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-   -   Major Additions - AutoLinker Lite, keyword linker for vBulletin 3.7 and 4.x, and vbcms (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=239167)

DAMINK 10-29-2010 10:03 PM

Forum URL is in my sig.
Example of this here.


kermit2 10-30-2010 10:21 AM

Thanks. It looks like you're just missing the bit of html to load the js code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/testing-area/autolinker/autolinker.js"></script>

Add that to your templates (at the top of the 'header' template), so that it appears directly after your opening <body> tag in the outputted html.

exportforce 11-07-2010 04:15 PM

It's a shame.
A good addon but as always, just drop a demo and limit is so that the light version is almost useless. I would have almost used it, but now I just read here, you can only use 5 Links? Those 5 I can do manually. Too bad, really.

klaush 11-07-2010 04:28 PM

Buy the full version; its ok.

onehost 12-14-2010 12:06 AM

any updates for 4.1

onehost 12-14-2010 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by exportforce (Post 2119095)
It's a shame.
A good addon but as always, just drop a demo and limit is so that the light version is almost useless. I would have almost used it, but now I just read here, you can only use 5 Links? Those 5 I can do manually. Too bad, really.

Thats the purpose of a demo so see if you like the mod.
as long as there are updates, and the mod is supported, then
I do not mind buying, as there are coders that sell corrupt
mods, and do not even give your money back, then they
complaint that you are ripping them off....

where can I buy the paid version?

bada_bing 12-14-2010 06:04 AM

Does anyone know how I can get this to work in the PM's also rather then just posts/threads. Would be nice to include PM also


kermit2 12-14-2010 10:57 AM

onehost: you can get the paid version from http://www.autolinker.com

bada_bing: we're working on this for the next full release, which is a week or so away. It'll include support for blogs too (as well as PMs)

onehost 12-14-2010 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by kermit2 (Post 2133691)
onehost: you can get the paid version from http://www.autolinker.com

bada_bing: we're working on this for the next full release, which is a week or so away. It'll include support for blogs too (as well as PMs)

Sounds like a plan. We are talking about VB Blogs right?

If i do the trial...then decide to buy the commercial version...Do
i have to remove the trial files, then install the comm files, or
does it just override everything?


kermit2 12-15-2010 10:38 PM

Yes the vb blogs - sorry, should have made that clearer - it's not any blog.

Upgrading from the lite version is basically just a case of uploading, overwriting the existing files

onehost 12-16-2010 01:34 AM

(1) Clicking link does not work, does not take me to the page.
(2) Some posts are highlighted rather then a hyperlink
(3) Links are almost invisible in posts...
(4) We need to be able to assign color to links
(5) We need to be able to control font size of ancor text
(6) could not place text in box, is that a free limitation?

Java is old technology, I knew that when I had to place
a line of your code in the header template, who does
that anymore? Your script needs updating.

I am using 4.1 PL2 - not sure if that helps or not.

viper357 01-09-2011 08:08 AM

Hi there, on your site it states:

AutoLinker 2.0 (scheduled for release late in 2010).
Any idea when version 2 will be released?


dihuta 01-09-2011 08:19 AM

Still request Direct link with AutoLinker 2.0 for SEO purpose.
Thank you.

onehost 01-14-2011 04:01 PM

Coder has not updated since aug
Coder has not logged in since Dec
Coder has yet to answer my questions

kermit2 01-14-2011 05:35 PM

onehost: java and javascript are completely different things.

viper357: in a few days actually. Had a few set backs at the end of last year, and just getting back on track now

bada_bing 01-14-2011 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by kermit2 (Post 2133691)
onehost: you can get the paid version from http://www.autolinker.com

bada_bing: we're working on this for the next full release, which is a week or so away. It'll include support for blogs too (as well as PMs)

Whats the status on the PM support ?

dondavis 01-14-2011 05:52 PM

Why AutoLinker don't work with Russian language.

viper357 01-14-2011 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by kermit2 (Post 2149068)
viper357: in a few days actually. Had a few set backs at the end of last year, and just getting back on track now

Excellent, will definitely be purchasing v2, will it still run on vb 3.8.5?

