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DobieGillis? 04-29-2009 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by ArchangelX (Post 1801347)
Fantastic work!

A couple suggestions...not to put more work on you, but just to improve the game!

Usergroups & Forums: Have each nation be added to a set Usergroup rather than the limited "forum" that's implemented right now. As it is, it's not very good for planning strategy. If users could somehow be added to a usergroup when joining a specific Nation, then they could get access to their nation's forum only. Having usergroup implementation would also allow for different icons in their postbits, as well as other cool features (different headers for example or styles for the forum).

Styles: Can you add an option so that the game is able to use a specific style when you go to it? I have my current RPG setup that way, and it would look really good as I've tied this game in with it as far as the story background is concerned. It would be great if I could use a fancy style to make it look better!

Alliances: Great Idea!

Now this is something I think that would really set itself apart from the other games of it's ilk:


Each hero could purchase their own equipment (such as shields, rings, etc.), and could affect the battles by applying upgraded stats and bonuses to attack and defense. It could be a more personal version, ie, an avatar, for player's armies. The things you could do with this are endless. You could have it to where you can use your spies to stage an assasination on another player's hero that would kill them or put them out of commission for several turns. Heroes could change the tide of battle in that without them, lesser armys WITH them could prevail over larger armies? Or you could have different types of heros, such as Merchant heros that increase capital, spy heros that incrase intelligence ability, offensive heroes, defensive heroes....etc.

Just an idea to really give the game a unique twist. The battles are fun, but it needs a bit more depth, as right now, the game is pretty slow-paced. But it's definetly fun, and the potential is huge!

I find this is really, really a great idea...and I'm a decent art guy. If you need help with any of the art stuff, please let me know!

Heroes is a great idea!

Hornstar 04-29-2009 08:17 PM

On the armory page it does not say what weapons or armory I have already purchased, so I do not know if I am buying better or worse items. Could you add that info to the page please.

Also currently all my staff who are testing it seem to be joining the same village I joined. what do you do when everyone wants to join the same village?

slyreptile 04-29-2009 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by hornstar1337 (Post 1801369)
On the armory page it does not say what weapons or armory I have already purchased, so I do not know if I am buying better or worse items. Could you add that info to the page please.

It should show under the Sell Weapons and Armor heading. This is right above the table to purchase new items.

Gamelobby 04-29-2009 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by hornstar1337 (Post 1801369)
Also currently all my staff who are testing it seem to be joining the same village I joined. what do you do when everyone wants to join the same village?

The same thing that happens when one team doesn't show up to the game.. lol
What kind of things could you suggest to help people decide..?
In any game you usually have to decide, dont you.?

You cant force people to pick what team they want to play for.. You have to make the teams more appealing to people so they want to join other teams.!
Make themes that people will like. the default themes arer so similar most people could care less which team.
But if you change them to be East vs West vs Central,
or M A F I A families or Heroes or something that people will enjoy being a part of..
That should change everything.

Awesome Mod, cant wait to install the update.!! :up:

n8td 04-29-2009 11:30 PM

Under the Recent Offense/Defense History the link to the Enemy's village is broken. It links to "conquest.php?do=village&pid=". It is missing the player's ID.

kellyandmark04 04-30-2009 12:27 AM

Is there a way to change nations after you have joined one or to move members???

ArchangelX 04-30-2009 01:42 AM

I think you could probably do that with a simple change in your database. Let me go check...

Alright, I took a look, and if you check out your database, look for the table named conquest_players, browse the table and look for nationID. You can change the number there. I have no idea if that will mess anything up, I just know that it's easily changeable. I'm sure the coder will have a look at the alliance idea when he gets a chance.

n8td, that link works fine on my board...do you have some template changes or anything on yours?

ArchangelX 04-30-2009 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by Gamelobby (Post 1801443)
The same thing that happens when one team doesn't show up to the game.. lol
What kind of things could you suggest to help people decide..?
In any game you usually have to decide, dont you.?

