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BigY 10-09-2013 08:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have updated to 4.2.2 but this script gives me the following error:


Warning: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in ..../global.php(29) : eval()'d code on line 43
Apparently it has something to do with the new PHP version i already use on my new server (PHP 5.3.27). But i have found the problem and found a solution for it.

- Go to admin panel
- Go to Plugin & Products
- Go to Manage Products and disable the Quick Account Switch
- Go to Plugin manager
- Scroll in the list to QAS: Handle Switch (global_start) and edit the file
- Find in the PHP code the following:


$vbulletin->session =& new vB_Session($vbulletin, '', $getuserdata['userid'], '', $getuserdata['styleid']);
and replace it with


$vbulletin->session =new vB_Session($vbulletin, '', $getuserdata['userid'], '', $getuserdata['styleid']);
Enable the product again and it's gone.

Rebecca217 10-22-2013 09:30 PM

I just wanted to say a quick thanks to all of you who have helped keep this mod updated. I just used this mod on my role playing site, and really appreciate all the help offered here. :)

Kirauni 10-28-2013 10:14 AM

I totally agree with Rebecca. I updated to vB 4.2.1 and without the help of the users here (Alan and Tankkiller) I wouldn't be able to use this addon.

So thank you very much for keeping the addon up to date so we can use it or for offering help :)

Rckcrwlr 11-19-2013 02:44 PM

I have uploaded the new version...but still no link on the NavBar...

Am I missing something?

Max Taxable 11-19-2013 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Rckcrwlr (Post 2462090)
I have uploaded the new version...but still no link on the NavBar...

Am I missing something?

The file upload is key. The ticker clicky should be just to the right of your username in the "Welcome..." bit. This is ONLY IF you have linked any other accounts, to your own.

Rckcrwlr 11-19-2013 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Max Taxable (Post 2462097)
This is ONLY IF you have linked any other accounts, to your own.

Oops....Got it now. Thanks

interfx 07-18-2014 11:57 AM

Quick question, I have renamed in the 4.2.x Navigation Manager menu from "Quick Account Switch" to "Account". However, it does not change the menu title in my navigation?

Any ideas on how to do this?

iNate19 11-19-2014 12:02 AM

I need this but it's not working for me.

I have the accounts linked in AdminCP but can't find it on the forum.

Raw Sugar 01-21-2015 03:08 AM

Forgive me if I missed it, but I literally read all 9 pages of this thread and a couple of people asked this same thing, but I don't think it was ever answered.

I would love to move the link out of the navbar and into the header template. How might I go about doing this?

Thank you in advance! :)

Alan_SP 01-21-2015 09:38 PM

Well, you need to create template hook association for this mod with existing template hook in header (I don't know if there exist one), or create association for new hook that you'll place in header in position you like.

I described procedure here and here.

Missing image in second post is because imageshack deleted it. :( I still use this system for quick change of accounts.

Raw Sugar 01-23-2015 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2533844)
Well, you need to create template hook association for this mod with existing template hook in header (I don't know if there exist one), or create association for new hook that you'll place in header in position you like.

I described procedure here and here.

Missing image in second post is because imageshack deleted it. :( I still use this system for quick change of accounts.

Thank you so much for your reply! Quick question - doing these would require that I completely uninstall the product, right? Which would then unlink all of the linked accounts and once re-installed and all that, I would have to go through and re-link them? Or am I making it more complicated than it should be?

Thank you again for your help! :)

concepts 01-23-2015 01:15 PM

Is there is a way to show notifications for those linked accounts in the dropdown? like maybe a "Total Notifications"? to show an admin someone has interacted with one of the linked accounts? If I am using a few linked accounts for different management, I want to know if there is a notification for that account without having to switch over to it first.

Alan_SP 01-23-2015 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Raw Sugar (Post 2534034)
Quick question - doing these would require that I completely uninstall the product, right? Which would then unlink all of the linked accounts and once re-installed and all that, I would have to go through and re-link them?

Well, you're making it too complicated. :D

Actually, you can do two things:

a) You can edit plugins (actually, one plugin of this mod in question).

b) You can edit installation xml file by yourself, or use one I attached and upload it with allowing overwrite to assure it is accepted by vB.

