through all the permissions, but am still unable to see this create category link.

is there a quick fix as everything else works fine

I think its a bug in lower versions of vbulletin mate so you need to be on vbulletin 4.0.3 min to get it 100% working with the category links etc.
Superb mod tho and worth upgrading vbull to 4.3 just for this!

nishant.soni 04-21-2010 07:59 AM

I own a forum about hollywood/bollywood movies, celebs. Would this plugin help me creating a picture gallery of all actors?

xxalexkimxx 04-21-2010 08:28 AM

The URL SEO doesn't work for me since I'm using vBSEO for my forums. Please do check on that.

rotor 04-21-2010 08:39 AM

As my previous post ... this is an excellent mod - thankyou

Is there any chance of some one making a widget for the CMS. I'd have a go myself but I'd like it to be a success :rolleyes:


mobe00 04-21-2010 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by rotor (Post 2024791)
As my previous post ... this is an excellent mod - thankyou

Is there any chance of some one making a widget for the CMS. I'd have a go myself but I'd like it to be a success :rolleyes:


I agree a widget for both cms and forumblock/sidepanel would be very great.

your24hourstore 04-21-2010 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by rammieone (Post 2024727)
I think its a bug in lower versions of vbulletin mate so you need to be on vbulletin 4.0.3 min to get it 100% working with the category links etc.
Superb mod tho and worth upgrading vbull to 4.3 just for this!

got same deal but im current Admin Control Panel (vBulletin 4.0.3)

first test i did on this it did this also , i went through a few updates and all the sudden it was showing but not this install :<

Delilahs 04-21-2010 10:03 AM

I'm on version 4.03

What updates did you do Harleyparts?

mobe00 04-21-2010 11:24 AM

most popular media is not working. it still shows the three first youtube clips i uploaded. And shows only 1 view. I have other clips that been watched 10 times but are not showing up under most popular media ?????

your24hourstore 04-21-2010 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Delilahs (Post 2024815)
I'm on version 4.03

What updates did you do Harleyparts?

Oh updates to this mod from the first one to now ive installed them all must have been 8 or 10 of them
seems the 2nd or third update they just appeared below my navbar and they worked. But i did a complete new install on my actual board with this latest zip and cannot get it to show,and yes i have all permissions and htaccess in place
so im baffld, guess i will put them all in one catigory :>

below are mods i have installed maybe one of them is the problem

vBulletin 4.0.3

8WR Media Library 4.0.3 8WayRun.Com - Media Library

Automatic Tagger From Content and Title 4.4.0 Automatically adds tags to according to message content, title and already existing tags in forum.

BBR - Welcome Thread On Register 2.02 Creates a welcome thread when a new user registers

Calendar Search and Download 1.09b Search calendar for events and download results.

Easy Forms 4.0.7 Create Forms without any hassle or fuss. Form list at misc.php?do=forms

EveryWhere Sidebar 1.1.4 This mod will show the sidebar everywhere in the forum if the sidebar is enabled by the administrator

First Post on all pages 1.2 first on all pages

Follow Us 1.4 Puts a follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace on the forumhome

Hide Version 1 Hide Version

Highlight Threadstarter 3.0.0 Release Candidate 3 Highlights the threadstarter

Inactive User Reminder Emails 2.1.1 Sends emails out to inactive users encouraging them to re-visit the forum

iTrader 2.7.0 Trader Feedback System

Send message to Admin if fail to login to admincp 2.0.0 Send message to Admin if fail to login to admincp

SEOforums.org Fuzzy SEO Booster RC2 1.3.2 SEOforums.org Fuzzy SEO Booster RC2

SEOforums.org SEO Link Replacement 1.2 Replaces words in posts to be a link to the destination of your choice! Handy for affiliate links and SEO friendly ones!

SFS Integration 1.0.0 Integrates the SFS database into the registration functions of vBulletin.

Spiders in WGO 1.0 Show Spiders In Whats Going On Box

vBadvanced CMPS 4.0.0 RC1 vBadvanced Content Management & Portal System

vBH - Add new tabs 1.2 1.2 This plugin adds new tabs to the main navbar

vBulletin Blog 4.0.3 Personal web log, integrated with vBulletin.

vBulletin CMS 4.0.3 Content Management System

VSa - Advanced Registration 2.0.1 VSa - Advanced Registration

VSa - ChatBox 3.1.6 VSa - ChatBox

VSa - Forums Online CountUp 2.0 VSa - Forums Online CountUp

mobe00 04-21-2010 11:45 AM

what is the link i need to use for the rss feed ????

Webbstre 04-21-2010 11:58 AM

I've just installed the newest version out at the moment (great work btw, I look forward to seeing this improve). I can't seem to submit anything. I'm testing it by putting a simple link to a .jpg image on my site, but no matter what I do I get "Could not parse media URL."

mobe00 04-21-2010 12:06 PM

when i try to add the rss feed adress http://www.xxxxxxxxxxx.xx/media.php?do=rss to feedburner i get an error messages. So something is wrong with the RSS feed.


