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Nadeemjp 01-31-2010 03:37 AM

MAria good mod.
i just upgraded to vb4 and yours is the first mod i installed.
i have a question, your instructions do not tell us how to send the newsletter?
i have configured as instructed, but now i need to send a letter to my members telling them we are back open.

second thing is, i have currently 845 users. my hosting servers allow me to only send 500 mails per hour. how can i manage that?

looking forward to hearing from you

skylab 01-31-2010 03:56 AM

Nice mod. Can I add multiple emails at once?

MaryTheG(r)eek 01-31-2010 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by DjEddie (Post 1970502)
it was built using the 1st release ... i just made another test now with vbeditor and sent email to myself.. will let u know if it comes thru correctly :)

edit: ... okay works now .. the coding is showing up properly ...

only problem now is the To Unsubscribe from this Mailing, Click Here ... there is no link to click.

Heyyyy !!! Think a bit deeper ....lol... (I'm kidding). It's a test email. I removed the link from there, because if you clicked it by mistake (to test it), you'll be removed from the list ...lol..


MaryTheG(r)eek 01-31-2010 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by Nadeemjp (Post 1970978)
MAria good mod.
i just upgraded to vb4 and yours is the first mod i installed.
i have a question, your instructions do not tell us how to send the newsletter?
i have configured as instructed, but now i need to send a letter to my members telling them we are back open.

Send email works with the help of a cron job. If you left datetime unchanged, then the emails will be send in the next cron run (default: every 30 min). If you want to send them right now, you must run the crom microNEWSLETTER manually.


Originally Posted by Nadeemjp (Post 1970978)
second thing is, i have currently 845 users. my hosting servers allow me to only send 500 mails per hour. how can i manage that?

looking forward to hearing from you

Sorry, this feature is supporting only in the PRO version, among many others additional features.


Nadeemjp 01-31-2010 04:54 AM

alright maria, i will buy the pro version from you.
rather i would wanna have a look at other of your modifications PRO.
by the way, how can i configure my site so that if someone types www.site.com they are directed to CMS home?

MaryTheG(r)eek 01-31-2010 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Nadeemjp (Post 1971011)
alright maria, i will buy the pro version from you.
rather i would wanna have a look at other of your modifications PRO.
by the way, how can i configure my site so that if someone types www.site.com they are directed to CMS home?

Do you mean vB's CMS? This is automatic. But if you've vB's installation in a subdirectory (eg forums), then you must edit your site's index.php to contain only:


Change myforumdirectory with the actual directory name


MaryTheG(r)eek 01-31-2010 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by skylab (Post 1970988)
Nice mod. Can I add multiple emails at once?

Do you mean email addresses, or email messages? Most probably email addresses. Currently not, but in an upgrade I'll add a feature to allow multiple insertions (but not importing).


Nadeemjp 01-31-2010 06:09 AM

ah thank you so much maria, i have been driven crazy for this problem.
my all vb files are in public_html/forums so i write the word "forums" minus the quotes in place of myforumdirectory?

MaryTheG(r)eek 01-31-2010 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by Nadeemjp (Post 1971030)
ah thank you so much maria, i have been driven crazy for this problem.
my all vb files are in public_html/forums so i write the word "forums" minus the quotes in place of myforumdirectory?

You're write:


but better download the attached file and upload it to your ROOT directory.


skylab 01-31-2010 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1971026)
Do you mean email addresses, or email messages? Most probably email addresses. Currently not, but in an upgrade I'll add a feature to allow multiple insertions (but not importing).


Thanks! I have a few thousand I'd love to add but looks like I'll need to do it one by one. Here's another feature request, making it possible to export/import through the same mod. Would be nice to have a file of all the emails as backup.

voglermc 01-31-2010 02:22 PM

I sent out an email on friday and its still sending it out everyday to 1100+ members

It just sent it to me again even though I disabled the product an hour ago

Trek 01-31-2010 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by voglermc (Post 1971299)
I sent out an email on friday and its still sending it out everyday to 1100+ members

It just sent it to me again even though I disabled the product an hour ago

Whatever the original issue is with the software, I don't know. But more than likely the reason you still got it is two things.