You cant force people to pick what team they want to play for.. You have to make the teams more appealing to people so they want to join other teams.!
Make themes that people will like. the default themes arer so similar most people could care less which team.
But if you change them to be East vs West vs Central,
or M A F I A families or Heroes or something that people will enjoy being a part of..
That should change everything.

Awesome Mod, cant wait to install the update.!! :up:

Agree completly, I tied mine into the RPG I run...using the backstory. :D

kellyandmark04 04-30-2009 01:53 AM

Thanks archangelx Appreciate it!!!

n8td 04-30-2009 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by ArchangelX (Post 1801566)
n8td, that link works fine on my board...do you have some template changes or anything on yours?

I don't have any template changes for Conquest. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it but no luck.

rknight111 04-30-2009 02:17 AM

I updated it and most of it works.

When I go into Find Random Enemy it comes up with a screen with 6 sets of boxes about 1/4" x 1/4" 3 boxes stacked on top of each other. Is it just mine or does any one else have this issue?:eek: When I click on them it goes to the dont have permission to view page.

eXoOutsider 04-30-2009 03:26 AM

Awesome Mod! Question here, since it updates the gold and shit every 60 minutes, would this affect the server load greatly? I have a large, 50000 members, forum that is already high on CPU load with shoutbox and vbseo, will this do much to the load?

kellyandmark04 04-30-2009 03:43 AM

^^^I would think so.

ArchangelX 04-30-2009 03:49 AM

It's refreshing every single player that is participating in the database, so I'd say so.

ArchangelX 04-30-2009 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by n8td (Post 1801574)
I don't have any template changes for Conquest. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it but no luck.

Hmm...you might want to check and see if there's any mods that are conflicting with it. Try disabling the other mods and see what happens. Also, double-check to make sure you uploaded all the files!

ArchangelX 04-30-2009 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by rknight111 (Post 1801577)
I updated it and most of it works.

When I go into Find Random Enemy it comes up with a screen with 6 sets of boxes about 1/4" x 1/4" 3 boxes stacked on top of each other. Is it just mine or does any one else have this issue?:eek: When I click on them it goes to the dont have permission to view page.

Did you set all the proper permissions in the Usergroups?

Jaxel 04-30-2009 03:14 PM

Okay... lets go over the requests...

1 - changing nations... I'm considering letting users change their nation, but it could potentially be problematic with people constantly changing their nation to spy on people's forums. hmm... how about I make it so that people can change nations, but only after a specified time period? Say 1 week?

2 - donating gold... I really don't like this idea since people start with 1000 gold. I can see people making multiple accounts just to get free money. If I do it this way, I think it would be required to put a limit to donations... Say a user can only donate 10-20% of their total gold.

3 - heroes... interesting idea... would be a lot of work to implement them, so if anything, they wont be coming anytime soon.

DobieGillis? 04-30-2009 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1801865)
Okay... lets go over the requests...

1 - changing nations... I'm considering letting users change their nation, but it could potentially be problematic with people constantly changing their nation to spy on people's forums. hmm... how about I make it so that people can change nations, but only after a specified time period? Say 1 week?

2 - donating gold... I really don't like this idea since people start with 1000 gold. I can see people making multiple accounts just to get free money. If I do it this way, I think it would be required to put a limit to donations... Say a user can only donate 10-20% of their total gold.

3 - heroes... interesting idea... would be a lot of work to implement them, so if anything, they wont be coming anytime soon.

how about allowing just one change of nation, period?

Jaxel 04-30-2009 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by DobieGillis? (Post 1801869)
how about allowing just one change of nation, period?

I can do both... just set your change limit to 1 year, and basically they will only be able to change once.

DobieGillis? 04-30-2009 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1801872)
I can do both... just set your change limit to 1 year, and basically they will only be able to change once.

got it, thanks.

losedude 04-30-2009 05:33 PM

I have a few questions before I install this. VBArmy had a huge problem (At least when I used it) , which was that there wasn't enough gold and at some point no one would have any more gold and would go and farm noobs who joined and then left.

