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hoof 03-10-2009 09:40 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by RedHacker (Post 1764663)
Can I Have this image....?


RedHacker 03-10-2009 09:52 AM

Thanks hoof... And other else

In my Forum i have many titles with word "Forum" how to remove this...?
And inside my threads say 5 posts to read why....?


hoof 03-10-2009 09:56 AM

You would need to go through the templates and remove the code for it, I wouldn't recommend it though. It contains the table that holds forum, lastpost, replies.

RedHacker 03-10-2009 10:01 AM

OK and this for 5 posts to read....?

hoof 03-10-2009 10:05 AM

If you want it to just say something else you could go into the phrase manager and change it...I don't know exactly how but I am sure there are instructions on how to do it here on this site.

RedHacker 03-10-2009 10:14 AM

Look this.... http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=301022

Sooner95 03-10-2009 07:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hey hoof, I hate to bother you..but I am having a small issue with this style, when viewing it in IE. Driving me nuts! lol

I will post screenshots to better explain, but basically my logo gets moved when shrinking the browser in IE, but not in FF. It cannot be the screen resolution, because i have tried it on a laptop with 1024x768 and it renders fine in FF. My monitor is 1280x1024.

It's like IE cannot shrink the forums width to fit, at 100%..in FF you can resize the browser and it moves perfectly.

I have tried sifting thru the code in the header template, tried diferent things, and nothing seems to correct it.

I do notice a line, that goes from side to side in IE. You don't see this in FF, but the page renders great in FF. it seems this line maybe the culprit, but I cannot find it anywhere in the code. Possibly something missing under neath the images that create the header banner across?

Maybe you can take a look and see if you see something that I have been missing. I do appreciate it.

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hoof 03-10-2009 09:03 PM

Hard to say, but I am certain it is something above the buttons. When I get a chance I'll take a closer look. Have I told you how much I dislike IE lol.

Take a look at everything above the navbar buttons, it may be something that was added affecting the display.

Sooner95 03-11-2009 12:40 AM

Will do, and I agree I don't like IE either..just trying my best to get it to work in both platforms..

Thanks again, I'll comb thru it again, when my eyes get feeling back in them..LOL

RedHacker 03-13-2009 05:41 AM

I cant import a image in navbar and link to work....

vB Crew 03-14-2009 01:47 PM

1 Attachment(s)
There are links missing from the profile page when you click on a members profile. The links for Visitior Messages, About Me, Statistics, Friends, and Contact Info are all missing from users profiles.

I have attached a default skin profile image, and a bi2 profile image.

hoof 03-14-2009 06:18 PM

Anyone else having this issue?

I have tested it and reloaded several times and it works fine. Maybe a glitch when you loaded the xml?

RedHacker 03-14-2009 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by RedHacker (Post 1767012)
I cant import a image in navbar and link to work....

hoof solution here...?

technom8t 03-14-2009 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by vB Crew (Post 1767883)
There are links missing from the profile page when you click on a members profile. The links for Visitior Messages, About Me, Statistics, Friends, and Contact Info are all missing from users profiles.

I have attached a default skin profile image, and a bi2 profile image.

its fine for me ???????????????


my suggestion, create a child style of your default and then merge this one into it, that should then take on all relevant template edits/changes :-)

technom8t 03-14-2009 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by RedHacker (Post 1768153)
hoof solution here...?

hi just do as stated by Hoof in post 31>>>> :

''To add the button in, go to your header template and decide where/what order you want it to display and add the following code:''


<td width="50" height="55"><a href="http://yoursite.com/forums/arcade.php"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/nav_arcade.gif" width="50" height="55" border="0" alt=""/></a></td>
Change the red items to your site and what you saved the button as...or rename it to what I have.

RedHacker 03-20-2009 05:32 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks technom8t..

hoof can this image say Portal .....?

hoof 03-22-2009 07:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by RedHacker (Post 1772363)
Thanks technom8t..

hoof can this image say Portal .....?

Sorry, just got to this...Spring Break this week and I was away.

RedHacker 03-22-2009 11:12 PM

You are God...!!!Thanks...............

RedHacker 03-23-2009 08:53 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The Portal letters are up from others letters.....

hoof 03-23-2009 09:47 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by RedHacker (Post 1774872)
The Portal letters are up from others letters.....

