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Sorky 07-29-2009 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by MentaL (Post 1857525)
I can give you the forum url and thats about it sorry :(

Looked - I cannot help as you do not even have my plugin installed. I would be happy to install it for you if you would like (PM me).

TheSavant 08-07-2009 08:21 PM

I had this going perfect then something happened and I can't get this to display my subforms in columns right.

Forum structure is:

-Venues (form closed/header only)
----team 1 ----team 2 ----team3
----team4 ----team5 ----etc

I have adjusted the forum listing display options to no avail. Any idea what happened or what am i doing wrong?


Sorky 08-07-2009 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by TheSavant (Post 1863276)
I had this going perfect then something happened and I can't get this to display my subforms in columns right.

Turn the debug option on and PM me a URL and I'll take a look...

daCocio 08-08-2009 10:51 AM

How does this mod differ from Cyb - Sub-Forum Manager?

Sorky 08-08-2009 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by daCocio (Post 1863486)
How does this mod differ from Cyb - Sub-Forum Manager?

I once used his but I wanted more...
  1. a different number of columns for different forums
  2. vertical sorting
  3. expand/collapse
  4. more/less
  5. sub-subforums can be shown with indent
  6. +++

RedDevil 08-09-2009 04:06 AM

Very nice - installed

One question.

I have the std and a dark style on my forum, is there a way to make it use the default background colours, its the only thing spoiling it at the minute, other wise excellent.

Sorky 08-09-2009 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by Red-Devil (Post 1863905)
One question.

I have the std and a dark style on my forum, is there a way to make it use the default background colours, its the only thing spoiling it at the minute, other wise excellent.

Easy - Adjust the formatting in "SubForum list Formatting (combines with all previous settings)"

use class="@@@" and define @@@ as you want it in each style ;-)

RedDevil 08-09-2009 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1863915)
Easy - Adjust the formatting in "SubForum list Formatting (combines with all previous settings)"

use class="@@@" and define @@@ as you want it in each style ;-)

wonderful thanks - 100% improved

Sorky 08-15-2009 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by MentaL (Post 1857525)
I can give you the forum url and thats about it sorry :(

I see you now have it working - great news. Please remember to mark as installed.

Sorky 08-16-2009 02:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Change Log

1. Description for the SubForums (as alt text)
2. Description for the SubForums (before/after the count)
3. Other minor coding and commenting adjustments

More detail

Meola 08-17-2009 05:48 AM

Fantastic! thank you Sorky!
Is this MOD compatible with this hack? ForumHome Category Spacing [3.8]

And one more request! as you know, it's impossible to prevent showing subforums for certain forums on homepage by default, is this feature available now on your MOD?!

Sorky 08-17-2009 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Meola (Post 1868935)
Fantastic! thank you Sorky!
Is this MOD compatible with this hack? ForumHome Category Spacing [3.8]

And one more request! as you know, it's impossible to prevent showing subforums for certain forums on homepage by default, is this feature available now on your MOD?!

You can easily test by loading and enabling mine - If it doesn't work, let me know and I'll be happy to investigate.

My PlugIn has an option to hide specific SubForums (they must be in the "SubForums:..." section).

cbiweb 09-01-2009 11:10 PM

OUCH! :eek: I'm getting this error:

Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=30) state=2 in localhost:\path\to\forums\includes\functions_forum list.php(501) : eval()'d code on line 2

Running vBulletin 3.8.4, and version 1.8.0 of this mod.

Sorky 09-02-2009 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by cbiweb (Post 1878100)
Unexpected character in input: (ASCII=30) state=2

I can understand the character existing but it is usually removed - unless some other PlugIn or a manual template change is interfering.

Originally Posted by cbiweb (Post 1878100)
Running vBulletin 3.8.4, and version 1.8.0 of this mod.

I have that same setup verified here, so there must be something else...

Standard debugging...
  1. Disable all PlugIns except this and make sure it is working with a completely default standard style.
  2. Try with your other styles.
  3. Re-enable other Plug-Ins one by one.

I'll be happy to have a look for you if you PM me a link and login.

cbiweb 09-03-2009 01:58 AM

I'm developing on my local machine, not able to give access to that. :)

But I did install your mod in a default vBulletin installation, with no other changed settings or templates or add-ons. And still get this:

Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=29) state=2 in localhost:\path\to\forums\includes\functions_forumlist.php(501) : eval()'d code on line 2

Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=30) state=2 in localhost:\path\to\forums\includes\functions_forumlist.php(501) : eval()'d code on line 2

Notice the two different ASCII references. These two lines of error messages repeat themselves down the whole page of the site.

Sorky 09-03-2009 09:35 AM

If it is stock-standard, I'd expect myself and everyone to have the same problem...

But if you say so, there must be something else...
  • OS?
  • Web Server?
  • PHP version?
  • MySQL version?

I've sent you a PM with a suggested edit - let me know how it goes!

cbiweb 09-03-2009 11:22 PM

Windows XP Home
Apache 2.0.55
PHP 5.2.1
MySQL 5.0.37

I've replied to your PM.

cbiweb 09-04-2009 12:05 AM

Okay, I tried it on the remote server on my test board, and it works perfectly there. Very strange! But glad to know it will work for my members. :)

Sorky 09-04-2009 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by cbiweb (Post 1879324)
Okay, I tried it on the remote server on my test board, and it works perfectly there. Very strange! But glad to know it will work for my members. :)

Glad it is working... Now if only I can figure out why you had trouble:confused:

cbiweb 09-05-2009 10:32 PM

It can only be a local setting on my Apache or something. I don't have the time or ambition to track it down, but long as it works on the live server for visitors, that's good enough for me. Thanks. :)

Sorky 09-07-2009 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by cbiweb (Post 1880315)
It can only be a local setting on my Apache or something. I don't have the time or ambition to track it down, but long as it works on the live server for visitors, that's good enough for me. Thanks. :)

For what it is worth, my test system uses...
Windows XP Pro

  • Apache 2.2.8
  • PHP 5.2.6
  • MySQL 5.0.51b

xuanhuy238 09-25-2009 03:20 AM

Hi Sorky,

Thanks for this hack but I got some problem from this. I set SubForum "Sort Alphabetically" but it doesn't work. When any subforums had a new post and it auto-sort to the first.

I set Depth of Sub-Forums = 1.

Link: http://yega.game4v.vn/

I need your help!

Sorky 10-01-2009 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by xuanhuy238 (Post 1890279)
Thanks for this hack but I got some problem from this. I set SubForum "Sort Alphabetically" but it doesn't work. When any subforums had a new post and it auto-sort to the first.

Sent you a PM asking for admin access so I can check it out - or you can turn debug on and I can have a quick look... Never had any issue with sorting before, but to be honest I never investigated the sorting in non-English, so I may need to do something due to that.

itsheinz 10-01-2009 08:45 AM

installed :) thankies :D:

xuanhuy238 10-02-2009 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1893181)
Sent you a PM asking for admin access so I can check it out - or you can turn debug on and I can have a quick look... Never had any issue with sorting before, but to be honest I never investigated the sorting in non-English, so I may need to do something due to that.

Hi Sorky,

I was waiting for your reply, thanks! :up:

But I don't see any PM from you and I turn on debug mode, you can take a look here.

This is the log:
HTML Code:

<script type="text/javascript">
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.8.0 - Debug Information
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default behaviour (value in brackets below)              =  5
// (0) Forums with original SubForum behaviour              = 
// (1) Forums with SubForums hidden                          = 
// (2) Forums with the new SubForum formatting              = 
// (3) Forums with 1 SubForum column                        = 
// (4) Forums with 2 SubForum columns                        = 
// (5) Forums with 3 SubForum columns                        = 
// (6) Forums with 4 SubForum columns                        = 
// (7) Forums with 5 SubForum columns                        = 
// (8) Forums with 6 SubForum columns                        = 
// (9) Forums with 7 SubForum columns                        = 
// (10) Forums with 8 SubForum columns                      = 
// (11) Forums with 9 SubForum columns                      = 
// (12) Forums with 10 SubForum columns                      = 
// Should SubForum length be limited (0=A,1=S,2=U,3=N)      =  3
// SubForums to limit or not (only if the above = 1 or 2)    = 
// Maximum number of SubForums to show                      =  0
// How to display more (0=text/1=link/2=expand)              =  2
// Text to use if there are hidden SubForums                =  &lt;More...&gt;
// Text to use if there are SubForums to be hidden          =  &lt;Less...&gt;
// SubForum Descriptions (0=A,1=S,2=U,3=N)                  =  3
// SubForums for descriptions (only if the above = 1 or 2)  = 
// SubForum Description mode (0=N,1=Anchor,2=Before,3=After) =  0
// Max length of SubForum description                        =  50
// Characters that indicate the description is cut off      =  ...
// Characters to preceed the SubForum description            =  &lt;
// Characters to follow the SubForum description            =  &gt;
// SubForum outer box table formatting                      = 
// SubForum table formatting                                = 
// SubForum element formatting                              = 
// SubForum sorting (0=H,1=AH,2=AV,3=V)                      =  1
// Sort ForumOrder-Horizontal Forums                        = 
// Sort ForumOrder-Vertical Forums                          = 
// Sort Alphabetic-Horizontal Forums                        = 
// Sort Alphabetic-Vertical Forums                          = 
// Text to indent with                                      = 
// Separator to use between SubForum names                  = 
// SubForums to not display in the SubForum list            = 
// Should Forums show counts on SubForum (0=A,1=S,2=U,3=N)  =  3
// Forums to show or not (only if the above = 1 or 2)        = 
// Should the count include Sub-SubForums (0=A,1=I,2=E,3=N)  =  3
// Forums to count or not (only if the above = 1 or 2)      = 
// Count display format (0=N,1=T,2=P,3=TP,4=PT)              =  0
// Count start character                                    =  &nbsp;(
// Count middle character                                    =  /
// Count end character                                      =  )&nbsp;
// Count formatting HTML                                    =  style="font-size:10px; color:darkgray;"
// Hide zero counts (1=Y,0=N)                                =  0
// Should Forums show counts (0=A,1=S,2=U,3=N)              =  3
// Forums to show or not (only if the above = 1 or 2)        = 
// Allow collapse of SubForum list (0=A,1=S,2=U,3=N)        =  3
// Forums to allow or not (only if the above = 1 or 2)      = 
// Expand (Show) image                                      =  images/buttons/collapse_thead_collapsed.gif
// Expand (Show) alt text                                    =  Show SubForums
// Collapse (Hide) image                                    =  images/buttons/collapse_thead.gif
// Collapse (Hide) alt text                                  =  Hide SubForums
// Expanded/Collapsed/Previous default (0=E,1=C,2=P)        =  2
// Default if the above = 2 (0=E,1=C)                        =  1
// SubForum heading text                                    = 
// Forum description formatting HTML                        =  class="smallfont" style="margin: 10px 10px 0px 10px"
// Align icons to the top (1=Y,0=N)                          =  0
// Use full column width (1=Y,0=N)                          =  1
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

trotskid 10-03-2009 01:48 AM

Hi. It's possible hide a sub-subforum from the subforums page?

Something like that:




matrex722 10-03-2009 04:48 PM

is there any way to change the sup forum color from this mod

RadioErewan 10-07-2009 12:14 AM

Mod raises dozens of
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=30) state=2 in /myforumpath/includes/functions_forumlist.php(501) : eval()'d code on line 1

Sorky 10-07-2009 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by xuanhuy238 (Post 1893606)
I turn on debug mode, you can take a look here

I have duplicated all your settings for my mod on my system and it all works perfectly for me... Either a problem with the character set (Vietnamese?) or some other setting. What settings do you have for the "Forum Listings Display Options"?

Sorky 10-07-2009 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by matrex722 (Post 1894273)
is there any way to change the sup forum color from this mod

Of course, just look at the sample screen shots in the first post or from others!

