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mrdexx 02-27-2010 10:58 PM

Weird problem, I installed no problem, and can login to user account without issues, but the minute I click on any links I get shown the forum as if I was just logged into my account (not the users)

Like when I login to the user account it shows the bar at the top of the screen saying I am logged in as that user, but when I click on any links the bar goes away and I just see the forum from my normal admin view.

How can I fix this please?

Valter 02-28-2010 12:57 AM

Try with clearing forum cookies.

eng. deeb 02-28-2010 06:27 AM

I installed and when I go to the profile to user to login
it does not work
I found the link of the log in I press it but nothing happen I still the admin

horussjr 02-28-2010 11:58 AM

doesnt work for me. i use 4.0.2 waiting for an update

RedHacker 02-28-2010 06:53 PM

Admins can read pms from others users but if the user login no see new messages why saw the admin

HolyKiller 03-07-2010 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by horussjr (Post 1993631)
doesnt work for me. i use 4.0.2 waiting for an update

Negative ... 4.0.2 and works excelent. Try to disable some other hacks or delete cookies ...

TimberFloorAu 03-07-2010 09:35 AM

Apology wrong thread

mhackl 03-10-2010 07:25 PM

This is working for me when I access my site via Firefox or Internet Explorer. However, when I use Google's Chrome browser the screen moves as if the screen has reloaded but the authentication has not changed.

YankForum 03-12-2010 09:00 AM

1 of the best hacks ever

Mostjolly 03-14-2010 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by mrdexx (Post 1993288)
Weird problem, I installed no problem, and can login to user account without issues, but the minute I click on any links I get shown the forum as if I was just logged into my account (not the users)

Like when I login to the user account it shows the bar at the top of the screen saying I am logged in as that user, but when I click on any links the bar goes away and I just see the forum from my normal admin view.

How can I fix this please?

Hey Valter,

Is there a way NOT to Log out when you use other people's account when you do a post?

Everytime I log into another account and makes a post... I'm STUCK with THAT ACCOUNT... there's no header "click here to return to admin account".

If you could tweak this request I'll love you a lifetime!

PS. I have vBseo.. maybe this is the cause?


parks72 03-16-2010 01:07 AM

thanks works nice...

-=Leb=- 03-16-2010 09:23 PM

thx for the useful plugin

tcoffey 03-19-2010 02:47 PM

Okay so I must be one of the dumbest people around because it does not show up for me.
In installed the xml.
went the options section and added my ID (9) to the boxes
but when I clear the cookies and then click on my icon I do not see the option to logon as user.
Is there a middle step that I am missing?

sadiq6210 03-21-2010 03:13 AM


Professional2 03-28-2010 05:35 AM


Mostjolly 03-29-2010 06:32 PM

Hey Valter,

When this hack it enable.. it makes your "Avatar" in Profile Page disappear for Admins, Mods, Members.. can you get this fixed?

P.S. Guest could see user "Avatar" without a problem :)

Mostjolly 03-29-2010 06:41 PM

BTW, I'm also using VBSEO.. would this give the mods any trouble? :)

Breakpoint 04-18-2010 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by tcoffey (Post 2006529)
Okay so I must be one of the dumbest people around because it does not show up for me.
In installed the xml.
went the options section and added my ID (9) to the boxes
but when I clear the cookies and then click on my icon I do not see the option to logon as user.
Is there a middle step that I am missing?

Nope, just make sure pugin isenablesd and looking for the link under the users avatar.

tcoffey 04-19-2010 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Breakpoint (Post 2023242)
Nope, just make sure pugin isenablesd and looking for the link under the users avatar.

Sorry I should have posted back. I got this to work and yes it was something stupid on my part. After I cleared the cached and all my temp files it worked just fine. I tried it on IE and that was where it was not working but when I did it on FireFox it worked fine.

Thanks for the response.

cloferba 04-26-2010 08:22 PM

how did the coder to insert a background up the forums...and show it all the with of the page? (son, no matters the margin configuration)

somebody know?

Verionia 04-30-2010 02:55 AM

After a few minutes I am logged out of the board, how do I fix this timeout issue?

stevectaylor 05-05-2010 09:51 PM

All I get ids the user profile page.

tcoffey 05-05-2010 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by stevectaylor (Post 2032326)
All I get ids the user profile page.