Everything will stay the same, except, of course, you'll have additional working hook (or completely new one) that you now can place in header template where you want it. I don't know what exactly you intend to do, but I still use things as I described in second post (much faster to see all linked accounts and it needs only one click). Sorry for missing image, imageshack dropped it. :(

Anyway, creating new, previously not existing hook is the best path and afterwards placing it in template of choice (navbar, footer, whatever someone prefers). At least I see it that way.


Originally Posted by concepts (Post 2534102)
Is there is a way to show notifications for those linked accounts in the dropdown?

Not that easily and it would require more work on mod, if it is even possible.

Linked accounts are still completely separate. This mod just makes easy switching between them. No information (except linked accounts) is stored about them.

And I agree it would be useful to see if there are new PM's or other notifications about other accounts.

Raw Sugar 01-24-2015 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2534196)
Well, you're making it too complicated. :D

Actually, you can do two things:

a) You can edit plugins (actually, one plugin of this mod in question).

b) You can edit installation xml file by yourself, or use one I attached and upload it with allowing overwrite to assure it is accepted by vB.

Everything will stay the same, except, of course, you'll have additional working hook (or completely new one) that you now can place in header template where you want it. I don't know what exactly you intend to do, but I still use things as I described in second post (much faster to see all linked accounts and it needs only one click). Sorry for missing image, imageshack dropped it. :(

Anyway, creating new, previously not existing hook is the best path and afterwards placing it in template of choice (navbar, footer, whatever someone prefers). At least I see it that way.

I finally got the default navbar template edited to work how I want it to, so now I can keep the QAS in there and not have to worry about editing the plugin. :D

Although, now I'm seeing this issue (in fact it's been there all along, but I thought it'd be easier to take care of...)

Screenshot with space highlighted and Chrome's inspect for reference:

There's a couple of things I'm confused about...
1: There's an li with an id of "qas_switch" that was empty (it also had an empty href tag) - I have that id set to display none, because it was creating more space.

2: The QAS is in the next li, but there's a weird empty href tag in there too, before the actual link. When I inspect and do display:none on that one, the space goes away and all is well. I'm not sure why there's an empty href tag there and because the link is being added in through the Navigation Manager, there's no way for me to edit the html.

Any ideas how to get that empty href to go away? I can't do something like this (li#yui.gen0 { a: display:none; }) as that would remove all the links in that id.

Alan_SP 01-24-2015 10:22 PM

That's strange. I just checked, I don't have empty href tag. I use version given here. Interesting is, picture is back again, so you can see how it looks like.

Anyway, maybe you did something wrong?

Raw Sugar 01-24-2015 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2534402)
That's strange. I just checked, I don't have empty href tag. I use version given here. Interesting is, picture is back again, so you can see how it looks like.

Anyway, maybe you did something wrong?

I'm not the one who actually installed the plugin, so I've no idea if the person who did it did anything funky. Since it's technically not my board that I'm helping out with, I'm worried about uninstalling the old one to install a newer version of the plugin. I'm also new to vb4 (the board that I own is still running vb3), and when I click on 'edit' next to the Product, it brings up a page I've never seen before that has uninstall and install codes.

If I wanted to do this one without using the new .xml, do I need to uncomment one of the lines at the bottom of the code?

This is what is in this board's QAS: Handle Switch:
PHP Code:

$show['qas_switch'] = false;

if (
// process switch
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'qas_switch')
DIR '/includes/functions_login.php');

$switchto $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r''userid'TYPE_UINT);
$switchable explode(' '$vbulletin->userinfo['psi_qas']);        

        if (
$getuserdata $db->query_first("
                SELECT userid, username, password, salt, styleid
                FROM " 
                WHERE userid = 
                LIMIT 1
            if (
// clean out the session crap...
                    DELETE FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "cpsession 
                    WHERE userid IN (

