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phoxitin 01-26-2009 06:07 AM

Hi sunrise2006,

Can you add function "Quick attachment" ??

Simon Lloyd 01-26-2009 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by sunrise2006 (Post 1724933)
In current version this is not possible but in newer version (working on ...) this capability will add :up:

That will be great for the moderators!


Originally Posted by sunrise2006 (Post 1724935)
This option will show for only users that have moderator permission based on their permission for every forum :up:

Cool, i'll turn that on then.

Brilliant mod!

sunrise2006 01-26-2009 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by phoxitin (Post 1724939)
Hi sunrise2006,

Can you add function "Quick attachment" ??


In current version this is not possible but in newer version (working on) I will add this possibility.

I would to working on new version after finish my big project but by your amours I induce to start working on new version from this point :cool: so please wait for newer version, I will try to release new version as soon as possible with some fixes and attachment possibility and etc...

Simon Lloyd 01-26-2009 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by sunrise2006 (Post 1724942)

In current version this is not possible but in newer version (working on) I will add this possibility.

I would to working on new version after finish my big project but by your amours I induce to start working on new version from this point :cool: so please wait for newer version, I will try to release new version as soon as possible with some fixes and attachment possibility and etc...

No worries, let us know when your next mod is released, it's sure to be a hit!

sunrise2006 01-26-2009 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd (Post 1724945)
No worries, let us know when your next mod is released, it's sure to be a hit!

Thank you. If everything process truly I will release new version tonight, just I hope entourage not writhe for this consecutive releases... :rolleyes:

zahsnelli 01-26-2009 09:41 AM

Thats Coool Buddy, Love It...

Vaupell 01-29-2009 11:28 PM

uninstalled after testing speed one mod at a time. and slowed forum threads down.

sunrise2006 01-30-2009 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by Vaupell (Post 1728593)
uninstalled after testing speed one mod at a time. and slowed forum threads down.

!!!! But it's not add any extra query in default mod! and no slow down the load of page because it's contain only some little simple replacement, are you sure after installed this hack, your forum speed low?

Mike-D 01-30-2009 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Vaupell (Post 1728593)
uninstalled after testing speed one mod at a time. and slowed forum threads down.

I beg to differ because this AddOn has absolute NO ADDITIONAL QUERIES NOR PRODUCING SOME! If you can see how the Code works you'll see that. Certainly your problem is caused by another AddOn ;)

Mike-D 01-30-2009 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by sunrise2006 (Post 1724947)
If everything process truly I will release new version tonight...

would you please integrate in one of your next version the regulary and Standard Bitfield Uergroup Permissions (bf->ugp) via XML File? Any min's ago I have installed the latest Quick Editor Improver 2.51 version and sometimes I get a Bitfield Collision Error Message. Sometimes your Addon works and sometimes not. The last 2.01 version runs strong so I think I would be the best to stay by this release for the time being. What do you think?

sunrise2006 01-30-2009 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Mike-D (Post 1729114)
would you please integrate in one of your next version the regulary and Standard Bitfield Uergroup Permissions (bf->ugp) via XML File? Any min's ago I have installed the latest Quick Editor Improver 2.51 version and sometimes I get a Bitfield Collision Error Message. Sometimes your Addon works and sometimes not. The last 2.01 version runs strong so I think I would be the best to stay by this release for the time being. What do you think?

On first released I was used XML file for bitfield but I think this may less slow down the process and need to external files of course, while I ever try to develop plug-ins without need to caused travail of the user (webmaster) so I think when we obtain easy qualification to tap resources, it's can boost to them.
Beside, the products should at least without palpable problems and bugs, hence we must try to produce products without these clear problems.

When I disregard the details, I would from you to post that just error message to this thread, than I scrutiny that and symptom of it so I will may figure out that problem.

Finally, note that I never see any "collision error message" about bitfields, thus I can't induct this issue, so exhibit exact error message, may aid me to well untie that error.

Meanwhile are you sure you have deleted /includes/xml/bitfield_quickeditor_improver.xml? It's maybe that problem depend on!

Thank you.

Mike-D 01-30-2009 07:43 PM

Yep as I said: Sometimes it works and sometimes not. Also I found another strange thing inside the Usergroup Permissions: Please follow all permission boxes and you will see, that all permissions Buttons "() Yes () No" are kinda displaced with the permissions buttons of your current 2.51 version. This means that your permission Buttons are kinda displaced to the left side than others. It's just a small bug but I'm sure that has something to do with your Plugin "Quick Editor Usergroup Settings" in using the Hook "admin_usergroup_edit"! After installing the newest 2.51 version I noticed that some Setting Options are totally moved to the left side. The descriptions for the "Visible Buttons" on the right side does not fit anymore which results a Linefeed in some options which have not been before by using the same Phrases in German. After I deinstalled this version by installing the previous 2.01 and it works perfect :)

