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troll2 06-12-2009 05:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Installed lastest for testing. Left alignment does not work anymore.
I added a screenshot

IdanB 06-12-2009 05:11 PM

hmmm.. weird, it's working fine for me.
Any chance this is some other mod installed causing it ? caching templates / some sort of optimizer ?

aztecboi2003 06-12-2009 06:18 PM

Downloaded and about to install. How do I find out how many querys my forumhome has, with and without this mod? Thanks.

IdanB 06-12-2009 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by aztecboi2003 (Post 1828458)
Downloaded and about to install. How do I find out how many querys my forumhome has, with and without this mod? Thanks.

Place forum to debug mode.
Scroll to bottom before installation of this mod, see the queries number, install mod, and check number again.

roughly, there are about 2-3 queries performed per forumbit (for user id, avatar / profile) So it shouldnt be that of a problem.

aztecboi2003 06-12-2009 06:42 PM

thanks. I'm backing up my db now. Once I figure out the debug mode I will check it out. I love all the support your providing here for this mod.

IdanB 06-12-2009 07:03 PM

You need to place forums onto debug mode. You have 2 ways to do so:
1) manual: requires edit of config.php (located under /includes/ directory), specific adding this line:
PHP Code:

$config['Misc']['debug'] = true

2) automatic: download debug mode plugin:
This plugin will enable you with options to set debug mode on/off on both forums & admincp.

aztecboi2003 06-12-2009 07:16 PM

Thanks. My querys went from 25 to 61. I still like this mod though.

IdanB 06-12-2009 07:35 PM

yea, well, like said, it adds max of queries x2/3 per forumbit, meanining the more forums there are, the more queries it will "hog".
(so for "worst case" example, should there be 10 forums visible, it will add 10x3 = 30 more queries)
If you wish better performance, you can enable this on forum display only, and not on forum home.

IdanB 06-12-2009 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by goxy63 (Post 1824220)
1.Can you please edit mod for non english languages (serbian latin and cyrillic in my case)
Nicknames with lets say these signs šđčćž dont have avatars displayed

Just verified this on your test devbelop board, i can say (without a doubt), this has nothing to do with non-english characters.

Problem showing there is avatar is missing for certain users, but that not due to user characters (user id is obtain inside mod correctly).

In close exmaine & debug of this case, it showed the db is not ok & possibly corrupted.
For example user id of x has inside db avatar id of y, but when doing query for avatar id of y inside avatar table, the query returns NULL. (emtpy).

I could "fix" mod in this case to still show "anoymous" avatar if 2nd query returns NULL, but logic suggest admin better fix the problem rather than cover un-logical cases into mod.

If user has avatarid, then he should have avatar. remove of avatar should have removed his avatarid field from user table in db.
if you have some mod installed that manages your users avatar, there is possible bug with it, as it doesnt update your database in all proper locations.

dancue 06-12-2009 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by troll2 (Post 1828405)

Installed lastest for testing. Left alignment does not work anymore.
I added a screenshot

Same here.

I've flushed my cache through vboptimise and still not aligning to the left.

dancue 06-12-2009 08:35 PM

question about the image sizes.

If I place a value for height and nothing for width will it automatically keep it's original ratio?

IdanB 06-13-2009 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by dancue (Post 1828570)
question about the image sizes.

If I place a values for height and nothing for width will it automatically keep it's original ratio?

No. according to feedback & common sense, my initial assumption was that for "esthetic reasons" users would want all pics to have same width & height, else result isnt looking nice (it's really matter of original avatar dimensions).

IdanB 06-13-2009 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by dancue (Post 1828568)
Same here.

I've flushed my cache through vboptimise and still not aligning to the left.

ok, i'll try to find source of problem & fix it.
Pretty much the major difference between 1.1.3 to 1.1.4 is i'v taken the replaced html from plugin code to template, but wierd thing is the "left align" is still same code as version 1.1.3, and it's defined on plugin code.