                    DELETE FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "session 
                    WHERE userid IN (
// set cookie...
vbsetcookie('password'md5($getuserdata['password'] . COOKIE_SALT));
// unstrike the user...
// create new session...
$vbulletin->session =& new vB_Session($vbulletin''$getuserdata['userid'], ''$getuserdata['styleid']);
$vbulletin->session->set_session_visibility(($vbulletin->superglobal_size['_COOKIE'] > 0));

                if (

// if we got up to here, something went wrong... redirect to home
// fetch data
$getusers $db->query_read("
        SELECT userid, username
        FROM " 
        WHERE userid IN (" 
$db->escape_string(str_replace(' '','$vbulletin->userinfo['psi_qas'])) . ")
// construct switchbit
if ($db->num_rows($getusers))
$switchbit '';            
        while (
$getuserdata $db->fetch_array($getusers))
$templater vB_Template::create('qas_switchbit');
$switchbit .= $templater->render();
$show['qas_switch'] = true;
// inject into the navbar template
require_once(DIR '/includes/adminfunctions_template.php');

$add_string vB_Template::create('qas_navbar_link');
$add_string $add_string->render();
//$template_hook['navbar_end'] .= $add_string; Line below is fix for 4.2.0
    //$template_hook['navbar_after_links'] .= $add_string; Line below is fix for 4.2.1
$vbphrase['vb_navigation_link_qas_switch_text'] = $add_string;

Or should I just replace this with the plugin chunk in your .xml file?

Thank you, Alan for your patience! :)

Alan_SP 01-25-2015 02:06 AM

Well, I'm using hook in my version and template which I modified to create output I like as shown in the image (both are in my xml version, you only need to place hook manually where you want output).

Here is used phrase for navigation, but how vB handles it, I don't know, maybe that creates problem, maybe not, I'm not on vB4.2.1+

But, when updating, you just can reload older version and allow overwrite if you don't like new version. Every setting will stay the same this way. So you can play with different versions of QAS.

About code, you could try to uncomment hook locations and see if it will work on your version of vB.

Raw Sugar 02-03-2015 01:25 AM

I had to take a break looking at this... but finally at it again!

Okay, after some testing... this is what I've found...

PHP Code:

$show['qas_switch'] = false;

if (
// process switch
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'qas_switch')
DIR '/includes/functions_login.php');

$switchto $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r''userid'TYPE_UINT);
$switchable explode(' '$vbulletin->userinfo['psi_qas']);        

        if (
$getuserdata $db->query_first("
                SELECT userid, username, password, salt, styleid
                FROM " 
                WHERE userid = 
                LIMIT 1
            if (
// clean out the session crap...
                    DELETE FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "cpsession 
                    WHERE userid IN (

                    DELETE FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "session 
                    WHERE userid IN (
// set cookie...
vbsetcookie('password'md5($getuserdata['password'] . COOKIE_SALT));
// unstrike the user...
// create new session...
$vbulletin->session =& new vB_Session($vbulletin''$getuserdata['userid'], ''$getuserdata['styleid']);
$vbulletin->session->set_session_visibility(($vbulletin->superglobal_size['_COOKIE'] > 0));

                if (

// if we got up to here, something went wrong... redirect to home
// fetch data
$getusers $db->query_read("
        SELECT userid, username
        FROM " 
        WHERE userid IN (" 
$db->escape_string(str_replace(' '','$vbulletin->userinfo['psi_qas'])) . ")
// construct switchbit
if ($db->num_rows($getusers))
$switchbit '';            
        while (
$getuserdata $db->fetch_array($getusers))
$templater vB_Template::create('qas_switchbit');
$switchbit .= $templater->render();
$show['qas_switch'] = true;
// inject into the navbar template
require_once(DIR '/includes/adminfunctions_template.php');

$add_string vB_Template::create('qas_navbar_link');
$add_string $add_string->render();
//$template_hook['navbar_end'] .= $add_string; Line below is fix for 4.2.0
    //$template_hook['navbar_after_links'] .= $add_string; Line below is fix for 4.2.1
$vbphrase['vb_navigation_link_qas_switch_text'] = $add_string;

I've uncommented the two bottom lines that are commented out, and then commented out the very last line. Went into the Navigation Manager and turned off the #qas_switch# link.

Doing this, the QAS link is now the very last link in the navbar and there is no extra funky space that I was seeing. I'd prefer this to not be the last link in the navbar, but I definitely won't complain as the extra space to the side was bothering me more than the order does. :)

Thank you for your help, Alan!

Alan_SP 02-03-2015 07:04 AM

If I understand you correctly, now you're using two hooks: navbar_end and navbar_after_links? As in the code isn't version you described you're using.

