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-   -   Add-On Releases - AJAX Tabs Content Script - Version 3.0 (YUI) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=191106)

bobster65 01-25-2009 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by n8td (Post 1724375)
For some reason it won't parse HTML. Do you know why?

what do you mean "it" .. can you explain what you are doing? maybe post your content file that you are having issues with..

n8td 01-31-2009 05:13 AM

I'm using the Tabnews.php file and I have it displaying two pieces of news. For some reason it's only parsing the first piece of news. The other news piece is all code.

bobster65 01-31-2009 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by n8td (Post 1729723)
I'm using the Tabnews.php file and I have it displaying two pieces of news. For some reason it's only parsing the first piece of news. The other news piece is all code.

Can you zip it up and attach it to this thread so I can take a look at it..

n8td 01-31-2009 11:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay here ya go. I renamed it to newstab.php.

bobster65 01-31-2009 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by n8td (Post 1730434)
Okay here ya go. I renamed it to newstab.php.

OK, I'll take a look at it tomorrow morning..

n8td 02-05-2009 01:11 AM

Any update on my problem?

murekhalir 02-07-2009 06:52 PM

hey bob some questions.

1. Is there a way to set the time speed for the rotating tab news? Set it to slower speeds?

2. How can i change the colors on the tabs, the blue doesnt match my red forum.

bobster65 02-08-2009 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by n8td (Post 1734787)
Any update on my problem?

no, not yet... work and life in general are consuming all my time. This one was written by someone else, so what I think I am going to do is just create a new version of it based on vBa News Module..


Originally Posted by murekhalir (Post 1737247)
hey bob some questions.

1. Is there a way to set the time speed for the rotating tab news? Set it to slower speeds?

2. How can i change the colors on the tabs, the blue doesnt match my red forum.

The YUI version doesn't have a rotating time.. are you using the older ajax one that has that setting? If so, then yes, you can change it in the template itself.. mytabs.init() change that to mytabs.init(5000) its done in micro seconds, so 5000=5 seconds .. 10000=10 seconds

The colors of the tabs are controlled by the CSS file(s) ... just edit then to change to the colors that match your style :cool:

n8td 02-08-2009 07:41 PM

Okay thanks.

chompboard 02-18-2009 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1632327)
Hi Peter,

I do have a couple different calendar/event content files.. however, they were written over a year ago, so I will have to update those before I release them.. if you want to PM me a mock up of what you are looking for, go ahead and do that and I'll try and get something out soon..

As far as latest comments for album pics, I'll look into it.. shouldn't be to tough.

I'm also awaiting an upcoming events features. Thanks. I'll be watching this mod.

bobster65 02-18-2009 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by chompboard (Post 1747493)
I'm also awaiting an upcoming events features. Thanks. I'll be watching this mod.

Never did get a mock up from the guy, so if you want to provide me a mock up and or some specs that you are after, I'll try and get one knocked out.. probably will add it to TFH as a module as well..

wmlvb 02-21-2009 08:47 PM

Hey bob,

You customized my mod a while back at www.usafacommunity.com. The tabs I have now have thread titles only coming into them! I would like to have the actual content from the most recent post from those thread coming through. I think it maybe news.php. Is that correct? Where do I go to change the data source?.

If you want a sample of what I am looking for please see my homepage on the right and the module called "recent post" That is the type of data I want coming into my tabs!

Is there a way to copy the file that generate that recent post module and just paste it into the file that generates each tab I want like that?

Thanks for you help!

bobster65 02-22-2009 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by wmlvb (Post 1750973)
Hey bob,

You customized my mod a while back at www.usafacommunity.com. The tabs I have now have thread titles only coming into them! I would like to have the actual content from the most recent post from those thread coming through. I think it maybe news.php. Is that correct? Where do I go to change the data source?.

If you want a sample of what I am looking for please see my homepage on the right and the module called "recent post" That is the type of data I want coming into my tabs!

Is there a way to copy the file that generate that recent post module and just paste it into the file that generates each tab I want like that?