I put some default values (style="font-size:12px;" bgcolor="#DDDDDD") in the options so that you would know what could be entered and where. Edit or remove as required. ;)

Sorky 10-07-2009 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by RadioErewan (Post 1895907)
Mod raises dozens of Warning...

I had this reported before, but have not been able to reproduce it. Scroll down a couple of posts and you will see the discussion about it. The reporter did not have the problem on the their live system, only the test system, so I presume it has to be an issue with the PHP version or some setting in the server.

I'm happy to try and help if I can.

Sorky 10-07-2009 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by trotskid (Post 1894045)
Hi. It's possible hide a sub-subforum from the subforums page?

It looks like you have the "Forum Listings Display Options" / "Depth of Forums - Forum Home" &/ "Depth of Forums - Forum Display" set as 2. I think you will be happier with them set as 1.

RadioErewan 10-07-2009 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1896075)
I had this reported before, but have not been able to reproduce it. Scroll down a couple of posts and you will see the discussion about it. The reporter did not have the problem on the their live system, only the test system, so I presume it has to be an issue with the PHP version or some setting in the server.

I'm happy to try and help if I can.

It is production server, testvb instalation. It raises warnings to all chr29 and chr30 manipulations. I do not understand why are you using this two markers, so can not fix it.


Sorky 10-07-2009 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by RadioErewan (Post 1896090)
I do not understand why are you using this two markers, so can not fix it.

Char 29 & 30 are used as they would not impact any forum names. You can always open my XML file and do a search and replace in my product xml of "chr(29)" to "chr(221)" and "chr(30)" to "chr(222)" <Check if those numbers work and are not valid in your character set>

xuanhuy238 10-08-2009 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1896071)
I have duplicated all your settings for my mod on my system and it all works perfectly for me... Either a problem with the character set (Vietnamese?) or some other setting. What settings do you have for the "Forum Listings Display Options"?

Depth of Forums - Forum Home: 2
Depth of Forums - Forum Display: 0
Depth of Sub-Forums: 1

I sent you an PM now you can access to my forum to have a quick look.

P/S: My forum use Vietnamese but some box like Sony PlayStation they have many child forums (PS, PS2, PS3, PSP) but sorting problem is always appear...

trotskid 10-09-2009 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1896077)
It looks like you have the "Forum Listings Display Options" / "Depth of Forums - Forum Home" &/ "Depth of Forums - Forum Display" set as 2. I think you will be happier with them set as 1.

That's it. Thank you!

Sorky 10-12-2009 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by xuanhuy238 (Post 1896501)
I sent you an PM now you can access to my forum to have a quick look.

Sorry for the delay... I had a look and I can see that it is trying to sort, but the alphabetic order is getting confused. You can see this by selecting the different sorting options and you will see that the display order does change.

Two options now are:
1) Give me a higher login access so I can check the forums, styles and the plug-in code
2) Manually set the 'forum display order' that you would like to see each SubForum appear in [do this in the forum manager] and set my PlugIns sorting option as "forum display order across/down"

Let me know how you go!

xuanhuy238 10-13-2009 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1898515)

1) Give me a higher login access so I can check the forums, styles and the plug-in code

I choose this one and you can check my forums again.

Hope the problem will be solved soon. :)

Sorky 10-13-2009 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by xuanhuy238 (Post 1898927)
I choose this one and you can check my forums again

I believe I have it working properly... Seems that your site also has issues with chr(29) and chr(30) [it strips them which stuffs up my PlugIn]

I did a search and replace in my product xml of "chr(29)" to "chr(221)" and "chr(30)" to "chr(222)" which seems to have solved everything. Not sure it those characters will have an impact on the names given the Vietnamese character set. Let me know how it goes before I make this a permanent change for all.

xuanhuy238 10-14-2009 04:23 AM

Thank you and love you so much! :D

Sorting fuction seems to be work but some characters in Vietnamese was sorted not correctly.

Now: A - B - C .. - Z - ? - ? - 1 - 2 - 3 (???)

Correct (in vietnamese): 1 - 2 - 3 - A - ? - ? (or ? Ạ ? Ả) - B - C ... - Z

Would you please to help me again?

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