Are these problems still there in this version ?

Gamelobby 04-30-2009 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1801865)
Okay... lets go over the requests...

1 - changing nations... I'm considering letting users change their nation, but it could potentially be problematic with people constantly changing their nation to spy on people's forums. hmm... how about I make it so that people can change nations, but only after a specified time period? Say 1 week?

2 - donating gold... I really don't like this idea since people start with 1000 gold. I can see people making multiple accounts just to get free money. If I do it this way, I think it would be required to put a limit to donations... Say a user can only donate 10-20% of their total gold.

3 - heroes... interesting idea... would be a lot of work to implement them, so if anything, they wont be coming anytime soon.

I say NO to both #1, & #2
#3 would be cool, but we can almost do that ourselves.?

One thing i would like to add to my many other suggestions.. lol
Time limit, so that each game is a certain amount of time. (set in days) So the highest, or richest or biggest wins at the end of the round. otherwise you have people who have been playing for weeks, months, and no new person has a chance.!

Instead of just resetting it whenever you wanted, there would be a timer that tells everyone how much time is left in the current round. (an option to start a new round automatically would be cool too, but might be too much too add ;))


Originally Posted by losedude (Post 1801969)
I have a few questions before I install this. VBArmy had a huge problem (At least when I used it) , which was that there wasn't enough gold and at some point no one would have any more gold and would go and farm noobs who joined and then left.

Are these problems still there in this version ?

I haven't seen any problems like that.. or understand how that could happen.?
You get gold automatically every new cycle which can be set at 10 minutes if you want.!

bamfonk 04-30-2009 06:51 PM


ArchangelX 04-30-2009 06:57 PM

I definetly think #1 is a must...one that that happens is politics. People need to be able to switch if they'd like to. I think it should be left up to the moderator of the board.

#2. I guess that's what I think...it would be a good option for those that want it. My forum has a rule against multiple users, and we track IPs pretty thoroughly with the Alter Ego Multiple Login plugin, so I don't have the problem of having more than one user. I know that you mentioned at the very least, alliances? Where they can share spy information? That would be a neat idea as long as you could limit or possibly control it.

#3, I don't know how we could do that ourselves, Gamelobby? It's definetly something that will require some customization.

Too bad the heroes thing is too much work...heh...would be cool, but I understand how complicated all this is. I think what you've done is pretty cool, Jaxel. Keep up the good work. :D

DobieGillis? 04-30-2009 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by ArchangelX (Post 1802021)
I definetly think #1 is a must...one that that happens is politics. People need to be able to switch if they'd like to. I think it should be left up to the moderator of the board.

#2. I guess that's what I think...it would be a good option for those that want it. My forum has a rule against multiple users, and we track IPs pretty thoroughly with the Alter Ego Multiple Login plugin, so I don't have the problem of having more than one user. I know that you mentioned at the very least, alliances? Where they can share spy information? That would be a neat idea as long as you could limit or possibly control it.

#3, I don't know how we could do that ourselves, Gamelobby? It's definetly something that will require some customization.

Too bad the heroes thing is too much work...heh...would be cool, but I understand how complicated all this is. I think what you've done is pretty cool, Jaxel. Keep up the good work. :D

Indeed! My users are addicted. One problem, no one is posting, they are all playing Conquest, lol!

Hornstar 04-30-2009 08:19 PM

I just did a game reset, but now I cant access any of the admin features, it just goes to this page instead: conquest.php?do=enlist I click on: conquest.php?do=admin_settings but once again it goes straight to: conquest.php?do=enlist

I've checked permissions, refreshed, etc. etc. but it still happens. Looks like a bug.

jacx 04-30-2009 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by ArchangelX (Post 1801347)
Fantastic work!

A couple suggestions...not to put more work on you, but just to improve the game!