Thanks for you help!

Hi Lark,

Yes, those tabs use the default recent threads content module.. that was designed to mimic the output of the default vBa CMPS Recent Thread Module. The best way to do this is to edit each custom content file and add the output of the "ALT" text (or preview) .. I know YOU can't easily do this, but I can, so just email me. And no, you can't just "over write" these files with code from another file as there are specific setting in them to tell them what Forum to pull from, how many thread to pull, what order, etc etc etc...


otto07 02-24-2009 07:40 AM

hello i noticed how this displays threads from spacific forums. i would like this to display a whole section of my site like the Whole General section which contains the news,rules,intro and so forth. how can i get my tabs to display something like that.

here is a demo of what i am trying to do


bobster65 02-24-2009 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by otto07 (Post 1753125)
hello i noticed how this displays threads from spacific forums. i would like this to display a whole section of my site like the Whole General section which contains the news,rules,intro and so forth. how can i get my tabs to display something like that.

here is a demo of what i am trying to do


I see you are running my version 1 Tabbed Forum Home.. v2 of TFH is based on the same YUI Tabview JS as this mod is...

v2 also has a Modules capability that will run any of the content modules that I built for this... so in essence, you could configure TFH to have a recent thread module for each category ie, Tab 1 = Cat 1, but using the Recent thread module would display all recent threads from all forums within that Category... or you could just break out your tabs by Multiple Categories like you are doing with the non ajax version now, cept with v2, its all done via the Admin CP.. Setup is a breeze compared to ver 1 or 1.5

KrU$ty 02-26-2009 04:53 AM

I'm trying to get attachments to display inline on each post within the tabs, but i cant see any settings for it. Is there a way to do this by adding some code to the content files?

bobster65 02-26-2009 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by KrU$ty (Post 1754913)
I'm trying to get attachments to display inline on each post within the tabs, but i cant see any settings for it. Is there a way to do this by adding some code to the content files?

ya, no settings or code included to do that right now, but its doable ... I don't have time right now to do it, but most coders here should be able to help you out without a problem.. If I run across anyone that has done it, I will certainly let you know..

Froggfish 02-26-2009 11:06 PM

Ny indications when v.2 will be ready for the public?
I am very close to installing this version since I already are running the vba version, but it will be pointless if a new version are very close.

bobster65 02-26-2009 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Froggfish (Post 1755619)
Ny indications when v.2 will be ready for the public?
I am very close to installing this version since I already are running the vba version, but it will be pointless if a new version are very close.

huh? are you asking about TFH (Tabbed Forum Home) .. This mod is different than that one..

FiMeTi 03-01-2009 10:33 AM

Hi @ all!

Could anyone fixx the small .css error for the loading.gif yet?
This beautiful hack is 99% perfect ... lets make it 100% please! :D


ButtKrust 03-02-2009 05:25 AM

Is there a way to pass the Forum ID through so that the forum ID can be used for various things within the PHP files (tabsampel1.php, tabsample2.php, tabsample3.php, ect)? Or is there another way to about grabbing the current Forum ID of where the php file is currently being viewed? Hope that makes sense.

bobster65 03-02-2009 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by ButtKrust (Post 1758232)
Is there a way to pass the Forum ID through so that the forum ID can be used for various things within the PHP files (tabsampel1.php, tabsample2.php, tabsample3.php, ect)? Or is there another way to about grabbing the current Forum ID of where the php file is currently being viewed? Hope that makes sense.

Not sure I follow you .. can you try and explain in more detail..

wmlvb 03-02-2009 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1751432)
Hi Lark,

Yes, those tabs use the default recent threads content module.. that was designed to mimic the output of the default vBa CMPS Recent Thread Module. The best way to do this is to edit each custom content file and add the output of the "ALT" text (or preview) .. I know YOU can't easily do this, but I can, so just email me. And no, you can't just "over write" these files with code from another file as there are specific setting in them to tell them what Forum to pull from, how many thread to pull, what order, etc etc etc...