Right now I'm working to rewrite your AddOn with the Standard Usergroup Permissions via external XML File. And it seems that it works now as it should be without any getting displaced options. If you want I can upload a Snapshot so you can see about what I'm talking from ;)

sunrise2006 01-30-2009 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Mike-D (Post 1729407)
Yep as I said: Sometimes it works and sometimes not. Also I found another strange thing inside the Usergroup Permissions: Please follow all permission boxes and you will see, that all permissions Buttons "() Yes () No" are kinda displaced with the permissions buttons of your current 2.51 version. This means that your permission Buttons are kinda displaced to the left side than others. It's just a small bug but I'm sure that has something to do with your Plugin "Quick Editor Usergroup Settings" in using the Hook "admin_usergroup_edit"! After installing the newest 2.51 version I noticed that some Setting Options are totally moved to the left side. The descriptions for the "Visible Buttons" on the right side does not fit anymore which results a Linefeed in some options which have not been before by using the same Phrases in German. After I deinstalled this version by installing the previous 2.01 and it works perfect :)

Right now I'm working to rewrite your AddOn with the Standard Usergroup Permissions via external XML File. And it seems that it works now as it should be without any getting displaced options. If you want I can upload a Snapshot so you can see about what I'm talking from ;)

Yes, it will be good if you take some snapshot of the problems for me and post to this thread.

cfrench 01-30-2009 11:08 PM

Hi, nice job first of all. I installed this a couple of versions back but quickly disabled it because I have a mobile site and don't want it to show on that. Is their anyway to tell it which style id to have it on?

sunrise2006 01-30-2009 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by cfrench (Post 1729526)
Hi, nice job first of all. I installed this a couple of versions back but quickly disabled it because I have a mobile site and don't want it to show on that. Is their anyway to tell it which style id to have it on?

In new version, you may specify to apply improvement only to special styles.

iBaker 02-01-2009 03:29 AM

Incredible - well done and I must say this would have to be a very professional mod for vbulletin - can't wait till be able to have an ability to add/manage attachments included in this.

One question, I have added a custom bbcode and it has made the editor box a bit larger then I would like especiallu using a left column of vBadvanced. Is there any way to force the extra icon to appear on the 2nd row of buttons in the editor tool bar - thanks!

sunrise2006 02-01-2009 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 1730568)
Incredible - well done and I must say this would have to be a very professional mod for vbulletin - can't wait till be able to have an ability to add/manage attachments included in this.

One question, I have added a custom bbcode and it has made the editor box a bit larger then I would like especiallu using a left column of vBadvanced. Is there any way to force the extra icon to appear on the 2nd row of buttons in the editor tool bar - thanks!

Thank you. You have indulgence to me :rolleyes:

Working on new version that contains attachmenet possibility is done and I now testing it for release and as soon as possible I will release it.

For you have asked, I can say when Visible Font, Visible Size, Visible Alignment and Visible Visible List are checked in vBulletin Options, as automatically the editor buttons will show on 2 rows, but I don't think it's whom you would, but if you give me snapshot from your screen that discussion around it, may help me to more appreciate your purpose.

iBaker 02-01-2009 10:54 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks Sunrise - please see attachment that shows the page overflow issue when users are on 1024 screen resolution

newsoftw 02-01-2009 04:00 PM

thanks alot mate........

sunrise2006 02-03-2009 03:34 AM

Finally version 3.0 released with new features and premier capability of Quick Attachment that majority would this :cool:

Against similar modifications, Quick Editor Improver 3.0 may enable quick attachment even for post quick edit that experience of it is not prosaic.

This version encompass follow changes:
Works fine with vBulletin 3.8.1
Fixed up small bug that was for options
Fixed up uncached problem for User CP state
Fixed up empty smilies menu problem when quick reply was off
Quick Attachment possibility (Quick Reply / Post Quick Edit)
Support 'Icons for UserCP Navbar' hack for User CP
Optimized server load time
New Options
- Style ids to be excluded: Allows you to disable Quick Editor Improver functions for certain styles
- Enable Attachment: This setting contains options to be channeling of attachment on quick editor


It's very recommended to upgrade now to new version and experience a new evolution.

Thank you.

phoxitin 02-03-2009 04:26 AM

thanks sunrise2006 for update .... i love it

shadowevil 02-03-2009 05:25 AM

When i show full editor, under line and look ugly, can you fix it for better view, please

Thanks :)

Hornstar 02-03-2009 05:36 AM

this is getting better and better all the time :) you are doing a wonderful job.

Simon Lloyd 02-03-2009 06:28 AM

Hamed, this really is a sweet mod!, thanks for sharing it!!!

Voted for MOTM and rated 5 Star!

Hannan 02-03-2009 09:15 AM

Excellent, thank you Hamed

kingvillain 02-03-2009 10:20 AM

This is a great and very useful mod, and appears to be working great on my site, thanks again :D

sunrise2006 02-03-2009 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by shadowevil (Post 1732729)
When i show full editor, under line and look ugly, can you fix it for better view, please

Thanks :)

Please more explain your intention for me, because of I don't understand this significance.