At the top of the page you should see a link that tells you that you are logged in as that user and to click "here" to return. At this point the system thinks you are that user you selected.

I have been using this to validate when one of my users says they have an issue, works great.

Bansheebob 05-08-2010 12:10 AM

Sorry, you are not allowed to edit administrator permissions.

If you think you should have permission to access this page, you will need to edit the $config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'] variable in the includes/config.php file.

To allow the administrators to access this page, edit the variable to include the user IDs of those administrators should have access, separating each user ID with a comma, like this:

$config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'] = '1,25,57';

To allow only a single administrator to access this page, simply add that user's ID with no commas, like this:

$config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'] = '1';

?????????????????? Any Help ?????????????????????????????

djbaxter 05-08-2010 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by Bansheebob (Post 2033479)
Sorry, you are not allowed to edit administrator permissions.

If you think you should have permission to access this page, you will need to edit the $config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'] variable in the includes/config.php file.

To allow the administrators to access this page, edit the variable to include the user IDs of those administrators should have access, separating each user ID with a comma, like this:

$config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'] = '1,25,57';

To allow only a single administrator to access this page, simply add that user's ID with no commas, like this:

$config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'] = '1';

?????????????????? Any Help ?????????????????????????????

Why don't you ask the forum owner to give you the required permissions?

Bansheebob 05-08-2010 10:20 AM

i am the owner lol

djbaxter 05-08-2010 01:02 PM

Then how is it that in two separate threads yesterday you're complaining that you don't have permission to edit templates? Have you altered the config file as in your quote above?

Bansheebob 05-08-2010 02:24 PM

No I dont know how to thats why I was asking, I tried both mods and they give me the same message.

djbaxter 05-08-2010 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Bansheebob (Post 2033762)
No I dont know how to thats why I was asking, I tried both mods and they give me the same message.

Ok. Sorry - your questions confused me.

1. Go into your Admin CP and search for your user name.

2. Once you're on your user page, you should see at the very top:


User: {your username} (id: X)
where X = your user number. (For many people, this will be 1 but if you added yourself as another admin it will be different.)

Now you need to edit /includes/config.php for permissions of user number.

FTP method (recommended):

1. download /includes/config.php from your forum to your hard drive using Filezilla or some other FTP program, to make sure you are using the working version. Save a second copy of this as a backup.

2. using a text editor (e.g., notepad or better Crimson Editor, open config.php for editing

3. find around line 106:

PHP Code:

    //    The users specified here will be allowed to view the admin log in the control panel.
    //    Users must be specified by *ID number* here. To obtain a user's ID number,
    //    view their profile via the control panel. If this is a new installation, leave
    //    the first user created will have a user ID of 1. Seperate each userid with a comma.
$config['SpecialUsers']['canviewadminlog'] = '1';

    //    The users specified here will be allowed to remove ("prune") entries from the admin
    //    log. See the above entry for more information on the format.
$config['SpecialUsers']['canpruneadminlog'] = '1';

    //    The users specified here will be allowed to run queries from the control panel.
    //    See the above entries for more information on the format.
    //    Please note that the ability to run queries is quite powerful. You may wish
    //    to remove all user IDs from this list for security reasons.
$config['SpecialUsers']['canrunqueries'] = '1';

    //    The users specified here will not be deletable or alterable from the control panel by any users.
    //    To specify more than one user, separate userids with commas.
$config['SpecialUsers']['undeletableusers'] = '1';

//    ****** SUPER ADMINISTRATORS ******
    //    The users specified below will have permission to access the administrator permissions
    //    page, which controls the permissions of other administrators
$config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'] = '1'

Now, for each instance of "$config['SpecialUsers']" above, make sure that your user ID # is listed. If it is something other than 1, then add it - e.g., change 1 to 1,X where X is your user number.

Next, make sure that those $config['SpecialUsers'] lines are not commented out. If any of them have two slashes in front of them, remove the two slashes.

If you have made any changes to config.php, save as PLAIN TEXT (e.g., if you arer using notepad as the editor, save as ANSI or ASCII, not unicode). Then upload the edited version to inlcude/config.php on your server.

cPanel method:

Use the file manager on your server to navigate to and edit /includes/config.php as above. Remember to save when finished.