Hey bob,

had not heard back! Was wondering about any update on this add-on? Thanks

bobster65 03-02-2009 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by wmlvb (Post 1758481)
Hey bob,

had not heard back! Was wondering about any update on this add-on? Thanks

I wrote you back, said that I would try and work on something for you during my free time (which I don't have a lot of).. If you need something done faster, put in a request for paid services, there are a ton of people here that can easily assist you and you might even find someone that can do it for free.. I just don't have time to do a bunch of free customizations for people..

ButtKrust 03-02-2009 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1758473)
Not sure I follow you .. can you try and explain in more detail..

Well for some reason when i try to program in php in the files that are being viewed through the tabs (tabsample1, tabsample2, tabsample3), I've make new files and put my own code in and I can't use the $foruminfo['forumid'] to do anything, whether it be echo the value or use a condition. Are there certain files i need to include in those? I have global.php included, and i've tried having several others included, but not matter what i do i can't get the forum id of the forum currently viewing the ajax tabs to show the id inside that tab. I hope that makes sense. I can get what i need to show through the tabs, now i just need that to change based on the forumid without having to make a new module with a new set of tabs. Thanks for any help you can give.

For example, INSIDE the php file tabsample1.php, pretent i've made my own file out of it. I need to be able to say if($foruminfo[forumid]==5) show this, and if it is something else, show that. "Echo $foruminfo" shows the word "array", but $foruminfo[forumid] shows nothing at all. So it clearly isn't being able to pick up the forumid. Unless i'm doing something wrong like not including the right support files or not coding something right.

wmlvb 03-02-2009 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1758497)
I wrote you back, said that I would try and work on something for you during my free time (which I don't have a lot of).. If you need something done faster, put in a request for paid services, there are a ton of people here that can easily assist you and you might even find someone that can do it for free.. I just don't have time to do a bunch of free customizations for people..

Thanks for the reply bob
I guess my original request was for something similar to what was requested a few post before mine which would be an addon .php file. I think you mentioned to that poster you were working on that additional option. Is that no longer in the works?

bobster65 03-02-2009 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by wmlvb (Post 1758841)
Thanks for the reply bob
I guess my original request was for something similar to what was requested a few post before mine which would be an addon .php file. I think you mentioned to that poster you were working on that additional option. Is that no longer in the works?

which post, there are so many lol.. it might have been one of the addons for TFH (Tabbed Forum Home) ?

One of these days, members might actually realize that they can release and support content files for this...

ButtKrust 03-03-2009 01:11 AM

Ignore what i said earlier, and let me put it this way.

When i create a new PHP MODULE with vbadvanced, and in the settings section i set the "Initialize Forum Permissions" to YES, it allows me to use $foruminfo[forumid] in the php file and it works fine. When i copy this exact same file and call it with the TEMPLATE module for this AJAX TABS, (EX: Datasrc: "tabsample1.php") i CAN NOT use $foruminfo[forumid]. It simply doesn't work. Is this because "Initialize Forum Permissions" haven't been allowed for this? Is it because this is a TEMPLATE module rather than a PHP module? Is there a way to set TEMPLATE modules to have this very same setting? Is there a way i can go about getting $foruminfo[forumid] to work when the php files are called through these AJAX tabs? I hope to God in heaven this made sense. I really need this to work.

kfiasche81 03-27-2009 07:23 AM

it's work on 3.8.x ?

bobster65 03-27-2009 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by ButtKrust (Post 1758946)
Ignore what i said earlier, and let me put it this way.

When i create a new PHP MODULE with vbadvanced, and in the settings section i set the "Initialize Forum Permissions" to YES, it allows me to use $foruminfo[forumid] in the php file and it works fine. When i copy this exact same file and call it with the TEMPLATE module for this AJAX TABS, (EX: Datasrc: "tabsample1.php") i CAN NOT use $foruminfo[forumid]. It simply doesn't work. Is this because "Initialize Forum Permissions" haven't been allowed for this? Is it because this is a TEMPLATE module rather than a PHP module? Is there a way to set TEMPLATE modules to have this very same setting? Is there a way i can go about getting $foruminfo[forumid] to work when the php files are called through these AJAX tabs? I hope to God in heaven this made sense. I really need this to work.

