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AndrewD 10-07-2009 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by duocbienhoa (Post 1895982)

Unexpected critical failure
Document Root not set: Refer to the LDM wiki for information on how to edit local_links_init.php

Exactly as it says - there are instructions for dealing with this situation in the online wiki at http://www.eirma.org/wikis/index.php/Site_Configuration,

I imagine you are using the IIS web server with PHP configured to run in CGI mode.

Daky 10-09-2009 05:40 AM


Is it possible to import files from Downloads II into LDM?

nohuhu 10-13-2009 07:29 PM


i'm not quite sure i've looked through all the wiki but is there any way to make force_accept option usergroup based in addition to category based? for example, i'd like to except unregistered users (and spiders too) from having to accept the agreement 'cause they have no access to files anyway.

AndrewD 10-14-2009 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by nohuhu (Post 1899264)

i'm not quite sure i've looked through all the wiki but is there any way to make force_accept option usergroup based in addition to category based? for example, i'd like to except unregistered users (and spiders too) from having to accept the agreement 'cause they have no access to files anyway.

force_accept is a setting rather than a permission, which means that it applies to all user groups. I recall discussing this with the people who originally requested this feature.

I don't think it would be much work to make it a permission, but it would require some modifications to the code.

nohuhu 10-14-2009 04:40 PM


well i'm glad to hear it's not that complicated but i'll definitely wait for you to fix it. frankly, i'm afraid even to try touching LDM code, it's too big for me. :)

and another bugreport: after installing and opening LDM to my users it started to mail me sporadically with messages like this:

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.4:

Invalid SQL:

UPDATE session
SET lastactivity = 1255541199, location = '/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=10&id=80&token=M TI2MDcyNTE4OSMxODU2IzE4OC4xMzQuMzYuMTA4IzNkOGE2ZTQ 2YjZiOTg4YjdiODkzZmZiZGI5ZGY3MDkw'
WHERE sessionhash = 'f2176c383e82a857ae03127700eb4bda';

MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006

it doesn't happen with any other pages and it's not too consistent, i.e. not every user accessing LDM pages generate this error. can you recommend something?

nohuhu 10-15-2009 08:46 AM


follow-up to this error: i talked to my hoster techs, they say mysql is "going away" because such an update query takes more than a minute to complete and their cron script just kills mysql process. while i think it's a problem on mysql side - i cannot imagine why simple update request in a memory table could take this much time - i tried to replicate this problem and found that it appears after an user downloads some file and stays on the entry page for some time. can it be of any help?

AndrewD 10-15-2009 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by nohuhu (Post 1900209)

follow-up to this error: i talked to my hoster techs, they say mysql is "going away" because such an update query takes more than a minute to complete and their cron script just kills mysql process. while i think it's a problem on mysql side - i cannot imagine why simple update request in a memory table could take this much time - i tried to replicate this problem and found that it appears after an user downloads some file and stays on the entry page for some time. can it be of any help?

As far as I know, this is actually a configuration setting in MySQL - a few people have reported it over the years. I think it is *wait_timeout*, which by default is 28800 seconds. Some sites set this to a much smaller value, and this is when the error message starts to appear.

I think you are almost correct with your diagnosis - if the physical download takes longer than the timeout setting, then the database connection has gone away before vbulletin can carry out its close down procedures. Maybe there's some fix I could apply inside LDM - there is a warning message generated if the value is less than 10 seconds - but it has not seemed serious.

jhale1966 10-16-2009 01:05 PM

When I go to add files en masse I want to remove the default description that's added. It says I can do this by 'Template used to describe entries created during directory synchronisations and scans: links_scantext' - but where is this template? I went thru the settings but can't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks! :)

chick 10-16-2009 01:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
wow this is quite the in depth script. Could someone tell me what goes in this space (in red) or where to put something here? Thanks

AndrewD 10-16-2009 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by chick (Post 1900909)
wow this is quite the in depth script. Could someone tell me what goes in this space (in red) or where to put something here? Thanks

Various things appear here

- if you are inside a category, the category's description appears
- in addition, a range of other information will appear, depending on user/options selected/etc:
o a list of moderators
o if you have created a "linked forum" for the category, the name of that forum
o if posts are auto-created when you add new entries, the name of that forum
o if the "starred nominations" feature is enabled, some information on the current user's nomination
o if the allowances system is operational, the user's allowances/consumption
o a warning if the setting *must_rate_download* is on
o ditto *must_rate_play*
o if the category is "autosynchronised" with a filesystem directory, information on the state of synchronisation
o an RSS link if the RSS feed setting is on

If none of these apply, e.g. in the base category with none of the above options, you simply get an empty box as your image shows.

If you want to add further information, you need to edit the "links_main" template.

chick 10-16-2009 09:16 PM

I see thank you very much for telling me that. Well I can see this will take me a long time to figure out... thanks for creating something so entailed, amazing.

chick 10-18-2009 12:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hello again Andrew, I have gone through the Wiki and I am still having a problem with that empty area that shows just on the main page (other pages obviously have cat info etc...) but I want to eliminate that main page top table, it looks like precat and I tried removing it from the LDM main template but it was not removed.

