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-   -   Show Thread Enhancements - [AJAX] Post Thank You Hack (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=231666)

ShawnV 12-30-2009 08:16 PM

Great mod, I'll wait for the postbitlegacy update.

Charlie98902 12-30-2009 08:16 PM

I want to move my thanks from next to the edit back to the left. Anyone know how to do this without losing current thanks?

dtommy79 12-30-2009 08:24 PM

I only have the thanks text and no thumbs image. What's the problem?

It's a clean install on default skin.

Charlie98902 12-30-2009 08:29 PM

There is another plugin you can make, Abe1 said but I have no ideal how to accomplish it?

I.am 12-30-2009 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by dtommy79 (Post 1942849)
I only have the thanks text and no thumbs image. What's the problem?

It's a clean install on default skin.

Take a look:


Originally Posted by rbu (Post 1942476)
If you are using Legacy...


<li class="postbitlegacy postbitim" id="post_thanks_box_{vb:raw post.postid}" style="top:-10px;<vb:if condition="!$post_thanks_box == 1"> display:none;</vb:if>">
        {vb:raw post_thanks_box}


<style type="text/css">
.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.quickreply, .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_thanks_button  {
        background: url(images/buttons/post_thanks.png) no-repeat transparent left;
        padding-left: 20px;
.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.quickreply:hover, .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_thanks_button:hover  {
        background: url(images/buttons/post_thanks-hover.png) no-repeat transparent left;

find <div class="postbody"> and change it to <div class="postbody" style="margin-left:0;">

M3xital 12-30-2009 08:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Great Mod!!
I have just a small issue, i use my forum with a style i downloaded from the Styles section here and in the postbit legacy the number of thanks is not aligned with the word "Thanks".
With the default style there is no problem.
see attachments.

Charlie98902 12-30-2009 08:44 PM

Yea formatting needs tweaked for postbit too.

Nadeemjp 12-30-2009 08:53 PM

gr8 hack, was waiting for this:)

vulture 12-30-2009 09:20 PM

Version 5.3 uses exactly the same database tables. To fix the error change to the following in products-post_thanks.xml


<installcode><![CDATA[$db->query_write("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS`". TABLE_PREFIX ."post_thanks` (


    `userid` INT(10) NOT NULL,

    `username` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,

    `date` INT(10) NOT NULL,

    `postid` INT(10) NOT NULL)


This is the original error:


Originally Posted by vulture (Post 1942590)
Getting the following error when upgrading from 5.3


Database error in vBulletin 4.0.0:

Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE `user` ADD `post_thanks_user_amount` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;

MySQL Error  : Duplicate column name 'post_thanks_user_amount'
Error Number  : 1060
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.41-community

Edit: v5.3 is disabled when I do the upgrade

dtommy79 12-30-2009 09:22 PM

OK, I have a custom skin and the thumbs image doesn't appear, only the text. I've made the suggested template modifications but it doesn't work.

Any idea?

vulture 12-30-2009 09:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The alignment is out in postbit (see attachment). How can this be fixed?

HappyFeet 12-30-2009 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by chloe101 (Post 1942833)
Thanks for upgrading this awesome hack. Nominated again of course.

Unfortunately, I also love Mosh's Panic Hack which works GREAT except that it wipes out VB's "Blog This Post" and also your "Post Thank You" hack. Both at the same time.

I'm not a programmer but my logic tells me you probably programmed your hack in such a way that it eases in next to something instead of totally taking a space.

Can you help me in any way with this unfortunate conflict because I need both your hacks for my users.

This is the conflict I'm getting

Here's with Panic Off


And now with Panic On


I'm using VB4 Suite with the blogs turned on. Thanks

I'm having the same issue... I would also like to know how to fix this. I like both hacks and want to use them, for now I'm having to choose between the two.:(

Great hack Abe1, I've been waiting for this to be updated. Thank you!

Charlie98902 12-30-2009 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by HappyFeet (Post 1942918)
I'm having the same issue... I would also like to know how to fix this. I like both hacks and want to use them, for now I'm having to choose between the two.:(

Great hack Abe1, I've been waiting for this to be updated. Thank you!

Can you look at the postbit template and tell me where the original hook is and the original phrase?

Front Range 4x4 12-30-2009 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by vulture (Post 1942913)
The alignment is out in postbit (see attachment). How can this be fixed?

Thanks Abe1, I'd like to know how to correct this too.

athlon64bit 12-30-2009 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by carrlos (Post 1942795)
I uninstalled the 3.x.x version before upgrading to 4.0.0. Is there anyway to recover the db tables from my backup without totally reverting to the backup? I don't want to revert because I will lose a week of posts, etc.