Usergroups & Forums: Have each nation be added to a set Usergroup rather than the limited "forum" that's implemented right now. As it is, it's not very good for planning strategy. If users could somehow be added to a usergroup when joining a specific Nation, then they could get access to their nation's forum only. Having usergroup implementation would also allow for different icons in their postbits, as well as other cool features (different headers for example or styles for the forum).

Styles: Can you add an option so that the game is able to use a specific style when you go to it? I have my current RPG setup that way, and it would look really good as I've tied this game in with it as far as the story background is concerned. It would be great if I could use a fancy style to make it look better!

Alliances: Great Idea!

Now this is something I think that would really set itself apart from the other games of it's ilk:


Each hero could purchase their own equipment (such as shields, rings, etc.), and could affect the battles by applying upgraded stats and bonuses to attack and defense. It could be a more personal version, ie, an avatar, for player's armies. The things you could do with this are endless. You could have it to where you can use your spies to stage an assasination on another player's hero that would kill them or put them out of commission for several turns. Heroes could change the tide of battle in that without them, lesser armys WITH them could prevail over larger armies? Or you could have different types of heros, such as Merchant heros that increase capital, spy heros that incrase intelligence ability, offensive heroes, defensive heroes....etc.

Just an idea to really give the game a unique twist. The battles are fun, but it needs a bit more depth, as right now, the game is pretty slow-paced. But it's definetly fun, and the potential is huge!

I find this game is really, really a great idea. I'm a decent art guy so f you need help with any of the art stuff, please let me know!

Heros idea...thumbs up! :up:


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1801865)
Okay... lets go over the requests...

1 - changing nations... I'm considering letting users change their nation, but it could potentially be problematic with people constantly changing their nation to spy on people's forums. hmm... how about I make it so that people can change nations, but only after a specified time period? Say 1 week?

2 - donating gold... I really don't like this idea since people start with 1000 gold. I can see people making multiple accounts just to get free money. If I do it this way, I think it would be required to put a limit to donations... Say a user can only donate 10-20% of their total gold.

3 - heroes... interesting idea... would be a lot of work to implement them, so if anything, they wont be coming anytime soon.

I say no to one...and there is a simple reason really in my case. I actually run webgames and the forums are there to provide for the webgames. All our main games run on a month long basis with top teams/players getting prizes and im looking at this conquest game the same way. Im going to run it as a month long round, so in effect at the end of each month the top player will get a prize and of course the game will be reset so all the players can choose to try a new nation if they so choose to do.

What this also prevents is a forum member who has been playing for 6 months killing noobs who just joined the forum, and we all know thats gonna be a problem.

So my suggestions, the heros idea above, great...donating gold...thats ok as a LOAN to people in the same nation only and maybe limited to x amount to prevent feeding (multi one loans to multi 2 all game long).

Also the ability to see who is in your nation - i know we have nation forums, but it would be nice to see our fellow players in a list form some how too! I know it can be see in

Largest Villages
Richest Villages
however they are all mixed in with other players. aka

Largest Villages
Richest Villages
Nation Villages
" would be nice.

Thinking about it, you almost have the team element in place, you have nation discussion (as a forum), cannot attack or spy on fellow nation guys etc. So a possible idea (and this is just throwing it out there so feel free to stamp it down) is to build on that team element.

Thus players of a nation can vote (cannot vote themselves) once a day who should be full leader of the nation. That person can arrange a truce (in agreement with another leader of a nation) for x amount of hours (no more than 12 say) if they maybe are getting together to bring a 3rd nation down. Thus becuase of the truce the 2 nations cannot attack each other.

anyway last suggestion, noob protection/ weight balance.

what i mean by that is joe blogs has been playing for 7 days, jane doe starts playing and of course joe can kick her arse. So add in a choice of range in the controls. The choice can be attack range of +300 to -300 for example.
What that means is I cannot attack anyone unless they are within the range of having 300 more troops to 300 less.

Those numbers are just examples...its something u can only really know by playing a while and working it out hence the need to be able to select the range.