See image, how can I remove this main page table that is basically empty? Thank you.

jhale1966 10-18-2009 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by jhale1966 (Post 1900897)
When I go to add files en masse I want to remove the default description that's added. It says I can do this by 'Template used to describe entries created during directory synchronisations and scans: links_scantext' - but where is this template? I went thru the settings but can't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks! :)

Never mind - I thought everything was under the 'links & Downloads' Admin CP - never thought to look under the VB Styles and Templates section. :D

AndrewD 10-18-2009 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by chick (Post 1901646)
Hello again Andrew, I have gone through the Wiki and I am still having a problem with that empty area that shows just on the main page (other pages obviously have cat info etc...) but I want to eliminate that main page top table, it looks like precat and I tried removing it from the LDM main template but it was not removed.

See image, how can I remove this main page table that is basically empty? Thank you.


edit the links_main template. Find the section that reads


<if condition="$viewcattext or $viewcatextra">
        <td class="alt1">

and change to


<if condition="($viewcatid>0 or $script!=$LINKS_SCRIPT) and ($viewcattext or $viewcatextra)">
        <td class="alt1">

abdelghani68 10-18-2009 02:20 PM

Hi andrew

is it possible to have some informations for Links and Downloads Manager and vbulletin 4 please ?

AndrewD 10-18-2009 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by abdelghani68 (Post 1901679)
Hi andrew

is it possible to have some informations for Links and Downloads Manager and vbulletin 4 please ?

Unfortunately, not yet. Until the code for vb 4 is released, I have no idea how much work is going to be involved in producing a compatible version of LDM, nor really say which features will/should change.

chick 10-18-2009 04:25 PM

Thanks Andrew that worked great.

SiLver Gsm 10-18-2009 05:05 PM

Hello Andrewd I have strange problem

sadly when i trying to open in sub Categories page redirect to home index vb

any sub Categories do this....

i Try to upload the script many time and same problem with me

waiting for your help ...


AndrewD 10-19-2009 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by SiLver Gsm (Post 1901746)
Hello Andrewd I have strange problem

sadly when i trying to open in sub Categories page redirect to home index vb

any sub Categories do this....

i Try to upload the script many time and same problem with me

waiting for your help ...


Difficult to help without seeing your site - am happy to take a look if you send me details via PM. One thought - have you enabled the "SEO friendly" option - this needs care.

jhale1966 10-19-2009 11:13 AM

Is there a way to remove all the 'wrap-around' stuff when using the Jukebox either in a new window or using the existing one? I'd like to JUST have the Jukebox 'box' appear when a user clicks 'Play Me'.

Thanks! :)

AndrewD 10-19-2009 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by jhale1966 (Post 1902028)
Is there a way to remove all the 'wrap-around' stuff when using the Jukebox either in a new window or using the existing one? I'd like to JUST have the Jukebox 'box' appear when a user clicks 'Play Me'.

Thanks! :)

You will have to edit the links_playbit template. You must keep at least the following:

<table width="100%">
        <td align="center" valign="middle">

SiLver Gsm 10-19-2009 11:28 PM

@ AndrewD

Realy Thanks For your Good Support All Now Fine after Close Seo Option

Again Thank You :)


jhale1966 10-20-2009 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1902053)
You will have to edit the links_playbit template. You must keep at least the following:

<table width="100%">
        <td align="center" valign="middle">

It's still showing my 'site within a site' - I want to remove everything below the Jukebox.

Check here:

Thanks! :)

Gwendolin 10-25-2009 09:40 PM


I have a little problem with the view of the downloads logjumps (local_links_admin.php?set=logjumps).
Downloaded files are all show up with 0Bytes.

Is there a setting where I have to enable it and when where is this setting?


AndrewD 10-26-2009 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Gwendolin (Post 1906127)

I have a little problem with the view of the downloads logjumps (local_links_admin.php?set=logjumps).
Downloaded files are all show up with 0Bytes.

Is there a setting where I have to enable it and when where is this setting?


Question: a) do you have the setting *force_redirect* set to 1 or 2; and b) are the files held on another server or on your own server. With *force_redirect* set to 1 or 2, when LDM serves a remote file, it does not (cannot) keep track of the bytes transferred, so records the download as 0 bytes. In other circumstances, it should record the file size, so let me know if there is a problem.

ezak 10-26-2009 06:39 PM

I'm really like your hack very much and I use it for 2 years >> till now
for some security reason
I want to disable this two functions (ini_restore,realpath)
and I found that your modification use this 2 function
and thats is the files and lines number

PHP Code:

includes/local_links_images.php:141:        @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:146:        @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:158:                @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:166:                @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:172:                @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:178:                @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:202:            @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:211:            @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:250:            @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:259:            @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:274:            @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:279:    @ini_restore('memory_limit');

includes/local_links_include.php:1802:          $ldir realpath($ldir);
includes/local_links_include.php:1835:                  $return_path realpath($lpath); 

I want to disable this functions because some shell files use this for hacking
Is that necessary to use this functions or can you use another functions can be safe

