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Kiros72 01-08-2009 07:46 PM

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but if the users were already registered, then it wouldn't ban them to begin with. Only the Registration Prevention moves to a specific Usergroup, which is normally the Prevention Usergroup, but if Banned Account Check is enabled and you have the Primary Banned Usergroup set correctly, they will be banned and moved to the Primary Banned Usergroup.

It will not reban someone if they simply login - that feature may appear in version 2.0.

GrendelKhan{TSU 01-09-2009 02:27 AM

wow. looks great.
I wish I saw this earlier. will definitely try it out.

Kiros72 01-09-2009 04:43 AM

Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to give a small update on the progress of the next version.

Instead of having a decent amount of improvement (making it version 1.2.0), this next release will be a massive upgrade to version 2.0.0. Along with the other features that I previously noted, it will also carry database features, which offer even more flexibility and functionality.

I am currently finishing up a prototype for one of the login plugins. After I have finished the code and done sufficient testing, I'll reproduce the methods for the other plugins.

Basically, this means that I'm about a week (give or take a day) from releasing this major update.

Thanks, everyone, for your suggestions, requests, and support :)

GrendelKhan{TSU 01-09-2009 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by Kiros72 (Post 1705924)
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to give a small update on the progress of the next version.

Instead of having a decent amount of improvement (making it version 1.2.0), this next release will be a massive upgrade to version 2.0.0. Along with the other features that I previously noted, it will also carry database features, which offer even more flexibility and functionality.

I am currently finishing up a prototype for one of the login plugins. After I have finished the code and done sufficient testing, I'll reproduce the methods for the other plugins.

Basically, this means that I'm about a week (give or take a day) from releasing this major update.

Thanks, everyone, for your suggestions, requests, and support :)

cool! sounds great... guess I'll wait till the update. (give me time to do my own updates to forum first).

that said, quick question: do you know if it will be 3.8 Gold compatible?

GhoHan 01-09-2009 07:46 AM

Nice Modification Good Job :)

Kiros72 01-09-2009 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU (Post 1706006)
cool! sounds great... guess I'll wait till the update. (give me time to do my own updates to forum first).

that said, quick question: do you know if it will be 3.8 Gold compatible?

I don't see why not. It seems to have some issues on vBulletin 3.6.x when it tries to reban a user, but other than that, it's fine with 3.6 and above. I plan on doing initial testing on the three latest major releases (3.6.x, 3.7.x, and 3.8.x) before the new version is released. If I finish everything early, I'll be doing extensive testing before it's released - otherwise, such testing will take place afterward.


Originally Posted by i-comers.com (Post 1706029)
Nice Modification Good Job :)

Thanks :)

bigcurt 01-09-2009 05:14 PM

Great. Thanks a ton for the work on this mod. Just to be clear, it does work with 3.6 right now other than re-banning an account? All I plan on using it for is reporting of a users multiple account anyway..that works OK right?

Thanks a ton again,

Kiros72 01-09-2009 07:42 PM

From how I've tested it, yes, it works fine. Just have the Banned Account Check disabled and you should be good to go. If any unknown issue arises, let me know and I'll track it down.

RHWiRED 01-12-2009 07:35 AM

Hi Kiros72, I'm receiving this error when a user see's the "Your registration is now complete" page.


Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Empty delimiter in [path]/madp/prevention.php on line 145

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [path]/includes/class_core.php:3242) in [path]/madp/prevention.php on line 277

And yes, the folder is in the correct position (I'm not new to this :p)

Kiros72 01-12-2009 02:15 PM

Alright, I think I see what happened.

Upload this to overwrite the prevention.php file in the /madp/ directory. Let me know if it works.

[[ prevention.php was removed because the fix is now in the product ]]

RHWiRED 01-12-2009 05:44 PM

That did it! Bravo dude, include that in your next release, works flawlessly.


Kiros72 01-12-2009 08:06 PM

Will do. Since version 2.0.0 is still a good ways away, I'll release a bug-fix (version 1.1.1).

Thanks for pointing that out!

mark370 01-13-2009 11:25 AM

I just want to congratulate you on a job well done on this mod, i like it very much and its helped our site out no end :)


Kiros72 01-13-2009 06:29 PM

Version 1.1.1 has been released. It includes a simple fix to both the regular prevention method and the disallowing prevention method. RHWiRED, you should upgrade to this version as well because only your regular prevention method was patched.

Have a good one :)

-=Leb=- 01-15-2009 01:34 AM

Hi kiros, thx for the update, but i have a question. I uploaded everything to my forum root but as you know i have php 4, do i need to download prevention.php to skip the error:


Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Empty delimiter in [path]/madp/prevention.php on line 145
Or you already fixed that problem.

Second, does this mod works on VB 3.8.x?

Thank you

Shaliza 01-15-2009 01:56 AM

Cool mod. I'm also wondering if this works on 3.8.

Kiros72 01-15-2009 02:29 AM

Yes, version 1.1.1 addresses that "empty" warning. It should be good to go. There is no need to download/upload the prevention.php that was mentioned earlier in this thread.

I believe version 1.1.1 works perfectly fine on vBulletin 3.8. I haven't tested all of the features on the new version of vBulletin, but I'm confident that it all should work.

Let me know if you run into any problems!

-=Leb=- 01-15-2009 09:49 AM

I tested it on VB 3.8 and it seems like your mod working perfect. Thank you very much for the great mod <3

Shaliza 01-15-2009 11:00 AM

Yeah, I installed it as well & it's working just great. Thanks!

basilrath 01-15-2009 12:09 PM

Just a quick question although sorry if ive missed the answer previously.......