This feed does not validate.


line 27, column 110: XML parsing error: <unknown>:29:110: not well-formed (invalid token) [help]

... 76a129771397318305b1&amp;do=category&cid=4">- Humor</category>

line 27 looks like

# <category domain="http://www.xxxxxxxx.xx/media.php?do=category&cid=6">- Humor</category>

your24hourstore 04-21-2010 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by mobe00 (Post 2024877)
when i try to add the rss feed adress http://www.xxxxxxxxxxx.xx/media.php?do=rss to feedburner i get an error messages. So something is wrong with the RSS feed.


This feed does not validate.


line 27, column 110: XML parsing error: <unknown>:29:110: not well-formed (invalid token) [help]

... 76a129771397318305b1&amp;do=category&cid=4">- Humor</category>

line 27 looks like

# <category domain="http://www.xxxxxxxx.xx/media.php?do=category&cid=6">- Humor</category>

I didnt even know it did RSS, install over it, didnt work for me but LOL you have more working than i do

I do have it showing up in my site rss

cindy helmond 04-21-2010 12:44 PM

great mod !! but can you change the url when its opening create an thread ? now its opening in an new window can you change it in _self window ?
thx !!

mobe00 04-21-2010 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by harleyparts (Post 2024882)
I didnt even know it did RSS, install over it, didnt work for me but LOL you have more working than i do

I do have it showing up in my site rss

You use the auto thread create , thats why you see it. the rss link you posted is the standard vbulletin rss link. its an own rss feed for media library only

Delilahs 04-21-2010 01:40 PM

The Media rss doesn't work on my site either,


21: <pubDate>Wed, 21 Apr 2010 06:22:53 GMT</pubDate>
22: <comments><![CDATA[http://www.delilahsforum.co.uk/forum/media.php?do=details&mid=3#comments]]></comments>
23: <guid isPermaLink="true"><![CDATA[http://www.delilahsforum.co.uk/forum/media.php?do=details&mid=3]]></guid>
24: <category domain="http://www.delilahsforum.co.uk/forum/media.php?do=category&cid=1">- General Media</category>
25: <category domain="http://www.delilahsforum.co.uk/forum/media.php?do=user&uid=4">+ Wily Boos Knees</category>
26: <category domain="http://www.delilahsforum.co.uk/forum/media.php?do=tag&tid=chealseagirl">chealseagirl</category>
27: <category domain="http://www.delilahsforum.co.uk/forum/media.php?do=tag&tid=modettes">modettes</category>

Delilahs 04-21-2010 01:46 PM

I've just inputted a few medial urls and it is not creating a new thread in the designated forum either.

cindy helmond 04-21-2010 01:47 PM

dont see the Admin Control Panel (vBulletin 4.0.3) in the media mod any help ?
cant make any caterogies is this an bug ?

Report its not working

Delilahs 04-21-2010 01:53 PM

it's a bug as quite a few of us cannot get it, so we are awaiting a fix for it.

mobe00 04-21-2010 01:59 PM

i only get the rss feed to show up in safari. no other browsers. tested safari, firefox, ie and opera

Jaxel 04-21-2010 03:01 PM

Feeds are working for me in every browser I have... Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Opera...


They also validate on Feedburner... Anyone who is having trouble with the feeds, I want you to try something for me...

First go into your usergroup permissions and make sure UNREGISTERED can view library and view details

If RSS feeds still dont work... open "media_functions_hrefs.php"... find:

return "media" . ($vbulletin->options['media_doseo'] ? "/" : ".php?".$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']);
Replace with...

return "media" . ($vbulletin->options['media_doseo'] ? "/" : ".php?");

Tell me if the feed (and the rest of the mod) work for you after this.

Delilahs 04-21-2010 03:39 PM

can't find media_functions_href.php



and that is a blank file

it may be a good idea to upload the complete file set that you have working and upload it to here with the correct version number

Jaxel 04-21-2010 03:43 PM

Sorry, I meant media_functions_hrefs.php...

and that file CANT be blank. If that file is blank, then not a single link on your media library would work. Redownload the entire package and reinstall, it sounds like you download a bum zip.

Delilahs 04-21-2010 03:57 PM

no change, still can't see the category links or view rss

xxalexkimxx 04-21-2010 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Delilahs (Post 2024913)
The Media rss doesn't work on my site either,

I think he didn't set full permission all the folder was told to, it happened to me once.

Jaxel 04-21-2010 04:46 PM

RSS FEED will only work if you have unregistered viewing enabled...

AUTO THREAD will only work if you select a forum and that forum is open.

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