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BJF 10-04-2008 07:08 AM

link to another video mod for vbulletin?

GabyZ 10-04-2008 10:45 AM

This mod it's very usefull and it has the right features, however it lacks at some points:

1) The page title when viewing a video or a category is the same, so the title does not change for categories and videos.

2) There's no plugin to show videos on the forum home, for the rest keep up the work in this direction.

I'll click installed but i'm not using it only for this two points.

tidefans 10-04-2008 10:53 AM

Great mod. My members love it.

Some suggestons for next version:
  • Something like [+] (add button) beside each category on the front page
  • Instructions / Help page (i.e. where I could put directions on how to add videos
  • Tagging
  • Ability to put a module of the most recent, highly rated, most popular, etc. on my forum pages.

Otherwise, thanks for sharing!

GabyZ 10-04-2008 11:16 AM

Yes, the module will be great to have ;)

Chadi 10-04-2008 06:30 PM

The vbseo integration notice in the vboptions area won't disappear after adding the below code to the "define customer rewrite rules" area in vbseo control panel.



// Video Directory



Surviver 10-04-2008 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1636830)
Any luck on the comments portion yet?

We still cannot post comments, get the minimum word count warning.


We haven't found the bug yet.


Originally Posted by GabyZ (Post 1637063)
This mod it's very usefull and it has the right features, however it lacks at some points:

1) The page title when viewing a video or a category is the same, so the title does not change for categories and videos.

2) There's no plugin to show videos on the forum home, for the rest keep up the work in this direction.

I'll click installed but i'm not using it only for this two points.

1. I'll have a look at this.

2. Maybe for Version 1.,2.0 or later


Originally Posted by tidefans (Post 1637067)
Great mod. My members love it.

Some suggestons for next version:
  • Something like [+] (add button) beside each category on the front page
  • Instructions / Help page (i.e. where I could put directions on how to add videos
  • Tagging
  • Ability to put a module of the most recent, highly rated, most popular, etc. on my forum pages.

Otherwise, thanks for sharing!

Instructions: You can add this via FAQ (Friontend Help)
Tagging is planned
Modules: Same as above

Regards Surviver

tidefans 10-04-2008 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Surviver (Post 1637337)

Instructions: You can add this via FAQ (Friontend Help)
Tagging is planned
Modules: Same as above

Regards Surviver


For instructions, what I actually meant was at the top of the front video.php page having an area to put instructions on how to upload, etc. I can do this manually, but just suggesting to have it as a feature.

Regardless, I love this mod.

Surviver 10-04-2008 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by tidefans (Post 1637361)

For instructions, what I actually meant was at the top of the front video.php page having an area to put instructions on how to upload, etc. I can do this manually, but just suggesting to have it as a feature.

Regardless, I love this mod.

You can simply add it to the Template. (shoulkd be video_main or video_home)

Artes_Marciales 10-06-2008 10:50 AM

Great MOD!


Chadi 10-06-2008 07:41 PM

Some problems.

In admin panel:

I cannot do anything. Clicking any links shows empty-style pages and nothing can be saved, or some links show blank page

I traced it to the vbseo code you provided causing that error


// Video Directory



removed that vbseo code, admin links work fine.

The other problems
- blank video list on main page
- domain name in the color icon, inside toolbar? This happens only in this mod, not global elsewhere

I chmodded all folders/sub-folders/files exactly as explained in the readme file.

Surviver 10-06-2008 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1638854)
Some problems.

In admin panel:

I cannot do anything. Clicking any links shows empty-style pages and nothing can be saved, or some links show blank page

I traced it to the vbseo code you provided causing that error


// Video Directory



removed that vbseo code, admin links work fine.

The other problems
- blank video list on main page
- domain name in the color icon, inside toolbar? This happens only in this mod, not global elsewhere

I chmodded all folders/sub-folders/files exactly as explained in the readme file.