QUick edit:

quote from one of my guys

"recruiting 74 times turn by turn is a pain in the bum"

lol but his comment has a point, instead of clicking "Invest Work Force to Generate Income" each time how about a box to enter how many turns to process and click once

Gamelobby 04-30-2009 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Gamelobby (Post 1802009)
One thing i would like to add to my many other suggestions.. lol
Time limit, so that each game is a certain amount of time. (set in days) So the highest, or richest or biggest wins at the end of the round. otherwise you have people who have been playing for weeks, months, and no new person has a chance.!

Instead of just resetting it whenever you wanted, there would be a timer that tells everyone how much time is left in the current round. (an option to start a new round automatically would be cool too, but might be too much too add ;))

ArchangelX -
Well i guess it depends on how you run the game.. i dont want the game to be never ending, so switching sides seems like a bad idea to me, everyone will switch to the winning team. I plan on restarting the game every 10 days/2 weeks, or so. So switching teams will just ruin the fairness of the game, i mean someone has to lose. lol

But another thing i think needs to be done is the Recruiting based on percentage..
if a member has 100,000 troops He only needs to use 10 turns to get 10,000 more troops, but if a new member who has 100 troops uses the same 10 turns he can only get 10 troops.
So the rich get richer & bigger while any new comer is kind of screwed. I realize the bigger villages worked to get there, but once they are there, it doesn't welcome new players very well. ;)

Is there a way to make it so you put in the amount of turns you want to use to recruit.?
You get a certain amount of troops based on how many turns you use.? (like 500%)
So 10 turns gets you 50 troops. No matter how big your village is.!!

Gamelobby 04-30-2009 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by jacx (Post 1802099)
Nation Villages


what i mean by that is joe blogs has been playing for 7 days, jane doe starts playing and of course joe can kick her arse. So add in a choice of range in the controls. The choice can be attack range of +300 to -300 for example.
What that means is I cannot attack anyone unless they are within the range of having 300 more troops to 300 less.

Those numbers are just examples...its something u can only really know by playing a while and working it out hence the need to be able to select the range.

Nation Villages.. GREAT IDEA.!!

In range attacks.. The system already has this in place.
You can set it to whatever you want, but i believe it comes as default at 60%. You cannot attack someone under 60 percent of you. (which you can change it to be 90% to make it harder, but that will deter people from even playing the game.)

jacx 04-30-2009 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Gamelobby (Post 1802106)
Nation Villages.. GREAT IDEA.!!

In range attacks.. The system already has this in place.
You can set it to whatever you want, but i believe it comes as default at 60%. You cannot attack someone under 60 percent of you. (which you can change it to be 90% to make it harder, but that will deter people from even playing the game.)

thanks and fair point i forgot about it while i was typing.

ArchangelX 04-30-2009 09:22 PM

I guess what I'm suggesting is that we just be given the OPTION of doing #1. If you guys don't want to allow it, then that's fine...just set your game to allow changes every 10 years or something. But those of us who would like it would have the option to give to our users. I'm building up my version to be a long range version of Conquest...like a year time frame for the game. That's just the way I'd like mine to be.

People change sides all the time in war...that's pretty realistic if you ask me. People go from good to evil, too...and that can be duplicated pretty easily in this game. It'd be nice if Jaxel gave those of us who want it, the opportunity to provide it for our members. You could always not use the option.

For the other discussions, such as recruiting...I don't really think that anyone that just joins should ever be as powerful as someone who's been playing from the beginning...just my opinion. There will always be ways to counter it, I would imagine, by having teamwork/large scale attacks against a single player. My own members have already attacked me and whittled me down...hehehe.

jacx 04-30-2009 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by ArchangelX (Post 1802115)
I guess what I'm suggesting is that we just be given the OPTION of doing #1. If you guys don't want to allow it, then that's fine...just set your game to allow changes every 10 years or something. But those of us who would like it would have the option to give to our users. I'm building up my version to be a long range version of Conquest...like a year time frame for the game. That's just the way I'd like mine to be.