Valter 05-08-2010 03:36 PM

Editing the vBulletin Configuration File:



djbaxter 05-08-2010 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Valter (Post 2033785)
Editing the vBulletin Configuration File:


Could have saved myself a lot of typing. :D

steven s 05-08-2010 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Neptun (Post 1959220)
what is the different to this hack ?!



I read through the entire thread looking for a reply.
What is the difference?

legacy123 05-08-2010 04:38 PM

wow... that one was made earlier too

Bansheebob 05-08-2010 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2033782)
Ok. Sorry - your questions confused me.

1. Go into your Admin CP and search for your user name.

2. Once you're on your user page, you should see at the very top:


User: {your username} (id: X)
where X = your user number. (For many people, this will be 1 but if you added yourself as another admin it will be different.)

Now you need to edit /includes/config.php for permissions of user number.

FTP method (recommended):

1. download /includes/config.php from your forum to your hard drive using Filezilla or some other FTP program, to make sure you are using the working version. Save a second copy of this as a backup.

2. using a text editor (e.g., notepad or better Crimson Editor, open config.php for editing

3. find around line 106:

PHP Code:

    //    The users specified here will be allowed to view the admin log in the control panel.
    //    Users must be specified by *ID number* here. To obtain a user's ID number,
    //    view their profile via the control panel. If this is a new installation, leave
    //    the first user created will have a user ID of 1. Seperate each userid with a comma.
$config['SpecialUsers']['canviewadminlog'] = '1';

    //    The users specified here will be allowed to remove ("prune") entries from the admin
    //    log. See the above entry for more information on the format.
$config['SpecialUsers']['canpruneadminlog'] = '1';

    //    The users specified here will be allowed to run queries from the control panel.
    //    See the above entries for more information on the format.
    //    Please note that the ability to run queries is quite powerful. You may wish
    //    to remove all user IDs from this list for security reasons.
$config['SpecialUsers']['canrunqueries'] = '1';

    //    The users specified here will not be deletable or alterable from the control panel by any users.
    //    To specify more than one user, separate userids with commas.
$config['SpecialUsers']['undeletableusers'] = '1';

//    ****** SUPER ADMINISTRATORS ******
    //    The users specified below will have permission to access the administrator permissions
    //    page, which controls the permissions of other administrators
$config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'] = '1'

Now, for each instance of "$config['SpecialUsers']" above, make sure that your user ID # is listed. If it is something other than 1, then add it - e.g., change 1 to 1,X where X is your user number.

Next, make sure that those $config['SpecialUsers'] lines are not commented out. If any of them have two slashes in front of them, remove the two slashes.

If you have made any changes to config.php, save as PLAIN TEXT (e.g., if you arer using notepad as the editor, save as ANSI or ASCII, not unicode). Then upload the edited version to inlcude/config.php on your server.

cPanel method:

Use the file manager on your server to navigate to and edit /includes/config.php as above. Remember to save when finished.

I appreciate that info, but that is certainly way beyond my expertise. :eek:

djbaxter 05-08-2010 10:45 PM

Can you at least check your member number in the Admin CP?

Bansheebob 05-09-2010 10:16 PM

id # 3

steeler7 05-13-2010 10:10 PM

This might seem minor but the "Link" text when you are in another members profile (left hand side bar) is the same color as my background there. I just need to be able to change that to something that shows up. any idea where I can do that? I used Firebug to try and find it but no luck.


teenage.vn 05-14-2010 08:14 AM

I have found something which is strange, dun know if it happens to all, but at least im facing with this problem:

When I choose to active this product, the Current Activity information in the profile of a member will vanish .... Can you check it out please?

Thanks for this great mod :)

steeler7 05-14-2010 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by teenage.vn (Post 2036801)
I have found something which is strange, dun know if it happens to all, but at least im facing with this problem:

When I choose to active this product, the Current Activity information in the profile of a member will vanish .... Can you check it out please?

Thanks for this great mod :)

Just came on to mention this. Same problem for me. I had to install for the time being (but I did manage to fix my issue to posts up).

Looking forward to the fix for this

karlm 05-20-2010 04:28 PM

Working well with 4.0.3pl1 and vbseo :) nice job!

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