I know this requires some sort of copying and pasting of the tables from my backup (I restored it to a new db) then adding them to the current db. I just don't know how this is done and I don't know which tables are needed.


Perhaps you could try creating a new database table, import your old 3.x.x backup, then download/backup the individual "thank you" tables, then import them into the vb 4.x database. This is how I would try doing it but I have not done this before but it is the only solution that I can think of if you don't want to lose your weeks worth of posts.

Abe1 12-30-2009 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Lovinmysailor (Post 1942751)
Quick question. Sorry if has already been answered. After I installed it I tried it out and I get the you do not have permission to do this. It only tells me this on some posts and not others and then it will go ahead and post anyways. How would you suggest I fix this? Thank you!

Also not that it really matters but I just wanted to let you know that the count is off by one. So if one person thanks a post it will say the following 3 people have found this useful.

Try using the recounters in the acp.

Abe1 12-30-2009 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by carrlos (Post 1942795)
I uninstalled the 3.x.x version before upgrading to 4.0.0. Is there anyway to recover the db tables from my backup without totally reverting to the backup? I don't want to revert because I will lose a week of posts, etc.

I know this requires some sort of copying and pasting of the tables from my backup (I restored it to a new db) then adding them to the current db. I just don't know how this is done and I don't know which tables are needed.


Yes, it is very simple. Install the new version of post thanx hack. remove the post_thanks table from your database an replace it with the one from a backup. Run the re-counters in the ACP.

Mudo 12-30-2009 10:53 PM


Abe1 12-30-2009 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by chloe101 (Post 1942833)
Thanks for upgrading this awesome hack. Nominated again of course.

Unfortunately, I also love Mosh's Panic Hack which works GREAT except that it wipes out VB's "Blog This Post" and also your "Post Thank You" hack. Both at the same time.

I'm not a programmer but my logic tells me you probably programmed your hack in such a way that it eases in next to something instead of totally taking a space.

Can you help me in any way with this unfortunate conflict because I need both your hacks for my users.

This is the conflict I'm getting

Here's with Panic Off


And now with Panic On


I'm using VB4 Suite with the blogs turned on. Thanks

Very simple. He is a snob. He hogged the template hook for him self it looks like.

Look around for a plug in, that he has for postbit_complete.
Search for "template_hook".
You will mostlikely see on that line an "=" sign. add a "." before the "=" so it looks like ".=".

All done.

Charlie98902 12-30-2009 11:01 PM

It would be nice if you could get this update to auto hook the thanks button to the right instead so the blog and article buttons stay where they are.

HappyFeet 12-31-2009 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Abe1 (Post 1942968)
Very simple. He is a snob. He hogged the template hook for him self it looks like.

Look around for a plug in, that he has for postbit_complete.
Search for "template_hook".
You will mostlikely see on that line an "=" sign. add a "." before the "=" so it looks like ".=".

All done.

That worked!

Three plugins for Panic Button, it's #3. (postbit_display_complete)

Thank you! Nominated and Rated...:up:

Your Post Thanks hack is the one my members were asking for.

Abe1 12-31-2009 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by HappyFeet (Post 1943036)
That worked!

Three plugins for Panic Button, it's #3. (postbit_display_complete)

Thank you! Nominated and Rated...:up:

I would suggest you report it that developer. Tell him to stop hogging the template hook.

nightbloom 12-31-2009 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by rbu (Post 1942476)
If you are using Legacy...


<li class="postbitlegacy postbitim" id="post_thanks_box_{vb:raw post.postid}" style="top:-10px;<vb:if condition="!$post_thanks_box == 1"> display:none;</vb:if>">
    {vb:raw post_thanks_box}


<style type="text/css">
.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.quickreply, .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_thanks_button  {
    background: url(images/buttons/post_thanks.png) no-repeat transparent left;
    padding-left: 20px;
.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.quickreply:hover, .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_thanks_button:hover  {
    background: url(images/buttons/post_thanks-hover.png) no-repeat transparent left;

find <div class="postbody"> and change it to <div class="postbody" style="margin-left:0;">

vb.org needs a thanks button....

Thanks, I was pulling my hair out trying to make this work.

heywho 12-31-2009 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Abe1 (Post 1942292)
A few things to note:

6) and a big thanx to the few of you who have donated in the past few days and will do in the coming days.

  • If I get this up and running in v.4 -- I'll kick ya a donation --
  • This is a GREA great solution, to two problems
  • People want to say "Me too" or "TY -- & will even if you ask them not too --
  • &*]& that takes up HUGE space - particularly w / sigs involved (no 2 sig files
  • This way -- eazy, tight, everyone is happy. Thanks.
  • BTW: Love New horizontal user info. in 4.4.. (as opposed to verts) put all info in that. consistent...