#1, You need to disable the cron that sends the email (until this issue is figured out).

#2, The mails were already in the mail server queue and it's still sending out the queue. You can't do anything about that one, other than wait it out.

HappyFeet 02-01-2010 03:28 AM

This is a great Mod and I want to use it, I'm even interested in the Pro version.

However I noticed the "members" mailing list is ALL of my members which includes banned members. I went through and deleted them as subscribers and an hour later they were back as subscribers.

I do not want to email these spammers, how do I fix this? :confused:

MaryTheG(r)eek 02-01-2010 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by voglermc (Post 1971299)
I sent out an email on friday and its still sending it out everyday to 1100+ members

It just sent it to me again even though I disabled the product an hour ago

If you've access to your database with phpMyAdmin check if the the field "active" of that campaign has value og zero.


MaryTheG(r)eek 02-01-2010 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by HappyFeet (Post 1971858)
This is a great Mod and I want to use it, I'm even interested in the Pro version.

However I noticed the "members" mailing list is ALL of my members which includes banned members. I went through and deleted them as subscribers and an hour later they were back as subscribers.

I do not want to email these spammers, how do I fix this? :confused:

Deleting subscribers manually is not the right way. It's better to let the script to send once email to spammer and as they'll be bounce, they'll be automatically put in the blacklist.

Another way to work as you like, is to modify the file includes/cron/micronewsletter_members

$sql = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."user ORDER BY userid ASC");

$sql = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."user WHERE usergroupid<>8 ORDER BY userid ASC");

Cla75 02-02-2010 10:02 AM

Yesterday I purchased your product, I installed it but I can not send email (with the demo at least able to send the test)

I configured the admin panel fields and then ...

1. I created a new message, click on test mail but "you haven't setup any email address for Testing" :-(
where I post this address for the test email?

2. I tried to create different Campaigns for the shipment of Messages to all members (subscribers) but the status remains / and not receive any email.

What is wrong?

HappyFeet 02-02-2010 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1971880)
Deleting subscribers manually is not the right way. It's better to let the script to send once email to spammer and as they'll be bounce, they'll be automatically put in the blacklist.


Thank you for the help, for the moment I chose to leave it alone and let it run... I'll check the Blacklist.

I found that the test email had the unsubscribe link in it and the actual newsletter that went out didn't. Is this backwards?

djbaxter 02-02-2010 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Cla75 (Post 1972925)
Yesterday I purchased your product, I installed it but I can not send email (with the demo at least able to send the test)

I configured the admin panel fields and then ...

1. I created a new message, click on test mail but "you haven't setup any email address for Testing" :-(
where I post this address for the test email?

2. I tried to create different Campaigns for the shipment of Messages to all members (subscribers) but the status remains / and not receive any email.

What is wrong?

What is wrong is that you're posting this in the wrong place. If you're asking about the Pro product, it has nothing to do with vBulletin.org. Go to the support forum for the Pro product and post your questions there.

Cla75 02-02-2010 12:52 PM

sorry I did not know

dianna 02-14-2010 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1970329)
If you deactivate vmoods, what is happening? Newsletter's link appears or not?


I also have vmoods however when I deactivated vmoods the link for the newsletter still didn't appear.

dianna 02-14-2010 04:26 PM

never mind previous message I got it to work thanks!

Skyrider 02-25-2010 06:43 AM

2 Questions.

1), Is this plugin pay to use the full versions? EG, Free has limitations?
2), What if I use google mail to handle my domain emails? How will I handle the bounces then?

HappyFeet 02-27-2010 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by HappyFeet (Post 1972934)

I found that the test email had the unsubscribe link in it and the actual newsletter that went out didn't. Is this backwards?

This mod is still sending messages without the unsubscribe link. The test email has the link.

Any help?

Sleeter 03-05-2010 04:07 AM


Really love the idea of the mod but I am having a heck of a time sending html emails. All I get is the html code coming through.

AZRainman 03-10-2010 05:59 AM

Unsubscribe link doesn't remove any members from the list, weve tried to on several accounts and all those members still remain in the newsletter email list. This is not good at all, as it sets us up for potential blacklisting as a spammer. Is this feature disabled on the this trial version?