Bankfodder 01-14-2011 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by onehost (Post 2134588)
(1) Clicking link does not work, does not take me to the page.
(2) Some posts are highlighted rather then a hyperlink
(3) Links are almost invisible in posts...
(4) We need to be able to assign color to links
(5) We need to be able to control font size of ancor text
(6) could not place text in box, is that a free limitation?

Java is old technology, I knew that when I had to place
a line of your code in the header template, who does
that anymore? Your script needs updating.

I am using 4.1 PL2 - not sure if that helps or not.

I think that the answer to all of these is that you haven't configured your AutoLinks correctly in your admincp.

All of the features which you refer to are fully configurable - and much more besides.

I notice that you have now posted on the www.autolinker.com forum about this. If you have a look on that website and others which are linked from www.autolinker.com you will get some good ideas as to what can be done.

I'm sure that you will come up with your own interesting AutoLink styles once you get used to it.

One problem might be that there are so many ways of displaying your links and popups that it is difficult to know where to start.

However, once you have done a few, you'll get the hang of it and realise what a flexible system it is.

djilou 01-26-2011 01:31 PM

Note that you can also control the maximum number of times a specific autolink will show in a post by editing the autolink

When I do edit an autolink, I did not see this option?? where can I find it?


djilou 01-31-2011 11:19 AM

This mod generate a lot of queries!!

Page generated in 0,70453 seconds with 145 queries
Without this mod : Page generated in 0,07911 seconds with 11 queries

bada_bing 01-31-2011 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by djilou (Post 2156863)
This mod generate a lot of queries!!

Page generated in 0,70453 seconds with 145 queries
Without this mod : Page generated in 0,07911 seconds with 11 queries

Wow is this true for everyone running this mod?

djilou 02-03-2011 11:12 AM

Yes it's true

Bankfodder 02-03-2011 11:25 AM

Yes but the issue is being addressed

Yes, I agree, although the nature of the queries is also important when assessing the impact on the MySQL server. The majority of these queries are all simple SELECTs against indexed columns, and because the table being queries is rarely changed, most of these queries should be served from the query cache.

That said, cutting down on the number of queries has been one of our aims in the latest version, which I'm planning to release later today


kermit2 02-04-2011 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by bada_bing (Post 2156913)
Wow is this true for everyone running this mod?

Not quite - it's directly proportional to the number of keywords that have been set up. Anyway, it is being addresses

bigtree 02-08-2011 11:45 PM

I bought this and really like what they are doing here but their support is terrible. There are a few issues that I am trying to resolve on my own because they suck at responding or answering people on their own forum! Days go by and nothing.
I contacted them and mentioned that it wasn't linking consistently and if they couldn't help or answer my question I might as well get a refund. Ironically I got a refund!

I told them I would rather not accept the refund and that I would like to see us figure this out! The best they could say is that it works on some big board and bye bye .I haven't heard from them since. Jan 2011

I am still trying to trouble shoot this and really want this to work. What's up!

Needless to say, I've put a good amount of time into linking data and am not ready to drop it. Its very cool but it does have problems. The latest issue after one month ( next months stats graph is now broken ) and some code under forum attachments is now appearing.

Below each image it puts this example:
GR-MixMaster20withbanner.jpg Views: 49 Size: 23.0 KB ID: 582" class="size_thumbnail" />

If I turn off autolinker it resolves this issue.

I wish their support was interested in making this software better. They are very disconnected from improvement from what I've experienced.

PM me if you are listening.

BadgerDog 02-09-2011 09:50 AM

I bought the commercial version and have had great support from him ... :up:

Yes, I agree that at times the response has been a little slow, but essentially it's a one man company so I expect gaps depending on other priorities and real life things that happen. I also take into consideration that it's not a hugely expensive product that I would expect to have a 7x24 help desk available, but for me, it's more akin to shareware where support is proportionate to cost. Nobody's going to make a living selling mods to support vBulletin. :D

He's been really excellent in gradually working through our individual issues and solving them, some of which are due to our own site being highly customized with additional other mods. This latest release is a leap forward and is now operating really stable on our site. It's been an excellent addition to our site and our members love it.