People change sides all the time in war...that's pretty realistic if you ask me. People go from good to evil, too...and that can be duplicated pretty easily in this game. It'd be nice if Jaxel gave those of us who want it, the opportunity to provide it for our members. You could always not use the option.

For the other discussions, such as recruiting...I don't really think that anyone that just joins should ever be as powerful as someone who's been playing from the beginning...just my opinion. There will always be ways to counter it, I would imagine, by having teamwork/large scale attacks against a single player. My own members have already attacked me and whittled me down...hehehe.

Then on that basis ur better off thinking about factions.

Aka rather than it just be nation against nation, that's just the choice of character ur going to be.

So you choose your nation, then create a faction (select create faction, enter faction name) and then invite players into the faction(irrelevant of what nation they choose). From there you can upload a faction pic, have faction forum, have a score board ranking the different factions + a score board of the player rankings aside from their faction.

With that u can add url link invite system to get people to join the faction from outside of the forum (benefit of course is more users in the forums too).

U can add in things like faction weights (x amount of income made goes towards the players in ur factions otherwise known as benefits. Thus logging in today becuase 16 of my faction spent turns today i got xxx dollers in game cash or 1% of income from all the players who played turns today.)

There is a ton of ideas in terms of going down that path....HOWEVER I'm not sure that's the vision of the coder. I think he ment this to be a simple fun game. Adding all of this stuff adds load. But can be a lot of fun! :)

ArchangelX 04-30-2009 09:43 PM

Well yeah, or you could just keep it simple, and allow people to switch nations once every game. ROFL. No reason to start making it more than that. Changing the name from Nation to faction would be easy enough. ;)

I'm pretty happy with the way this is going, though. At the very least, I'm just wanting to pretty it up now a bit so I'm trying to figure out how to apply a style to it specifically. But yeah, I do see what you're getting at and it sounds epic.

I just don't want Jaxel to run away thinking "Oh crap, what have I started?". :D

jacx 04-30-2009 09:49 PM

thats part of the fun.

Actually im not sure about others...but once he gets it down to a final version (of course not meaning he won't update but u know what i mean) I intend to send him a donation, what he has done is fun and fresh and full props to him.

As for the faction vs nation bit...what i really ment was instead of the nations being fixed and no cross attacking (2 players from the same nation cannot attack each other) its unfixed and thus can team up with friends irrelevant of the nation.

Again though...thats the fun of this, my game will be monthly vs your game which will be yearly meaning there is so many ways to adjust this and be different...which is cool!

ArchangelX 04-30-2009 09:52 PM

The style fix! Just in case people want to apply a certain style!

Create a new plugin using the "style_fetch" hook. Name it whatever you want.

Put this code in, and change the X to the style ID you'd like it to use!


if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'conquest'){
$styleid = X;


Matrixthestar 04-30-2009 10:21 PM

what was updated??

ArchangelX 04-30-2009 10:35 PM

Umm...if you were talking to me, that's no update, it's just for whoever wants to apply a specific style to the Conquest system. :)

Jaxel 04-30-2009 11:27 PM

I really like this faction idea... I think in my next update I'll convert to this system. Nations will become "characters", and factions will be free. Anyone can will be able to attack any "character", but they will not be able to attack people in their own faction. And of course, people will be able to join and leave factions freely.

Of course, I wont be able to get to this next update for some time. I've picked up some freelance work from a professor at the college I graduated from, and paying jobs take more priority than this free stuff.

Thank you ArchangelX and DobieGillis for your donations!

Jaxel 04-30-2009 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by jacx (Post 1802130)
but once he gets it down to a final version

Jacx... the version I uploaded IS a finished version. It is NOT a beta.

wishdragon 05-01-2009 12:04 AM

Anyone know where in particualar you can change the td info on the link for conquest? It auto wrote it but the background of the td does not match the background for the rest of the nav bar.

I checked in the header and nav on the skin i use and cant find it anywhere. I told vbulletin to do a search in all templates for conquest.php words and it finds it nowhere.

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  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • printthread_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete