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Rckcrwlr 02-17-2009 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by FullyTested (Post 1746942)
What do you mean?

I unzipped them and there is two files and this is what I get...

FullyTested 02-17-2009 03:02 PM

Hmmm, well it was zipped on a Mac but other people have downloaded it and all files were in place.
Not sure what to say. Can you try downloading it again?

Rckcrwlr 02-17-2009 04:32 PM

I give up on this one...it seems that there are multiple files within the zip that keeps wanting to overwrite the others...

I'll try at a later date...


FullyTested 02-17-2009 08:29 PM

Sorry for all the auto PM's sent out from this thread.
I was trying to zip the file using different software to see if the MacOS files still show.
In addition, I have fixed a couple of bugs that showed up after changing the code to allow for the display of the rank score.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

zglows 02-17-2009 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Rckcrwlr (Post 1747068)
I give up on this one...it seems that there are multiple files within the zip that keeps wanting to overwrite the others...

I'll try at a later date...


When you unzip the file it asks you if you want to overwrite. You just click 'Yes to all' and all files get extracted correctly.
I can see the unzipped files just fine.

Rckcrwlr 02-17-2009 09:11 PM

FT has been working with me to figure it out.

This is what I get if I click on the zip file...but to try to extract it I get the errors due to the duplicate file names.





SymbioteK 02-17-2009 09:36 PM

Originally Posted by SymbioteK
just not there client side.....
If you use custom/modified postbit templates then please ensure that they include the following (from original postbit template):
- $post[posts]
- $template_hook[postbit_messagearea_start]
- $template_hook[postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts]

Yes, I have these in my postbit - nothing shows regardless.

Can I sticky you my postbit to see if there is some other problem?

FullyTested 02-17-2009 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by SymbioteK (Post 1747292)
Can I sticky you my postbit to see if there is some other problem?

Yes sure.

By the way version 1.8 is latest.
I must be getting tired as I am missing obvious things, so will be calling it a night (Europe)
Please do report any issues you encounter.

Thank you.

Leo Brazil 02-18-2009 11:02 AM


After the sequence of updates I've got a little lost.
My current version installed is 1.6, my question: From this version to last one 1.8 what files actualy changed ? Just the product it self ?

Sorry, not complains about this, this mod is great and those several updates means that you really care about "Supported" is.

FullyTested 02-18-2009 11:14 AM

Hi Leo Brazil,

Anything above 1.5 only requires a re-import of the product.
Sorry about all the updates.

Leo Brazil 02-18-2009 11:42 AM

Thanks for the info and don't be sorry, like I said it means you are giving good support for people here.

SymbioteK 02-18-2009 09:30 PM

Ideally, I would use this as a means to give kudos to members.


1. on the home page, show a report of top top posters of all time, top 10 this month so far, and at then same in each forum.

(2) Send an auto email to all members each month with the stats.


zglows 02-19-2009 02:51 PM

The originals are the best but here are some more images you can use:

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2009/02/13.gif https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2009/02/14.gif

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2009/02/15.gif https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2009/02/16.gif

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2009/02/17.gif https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2009/02/18.gif

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2009/02/19.gif https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2009/02/20.gif

blissend 02-19-2009 05:41 PM

w00t! This mod looks very promising so I'm testing it out now.

Would you consider having posts fade away with something like an opacity change the more negatively ranked they are? Like...


Basically lowest is nearly invisible and the higher its rated the more highlighted and visible it becomes. Is this an idea worthy of considering? 8)

FullyTested 02-19-2009 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by SymbioteK (Post 1748473)
on the home page, show a report of top top posters of all time, top 10 this month

Thanks, I'll keep this in mind for future updates.


Originally Posted by blissend (Post 1749227)
Would you consider having posts fade away with something like an opacity change the more negatively ranked they are?

I tried that when I first created this mod and found out that it makes the thread much more difficult to read. It ended up looking like a gimmick rather than something useful.
I do agree that it looks and works very well on Engadget where they have an all white page and posts.

Vaupell 02-19-2009 09:55 PM

arrghh downloaded the update, and opended the readme
and again MAC txt file on windows , naaa its all just one long line.

hope nothing importent in there, simply not gonna go through this once again
cause of a txt file.

html / doc = formatting = cross platform compatable.

Playa82 02-20-2009 07:06 PM

nice hack, but i get this error in my user profiles...

see attached image

jujubins 02-21-2009 08:56 PM

He can work like this:
yellow +10
green +20
blue +30

red -10
hide -20
delete -30

kavehch 02-21-2009 10:10 PM

i dont download this hack if i download i dont extract please rar this file to me thanks a lot

itsheinz 02-22-2009 02:27 PM

what seems to be the problem,the images are not showing..

FullyTested 02-23-2009 10:45 PM

Notepad++ is free!

You must have another mod that is calling the 'member_profileblock_fetch_unwrapped' hook multiple times.

Not sure what you mean...

Winzip is free!

Did you place the images in the images/misc folder and/or have you changed the link to that folder in the vBulletin settings?

Playa82 02-24-2009 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by FullyTested (Post 1752759)
You must have another mod that is calling the 'member_profileblock_fetch_unwrapped' hook multiple times.

thanks, got it now.

morrow 02-25-2009 09:52 PM

When I click, I don't see the number increase or decrease in either IE 7 or Firefox.

zglows 02-26-2009 11:26 AM

Morrow, when you click the number stays the same. You need to refresh the page in order to see the new count.

FullyTested 02-26-2009 02:00 PM

version 1.9
Added multiple search features via the admin cp
You can now search by rank, by post, or by percentile (ie. those who always vote 'down' 80% of the time)


For versions LOWER than 1.5, follow the install instructions.
For versions HIGHER than 1.5:
1). re-FTP admincp/postrank.php to your server
2). re-FTP includes/xml/cpnav_postrank.xml to your server
3). re-import the product with 'Allow Overwrite' selected

morrow 02-26-2009 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by zglows (Post 1755128)
Morrow, when you click the number stays the same. You need to refresh the page in order to see the new count.

Doesn't work. Using firefox and IE. Click, it grays out, I refresh, number still at zero.

FullyTested 02-26-2009 09:18 PM

Are you talking about the figures that show up when you click the view stats link?
If so, then those only change when a post reaches a rank threshold value.

inciarco 02-26-2009 10:22 PM

Great Mod, Thank You For Sharing It. :up:

Works Fine on vB373.

Some Ideas:

1. Would be Nice for Users to be Able to Change their Votes. (I think this is Important, in case someone Voted by Mistake Choosing the Wrong Option).

2. Would be Nice to have an Option to Choose/Write Which Usergroups Can See the Mod, (on Postbit, on User Profile, and Other Places the Mod Works), so that Resources can be Saved. (I'd like Only Registered Users and other Usergroups of Members of my Forums to be able to see the Mod, and Not Unregistered Visitos, to Save Resources).

My Best Regards.


inciarco 02-27-2009 12:16 AM


- When Choosing to Hide Very Low Ranked Posts they are Hidden From Registered Users, but NOT From UnRegistered Users (Visitors); for Visitors the Posts Appear Extended and Not Collapsed. :confused:

- Also When Choosing to Highlight Very High Ranked Posts they are Highlighted For Registered Users, but NOT For UnRegistered Users (Visitors); for Visitors the Posts Appear Normal and Not Highlighted. :confused:

- When Leaving Highlight Color (message and/or username area) Blank (with no Hex Value), then those Areas Appear with a Neutral Color, Not the (Alt1 or Alt2 CSS Color) :confused:; it'd be Nice that if Leaving Any or Both of this Fields Blank, the Mod Uses the Original Alt1 and/or Alt2 to be Used on the Postbits that are to be Highlighted. ;)

My Best Regards.


zglows 02-27-2009 12:30 AM

1.9 works great.

inciarco 02-27-2009 01:42 AM

Other Idea:

- Is Important to Add a Yes/No Option to Allow (or Not) Users to Rate Their Own Posts. ;)

(Like on the Post Thank You Hack there's an Option to Allow or Not Users to Thank Themselves).

(In many cases Admins Won't Like Users to Rate/Rank Their Own Posts).

My Best Regards.


FullyTested 02-27-2009 09:28 AM

inciarco, thanks for your feedback.


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 1755700)
- Is Important to Add a Yes/No Option to Allow (or Not) Users to Rate Their Own Posts. ;)


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 1755582)
Would be Nice for Users to be Able to Change their Votes.

Since their vote is only one of many, it really makes no difference.


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 1755700)
Would be Nice to have an Option to Choose/Write Which Usergroups Can See the Mod

I'll look into adding this into next version


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 1755654)
- When Choosing to Hide Very Low Ranked Posts they are Hidden From Registered Users, but NOT From UnRegistered Users (Visitors); for Visitors the Posts Appear Extended and Not Collapsed. :confused:
- Also When Choosing to Highlight Very High Ranked Posts they are Highlighted For Registered Users, but NOT For UnRegistered Users (Visitors); for Visitors the Posts Appear Normal and Not Highlighted. :confused:

This was designed this way since hiding and highlighting posts is a user option (user = member)