Are you speaking about full editor on newreply.php and newthread.php or ...?

Mike-D 02-03-2009 10:53 AM

Since the new 3.0 version the whole Code seems to be totally overloaded :( Both JS Plugins contains too much of them. I'm not a Coder but I can't believe that this is the right way to do that. Will go back to 2.0/2.50 version!

sunrise2006 02-03-2009 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by phoxitin (Post 1732668)
thanks sunrise2006 for update .... i love it


Originally Posted by hornstar1337 (Post 1732737)
this is getting better and better all the time :) you are doing a wonderful job.


Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd (Post 1732773)
Hamed, this really is a sweet mod!, thanks for sharing it!!!

Voted for MOTM and rated 5 Star!


Originally Posted by Hannan (Post 1732859)
Excellent, thank you Hamed


Originally Posted by kingvillain (Post 1732917)
This is a great and very useful mod, and appears to be working great on my site, thanks again :D

Thanks for your turtledoves, my friends :o - I ever trying to develop modification that can help you to have betters :up:

sunrise2006 02-03-2009 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Mike-D (Post 1732947)
Since the new 3.0 version the whole Code seems to be totally overloaded :( Both JS Plugins contains too much of them. I'm not a Coder but I can't believe that this is the right way to do that. Will go back to 2.0/2.50 version!

Maybe the totally of codes seems to massive but each of those only affective on shred of files, and for JS plugins whom you mention, I just say they are contain application/x-javascript header so they will only once load and cached by browser thus maybe this may not an overload for modification.

Same that I said before, I ever try to develop modification with minimum need of handy changes on files, templates or etc, yet with tiptop of appreance :up:

Mike-D 02-03-2009 12:38 PM

On a side note: For a better overview in downloading the latest versions you should keep your last AddOn's!!! On every time you have updated your last version you replaced the old one through the newest one. In order to prevent in missing previous AddOn's I think you should keep all AddOns so that every User can download the version he needs. Just a side note ;)

sunrise2006 02-03-2009 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mike-D (Post 1733009)
On a side note: For a better overview in downloading the latest versions you should keep your last AddOn's!!! On every time you have updated your last version you replaced the old one through the newest one. In order to prevent in missing previous AddOn's I think you should keep all AddOns so that every User can download the version he needs. Just a side note ;)

Thanks Michael. However this is a nice idea but only 10 files can attached to modification but I think if older versions packed as a ZIP file and attached to another post in thread and link it to main post.

kkeezer 02-03-2009 02:00 PM

Installed :up:


Mike-D 02-03-2009 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by sunrise2006 (Post 1733029)
Thanks Michael. However this is a nice idea but only 10 files can attached to modification but I think if older versions packed as a ZIP file and attached to another post in thread and link it to main post.

Really? I didn't know that. Reason I'm asking is: Unfortunately I have deleted the last 2.50 Version and whatever the circumstances are: I have no Backup :( That's the reason why I wrote this :D

sunrise2006 02-03-2009 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Mike-D (Post 1733194)
Really? I didn't know that. Reason I'm asking is: Unfortunately I have deleted the last 2.50 Version and whatever the circumstances are: I have no Backup :( That's the reason why I wrote this :D

Yeah. I have a question from you, why you don't like new version? :eek:

iBaker 02-04-2009 08:04 AM

Unfortunately I have had to remove version 3 as I am having a few issues:
1. If you attach an image and then before saving it you go to the advanced editor you lose the image that you attached.
2. If I edit a post etc and save it, the screen jumps to having the top of the post at the top of my screen - unfortunately it is most annoying - for me any way
3. If I add my own bbcode buttons the editor box has to be made smaller whereas I would prefer that my buttons went on to the 2nd line (ref post 138)

Would love it if these were fixed but you are doing a great job!

sunrise2006 02-04-2009 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 1733971)
Unfortunately I have had to remove version 3 as I am having a few issues:
1. If you attach an image and then before saving it you go to the advanced editor you lose the image that you attached.
2. If I edit a post etc and save it, the screen jumps to having the top of the post at the top of my screen - unfortunately it is most annoying - for me any way
3. If I add my own bbcode buttons the editor box has to be made smaller whereas I would prefer that my buttons went on to the 2nd line (ref post 138)

Would love it if these were fixed but you are doing a great job!

Hi Ian,
For you have asked:
1. I test this and there is no problem whom you mention to it!
2. I test for it too and I did not saw any problem!
3. I have a plan for that but on version 3.0 this is not possible to draw customize.

Wheemer 02-07-2009 06:01 AM

This mod doesn't work with the guestbook mod... can you check please.

sunrise2006 02-07-2009 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Wheemer (Post 1736803)
This mod doesn't work with the guestbook mod... can you check please.

OK. I will check for this issue.

smooth-c 02-22-2009 09:26 AM

I'm having an issue with the quick reply editor smiley - it's enabled to show but it doesn't show at all? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

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