If you are needing to include variables that are created by a specific function, then you need to include that function within the content php file.


Originally Posted by kfiasche81 (Post 1778065)
it's work on 3.8.x ?


Flowsion 03-29-2009 08:34 PM

I haven't read through all this, so my apologies if it's been answered:

What I want to do is have 5 tabs on my forum home, ontop of my forums and each tab will load a different set of forums. Example:


So, when I click 'Knights of Maple' it'll load up 5 or so forums, each one will have a different set of forums. How would I accomplish this and is there an easy or rather, already-done method or would I have to script my own?


bobster65 03-29-2009 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Flowsion (Post 1779943)
I haven't read through all this, so my apologies if it's been answered:

What I want to do is have 5 tabs on my forum home, ontop of my forums and each tab will load a different set of forums. Example:


So, when I click 'Knights of Maple' it'll load up 5 or so forums, each one will have a different set of forums. How would I accomplish this and is there an easy or rather, already-done method or would I have to script my own?


You'd have to build a specific "forum" display content file (which would not be that tough) you can take a look at my "Tabbed Forum Home" modification .. you could use the NON AJAX version to do this.

tekknikal 04-06-2009 06:43 PM

having trouble and need some help:

-my forums are in mydomain.com/forums
-i am running vbadvanced cmps on the root folder of the domain so when you go to mydomain.com vb cmps shows up
-to get the tabs to show i must put the tabsample content files in the mydomain.com/forums folder AND i must edit the template to have the full path to the tabsample content files
-but now when i go to mydomain.com, threads that show in the tabs have links like mydomain.com/showthread.php which dont work since my forums are installed at mydomain.com/forums

i assume i need to edit the content files. if so, how/where do i make the edits? or is there somewhere where i can define the correct paths?

would appreciate any pointers...

bobster65 04-06-2009 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by tekknikal (Post 1785236)
having trouble and need some help:

-my forums are in mydomain.com/forums
-i am running vbadvanced cmps on the root folder of the domain so when you go to mydomain.com vb cmps shows up
-to get the tabs to show i must put the tabsample content files in the mydomain.com/forums folder AND i must edit the template to have the full path to the tabsample content files
-but now when i go to mydomain.com, threads that show in the tabs have links like mydomain.com/showthread.php which dont work since my forums are installed at mydomain.com/forums

i assume i need to edit the content files. if so, how/where do i make the edits? or is there somewhere where i can define the correct paths?

would appreciate any pointers...

ya, just edit the content files .. down towards the bottom are where the URLs are echo'd out.. just add /forums to the URL paths .. pretty easy fix ;)

Matrixthestar 04-06-2009 08:57 PM

anyone have new content files
just asking

bobster65 04-08-2009 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by Matrixthestar (Post 1785327)
anyone have new content files
just asking

I have a few that I have not released yet, mostly for Social Groups stuff.

Anything in particular that you are looking for?

starplatinum 04-12-2009 10:17 PM

<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=126421" target="_blank">vBISpy module</a> doesn't work with YUI tabs !

Any hint to make it works ?

Nordinho 04-16-2009 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1786321)
I have a few that I have not released yet, mostly for Social Groups stuff.

Anything in particular that you are looking for?

Lots ;)

I would be interested in an 'online users' tab and in the social group ones. A random members one would be cool as well. Together they could make a nice 'community' module.

If you got any you want to share, I would be very glad!

ryancooper 06-04-2009 03:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Can someone help me get the tables to style like my vb ones. See attached photo. The tables around the threads are all white?

Also is ther anyway to get a tab that contains a Quick Registration?

JVCode 07-16-2009 04:20 PM

How do I add custom content? the tutorial doesn't tell me how.

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