I have a few members who on aol have the same ip although different members how is this rectified etc

Kiros72 01-15-2009 04:17 PM

If you want to use the IP Address Prevention, then you can also make use of the Ignored ISPs field. By default, "aol.com" is already there. Basically, anyone's IP address that resolves to being from AOL will be ignored from the IP address checks.

You can add or remove ISPs in the Ignored ISPs section if you want, but I strongly recommend keeping "aol.com" in there.

Kiros72 01-15-2009 07:06 PM

Hey, everyone. I need to make a small announcement.

Due to some personal issues, I cannot work on this modification as much as I intended - at least for the next week or two. I was planning to have version 2.0.0 finished up within the next 3 or 4 days, but I'm going to have to postpone this.

Sorry about the inconvenience. Version 1.1.1 will still be supported.

tmc 01-18-2009 07:25 PM

I'm wondering if this will still work with the old cookies from the mods that inspired this? I've been using the AE detector + MAD but I'm having a few issues and have looked through this code and I don't detect any problems with the IDstack cookie not being compatible. Thought I'd ask though.

Also, small bug, although it won't matter anyway:


$pmdm->set_info('reciept', false);
... has a typo. It's set to 'false' so I guess it doesn't matter much. :)

Kiros72 01-18-2009 08:16 PM

Yes, this will work perfectly fine with the old cookie. Just make sure to keep the Cookie Name set to "IDstack" (without quotes).

Heh, I wouldn't really call that a bug since it doesn't affect anything. But thank you for finding that typo! I'll fix it up in the next version. :)

vithorius 01-20-2009 10:29 AM

Sweet hack...! :up: :up: :up:

glennybee 01-23-2009 09:43 AM

1 Attachment(s)

I installed this mod yesterday, thank you!

The threads that are being generated that inform me of a detection aren't displaying any information.

Attachment 93314

This is my settings.

Registration Prevention - Move to Specific Usergroup
Silent Mode - No
Ignore Child Accounts - Yes
Prevention Usergroup - 4
IP Address Prevention - Yes
Extended IP Address Prevention - Yes
IP Address Time Inclusion - 60
Banned Account Check - Yes

Attachment 93315

I was using the AE Detector before and worked ok but I want something that will check new members against previously banned members.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks! :)

Kiros72 01-23-2009 01:05 PM

That's strange. I've encountered this before while I was in the beta stages of coding version 1.1.0. I can't exactly remember the exact cause of it, but I know that this can also happen because of phrasing errors.

Do you still have the AE Detector installed?
Do you have a good bit of modifications installed?
What version of vBulletin are you using?
Do you know if this only happens for logins or for registration preventions?

You might want to try fiddling with the reporting options. For instance, disable verbose mode and enable private message reporting (also set your username for the recipient).

digicom 01-23-2009 02:40 PM

i have had this installed since it was released and was working fine until today and now i having same issues as glennybee The threads that are being generated that inform me of a detection aren't displaying any information



I installed this mod yesterday, thank you!

The threads that are being generated that inform me of a detection aren't displaying any information.

Kiros72 01-23-2009 06:12 PM

Hmm... I'm sorry to hear that.

I know that version 1.1.0 is working fine on my vBulletin 3.8.0 RC 2 installation.

I'll look into version 1.1.1 a little later today. In the meantime, try to uninstall/reinstall or at least try it with verbose mode disabled.

glennybee 01-23-2009 09:52 PM

I'm using v3.8. I suppose I do have a lot of mods but it's not extensive.

I did have AE Detector but I uninstalled it before installing this mod.

I disabled prevention and I am still getting blank reports and members are being moved to the moderated usergroup.

digicom 01-23-2009 10:18 PM

i found out what caused The threads that are being generated that inform me of a detection aren't displaying any information it was vb optimize i unistalled it and its working great again btw i running vb 3.8.0 :D

azher 01-23-2009 10:20 PM

i'm running this just fine with vbOptimise on 3.8. maybe there's something in your vbOptimise settings that's killing it?

Kiros72 01-24-2009 07:48 AM

I see... If anyone with vB Optimise installed could do some investigation to figure out what settings make my modification function improperly, I'd truly appreciate it. If I can find out what is causing it, I may be able to make a workaround for those that desire certain options in vB Optimise.

Kiros72 01-24-2009 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by azher (Post 1722794)
i'm running this just fine with vbOptimise on 3.8. maybe there's something in your vbOptimise settings that's killing it?

Hmm... Well, vBulletin.org shows that you have version 1.1.0 installed, not version 1.1.1. Maybe that's the real difference? Would you mind upgrading to see if that causes any issues?

ndahiya 01-24-2009 07:17 PM

Running vb 3.8.0 and 1.1.1 of the mod...
Both the message and the post are blank with just underscores... Have turned registration check off. Just using it to check for multiple logins. Do have vb Optimise , but not sure why that should be a trigger.

Kiros72 01-25-2009 12:41 AM

Evidently it's causing some kind of problem. See if disabling vB Optimise remedies the issue.

digicom 01-25-2009 01:28 PM

disabling doesnt work only unistalling vb optimise allows your mod to then work perfectly


Originally Posted by Kiros72 (Post 1723823)
Evidently it's causing some kind of problem. See if disabling vB Optimise remedies the issue.

ndahiya 01-25-2009 02:14 PM

Disabling vb Optimise does appear to work. VbO is quite helpful otherwise, so maybe we can figure out a way to get it to work?

While the PMs are going ok, the messages are not getting posted to the forum. Not sure why one should work and not the other?

The reporting forum is a subforum inside a parent forum that is visible only to mods/admins. the "reporting user" is a admin.


masterweb 01-25-2009 06:11 PM

Downloaded and installed, thanks for sharing this hack :D

Kiros72 01-26-2009 03:55 AM

Okay, thanks for your input, guys. I'll talk to the author to see if there's a clear cause.

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