Remember, over used it's like anything else taken to excess and can be annoying and cause problems. Used effectively for the right purposes, it can really add value and differentiate any site from regular vBulletin installations.

I'd recommend folks try the limited (number of links capped) free version here and then ask your pre-sales questions before you buy, to make sure it's going to do what you want it to do.


klaush 02-09-2011 03:29 PM

I can second this! We had some database trouble and the problem was solved in a few hours from and with the programmer of this fantastic stuff.

Please remember that this add is very heavy for all servers to handle but that is for a linking tool like this one just normal, even if you have more than 5 or 7 links with a lot of keywords configured.


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2160495)
I bought the commercial version and have had great support from him ... :up:

saadessa 02-09-2011 05:03 PM

dos,nt support arabic keywords

how can the hack will support
thank you

kermit2 02-09-2011 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by bigtree (Post 2160400)
I bought this and really like what they are doing here but their support is terrible. There are a few issues that I am trying to resolve on my own because they suck at responding or answering people on their own forum! Days go by and nothing.

We issued you a refund because you asked for one; and since you are no longer a customer, you're not actually entitled to be using the software - so we'd appreciate it if you uninstalled it. That's also the reason why your posts have gone unanswered (if you browse the forum you'll notice that yours are the only unanswered posts).

dihuta 02-09-2011 11:45 PM

Any idea when version 2 will be released?
Still hoping Direct Linking option for SEO keywords.

bigtree 02-26-2011 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by kermit2 (Post 2160708)
We issued you a refund because you asked for one; and since you are no longer a customer, you're not actually entitled to be using the software - so we'd appreciate it if you installed it. That's also the reason why your posts have gone unanswered (if you browse the forum you'll notice that yours are the only unanswered posts).

I asked for a refund because you were avoiding helping and dealing with code issues. Your software has been removed because it is full of bugs!!!

I'm making it public that your business practice and software is far from stable. You didn't help resolve my issues because you can't and to shut me up, you gave me a refund and bailed.

Please note... I have no intention to be hurtful towards you, however, I think its my responsibility to question you and to warn others on what I've experienced with your software. You ran instead of helping. You are clearly not 100% upfront here.
You are still taking money from people like this software is stable, when it definitely is not!

For others looking into an autolinking add-on, be very warned that this software caused a permission bridge to the admin section of vbulletin 4. It appears to give registered members admin permissions for some unknown. This is a very serious bug on top of the additional issues.

They/he is winging it here. They have a really cool thing started, but because (it is a one man show) I'm assuming this is why he is not able to keep up with vbulletin upgrades or deal with code issues in a timely manner.

Investing in this will only cause you grief.
You have been warned.

That being said...

I wish you the very best, truly, however, wouldn't it serve you better if you actually made an effort to improve your Mod rather than acting that way you are? Wouldn't it prove to the VB community that you are truly interested in improving this instead of telling me to stop using your product lol. Your response to me here only proves you are not at all interested in finding out why I am having trouble and how to improve your mod so that everyone will have a safer and better autolinking mod? You are defensive.
I asked for help many times and you avoided me.

What do you have to say about this now? You don't answer questions to your software unless you buy it. But you don't support it if there are problems.

You are full of it.:down:

Bankfodder 02-26-2011 12:49 PM

Well we've been using this mod for over two years now in vB3 as well and we have seen no evidence of this security problem which you have identified. No one else seems to either.

Are you able to give better information as to how to replicate the problem or how one can recognise the issue?

kermit2 02-26-2011 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by bigtree (Post 2166972)
For others looking into an autolinking add-on, be very warned that this software caused a permission bridge to the admin section of vbulletin 4. It appears to give registered members admin permissions for some unknown. This is a very serious bug on top of the additional issues.

This is completely untrue, but if you're going to make serious allegations please provide some evidence.

This wouldn't be the first time you've claimed AutoLinker was at fault, only to suddenly change your mind and decide something else was the problem. If you recall, within a few hours of you first installing AutoLinker, you were on our forums kicking up a fuss that it didn't work. You later decided that another mod was actually the problem.

Your hot-headed attitude is the reason we were so happy to give you a refund. When something didn't work as expected you would become aggressive and confrontational, and we wasted a lot of time trying to deal with non-existent bugs.

The quote above illustrates this point. I'm 100% confident that there is no such bug allowing standard users to gain admin permissions, and you seem a bit vague on the details. Is this because you've jumped to conclusions again? Again, please provide something to support your claim, or retract it.

By the way, how are you still managing to find 'bugs' in software that you've uninstalled? I can tell that it's still installed on your forum, despite us asking you to uninstall it over 2 weeks ago (because we had issued you with a refund)

bigtree 02-28-2011 02:53 AM

come on kids, serious... look at you now. One shill added to the equation. I rest my case :rolleyes:

Your software has problems, PLAIN AND SIMPLE! It was installed on a very well tuned server with vb4 and no template mods. I do have vbseo installed but I disabled it to see if it was conflicting and it wasn't.

To help you, The more links I added to it, this more problems occurred to where it finally caused posts to become blank.
It ABSOLUTELY caused security issues as well and you think I'm making this up.... Good luck, you'll need it.

[ text edited ]

kermit2 02-28-2011 09:42 AM

Well yes, I do think you're making it up actually, because you're refusing to provide any details. Also, if this security issue does exist, why do you still have AutoLinker installed on your server? Surely you'd have removed it straight away

BadgerDog 02-28-2011 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by bigtree (Post 2167731)
come on kids, serious... look at you now. One shill added to the equation. I rest my case :rolleyes:

What a couple of idiots.

I'm surprised a moderator hasn't intervened by now ....

Shill? :mad:

The Internet is full of folks like you, who lack the courage to do anything except publish unsubstantiated claims and get off on belittling others to make themselves feel better.

I'm just an old veteran well into my 60's, so I don't need to get into faked postings to try and demonstrate my virility on-line. If you'd care to have to leave me a phone number via PM and not hide behind insults using an anonymous Internet pseudonym in public postings, I'd be happy to call you at my expense to take this discussion off line where it belongs. :mad:

The commercial software works fine for us and the author has diligently addressed any and all problems we reported. :up:

End of message ...


bigtree 03-01-2011 04:13 PM

You know guys, I'm not your enemy here. I don't know why you are acting like this and have been from the very beginning. Its really bizare and very destructive for you.

As far as backing up my claim. Like I said in the beginning, that something isn't right and could you help. You simply said to me, yes, it isn't working correctly and thats it lol?
I offered the opportunity to have access to my site, to see if you could find something. I asked you if you had tested it with vbseo and that possibly there was a conflict there. And then nothing for days...

I mentioned that if you are not able to help, then I would like a refund, BUT... I would rather find out if we could get it working. That I had invested a lot of time and would like this to work. ''The next day I received a refund. hmmm?

This is really childish going back and forth like this. Support should be support, not defensive like this. It is to your advantage to find out why things don't work so you can help ongoing people using your software, don't you think so?

As far as me using your software STILL! if you look at our site: http:recording.org you will see that we are using vaultwiki 's autolinks that works very well, and I might add, you should take a look at for both how it works and how professional their support is.
If people have issues there, they are kind and respond respectfully.

Good luck, I really wish you well. You have a good thing going here.


Leo777 03-08-2011 10:44 AM

I just wanted to confirm that the developer is very helpful. I've contacted him with a number of small problems (mostly due to my own non-standard VB and server settings) and he's responded quickly with solutions.

Before purchasing, I read this entire thread from start to finish, and occasionally the developer's response was delayed a little (eg. a week) but he has offered assistance with almost every problem, responding to bug reports and acting on user suggestions. I believe if you have enough customers then eventually one is going to be both dissatisfied and outspoken. I can't say whether the claims of the customer above are valid or not, but I believe if you read the entire thread you get a much better understanding that the developer is in fact very helpful, as has been my personal experience.

I am not a shill, I chose to write this in order to balance the recent negativity a little since I believe it has been undeserved. This product has features that I couldn't find in any other mod (at least in any other working supported 4.x mod) so I'm glad it worked for my needs - thanks developer! :up:

DNN 09-29-2011 01:09 AM

the autolinker is not working

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