So, I just uploaded, lets see if it works... back in a few


abbasbsp 12-31-2009 02:43 AM

1 Attachment(s)
sorry @Abe1, You must replace in product-post_thanks.xml :


.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.quickreply, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_thanks_button {
background: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_thanks.png) no-repeat transparent {vb:stylevar left};
padding-{vb:stylevar left}: 20px;
.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.quickreply:hover, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_thanks_button:hover {
background: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_thanks-hover.png) no-repeat transparent {vb:stylevar left};

blue code to replace with post_thanks_button

so, xml file ..

imagirlgeek 12-31-2009 03:14 AM

FYI - This Mod -> https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=230901 conflicts with the Post Thanks Mod.

I couldn't get anything to show up with this one until I disabled it. No big deal...I wanted this one more...but thought I'd share if other's were struggling with getting the Post Thanks to work.

Veer 12-31-2009 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by imagirlgeek (Post 1943107)
FYI - This Mod -> https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=230901 conflicts with the Post Thanks Mod.

I couldn't get anything to show up with this one until I disabled it. No big deal...I wanted this one more...but thought I'd share if other's were struggling with getting the Post Thanks to work.

Yes, "BBR - Useful Links on Member Action Dropdown" conflicts with the Post Thanks Mod. I can't see "Thanks" if I enable "BBR - Useful Links on Member Action Dropdown".

JHUMON 12-31-2009 05:13 AM

Thanks .Good Job.

thieu.bocap 12-31-2009 06:00 AM

After upgrade mod thank my forum blank page when i browser in IE, please help me fix!

dtommy79 12-31-2009 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by dtommy79 (Post 1942899)
OK, I have a custom skin and the thumbs image doesn't appear, only the text. I've made the suggested template modifications but it doesn't work.

Any idea?

Can anyone help me with this?

Tize. 12-31-2009 07:48 AM

Thank you very much man.

gyaronn 12-31-2009 09:25 AM

thanks works grate and very easy to install :-)

Charlie98902 12-31-2009 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by ichal_spy (Post 1943095)
sorry @Abe1, You must replace in product-post_thanks.xml :


.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.quickreply, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_thanks_button {
background: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_thanks.png) no-repeat transparent {vb:stylevar left};
padding-{vb:stylevar left}: 20px;
.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.quickreply:hover, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_thanks_button:hover {
background: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_thanks-hover.png) no-repeat transparent {vb:stylevar left};

blue code to replace with post_thanks_button

so, xml file ..

Does that put the thanks button to the right and leave the blog to the left?


Originally Posted by imagirlgeek (Post 1943107)
FYI - This Mod -> https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=230901 conflicts with the Post Thanks Mod.

I couldn't get anything to show up with this one until I disabled it. No big deal...I wanted this one more...but thought I'd share if other's were struggling with getting the Post Thanks to work.

How so, both mods work on my site?

lolo? 12-31-2009 10:30 AM

hello there is a conflict with this mode https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=230901
if i activate the thanks bouton doesnt appear

Lovinmysailor 12-31-2009 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Abe1 (Post 1942959)
Try using the recounters in the acp.

For which issue?

Dream 12-31-2009 12:00 PM

Abe1, donated $20 because of the usefulness of this mod in my boards for all this time that I used it. My members like it, I like it and it's very very much more useful than the standard reputation system. cheers, gj and thanks for updating it.

gbechtel 12-31-2009 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by gbechtel (Post 1942437)
Installed and sorta working...

Seems the thanks images progressively multiply as you go down the page, the farther the post is down the thread the more thanks images appear...

Also displays the same behavior with the information in postbit see attachment thanks1

See attachment, any ideas?

The mod causing the above mentioned duplication problem is this one...


Disabled and working fine now....

sigh 12-31-2009 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by ForYou (Post 1942698)
there is no AJAX like before , when user click on thank buttom there is refresh the page then he will show his thanks , but before there is no refresh the page ,

how we can solve this problem ,


We are also having this problem, as quoted. Every time a user clicks the "Thanks" button the page reloads. I don't think this is intended behaviour - any suggestions on fixing it?

We are using vB4 PL1, default style with some colour modifications.


S4RFamily 12-31-2009 01:40 PM

I see that the mod have 2 buttons image but i dont see it when installed. Just "Thank" text :)
How enable it, master :)

Veer 12-31-2009 01:42 PM

I can't see Thank Image when I use postbit_legacy on default vb4 style. Any help?

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