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The Geek 01-22-2009 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by tintructo (Post 1721409)
any news on the ksort problem with the XML with all the sites ? :)

Haven't been able to duplicate. It shouldn't prevent imports though.


Originally Posted by lowlight (Post 1721430)
Wow, many tables are messed up. Our database is huge, this is going to take hours.

What does the plugin attempt to do when you install it? Whatever it was, it was pretty serious.

AME adds a flag field to the posts, blog and groups tables. This allows people to disable embedding as well as to greatly speed up processing. If your posts table is massive, it will take a while to do, but it isn't an abnormal practise. Sounds like your tables may have already been in a state, especially if you have to repair additional tables. Its a good idea to backup your db before installing a mod that makes changes to the DB structure. Hope your repair goes smoothly :)


Originally Posted by TCB (Post 1721543)
Thanks for this fantastic mod. How's gars and gal going currently?

Thanks :) Gars and GAL (and other thevbgeek.com scripts) are owned and supported by another author now (a very fine one might I add). I only upgraded this because it needed to be and it was a quick job :)


tintructo 01-22-2009 09:31 PM

the code in automediaembed_admin.php in line 2515 is :

PHP Code:


BUT, it should be

PHP Code:


the ksort not functioning makes the display of the sites unordered. with this fix it should work fine =)


The Geek 01-22-2009 09:36 PM

Thanks for that. Ill update for next release :)

Manic Mechanic 01-23-2009 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1721093)
Thanks Geek! Will test it out right now and start working on the next set of defs if all is well. :up:

You like having to give your users special instructions on how to use BBCode and then make them extract a set of numbers from the URL everytime, rather then just have them post the URL to the video and not even have to let them think about it? Okay. Just keep in mind, there's more then 20 to 30 sites that BBCode wouldn't even work with, because their videos have no video ID and AME converts them without having to even tell your users that it's going to embed.

Post the link to the Imeem URL that's not converting, but post it in the thread you downloaded my definitions from if you haven't already. I haven't checked those threads as of this post.

If you're using mine, then I haven't implemented that yet. Mainly because I didn't know how to use it. Now that I see the The Geek has one in his default install, I can reverse engineer what he did and I'll have it ready for the next 2.5 Defs update.

Make sure your using my set of definitions for 2.5 (Delta) and not the set for 2.0 (Third Time's the Charm).

Thank you I was still using 2.0 definitions.

tintructo 01-23-2009 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1721610)
Thanks for that. Ill update for next release :)

i just found out the ksort isn't working, because it can't re-order with values that actually are arrays..

you should use usort and make the custom comparing function to check the titles so it's ordered by name :)

Digital Jedi 01-23-2009 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by tintructo (Post 1721857)
i just found out the ksort isn't working, because it can't re-order with values that actually are arrays..

you should use usort and make the custom comparing function to check the titles so it's ordered by name :)

Are you saying that definitions aren't sorting by name for you? Because I've never had an problems as long as they were all set to the same number. Or are you refering to the sort order inside the XML file?

Digital Jedi 01-23-2009 09:28 AM

Okay, you got me: I don't I understand how the Validation tool works. What is the RegEx checking for to determine if a video can be embedded or not?

Also, running this on my demo board, the default YouTube definition doesn't convert anything. It just turns videos into the little Film icon and nothing more.

The Geek 01-23-2009 10:46 AM

Updated package to 2.5.3

This is a minor update which solves the ksort error some have reported while importing and a bug where non validated media wasnt showing the link.

Upgrade as normal :)

The Geek 01-23-2009 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1722100)
Okay, you got me: I don't I understand how the Validation tool works. What is the RegEx checking for to determine if a video can be embedded or not?

Also, running this on my demo board, the default YouTube definition doesn't convert anything. It just turns videos into the little Film icon and nothing more.

The validation works like this:

If the validation field has a value and extraction is on, then AME will scan the contents of the destination page for the existence of the validation field. If it finds the value, it is validated, otherwise not.

For instance, the following regexp is actually part of the HTML input box that contains youtubes Embed code IF the video can be embeded. If not, this regexp won't validate because the input box actually says 'Embedding disabled by request' instead of the HTML needed to embed:

There was a bug prior to 2.5.3 that prevented the title appearing in a non validated result (just the icon showed).

HTHs :)

Digital Jedi 01-23-2009 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1722176)
The validation works like this:

If the validation field has a value and extraction is on, then AME will scan the contents of the destination page for the existence of the validation field. If it finds the value, it is validated, otherwise not.

For instance, the following regexp is actually part of the HTML input box that contains youtubes Embed code IF the video can be embeded. If not, this regexp won't validate because the input box actually says 'Embedding disabled by request' instead of the HTML needed to embed:

There was a bug prior to 2.5.3 that prevented the title appearing in a non validated result (just the icon showed).

HTHs :)

Ah, I see. My logic was completely inverted. I'll see if I can update my other YouTube defs after breakfast.

Digital Jedi 01-23-2009 12:38 PM

Okay, the first major thing I'm running into is, the non-embeddable videos are indeed converting to links, but the link doesn't go a valid URL. It seems to be using the title instead of the URL.

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZcG0...eature=related
Converts: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ YouTube - Boyz II Men - End Of The Road

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsd0pKGr2Os
Converts: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ YouTube - The Jets - The Same Love

Also, the source code in the default YouTube definition is no longer used by YouTube, so not all videos will load in that case.

The Geek 01-23-2009 01:03 PM

Hmmm. I made a couple tweaks to includes/ame_bbcode.php and repackaged. Replace that file and all should be tickity boo

Digital Jedi 01-23-2009 01:10 PM

That did the trick. Want to take odds on which thread will get the most people asking why the video didn't convert and is showing a little icon? :D

I do have one question, real quick. How does the validation tool know to look in the Embed Code box for a pattern? I'm curious how this will work for a site that keeps the embed code stored differently, or that put their embed code inside the flash player.

The Geek 01-23-2009 01:21 PM

All it is doing is looking for a match to that pattern in the destinations source code. I suppose if the embed code is being shown in a flash player, you would still be able to view it from the page source as a parameter for the object (unless of course the flash player is fetching it at run time). In that case, I don't really have a suggestion :D

Gcox 01-24-2009 05:34 AM

I am running vBulletin version 3.6.8. I have not been able to get the embedded youtube to work in either version AME 2.0.2 or 2.5.3.

With AME 2.0.2 - it will display the normal youtube controls and video image, but when I click the play button it blanks out the image except for circle in the middle screen which just spins forever. So I decided to upgrade to 2.5.3, and now when I post a youtube link in a message I do not see anything, not even the the link.

I have tried it with the extraction turned on and off.
I am sure it isn’t the video because I got it to play using BB code.
I do get other video file types to work using AME such as wmv.
I just don't know what to test anymore and was hoping for some suggestions.
I would go back to 2.0.2 if that would be easier to resolve.

The Geek 01-24-2009 09:10 AM

Still sounds to me like an outdated version of Flash. Drop a couple URLs of ones you are having problems with.

Remember that if the embed code is there.... AME has done its job. Everything else is down to connections, etc...

On an aside... have you tried posting the embed code from one of the problematic you tube pages into a post (you'll need to be able to post in HTML)?

Try this:
1- Temporarily give yourself ability to post HTML
2- Make a thread with the link to a problematic youtube page and save it (let ame do its thang). Refresh that page, then view the page source.
3- disable ame
4- reply to the post above by pasting in the embed html from the problematic youtube page. Refresh and view source.

Both sources for the youtube should be damn near identical and should perform the same.

RedDevil 01-24-2009 02:35 PM

Going to upgrade to new version very nice add on this.

I have one question, I run a radio channel via a shoutcast server, streamed mp3, is it possible to have a definition to play these, i would have a bash but my codings way below this.

Basically the stream would be www.yourshoutcastaddy.com:port/listen.pls this is my stream address as an example.

Most use winamp maybe a winamp *.pls xml

thanks for your great work makes the forum awesome

Digital Jedi 01-25-2009 04:02 PM

Geek, I have one more question for you and then I'll leave you alone for a couple of hours at least. AME doesn't seem to like single quotes (') in a RegEx. I always get an error, but sometimes I really need the apostrophe to make matches to get ID numbers using extraction. I've tried the ampersand commands or just escaping them, but none of that has worked so far. Is there someway around this?

redlabour 01-25-2009 05:24 PM

Can you please send out a Update-Mail at the next Time you are uploading Updates? Thank you.

The Geek 01-25-2009 05:32 PM

If they are major updates I do.

DJ, PM me an example

WreckRman2 01-25-2009 08:55 PM

For some reason my youtube links aren't working anymore... anyone else notice this?

Digital Jedi 01-25-2009 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by IndyWebDesign (Post 1724613)
For some reason my youtube links aren't working anymore... anyone else notice this?

Could you post an example?


Originally Posted by Finster (Post 1723905)
DJ, We did convert over to 2.5...after some fiddling, a web person who actually knows what they are doing compared to me got pretty much all the previous GoldBrick media tags to convert.

Is there a way for this to NOT grab the name of the video file sharing site and auto-add it to the video title name? Or better yet, substitute in a selected name added to the video title? I bet 500 downloaders want 500 different things! lol

Instead of getting the Dreaded blue M of death thumbnail, now all the videos have screengrab stills. Finally! lol.

You ARE the strongest link! ;)

Extraction pulls the titles of the videos. However, a good chunk of the definitions in require the extraction to be on in order to work. What you can do is change the HTML of the title in the container template or create a new template for your videos.

WreckRman2 01-26-2009 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by IndyWebDesign (Post 1724613)
For some reason my youtube links aren't working anymore... anyone else notice this?

Sorry I figured out the problem was I somehow uninstalled flash player. Don't know how the heck that happened but it works now.

Gladhatter 01-26-2009 01:35 PM

Thanks for bringing up the single quote DJ. I had a heck of time figuring that one out as well.

The Geek 01-26-2009 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Gladhatter (Post 1725185)
Thanks for bringing up the single quote DJ. I had a heck of time figuring that one out as well.

Not sure what you mean, I went through the example DJ sent me and it wasn't the apostrophes. It was just a tricky page to extract the right data needed. If there is another example, send it to me and Ill look when I can.

Gladhatter 01-26-2009 06:28 PM

Sorry Geek, a I write so poorly to begin with, know next to nothing about coding or your work out side that I love it.

My problem now solved and also DJ in another post suggested a simple regex that would have nearly surely cured it as well was hosting on my local server and an example of the problem link was like: http://www.gladhatter.com/gladmusic/what's_myfav_song I first filled in spaces with %20 and then took them out and added undersores and then took them out and still no work. Finally I took out the <'> in the word "what's" and it picked it up and worked fine. Then I learn that in the set of code or what ever is is called had the <'> been added to the trim or ignore or what ever that module of it is called then it would have likely not been a problem at all.

My coder set mine up for me and addmited he did not know much about the regex lib and would have to had studied it more to address all my concerns. He is extremly qualifed coder in the area's he works in however and is quite busy building some huge mods for the VBgallery we have installed and I did not wish to disturb him further from it and 6 other advanced coding projects we have him assigned to.

So now that you are her and I have not yet found the sugar that DJ requires in his tea or coffee to get this one :) :),,,,And again the coder is flooded with 6 huge projects, and I am dying for one more site to work as it is not on local server and all my attempts and hours or work to make it were in vein would you consider adding or showing me what to add to make: http://www.wimp.com/farylsmith work. Please if you will as well admire the talent of this young gal that does not have any musicical interest that I would listen to but has talent that would make anyone wish her well.

Thank and appologies in advance for the slightly ot.

The Geek 01-26-2009 09:14 PM

Thanks Glad, DJ gave some other examples and I was able to resolve the issue for the next release. Since its rare and Im out of town for a couple days, I'm holding off the fix till then.

Thanks again :)

Gladhatter 01-26-2009 09:48 PM

Pleasure is mine and while most of my forum is dedicated to the users as well as the AME portion, I think it is the part I truely cherish. I thank you for this code. Not sure if I sent you anything from Paypal as I have others but you can look for it now or again if I did or did not.

Yellow Slider 01-27-2009 08:52 AM

Works great,

Can you please tell me how can I have wider youtube videos in posts?
here is an example


The video is wider then the regular videos I have in my board from youtube, why is that?


Digital Jedi 01-27-2009 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Yellow Slider (Post 1725996)
Works great,

Can you please tell me how can I have wider youtube videos in posts?
here is an example


The video is wider then the regular videos I have in my board from youtube, why is that?


Videos in 2.5 are set globally in your AME CP >>> Settings per region. If you only want a particular site's videos set at different dimensions, you would edit the Replacement HTML for the individual definition.

Deimos 01-27-2009 06:45 PM

Does anyone else have problems with this plugin taking an AGE to embed a video?
For instance, when I embed a youtube video in a new thread, it takes upwards of 20 seconds for the post to submit
Any suggestions?

JorgeX 01-27-2009 07:30 PM

DId AME 2.0 automaccally updated to 2.5 on my forum? It says "Version: 2.5" when i installed the 2.02

Also when i post i get this message:

Warning: fetch_full_ameinfo([path]/amecache/findonly.php) [function.fetch-full-ameinfo]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/includes/ame_bbcode.php on line 74

Warning: fetch_full_ameinfo([path]/amecache/findonly.php) [function.fetch-full-ameinfo]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/includes/ame_bbcode.php on line 74

Warning: fetch_full_ameinfo() [function.include]: Failed opening '[path]/amecache/findonly.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in [path]/includes/ame_bbcode.php on line 74

jellybeanz 01-27-2009 08:58 PM

I'm having issues getting my youtube links to embed automatically. It works fine when I enter a link using [ame]youtube link[/ame]. Posting other videos like gametrailers, photopost, and cnn videos autoembed with no issues.

I've removed the ame code, deleted/reuploaded all files, and uninstalled/reinstalled using rebuild with no luck. I'm not sure if it makes a difference but I'm using DJ's AME definitions.

Any help is appreciated.

fkatzenb 01-27-2009 09:53 PM

Thanks for the great plug in. I have converted my old Goldbrick posts without issue. Awesome. Now for the problem. Before I had Goldbrick, I used an embedded thing that used the following as an example...
[YOUTUBE="Warrant - Uncle Tom's Cabin"]te1iSbyaR9I[/YOUTUBE]

Well now, I tried converting it and it finds posts, but says "huh... no changes?" The posts it lists are correct, but it doesn't change anything

Help? Thanks!

Phaedrus 01-27-2009 10:19 PM

How is it I've missed this for so long? My word...

Digital Jedi 01-27-2009 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Deimos (Post 1726396)
Does anyone else have problems with this plugin taking an AGE to embed a video?
For instance, when I embed a youtube video in a new thread, it takes upwards of 20 seconds for the post to submit
Any suggestions?

I've not encountered any slowdown with AME myself. In fact, it's faster then BBCode. Perhaps the issue is the YouTube site being slow at certain times?


Originally Posted by JorgeX (Post 1726433)
DId AME 2.0 automaccally updated to 2.5 on my forum? It says "Version: 2.5" when i installed the 2.02

Also when i post i get this message:

Warning: fetch_full_ameinfo([path]/amecache/findonly.php) [function.fetch-full-ameinfo]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/includes/ame_bbcode.php on line 74

Warning: fetch_full_ameinfo([path]/amecache/findonly.php) [function.fetch-full-ameinfo]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/includes/ame_bbcode.php on line 74

Warning: fetch_full_ameinfo() [function.include]: Failed opening '[path]/amecache/findonly.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in [path]/includes/ame_bbcode.php on line 74

Do you have any other admins that may have tried to upgrade the product? It can't update on it's own. Make sure ame_bbcode.php and all your AME files uploaded to the right place on the server.


Originally Posted by jellybeanz (Post 1726516)
I'm having issues getting my youtube links to embed automatically. It works fine when I enter a link using [ame]youtube link[/ame]. Posting other videos like gametrailers, photopost, and cnn videos autoembed with no issues.

I've removed the ame code, deleted/reuploaded all files, and uninstalled/reinstalled using rebuild with no luck. I'm not sure if it makes a difference but I'm using DJ's AME definitions.

Any help is appreciated.

When you imported my definitions, did you remember to delete the stock YouTube definition first? Mine won't import on this new version if you don't, and the import process won't stop you if you imported a bunch of other defs successfully at the same time.


Originally Posted by fkatzenb (Post 1726563)
Thanks for the great plug in. I have converted my old Goldbrick posts without issue. Awesome. Now for the problem. Before I had Goldbrick, I used an embedded thing that used the following as an example...
[YOUTUBE="Warrant - Uncle Tom's Cabin"]te1iSbyaR9I[/YOUTUBE]

Well now, I tried converting it and it finds posts, but says "huh... no changes?" The posts it lists are correct, but it doesn't change anything

Help? Thanks!

Have you checked the code in the non-converted posts to see if they in fact still have the [youtube] BBCode in them and that Goldbrick didn't do something funny upon uninstall?

jellybeanz 01-27-2009 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1726586)
When you imported my definitions, did you remember to delete the stock YouTube definition first? Mine won't import on this new version if you don't, and the import process won't stop you if you imported a bunch of other defs successfully at the same time.

Yes, I deleted the stock amazon and youtube definitions. The definition is fine and still works but manually only. Just trying to find out if there is something wrong with my board or installation.

Phaedrus 01-27-2009 11:33 PM

I'm having database issues after loading this. When I try to save my Usergroup settings it gives me database errors. What is happening?

This is the MySql error:

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'ms_searchsocialgroups_permissions' in 'field list'

Gladhatter 01-28-2009 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by fkatzenb (Post 1726563)
Thanks for the great plug in. I have converted my old Goldbrick posts without issue. Awesome. Now for the problem. Before I had Goldbrick, I used an embedded thing that used the following as an example...
[YOUTUBE="Warrant - Uncle Tom's Cabin"]te1iSbyaR9I[/YOUTUBE]

Well now, I tried converting it and it finds posts, but says "huh... no changes?" The posts it lists are correct, but it doesn't change anything

Help? Thanks!

Not sure but I would like to suggest the problem may be with the < ' > single quote.

Phaedrus 01-28-2009 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by Phaedrus (Post 1726655)
I'm having database issues after loading this. When I try to save my Usergroup settings it gives me database errors. What is happening?

This is the MySql error:

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'ms_searchsocialgroups_permissions' in 'field list'

Well, I just added that table field list where it kept trying to find it. It works.

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