AndrewD 10-27-2009 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by ezak (Post 1906546)
I'm really like your hack very much and I use it for 2 years >> till now
for some security reason
I want to disable this two functions (ini_restore,realpath)
and I found that your modification use this 2 function
and thats is the files and lines number

PHP Code:

includes/local_links_images.php:141:        @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:146:        @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:158:                @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:166:                @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:172:                @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:178:                @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:202:            @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:211:            @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:250:            @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:259:            @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:274:            @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:279:    @ini_restore('memory_limit');

includes/local_links_include.php:1802:          $ldir realpath($ldir);
includes/local_links_include.php:1835:                  $return_path realpath($lpath); 

I want to disable this functions because some shell files use this for hacking
Is that necessary to use this functions or can you use another functions can be safe

The calls to ini_restore() can be commented out without difficulty. LDM tries to claim extra memory when producing image thumbnails because this can be a very memory intensive task wih high resolution pictures. The function call is used to return that memory, but it will get returned in any case when the script completes.

The call to realpath() is more difficult, and I will have to investigate if there is a realistic alternative.

mitch84 10-27-2009 04:16 PM

Hi, how to make a automatic preview in the parent forum when I upload a new link? thx

yomandenver 10-28-2009 01:16 AM

Very cool, works as described. :up::up:

AndrewD 11-02-2009 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by ezak (Post 1906546)
I'm really like your hack very much and I use it for 2 years >> till now
for some security reason
I want to disable this two functions (ini_restore,realpath)
and I found that your modification use this 2 function
and thats is the files and lines number

PHP Code:

includes/local_links_images.php:141:        @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:146:        @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:158:                @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:166:                @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:172:                @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:178:                @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:202:            @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:211:            @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:250:            @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:259:            @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:274:            @ini_restore('memory_limit');
includes/local_links_images.php:279:    @ini_restore('memory_limit');

includes/local_links_include.php:1802:          $ldir realpath($ldir);
includes/local_links_include.php:1835:                  $return_path realpath($lpath); 

I want to disable this functions because some shell files use this for hacking
Is that necessary to use this functions or can you use another functions can be safe

I've thought a bit more about this problem. It is not straightforward in the current version of the code to disable realpath() - a number of features will break. In order to modify the code in order to lock down the features that depend on this function, I would need to rewrite a substantial part of the addon. I am willing to include this in the list of things to look into when vbulletin version 4 is released, but I cannot justfy doing this for vb 3.x.

mitch84 11-02-2009 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by mitch84 (Post 1906986)
Hi, how to make a automatic preview in the parent forum when I upload a new link? thx

hi, nobody? thx

AndrewD 11-02-2009 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by mitch84 (Post 1909431)
hi, nobody? thx

I don't understand your question? If you enable the automatic posting of new entries in a forum and you have provided an image as the main file or accompanying image, then the post will include an image bbcode to show that image.

mitch84 11-03-2009 06:19 AM

hi, you're understand, but for me image don't appear, thx

AndrewD 11-04-2009 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by mitch84 (Post 1909701)
hi, you're understand, but for me image don't appear, thx

The image should be displayed, provided the following apply:

a) the image is a jpg, gif or png
b) the LDM admin setting *local_file_root* is *no*

It will not appear if *local_file_root* is set to *yes* because there is no way then for vbulletin to find the image file.

If this does not help, I'm happy to take a look at your site, but will need admin privs.

mitch84 11-04-2009 06:04 AM

ok, I'll try that!

abdulbasitsaeed 11-21-2009 06:19 PM

AndrewD, now that vBulletin 4 beta is out, any idea whether you would be updating this mod or not? :)

AndrewD 11-22-2009 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by abdulbasitsaeed (Post 1918464)
AndrewD, now that vBulletin 4 beta is out, any idea whether you would be updating this mod or not? :)

as per my answer on the vb3.7 thread:

I *hope* to do so :). I have bought licences for the new forum + CMs software and am currently trying to get me head around how things work. The upgrade will probably not be a very quick process, however - quite important bits of the infrastructure have changed.

abdulbasitsaeed 11-22-2009 05:11 AM

Understandable, with the whole code being re-written. However, it's nice to know that you're working on it. Thanks! :)

The Smoking Gun 11-27-2009 08:53 PM

Many Thanks if this works half as good as I am expecting even if it isn't what I thought it to be initially LOL!

Being relatively new to the world of vB, and based on the name, I thought it was the links directory mod.with an updated name from the board I moded on before, that had the links directory, not realizing that product is a vBa subscribed mod, since I didn't get that far to add vBa when I downloaded this!

Hmm come to think of it though, we didn't have cmps on that board, is theree more than one version of a vB links directory page?

Anyways, marked installed, voted for and nominated if it still counts toward anything!

Great and versatile mod(s) especially with the numerous extras!


Dierk Droth 12-02-2009 06:27 AM


I recently had to upgrade out forum from vB3.6.X to latest vB3.8.X. In accordance I had to upgrade LDM. Now there is a problem:

As regular users edit an entry they created, the "Parent category" listbox at the bottom in NOT populated. As a result, if they confirm their editing they would get a "Category does not exist" error.

This is not a problem from admin forum users.

Any idea what could cause that?

Thanks in advance

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