Can you try to set "left align" to NO, save settings, then set to YES & save again ?
Perhaps since options number are not the same as previous version, the db still has different value for these & needs to be updated.

pet0etie 06-14-2009 06:44 PM

last night i had the forum crashing after installing this plugin (so nobody could consult the main forum page)

on our forum we have a user called "/!\K.v.K./!\Boechie/!\" who has posted in a thread ... being the last one to post, his name, avatar and posting time is (should be) displayed on the index-page

but ... when i check your code u are using this query :

$q_text = "SELECT userid, avatarid, avatarrevision  FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "user` WHERE username = \"".$lastpostinfo[lastposter]."\"";
putting in the name of "/!\K.v.K./!\Boechie/!\" into that query i get :

$q_text = "SELECT userid, avatarid, avatarrevision  FROM `user` WHERE username = \"/!\K.v.K./!\Boechie/!\\"";
your query is getting 'screwed up' because he sees the last \ of the name "/!\K.v.K./!\Boechie/!\" as an escape-character

shouldn't the query be changed towards this query ?

$q_text = "SELECT userid, avatarid, avatarrevision  FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "user` WHERE username = \"". $vbulletin->db->escape_string($lastpostinfo[lastposter]) ."\"";
thanks for looking up / solving the problem


IdanB 06-15-2009 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by pet0etie (Post 1829710)
last night i had the forum crashing after installing this plugin (so nobody could consult the main forum page)

on our forum we have a user called "/!\K.v.K./!\Boechie/!\" who has posted in a thread ... being the last one to post, his name, avatar and posting time is (should be) displayed on the index-page

but ... when i check your code u are using this query :

$q_text = "SELECT userid, avatarid, avatarrevision  FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "user` WHERE username = \"".$lastpostinfo[lastposter]."\"";
putting in the name of "/!\K.v.K./!\Boechie/!\" into that query i get :

$q_text = "SELECT userid, avatarid, avatarrevision  FROM `user` WHERE username = \"/!\K.v.K./!\Boechie/!\\"";
your query is getting 'screwed up' because he sees the last \ of the name "/!\K.v.K./!\Boechie/!\" as an escape-character

shouldn't the query be changed towards this query ?

$q_text = "SELECT userid, avatarid, avatarrevision  FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "user` WHERE username = \"". $vbulletin->db->escape_string($lastpostinfo[lastposter]) ."\"";
thanks for looking up / solving the problem


Yes, you are correct.
I'll have it fix on upcoming revision. Thanks for the heads up.

nascartr 07-11-2009 04:32 PM

Would love to use this, has anyone found a fix for the Tabbed Forum Home mod? Thanks!

goxy63 07-19-2009 02:54 PM

not working with this mod
"Hide Last Post Date For Guests"

Any suggestions, or even better making this mod working with mentioned one?


IdanB 07-19-2009 05:13 PM

I've been busy last few weeks with coding/re-lunch of vBHackers community. Once that goes live & behind me (soon enough) i'll try to address these open issues.

nascartr 07-19-2009 11:29 PM

Thanks for the reply!

TheLastSuperman 08-08-2009 10:12 PM

I modified it a bit and have it working w/ the Forum Home Tabs mod by Bobster65!

Only setback.. which I thought was posted previously while reading this mods thread earlier is custom avatars are not showing...

We upload then create custom avatars, several categories and let our users select them... only problem is (even before I modified to work w/ the tabs) with the product installed and enabled to show on forumdisplay only it will show the "dummy" avatar but not the user selected one... if I enable to show custom profile pic it works but I need our admin defined but user selected Avatars to display... I need help with this. If you don't come on here by later tonight I might join on your site and PM if not it will be first thing in the morning... then we can have it updated to fix that as some may not have my problem and can benefit from the update.