Anyway, from what you did if I get it correctly, there's a problem with Navigation Manager, who creates that extra space, which is probably bug in vB.

You could always add new hook location in template navbar at exact place where you want QAS switch and add it in the plugin code.

Raw Sugar 02-03-2015 02:28 PM

I've just commented out two of the hook locations, and now am using this one, which seems to work and not break anything:
PHP Code:

    $template_hook['navbar_after_links'] .= $add_string//Line below is fix for 4.2.1 

My biggest question I think is how do I add a hook into the MIDDLE of the navbar? Because in the code it's got:

PHP Code:

{vb:raw template_hook.navtab_start}
vb:raw navigation}
vb:raw template_hook.navtab_end

So it's like I can't put anything into the middle of the navbar... I can only add things to the beginning and the end. This is more like a general question, I think.

Being used to how the navbar worked in vb3, I'm considering just not using the Navigation Manager at all and just hardcoding the links in there in the order that I want them.

ozzy47 02-03-2015 03:25 PM

Add the link manually in the nav manager, no need for a plugin.

Alan_SP 02-04-2015 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Raw Sugar (Post 2535918)
So it's like I can't put anything into the middle of the navbar... I can only add things to the beginning and the end. This is more like a general question, I think.

Being used to how the navbar worked in vb3, I'm considering just not using the Navigation Manager at all and just hardcoding the links in there in the order that I want them.

I'm not sure you can do that. I didn't worked with vB4.2.x, but I think it doesn't work that way.


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2535922)
Add the link manually in the nav manager, no need for a plugin.

It's not a simple link and it's created differently for each user that has linked accounts. That's why it needs plugin to create all links for each user, if user has linked accounts.

ozzy47 02-04-2015 10:38 AM

Ahhh, yeah so the link is dynamic, well then yeah, the plugin idea is the only way. :(

Rebecca217 04-08-2015 06:39 PM

It'll require template edits, and possibly an edit to the plugin itself. I don't have this installed on my site anymore, but I might be able to help you out. What is your site URL?

Raw Sugar 04-28-2015 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Rebecca217 (Post 2542639)
It'll require template edits, and possibly an edit to the plugin itself. I don't have this installed on my site anymore, but I might be able to help you out. What is your site URL?

Site may be going a different route (i.e. starting over on 3.8), so I'm good for now. Thank you! :)

Dirks 08-27-2015 11:40 AM

Hey everyone, thanks for all the help you gave me earlier. I ended up modifying the navbar to make QAS a navtab rather than a sublink and I thought I'd share the code if you guys want to do something similar.

Here's what it looks like:


Here's the code:

Edit ---> QAS_navbar_link template

<vb:if condition="$show['qas_switch']">
<li class="popupmenu"><a class="navtab popupctrl" href="javascript://">{vb:rawphrase qas_qas}</a>
<ul class="popupbody popuphover">{vb:raw switchbit}</ul>
<vb:else />

You can change secondary condition to always show the QAS popup if you want by changing {1} to {vb:rawphrase qas_qas}, though the link will do nothing.

Thanks again for all of your help!

EDIT: I should also note I changed the QAS rawphrase to say "Accounts" rather than "Quick Account Switch." Sorry, I'm terrible at being helpful.

xyzmaria2001 04-29-2017 11:52 AM

Works on vBulletin 4.2.4. However, it will have an annoying space between "quick links" and "Quick Account Switch". I tried all the above suggestions, nothing worked.

In the end, I fixed it from "Styles and Templates" - Replacement Variable Manager" - "Add Replacement Variable".

It required two replacements.

1. Add Replacement Variable

At "Search for text" write: <a href="">

Replace with text: leave it blank.


2. Add replacement variable

At "Search for text" write: <li id="qas_switch"><a href="">

Replace with text: leave it blank.


Works perfectly even on custom themes. No other things needed :D

Manipulation 02-05-2018 02:48 AM

Does anyone know why I get this on my forum home page and how I can fix it? Happens when I install the mod.