@@vBSEO: Maybe this is a compatibilit yproblem with anothe rhack - i don't know.
@blank video page: Just look into the settings
@Editor-Problem: I can't confirm, i just use the editor like each other mod too

Chadi 10-06-2008 08:39 PM


@blank video page: Just look into the settings
I don't understand. There is practically no setting options that has anything to do with the main page or such.

ams3521 10-07-2008 03:52 AM

Hello a great addition to my forum and a smooth install. One thing though. I need my navbar for non video related things. how do i remove the link to the video from the navbar template?


ams3521 10-07-2008 03:53 AM

ps its working for me with vbseo

Konstantinos 10-07-2008 04:49 AM

'video.php?do=viewdetails&categoryid=(d+)&category title=(.*)&videoid=(d+)&videot itle=(.*)'=>'videos/$2-$1/$4-$3.html'

'video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=(d+)&categor ytitle=(.*)'=>'videos/$2-$1/'

these dont work

Surviver 10-07-2008 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1638881)
I don't understand. There is practically no setting options that has anything to do with the main page or such.

No, but global settings ...


Originally Posted by ams3521 (Post 1639064)
Hello a great addition to my forum and a smooth install. One thing though. I need my navbar for non video related things. how do i remove the link to the video from the navbar template?


Have a look at the settings, too. Setting Template Hook


Originally Posted by ams3521 (Post 1639065)
ps its working for me with vbseo

For me they do, too.


Originally Posted by Konstantinos (Post 1639081)
'video.php?do=viewdetails&categoryid=(d+)&category title=(.*)&videoid=(d+)&videotitle=(.*)'=>'videos/$2-$1/$4-$3.html'

'video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=(d+)&categor ytitle=(.*)'=>'videos/$2-$1/'

these dont work

As said: Maybe a compatibility problem with another hack. I can't say. Bute the CRR are very simple, i don't know where there should be a problem ...
Maybe you should ask the vBSEO Support.

rooban12 10-07-2008 07:43 AM

Surviver, How can we add megavideo?


Surviver 10-07-2008 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by rooban12 (Post 1639155)
Surviver, How can we add megavideo?


You can add a video hoster vi the acp.

You have to write a class for this hoster, and then you can simply add it via the acp. You might have a look at class_youtube.php in the includes/videoserviveapi-dir ;)

Konstantinos 10-07-2008 11:21 AM

'video\.php\?do=viewdetails&categoryid=(\d+)&categ orytitle=(.*)&videoid=(\d+)&vi deotitle=(.*)'=>'videos/$2-$1/$4-$3.html'
'video\.php\?do=viewcategory&categoryid=(\d+)&cate gorytitle=(.*)&page=(\d+)'=>'v ideos/$2-$1/$3/'
'video\.php\?do=viewcategory&categoryid=(\d+)&cate gorytitle=(.*)'=>'videos/$2-$1/'

these are the correct ones

Chadi 10-07-2008 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Konstantinos (Post 1639292)
'video\.php\?do=viewdetails&categoryid=(\d+)&categ orytitle=(.*)&videoid=(\d+)&videotitle=(.*)'=>'vid eos/$2-$1/$4-$3.html'
'video\.php\?do=viewcategory&categoryid=(\d+)&cate gorytitle=(.*)&page=(\d+)'=>'videos/$2-$1/$3/'
'video\.php\?do=viewcategory&categoryid=(\d+)&cate gorytitle=(.*)'=>'videos/$2-$1/'

these are the correct ones

tried that, the message to add the code to vbseo in admincp > options > video directory is finally gone, but it still affects the style (css) inside the admincp > video links (all 4)

Certain links do not work also such as "import video hoster"

See screenshot examples

Also, can you please explain how to add godtube.com? Thanks.

Surviver 10-07-2008 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1639590)
tried that, the message to add the code to vbseo in admincp > options > video directory is finally gone, but it still affects the style (css) inside the admincp > video links (all 4)

Certain links do not work also such as "import video hoster"

See screenshot examples

Also, can you please explain how to add godtube.com? Thanks.

I have corrected the rewrite rukles for the ext release.

@CSS-Problem: This seems to be a vBSEO Problem. vBSEO should not rewrite the acp, if it does, this happens. But i can't coonfirm that on my local dev forum.

ANd i can't explain how to add godtube. Only general instructions:
Create the PHP Class like class_youtube for this hoster, and than you have to add it via the ACP in Debug Mode.

Chadi 10-07-2008 06:27 PM

Anyone know how to get godtube.com added? I'm not a programmer.

viper007 10-08-2008 05:46 AM

where can we see this

Surviver 10-08-2008 08:18 PM


Chadi 10-10-2008 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1639622)
Anyone know how to get godtube.com added? I'm not a programmer.