Also editor erases line breaks upon edit and also writes everything to bbcode.

thincom2000 03-10-2010 04:12 PM

Yeah, same here. I think it's due to a cron-job that syncs subscribers with the user table. IMO, this cron should either only run once, or it should be moved to the product install.

I also had to manually go in and change falses to trues everywhere in order to get HTML working in the campaigns.

molieman 03-14-2010 01:51 PM

WOW absolutely amazing Maria. This should win the annual MOD award, if there is such a thing.

Thanks for a wonderful and useful MOD :)

fromtheflames 03-19-2010 09:17 AM

Hi and compliments for this mod.

I was wondering if there is a way to write custom HTML in the message body; this would be very helpful, so I can use the newsletter code from my existing newsletters, with style and layout.

gle041 03-23-2010 02:49 PM

I have installed this, but am wondering if I want to remove the link from the NavBar, how can I find it in the NavBar template? I cannot seem to locate it anywhere.

MaryTheG(r)eek 03-23-2010 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by gle041 (Post 2008790)
I have installed this, but am wondering if I want to remove the link from the NavBar, how can I find it in the NavBar template? I cannot seem to locate it anywhere.

You can do it from Admincp-> Plugins & Products-> Plugins Manager
You must deactivate or remove the plugin micronewsletter_navbar_menu


skylab 04-10-2010 04:43 PM

Hey, wonderful mod.
The unsubscribe link doesn't show at all when emails are being sent.

MaryTheG(r)eek 04-10-2010 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by skylab (Post 2019039)
Hey, wonderful mod.
The unsubscribe link doesn't show at all when emails are being sent.

The unsubscribe link works, the problem is that for some strange reason the file:
vb_dir/includes/cron/micronewsletter_campaigns.xml can't read the phrases:

  // PM phrases to Buyer
  $unsubscribe = $vbphrase["micronewsletter_to_unsubscribe"];
  $clickhere = $vbphrase["micronewsletter_click_here"];

at lines 14 & 15. So open that file, and manually enter the text. eg:

  // PM phrases to Buyer
  $unsubscribe = 'To Unsubscribe from this Mailing, ';
  $clickhere = 'Click Here';


skylab 04-13-2010 02:27 AM

Thanks I'll try it out later. Just want to make sure you meant .php instead of .xml as well.

stunod 04-21-2010 05:17 AM

Great work on this mod!

I have a couple of question about it though.

When ever I save changes on the option page and have the server type selected to "imap" it want to revert back to pop3. How would I go about fixing this?

Also, when I first install this mod I noticed that it made doubles of the VSa - PayPal Donate links in the sub main menu.

Any idea's on how or where members can sign up for the newsletter?


protoolers 05-05-2010 03:48 PM

I have installed this mod, seems like a great mod, but i have this kind of problem:


ProToolers, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
And i cant see "newsletter" in Nav Bar... what's wrong?

In Attach my configuration in ACP

thank you for your help...

MaryTheG(r)eek 05-05-2010 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by protoolers (Post 2032174)
I have installed this mod, seems like a great mod, but i have this kind of problem:

And i cant see "newsletter" in Nav Bar... what's wrong?

In Attach my configuration in ACP

thank you for your help...

Did you gave permissions to your usergroup to be able to access it?


protoolers 05-05-2010 04:19 PM

ah, now i understand!!!
works fine now...

thank you!

protoolers 05-05-2010 04:30 PM

what's about Pro Version, features?

Ty Maria =)

MaryTheG(r)eek 05-05-2010 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by protoolers (Post 2032198)
what's about Pro Version, features?

Ty Maria =)

Lite X 3 (at least). Really I don't remember how many additional features I've already added, and more are coming. Just keep in mind, that in the last upgrade to PRO version, I've added a 3nd party commercial HTML editor (InovaStudio.com), for much better looking mails, but your current message will be incompatible as it saves messages as bbcode.

The Pro version, even has relay feature, which means that you can send a message to your list even from your mobile.


fluidswork 05-07-2010 03:22 AM

Nice mod , you saved my life .................

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