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 1755654)
- When Leaving Highlight Color (message and/or username area) Blank (with no Hex Value), then those Areas Appear with a Neutral Color, Not the (Alt1 or Alt2 CSS Color) :confused:; it'd be Nice that if Leaving Any or Both of this Fields Blank, the Mod Uses the Original Alt1 and/or Alt2 to be Used on the Postbits that are to be Highlighted. ;)

This means you do not want to use the highlighting option.
Simply disable this feature and the post will have its original Alt1 and Alt2 colours.
Or, if you only want one side to have the Alt colour then why not insert that colour as the value?

aibon 02-27-2009 02:56 PM

there seems to be a major Bug. sometimes it works only on second click.
checking with firebug i can see that the first ajax request most always returns a 503

Switch02 02-27-2009 03:24 PM

Very nice work here mate congrats i will try it. ;)

FullyTested 02-27-2009 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by aibon (Post 1756172)
there seems to be a major Bug. sometimes it works only on second click.
checking with firebug i can see that the first ajax request most always returns a 503

I am unable to duplicate this on Firefox running Firebug.
It always works on first click for me.
Can you provide more details please.

vbboarder 02-27-2009 07:22 PM

Thanks for this useful mod, nominated for MOTM!

Bugs Report:
1. When a user sets to auto collapse the lowest ranked posts, and then manually expands those posts, the reply & multi-quote buttons do not show up in both IE7 & FF3. Not sure if you intentionally left those buttons out, but those buttons may still be needed even for lowest ranked posts.

2. Clicking on the "# rank" link does not change it to "+upvote / -downvote" in IE7, but does work in FF3.

inciarco 02-28-2009 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by FullyTested (Post 1755872)
inciarco, thanks for your feedback.
This was designed this way since hiding and highlighting posts is a user option (user = member)

The Member Option (or Choosing to Apply that Option in All Cases) is Working Ok.

What is Not Working Fine is that If I Choose to Hide Very Low Ranked Posts, then the Hiding of Posts Only Work for Registered Members and Not For Unregistered Members.

If I'm a Unregistered Member then I can see Low Ranked Posts as well as the Other Posts No Matter the User's Will to Hide those Posts; the Hiding Rules are Only Applying to Registered Users and Not to Unregistered Ones.

It Should Apply to Registered Members as well as for Unregistered Members, (All Usergroups).

Make the Test:

- Choose to Hide Very Low Ranked Posts.
- Logged as Any User Verify that Any Post is Being Hide.
- Now as a Guest (Non Registered User), in Other Window, see that same Post... You'll see that It's Not Being Hidden for Guests. (That's the Bug - Hidden for Registered Users and Not for Unregistered ones). :confused:

I Hope You can Fix that Bug on your Next Update. ;)

Really Great Mod, Congratulations and Once Again Thank You For Sharing It. :up:

My Best Regards.


inciarco 02-28-2009 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by FullyTested (Post 1755872)
inciarco, thanks for your feedback.
This means you do not want to use the highlighting option.
Simply disable this feature and the post will have its original Alt1 and Alt2 colours.
Or, if you only want one side to have the Alt colour then why not insert that colour as the value?

Actually I noticed that when the Highlight Option is Enabled, and I try to select a Post to Moderate it in any way, then the Moderation Color don't Overwrite the Hoghlight Color, so I was planning to Enable Only the Highlight for the Title and leave the Content with the Original Color (Leaving Blank that particular Hightlight Option), so that when I Moderate the Content/Body of the Post has the Moderation Background Color, but as I explained when I leaved the Field Blank then a Neutral Color Appeared Damaging the Layout Background Color for the Post's Body/Content, that's why I suggested that when Leaving any of those 2 Fields Blank, then the Mod Leaves the Original Alt1 and/or Alt2 CSS Classes of those Table Cells, so that when Moderating those Posts the Post gets the Moderation Background Color when Clicking the Selection Box of that Post.

(Moderate the Post can mean Copy it, and is important to have the Visual Background Help to know which Posts are being Moderated at certain time).

I Hope this can be Applied, is a Simple Logic Sentence, <if> Field/Option is Not Blank then Apply Background Color </if>, and you see that if Field is Blank then No Style will be Applied to the Cell and the Forum Softeware will use the Defaul Alt1 or Alt2 CSS Style.

My Best Regards.


aibon 02-28-2009 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by FullyTested (Post 1756303)
I am unable to duplicate this on Firefox running Firebug.
It always works on first click for me.
Can you provide more details please.

i dont know what more details i could provide... it just doesnt work on the first click. and the ajax call returns a 503.

i dont' know what more details i can get out of this. suggestions please?

aibon 02-28-2009 03:45 PM

solved the problem. don't know why i didn't looked in the response directly.
my database user didnt have rights to use 'Lock Tables'. don't know why this doesn't make problmes in the rest of the board.

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