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BaanFarsang 03-23-2011 03:54 PM

Error on VB4.1.2

PHP Code:

WarningUnexpected character in input''' (ASCII=39) state=1 in /home/baanfars/domains/baanfarsang.com/public_html/includes/class_core.php(4430) : eval()'d code on line 75

Parse error
syntax errorunexpected '<' in /home/baanfars/domains/baanfarsang.com/public_html/includes/class_core.php(4430) : eval()'d code on line 76 

SpeedyHire 04-06-2011 04:04 PM

installed on 4.1.2 all fine here.
had to make a few small edits to the post bit to line it all up.

Staxed 04-06-2011 04:27 PM

Just an idea of something i thought would be nice to have for a forum, a stats section that shows the total combined times/average times for all users.

Alan_SP 04-06-2011 11:12 PM

Is it possible to enable for some users to hide results from this mod?

I'd like to create user profile field, and depending on their answer (yes/no) the online time for them is shown or isn't. Default would be of course yes. And that goes only for showing online time, time is tracked and if user chooses so he could show it again.

Alan_SP 04-07-2011 06:43 AM

Ok, I managed to to enable disable showing online time in postbit.

In short, you need to create new user profile field, choose that it is single selection menu, and option set default should be set to None. In options you set only one: Off (or whatever you want to call it, it doesn't matter).

In postbit legacy (or postbit) you need to find:

{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts}

After this add:

<vb:if condition="!$post['field8']">
{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts2}

If you don't add template hook with 2 at the end, you'll turn of all additional postbit info if you use it (and usually you do).

After this, you need to change hook that plugin "Postbit: Fetch Total & Average Time Online" uses (find it under Product : IWT - Time Spent Online)

At the very end just add to the hook plugin calls:

$template_hook['postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts2'] .= $templater->render();

That's it. Users now can disable online time in their postbits. But not in profile, or leaderboard.


Also, I found minor bug. If users online time is full hour (seconds doesn't matter), there's N/A after hours (mining, there's no minutes to be shown). It's if you use Use Micro Phrases (Postbit Only!) option. And maybe with other options, but I didn't test it. You need to have user who's time online is a round hour to see it.

mrbigandwonderf 04-11-2011 11:38 AM

I have had this running for a few days now and love it.

I am not sure if this is a bug or a lack of understanding but I am a bit confused.
In the postbit the Avg. Time Online is just showing Seconds and they are usually no more than 10 secs for all my user

In post bit:
Here are my stats:
Time Online 6 Hrs 47 Mins 1 Sec
Avg. Time Online1 Secs

In my profile and leader board:
Time Online 6 Hrs 52 Mins 39 Secs
Avg. Time Online 1 Hr 47 Mins 27 Secs

In the settings the only thing that is ticked no is "Use Micro Phrases (Postbit Only!)"

Also is there anywhere on the board if a user leaves the board open on their screen it keeps logging time?
I have a couple users that their stats are huge and talking to them they are not active all of that time. My time out is set to 15min of no activity

thank you in advance for any help. I am just trying to get a better understanding

Alan_SP 04-13-2011 06:19 PM

I too saw this difference between postbit and profile. Not sure why, but there it is... :(

ExcelFox 05-15-2011 04:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)
A great mod, and I am already liking its use very much, and am thankful for developers like yourselves taking out time and effort, to provide us with such free modifications and add-ons.

With due respect, there is a small bug fix that would be nice (which should be a stroll in the park for coders like you). The issue is in the postbit, when this mod is used with Abe1's Post Thank You Hack. So what happens is that the time online is displayed along with the X Thanks in X Posts line which makes reading confusing. If this is not clear, I have posted an image. You could have a look. Thanks again for your time.

For the time being, I have disabled showing the Thank You, but I would really love to have this working.

Alan_SP 05-17-2011 02:04 AM

This is bug in Abe's mod, not in this one. As Abe stopped supporting his, you can forget about updates from him.

But, there's always hope. You could use DragonByte's pro version. Pro version enables importing data. Or wait for someone to make mod that uses information from Abe's.

Ideal Web Tech 06-14-2011 04:48 PM

Just wanted to let you all know if you didn't notice, we updated the plugin to fix the one Average Time issue in the postbit.

Also, thanks for give support to the others Alan_SP.

kontagio.us 06-15-2011 03:53 AM

I have a question. If I update will it force me to show in postbit or can i make it in profile only? If it's only an update for postbit I won't even use it since my site only shows in profile.

Ideal Web Tech 06-15-2011 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by kontagio.us (Post 2207920)
I have a question. If I update will it force me to show in postbit or can i make it in profile only? If it's only an update for postbit I won't even use it since my site only shows in profile.

The bug only affected the postbit, so if you don't use it, then there is no need for you to update at the moment.

If you do update tho, you will still have all the same options to tell it where to show, and if it does happen to turn on show in postbit, you would simple have to go turn that setting back off.

kontagio.us 06-15-2011 08:31 AM

Thank you for the response. :D

BaanFarsang 06-15-2011 12:03 PM

Errors when cick on Leader Board - Navbar Link !

Warning: Unexpected character in input: ''' (ASCII=39) state=1 in /home/xxx/domains/xxx.com/public_html/includes/class_core.php(4464) : eval()'d code on line 75

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/xxx/domains/xxx.com/public_html/includes/class_core.php(4464) : eval()'d code on line 76

mrbigandwonderf 06-15-2011 12:09 PM

Huge update.... I have been waiting for this fix.... thank you

Ideal Web Tech 06-15-2011 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by BaanFarsang (Post 2208026)
Errors when cick on Leader Board - Navbar Link !

Warning: Unexpected character in input: ''' (ASCII=39) state=1 in /home/xxx/domains/xxx.com/public_html/includes/class_core.php(4464) : eval()'d code on line 75

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/xxx/domains/xxx.com/public_html/includes/class_core.php(4464) : eval()'d code on line 76

1. What version of vB are you running.
2. Would you be willing to give me a link to your site, so I can see the error first hand?


BaanFarsang 06-15-2011 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Ideal Web Tech (Post 2208029)
1. What version of vB are you running.
2. Would you be willing to give me a link to your site, so I can see the error first hand?



Ideal Web Tech 06-15-2011 06:00 PM

The problem with BaanFarsang's Leader Board has been fixed. If anyone else is getting the same error, please let me know.

BaanFarsang 06-15-2011 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Ideal Web Tech (Post 2208176)
The problem with BaanFarsang's Leader Board has been fixed. If anyone else is getting the same error, please let me know.

Thank you very much.

Paste code on includes/config.php done.

PHP Code:

$config['Misc']['debug'] = true

tareqbd 06-17-2011 02:48 PM

Thanks for the work. But I think it's better to make it permission based. Because normal users also can see the duration, which makes problem for invisible users. I hope it can be improve so far.

Ideal Web Tech 06-17-2011 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by tareqbd (Post 2209000)
Thanks for the work. But I think it's better to make it permission based. Because normal users also can see the duration, which makes problem for invisible users. I hope it can be improve so far.

It was designed to be a community thing, so that users could see how they compared with others total time online, but we could add that in as a feature for a future release. However, right now we're not spending much time expanding features of this, just mainly fixing the bug here and there that pop up with new vBulletin versions.

Until then, you could always add another if check at the top of the tsoleaderboard.php file that prints a no permission for anyone other then the people you would like to see it, and disable the postbit/profile displays. I know that's not as elegant as it being a feature, but at least it would allow you to use it how you wanted for right now.

tareqbd 06-18-2011 05:14 AM

Sorry! I am not good in coding :( can you please post a module if you have time and if you don't mind.

Thanks in advance.

rootsxrocks 06-18-2011 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by Welshy2008 (Post 2002681)
Good Mod,

But I think it may scare some members offline when they realise how long they actually spend on there.


TBH, I don't install mods that aren't supported either. Mod added Today and "Not Supported".

Thanks, and I am sure a lot would go for this. ;)

thats my first thought it would be cool to have the stats in the admin cp though.

faraz_hamza 06-18-2011 01:00 PM


online time is not showing properly in front of onilne time:

how can i fix?

faraz_hamza 06-19-2011 06:52 PM

No REply Yet..... today is 2nd Day huh........

Ideal Web Tech 06-19-2011 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by faraz_hamza (Post 2209425)

online time is not showing properly in front of onilne time:

how can i fix?


Originally Posted by faraz_hamza (Post 2210052)
No REply Yet..... today is 2nd Day huh........

Sorry, if you read above, we don't officially support this product, but we try as we have time, so expecting an instant response is absurd.

Now to the point, that problem is caused by the Post Thanks mod actually. I have fixed it a few times in the past, but I don't exactly remember what the fix was that was needed, but if you give me a link to your site, I'll look at the HTML and find the fix again real quick.

faraz_hamza 06-20-2011 04:54 AM

realy thx a lot sir for your kind help and kind response to my request.


here is the site link.

i will be thankfull to yew. whatever the favour you will do for me.

faraz_hamza 06-27-2011 07:25 PM

NO HElp....... in vain to ask anything about Vbulletin.......

phpbb free forum support is better then this onez.

DS MrSinister 06-27-2011 07:33 PM

the problem is the thank you hack..

this should fix your issue https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=445

Ideal Web Tech 06-28-2011 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by faraz_hamza (Post 2213691)
NO HElp....... in vain to ask anything about Vbulletin.......

phpbb free forum support is better then this onez.

I sent you a Private Message several days ago (with no response back) pertaining to your issue.


Originally Posted by DS MrSinister (Post 2213695)
the problem is the thank you hack..

this should fix your issue https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=445

Thanks for helping give support!

faraz_hamza 06-28-2011 07:16 PM

i have replace the code but isue is not yet resolved....

Ideal Web Tech

replied to your pm.

Skyrider 06-28-2011 08:12 PM

tsoleaderboard.php shows a blank page.

Skyrider 07-06-2011 02:46 PM

No reply regarding the PHP file?

Randomm 07-09-2011 06:04 AM


Successfulsteps 07-18-2011 03:04 AM

I fixed the post_thanks_postbit_info template and the time is still not where it should be displaying.

I am uninstalled until this issue can be fixed for everyone with consistency. It looks horrible with it the way it's displaying now and this a reflect on me, not anyone from vbulletin.org.

I would link to my site but I do not want to leave it on with these errors, my forum is too large and too many would see this out of whack.

Pls let us know when there is a fix that will display this correctly.

mb2tour 07-18-2011 12:54 PM

Hi, thank you for this great mod, however, is it compatible with 4.1.4?


BaanFarsang 07-21-2011 02:22 PM

syntax error every time after new updating of VB.

Warning: Unexpected character in input: ''' (ASCII=39) state=1 in /home/baanfars/domains/baanfarsang.com/public_html/includes/class_core.php(4464) : eval()'d code on line 75

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/baanfars/domains/baanfarsang.com/public_html/includes/class_core.php(4464) : eval()'d code on line 76

Ideal Web Tech 07-24-2011 05:38 AM

Sorry for the long delays, we have been busy with a new product, and given the age and "Not Supported" status of this mod, we don't always check this thread. If you really want a response quickly, post in the designated thread at community.idealwebtech.com.


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 2214248)
tsoleaderboard.php shows a blank page.

Just Blank?
Do you know if you have error reporting on?
Did it work at any point and just now go blank, of was it blank from install?


Originally Posted by Successfulsteps (Post 2221770)
I fixed the post_thanks_postbit_info template and the time is still not where it should be displaying.

I am uninstalled until this issue can be fixed for everyone with consistency. It looks horrible with it the way it's displaying now and this a reflect on me, not anyone from vbulletin.org.

I would link to my site but I do not want to leave it on with these errors, my forum is too large and too many would see this out of whack.

Pls let us know when there is a fix that will display this correctly.

The postbit thanks issue is not an issue in our code, that is an issue in the html used by that product. The html that product uses, doesn't follow the format for that section, and that is what causes it to break.


Originally Posted by mb2tour (Post 2221933)
Hi, thank you for this great mod, however, is it compatible with 4.1.4?


Currently we are running 4.1.3, but I see no reason it wouldn't work on 4.1.4. I have not heard anything about it being incompatible, but we have not tested it either.


Originally Posted by BaanFarsang (Post 2223227)
syntax error every time after new updating of VB.

Warning: Unexpected character in input: ''' (ASCII=39) state=1 in /home/baanfars/domains/baanfarsang.com/public_html/includes/class_core.php(4464) : eval()'d code on line 75

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/baanfars/domains/baanfarsang.com/public_html/includes/class_core.php(4464) : eval()'d code on line 76

I'm not sure what your board is doing, but if you still have the old fix I gave you a while back, use it, if not, let me know.


If I missed anyone, sorry, please post again and let me know!


reddyink 08-21-2011 12:51 PM

MOD doesn't work if you install on a new 4.1.4 but works if you upgrade from previous version.

Reason: VB deleted couple of files from 4.1.3 to 4.1.4 and when this MOD is installed the whole page/site goes blank.

Error log shows missing files and if you copy from 4.1.3 version, this should work!

Mobo 12-15-2011 01:29 PM

So, it is safe to assume this mod will not work with 4.1.7?

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