"syntax error, unexpected 'new' (T_NEW) on line 74 in /home/thepoke7/public_html/global.php(29) : eval()'d code
#0 /home/thepoke7/public_html/forum.php(67): require_once()
#1 {main}

Fatal User Error: syntax error, unexpected 'new' (T_NEW) on line 74 in ..../global.php(29) : eval()'d code in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286
Trace Data:
#1 : vbstop() called in ..../includes/class_core.php on line 6089
#2 : vbulletin_error_handler() called in on line
#3 : trigger_error() called in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286
#4 : vB::handleException() called in on line

Var Type:
[ NULL ]

Var Data:

Stratis 02-05-2018 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by Manipulation (Post 2592694)
Does anyone know why I get this on my forum home page and how I can fix it? Happens when I install the mod.

"syntax error, unexpected 'new' (T_NEW) on line 74 in /home/thepoke7/public_html/global.php(29) : eval()'d code
#0 /home/thepoke7/public_html/forum.php(67): require_once()
#1 {main}

Fatal User Error: syntax error, unexpected 'new' (T_NEW) on line 74 in ..../global.php(29) : eval()'d code in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286
Trace Data:
#1 : vbstop() called in ..../includes/class_core.php on line 6089
#2 : vbulletin_error_handler() called in on line
#3 : trigger_error() called in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286
#4 : vB::handleException() called in on line

Var Type:
[ NULL ]

Var Data:

I do not use this, but

Open xml file product-psi_qas with editor and in about line 161,

$vbulletin->session =& new vB_Session($vbulletin, '', $getuserdata['userid'], '', $getuserdata['styleid']);
and change with

$vbulletin->session =new vB_Session($vbulletin, '', $getuserdata['userid'], '', $getuserdata['styleid']);
save and than install.

Actually this is the change we make, as my specialist friend @MarkFL said to other deprecated codes "change "=&" to this "="

Manipulation 02-05-2018 06:13 PM

Thanks for the fast response! Appreciate the help and thanks to @MarkFL as well for his support on everything.

EDIT: The edit or add settings dont show in the acp under the options for the qas and I don't have the switch account button in the navbar. Any ideas?

Manipulation 02-08-2018 05:43 AM

Hate to double post, but does anyone have a solution for this? Thanks!

Manipulation 02-23-2018 06:25 PM

Once again I apologize for posting in this. Can anyone help me get this modification functioning? Thanks! Could really use this plug-in.

Max Taxable 02-23-2018 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Manipulation (Post 2592715)
EDIT: The edit or add settings dont show in the acp under the options for the qas and I don't have the switch account button in the navbar. Any ideas?

You link accounts from the profile pages, in ACP. New fields for this added there, by this Mod I believe. The button only shows when you are logged into a account that is linked to other accounts.

Manipulation 02-23-2018 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Max Taxable (Post 2593084)
You link accounts from the profile pages, in ACP. New fields for this added there, by this Mod I believe. The button only shows when you are logged into a account that is linked to other accounts.

That's what I mean though. I have an account linked with my admin account and there is no quick account switch option at all. It just tells me that my account is linked with another in the settings. That's it.

View this to see what I mean.
No buttons to edit or anything...

I tried unistalling it and reinstalling and now I can't. I get this error.

"syntax error, unexpected '<', expecting end of file on line 1 in /home/thepoke7/public_html/usercp.php(77) : eval()'d code
#0 {main}

Fatal User Error: syntax error, unexpected '<', expecting end of file on line 1 in ..../usercp.php(77) : eval()'d code in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286
Trace Data:
#1 : vbstop() called in ..../includes/class_core.php on line 6089
#2 : vbulletin_error_handler() called in on line
#3 : trigger_error() called in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286
#4 : vB::handleException() called in on line

Var Type:
[ NULL ]

Var Data:

Max Taxable 02-24-2018 01:15 AM

No idear. It's always worked fine on every vB I've ever adminned that had this installed.

Manipulation 02-24-2018 04:20 AM

is it compatible with the newest version of VB 4?

Max Taxable 02-24-2018 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Manipulation (Post 2593093)
is it compatible with the newest version of VB 4?

No idear.

Manipulation 02-24-2018 11:15 PM

Anyone else?

Gota 04-29-2018 08:18 AM

Could someone bring this to vB5?

Alan_SP 06-26-2020 09:48 PM

You mean, something like this?

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