Fixed it up :)

RedHacker 03-23-2009 09:59 AM

Thanks hoof :)

RedHacker 03-23-2009 10:23 AM

For see this


not worked

hoof 03-23-2009 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by RedHacker (Post 1774898)

Did you put it in the right folder? They should replace the ones in your forums/images/icons folder...It works great ;)

RedHacker 03-24-2009 04:42 AM

I put in bi2/icons..

Its wrong...?

hoof 03-24-2009 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by RedHacker (Post 1775580)
I put in bi2/icons..

Its wrong...?

Yes, for those to work they need to be in "forums/images/icons" They replace the default icons. So where ever your images/icons folder is that is where they'll need to go.

RedHacker 03-24-2009 08:57 AM

OK hoof thanks i will check later....

RedHacker 03-24-2009 09:08 AM

Ι do but not change....
Later 5 minutes is worked....

RedHacker 03-25-2009 05:03 PM

Some times if do copy paste from other site the letters is black and not saw..!!!Why....?

hoof 03-25-2009 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by RedHacker (Post 1776797)
Some times if do copy paste from other site the letters is black and not saw..!!!Why....?

Were they black when you copied them? It probably pasted what you copied.

Spaz21 03-29-2009 01:52 AM

we have a custom banner for our forum... whats the best way to put it up? ive tried a few things and if i just put it in it seems to mess with the layout of the other theme gfx... do i need to slice our logo a certain way?

Spaz21 03-29-2009 11:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)
so i got a buddy to slice our banner into the header pieces but now i have the fill in the middle... how do i fix this??

ive attached a ss so you can see what i mean... i assume it has something to do with it being 3 pieces?

Spaz21 03-29-2009 11:57 AM

also using vadvance cmps.,.. just realized the header isn't appearing on the main page???

opl 03-30-2009 02:44 PM

Nice skin. I am sure i will change lots of graphics in it to suit my needs, but default one is really nice. thanks!

hoof 03-30-2009 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by opl (Post 1780355)
Nice skin. I am sure i will change lots of graphics in it to suit my needs, but default one is really nice. thanks!

Glad you like it :) If you have any requests on changes let us know over at the Demo site.

bigbabe 04-01-2009 12:22 AM

I just wanted to say thank you! Its a great style and the graphics are really nice. so far I haven't run into any problem...just tweaking it to suite my need:D

setishock 04-13-2009 05:52 AM

I downloaded this when it got released but just got to install it tonight. Very nice. Smooth and clean. The icons are made to go with the theme and not the stock VB icons. I wish I had the patients to make my own but there's so many.
Well like the little guy in RoboCop said when he shot his buddy's car with the tank gun, "IIIIIIII like it!!!". It's a keeper...

Um where is it picking up the anime appeal in the header logo area?

hoof 04-13-2009 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by setishock (Post 1790023)
I downloaded this when it got released but just got to install it tonight. Very nice. Smooth and clean. The icons are made to go with the theme and not the stock VB icons. I wish I had the patients to make my own but there's so many.
Well like the little guy in RoboCop said when he shot his buddy's car with the tank gun, "IIIIIIII like it!!!". It's a keeper...

Um where is it picking up the anime appeal in the header logo area?

Glad you like it :) For the icons, check the threads here there have been several made and of course if you need any made let me know or request them over at the Freestyleskins we'll gladly make them for you.
It's picking up the name of your site from the header template:

<td width="100%"  style="background: url($stylevar[titleimage]/header_fill.gif) repeat-x top left;" align="center"><div class="titlefont">$vboptions[bbtitle]</div></td>
If you want to modify this it is done in the "all style options" > "Additional CSS Definitions "

        background: transparent;
        color: #80909c;
        font: bold 11px tahoma, verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial,                helvetica, sans-serif;       
        font-size: 24pt;

setishock 04-13-2009 11:15 AM

Roger that. Thanks.

RedHacker 04-17-2009 02:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Can i have this say Radio and the letters are default color to the style hoof....?

FFTFTCEd 04-18-2009 10:32 PM

When ppl post html links in a post I would like the text to change color to help it stand out, right now it just underlines it. How do I set\change the default text color for links ether direct or "click here" type links?

Thanks for your help,

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