I'm willing to pay someone $25 if they can do this for me please. You'll need to prove that its working on your forum (show me a live video) before you get.


Britmovie 10-10-2008 08:37 PM

Is this downloading the clip to my host or just storing data, curiouse if it is taking up space?

Also need a way to check video's before they go public?

Britmovie 10-10-2008 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1642015)
I'm willing to pay someone $25 if they can do this for me please. You'll need to prove that its working on your forum (show me a live video) before you get.


Its a doddle try

cheat-master30 10-10-2008 08:43 PM

A few quick questions:

1. This is like a video gallery thing, correct? Because I've been looking for one of these for quite some time.

2. Does it work with PHP and MYSQl 5?

3. Does it work with vBulletin 3.8?

Surviver 10-10-2008 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Britmovie (Post 1642244)
Is this downloading the clip to my host or just storing data, curiouse if it is taking up space?

Also need a way to check video's before they go public?

No, the clips are not stored locally, only the thumbnails.

A moderation queue is planned for 1.2.0.


Originally Posted by cheat-master30 (Post 1642248)
A few quick questions:

1. This is like a video gallery thing, correct? Because I've been looking for one of these for quite some time.

2. Does it work with PHP and MYSQl 5?

3. Does it work with vBulletin 3.8?

1.) Yes - you can add videos from video hosters likje youtube.
2.) Yes.
3.) I don't know, but i think it wiill (95% ;)) - I'll try it tomorrow, after i've updated my forum to 3.8 :)

Chris11987 10-11-2008 12:49 AM

Can the "add video" page include a list of categories to add it to, instead of you already having to be inside a category?

vietfancy 10-11-2008 02:03 AM

I'll wait a little longer for a few more video providers ... :d

Great mod though

chikkoo 10-11-2008 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Chris11987 (Post 1642377)
Can the "add video" page include a list of categories to add it to, instead of you already having to be inside a category?

Chris is right. I second it.

BTW, The installation was very smooth. I like it.
Nominated for MOTM.

Few more video hosters like metacafe, dailymotion, etc. would be nice.

Surviver 10-11-2008 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by chikkoo (Post 1642810)
Chris is right. I second it.

BTW, The installation was very smooth. I like it.
Nominated for MOTM.

Few more video hosters like metacafe, dailymotion, etc. would be nice.

I think i'll add an integration for metacafe in the next release ;)

Chris11987 10-11-2008 08:24 PM

I put it so that this mod could be used in my root directory, and not my forums directory and everything works fine, however, all of the cetagories I create or edit have "/forums/" in the url. Since I also have the fiile uploaded in my forums directory, it shows up fine, but I would like to know where I could edit it so that the categories don't have the forums part at all.

Surviver 10-11-2008 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Chris11987 (Post 1642924)
I put it so that this mod could be used in my root directory, and not my forums directory and everything works fine, however, all of the cetagories I create or edit have "/forums/" in the url. Since I also have the fiile uploaded in my forums directory, it shows up fine, but I would like to know where I could edit it so that the categories don't have the forums part at all.

Template video_catbit_small.

Chris11987 10-11-2008 11:38 PM

Thanks. When a user is watching a video, or anywhere in the videos section, their activity in ther profile isn't displayed. It just says the time they were last active. How do we get it to say "Watching a Video" or something?

Surviver 10-12-2008 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by Chris11987 (Post 1642991)
Thanks. When a user is watching a video, or anywhere in the videos section, their activity in ther profile isn't displayed. It just says the time they were last active. How do we get it to say "Watching a Video" or something?

Works for me ...

Surviver 10-12-2008 08:40 AM

XML for Metacafe (Will be integrated in the next release!)

lazee 10-12-2008 11:56 AM

I try this many time and the only problem i get is after i submit the video it give a white page,IE or firefox same,i switched to opera and it show this error:

http://www.xxxx.com/testvb/video.php...o&categoryid=2, which is currently unavailable. Please make sure that the Web address (URL) is correctly spelled and punctuated, then try reloading the page.

i have read all the post in this and there are no solution for what i got, chmod folder and file like suggested here but still not working.

i have centos 5
php 5.2.6
xcache 1.2.2

jambo_1969 10-12-2008 01:42 PM

Great Mod mate - however, I can't get the Metacafe xml to accept URL's

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