Ok, I have some unfinished work to go do so :p installed but disabled for now until I find time to get it working with the custom avatars we let our members choose from.


mike2902 08-09-2009 01:22 AM

The avatars are showing on Forum home but not inside each individual forum. Any ideas? And yes I have it set to yes in the admin cp.

IdanB 08-09-2009 05:44 PM

This will be checked as soon as i can.
As mentioned in previous posts, i've been quite busy with other urgent projects, some are still underway.
I will do my best to upload fix for it this weekend (14/8/809 night).

TheLastSuperman 08-09-2009 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by IdanB (Post 1864149)
This will be checked as soon as i can.
As mentioned in previous posts, i've been quite busy with other urgent projects, some are still underway.
I will do my best to upload fix for it this weekend (14/8/809 night).

I assume you had already figured out the tabbed forum home and it will be included w/ the update or did I just fall in to the saying? :D

Let me know if not so I can PM you what I found. Also I found another mod for user avatars on threadbit so it shows in all threads and plan to merge it with this one or splice etc.


Front Range 4x4 08-10-2009 10:31 PM

Marked as Installed. Very nice addition and improves the look considerably. Thanks IdanB!

One issue: Enable on Forum Display? - Yes/No (default YES) isn't working for me. I can't get it to show on Forum Display probably due to some template mods I've made, Forum Home is fine.

Any tip on what to check to try to get it working on Forum Display?

Thanks again.

IdanB 08-11-2009 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 1864231)
I assume you had already figured out the tabbed forum home and it will be included w/ the update or did I just fall in to the saying? :D

tbh i never had a chance to inspect it closely to figure this one out, as i wasnt using this mod myself.
Few people offered to help use their board as debug platform for this bug, but due to different timezone i had trouble get online same time as other users that offered to help debug this one.

If you can pm me everything you fixed & i'll continue work from there.


TheLastSuperman 08-12-2009 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by IdanB (Post 1865137)
tbh i never had a chance to inspect it closely to figure this one out, as i wasnt using this mod myself.
Few people offered to help use their board as debug platform for this bug, but due to different timezone i had trouble get online same time as other users that offered to help debug this one.

If you can pm me everything you fixed & i'll continue work from there.


I sure will and it will be sent later today, I believe my problem was related to not storing avatars in a folder instead of the DB however I don't want to change that yet... I'll forward what I have so far as some can use it w/ the tabbed mod and some won't depending on the avatar settings I assume. Sit tight, I'll have it forwarded in about an hour or so when I finish up my searches on here ;)


nascartr 08-23-2009 05:31 PM

I store my avatars in a folder and not the database so I believe the problem is just the way the modification is coded. I'm still hoping for a fix soon for the Tabbed Forum Home mod!

TheLastSuperman 08-23-2009 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by nascartr (Post 1872839)
I store my avatars in a folder and not the database so I believe the problem is just the way the modification is coded. I'm still hoping for a fix soon for the Tabbed Forum Home mod!

CRUD!!! I knew I was forgetting something the other night, I found a fix for naother mod and PM'd it thinking I had covered everything lol.. IdanB and nascartr I'll BRB w/ info.


TheLastSuperman 08-23-2009 10:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok IdanB... in the actual xml I modified this part you'll see what I added...


// Code written by Idan Bismut (c) 2009
// Copy and/or re-use of this code (or part of it) without author approval in writing is forbidden

if ( $vbulletin->options['alt_lp_global_enabled'] == 1)
  if ( ( ($vbulletin->options['alt_lp_enable_on_forumhome'] == 1) && (THIS_SCRIPT == 'index') ) || ( ($vbulletin->options['alt_lp_enable_in_forumdisplay'] == 1) && (THIS_SCRIPT == 'forumdisplay') ) || ( ($vbulletin->options['alt_lp_enable_in_forumdisplay'] == 1) && (THIS_SCRIPT == 'tabforumhome') )  )

Plus another instance near the bottom:


                        <title>Forum Home - Template Change</title>
                        <phpcode><![CDATA[// Alternate Last Post Display Modification
// ----------------------------------------
// Code written by Idan Bismut (c) 2009
// Copy and/or re-use of this code (or part of it) without author approval in writing is forbidden

if ( $vbulletin->options['alt_lp_global_enabled'] == 1)
  if ( ($vbulletin->options['alt_lp_enable_on_forumhome'] == 1) && (THIS_SCRIPT == 'index')  || ( ($vbulletin->options['alt_lp_enable_on_forumhome'] == 1) && (THIS_SCRIPT == 'tabforumhome') ) )
      // Fixed in v.1.1.4 - now all inside template, so user may update it as they please !
      //$vbulletin->templatecache['forumhome_lastpostby'] = "<div align='left'><table width='100%'><tr><td align='left' width='40'>\$vbulletin->options['usefileavatar']</td><td align='left' NOWRAP><a href='\$GLOBALS[alt_lp_last_post_link]'>\$GLOBALS[alt_lp_last_post_title]</a> $vbphrase[alt_lp_by] <a href='\$GLOBALS[alt_lp_last_poster_profle_link]'>\$GLOBALS[alt_lp_last_poster]</a><br>\$GLOBALS[alt_lp_last_post_time_ago]</td></tr></table></div>";

      $vbulletin->templatecache['forumhome_lastpostby'] = $vbulletin->templatecache['forumhome_lastpostby_alternate_view'];

      //eval('$vbulletin->templatecache[\'forumhome_lastpostby\'] = "' . fetch_template('forumhome_lastpostby_alternate_view') . '";');

      // Reload template so the first bit will be updated as well
      eval('$forum[\'lastpostinfo\'] = "' . fetch_template('forumhome_lastpostby') . '";');

And I believe that was it... I had another similar mod for Avatars in another area of the forum so I had to change that as well but don't think they were directly related. So to sum it up all I did (sorry I had to backtrack due to heavily modifying that similar mod that was for threadbit etc) was add in another && this script etc w/ the forumhometab named as the if this script.


Edit: See attached copy of XML that has been modified for my forum w/ this && this_script for Tabbed Forum Home.

ArnyVee 08-23-2009 11:23 PM

Michael, you think it's safe for me to use your product for my site? I haven't been following this one too closely as of late, but noticed this post tonight :up:

nascartr 08-23-2009 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 1872977)
Ok IdanB... in the actual xml I modified this part you'll see what I added...


// Code written by Idan Bismut (c) 2009
// Copy and/or re-use of this code (or part of it) without author approval in writing is forbidden

if ( $vbulletin->options['alt_lp_global_enabled'] == 1)
  if ( ( ($vbulletin->options['alt_lp_enable_on_forumhome'] == 1) && (THIS_SCRIPT == 'index') ) || ( ($vbulletin->options['alt_lp_enable_in_forumdisplay'] == 1) && (THIS_SCRIPT == 'forumdisplay') ) || ( ($vbulletin->options['alt_lp_enable_in_forumdisplay'] == 1) && (THIS_SCRIPT == 'tabforumhome') )  )

Plus another instance near the bottom:


            <title>Forum Home - Template Change</title>
            <phpcode><![CDATA[// Alternate Last Post Display Modification
// ----------------------------------------
// Code written by Idan Bismut (c) 2009
// Copy and/or re-use of this code (or part of it) without author approval in writing is forbidden

if ( $vbulletin->options['alt_lp_global_enabled'] == 1)
  if ( ($vbulletin->options['alt_lp_enable_on_forumhome'] == 1) && (THIS_SCRIPT == 'index')  || ( ($vbulletin->options['alt_lp_enable_on_forumhome'] == 1) && (THIS_SCRIPT == 'tabforumhome') ) )
      // Fixed in v.1.1.4 - now all inside template, so user may update it as they please !
      //$vbulletin->templatecache['forumhome_lastpostby'] = "<div align='left'><table width='100%'><tr><td align='left' width='40'>\$vbulletin->options['usefileavatar']</td><td align='left' NOWRAP><a href='\$GLOBALS[alt_lp_last_post_link]'>\$GLOBALS[alt_lp_last_post_title]</a> $vbphrase[alt_lp_by] <a href='\$GLOBALS[alt_lp_last_poster_profle_link]'>\$GLOBALS[alt_lp_last_poster]</a><br>\$GLOBALS[alt_lp_last_post_time_ago]</td></tr></table></div>";

      $vbulletin->templatecache['forumhome_lastpostby'] = $vbulletin->templatecache['forumhome_lastpostby_alternate_view'];

      //eval('$vbulletin->templatecache[\'forumhome_lastpostby\'] = "' . fetch_template('forumhome_lastpostby_alternate_view') . '";');

      // Reload template so the first bit will be updated as well
      eval('$forum[\'lastpostinfo\'] = "' . fetch_template('forumhome_lastpostby') . '";');

And I believe that was it... I had another similar mod for Avatars in another area of the forum so I had to change that as well but don't think they were directly related. So to sum it up all I did (sorry I had to backtrack due to heavily modifying that similar mod that was for threadbit etc) was add in another && this script etc w/ the forumhometab named as the if this script.


Edit: See attached copy of XML that has been modified for my forum w/ this && this_script for Tabbed Forum Home.

When I install the attached XML I get this error.


Fatal error: Call to a member function query_first() on a non-object in /home/nascartr/public_html/community/includes/functions_forumlist.php(393) : eval()'d code on line 402

TheLastSuperman 08-24-2009 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by nascartr (Post 1873022)
When I install the attached XML I get this error.

That was for IdanB to review not for use!

I'll double check it later I'm just in the middle of something and need to find a mod real quick but hold tight I'll see what I can fix up for you but better to let the developer fix imo.


nascartr 08-25-2009 04:16 AM

I appreciate it TLS!

TheLastSuperman 08-25-2009 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by ArnyVee (Post 1873009)
Michael, you think it's safe for me to use your product for my site? I haven't been following this one too closely as of late, but noticed this post tonight :up:

sorry Arny I completely missed that post but no, I would wait for IdanB to re-release with an update, I had to change other codes for mine considering how we store our avatars something with avatar[0] I believe but let me look into it again real quick for nascartr as I said last night.


Originally Posted by nascartr (Post 1873836)
I appreciate it TLS!

No problem :p

kalisekj 08-27-2009 07:21 PM

I have DNP Media Installed with the forumhome addon. So this Mod works on forum display and on forumhome but on forumhome I get the following errors at the top of the site. I have disabled forumhome until I get hopefully some feedback. I am running a heavily modded VB 3.82 @ http://freeonlinemoviesforum.com

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in [path]/index.php(67) : eval()'d code(200) : eval()'d code on line 1

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at [path]/includes/class_core.php:3318) in [path]/musicajax.php on line 15

Aclikyano 09-06-2009 02:37 AM

please help, i dont know why i am getting this link on all the avatars on forumhome
they come up as the anonymous avatar even when user has avatar selected and it links to

Log on 09-06-2009 08:05 AM

very nice

thank u :)

mattwmc2001 09-06-2009 09:03 PM


Looks good.

Wonder if there is a separate way to do this for threads in a forum - so the avatar pics could be smaller?

TimberFloorAu 09-06-2009 10:08 PM

Looks great thanks.


TimberFloorAu 09-06-2009 10:38 PM

Would like to see:

if we set: Use "Last Post" text as title ? to NO


in forum display last post appears: like

TimberFloorAu Avatar
Thread Game: Word Association
by TimberFloorAu
2 Minutes, 11 Seconds ago

instead of

TimberFloorAu Avatar Thread Game: Word Association by TimberFloorAu
2 Minutes, 11 Seconds ago

as it ruins our style. Perhaps its just a <br /> addition within the xml

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