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Pie'oh'pah 08-02-2001 08:49 PM


Originally posted by WEBDosser
Any chance of getting this to work with 2.0.3 i got down to showthread.php and it's not the same..


Any chance you take care of reading the thread at all??

Scroll up dude! Answer is 10 posts backwards...

HelpME 08-03-2001 05:33 AM

Can this hack work for 2.0.0 cause I have that . Please respond somebody cause I am nEw and I need help. I am beginner.

Oliver 08-03-2001 12:22 PM

Weve got it working fine on v2.0.0

just follow the steps


HelpME 08-03-2001 12:38 PM

Do I need to just download the zip file and then just follow the steps or do I even have to do like this that people have some problems. Lots of people had problems that's Why I am asking. Thanks Guys for the code cause I would love to have stars. KOOOL!!

HelpME 08-04-2001 02:26 PM

I have that same error like Harizz. Hey Harizz how did u fix it. I cant fix mine. Or i should forget about it and just get XMB forum cause it has stars already installed.

tubedogg 08-04-2001 08:17 PM

I would be much more willing to help if you entered valid license information into your profiles.

HelpME 08-05-2001 01:44 AM

So u just dont wanna help us. Ok. I dont get it. This thing with these codes sucks. Always some problems. Wheres that Harizz shoot. he probably fixed his. He ain't responding. HMM. ohh well thanxx for that tubodogg I will enter my license code. Nah. I dont feel like. I am not really safe with that stuff. I will keep it on my paper. Untill I install XBM then u can have my code. OK
See ya then

WEBDosser 08-05-2001 02:02 AM

Hey Pie'oh'pah.

No need for that dude.. we all need some help now and then..especially when a hack says one thing and means another..

Anyways got the hack working that same day..

To the rest of you i give a BIG thankyou for your help, i really like this hack.. just hope there's no more upgrades for a while..LOL

Pie'oh'pah 08-05-2001 08:51 AM


Originally posted by WEBDosser
Hey Pie'oh'pah.

No need for that dude.. we all need some help now and then..especially when a hack says one thing and means another..

Anyways got the hack working that same day..

That wasn't meant as an offence or stuff. Just that your question was answered by me 10 posts before.

I would appreciate (as everyone else i suppose), one reads the thread before stating his/her question, since it may already have been answered.

Now, since i'm german, and english ain't my primary language, may be I lag to understand your last posting addressing me.

If so, I apologize :D


White Chocobo 08-10-2001 10:57 PM

So do you plan on re-writing this hack? Cause the some PHP codes on vB 2.0.3 have been changed and some of the stuff you can't find anymore.

tpearl5 08-16-2001 05:16 AM


I want the normal "ladder" to work for all groups. Earn Stars by making more posts.

Admin - Red Stars
Moderators - Green Stars
Members - Yellow Stars

The Yellow stars are set as the default under CP - User Stars

In the Admin Group, I have nothing in "Stars shown" and I have "red" in the star image shown.

In the Moderators Group, I have nothing in "Stars shown" and I have "green" in the star image shown.

In the Members Group, I have nothing in "Stars shown" and I have "yellow" in the star image shown.

In the Forums, the Yellow Stars show for everyone. If I put a number, say 5, in the "Stars Shown" field in the Admin Group, it will then show 5 red stars when by #posts, he should only have 1.


Originally posted by tubedogg
Oh I see. That's not possible with my current hack. It's a good idea though...I'll probably look into it for a future version.

Sorry :(

I'm trying to do the same type of thing. Basically you can't have a different star image inless you have the 'star shown' field filled in along with the 'Star Image shown' ?

DevilsMania.com 08-16-2001 07:49 AM

I DID ALL, i have v 2.03 and i still can't see any stars....

now if i go to the mysql.php page thru the browser i get this msg:

There seems to have been a slight problem with the database. Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel: Invalid SQL: CREATE TABLE stars (
starid smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
minposts smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
starlevel CHAR(5) NOT NULL,
starimg CHAR(25) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (starid)
mysql error: Table 'stars' already exists
mysql error number: 1050
Date: Thursday 16th of August 2001 04:36:41 AM
Script: /admin/mysql.php

-what is this ?
how to fix it ?


Pie'oh'pah 08-16-2001 08:59 AM

You try to create a table that already exists!

The mysql.php only needs to be run 1 time.

DevilsMania.com 08-16-2001 09:05 AM

and how do i fix that ? ... ? :eek: :confused:

Pie'oh'pah 08-16-2001 09:08 AM

Well, this aint an error actually.

it simply means the table has been created before (which is good).
You should be able to setup your 'starsystem' within your admin cp.


DevilsMania.com 08-16-2001 09:32 AM

but if that it's not a problem... ... ...
anyway i can't see that and the stars thing is installed and can be modified in the admin panel..... but i still see 0 stars............................................. .....................

thnx :)

Pie'oh'pah 08-16-2001 09:58 AM

Have you updated the counters?

DevilsMania.com 08-16-2001 01:18 PM




Pie'oh'pah 08-16-2001 01:28 PM

wtf is that link supposed to mean?

update user info and stars in your admin cp, that's what you got to do

Bald Bouncer 08-17-2001 05:47 AM

Thanks for that it worked fine and my board now has stars, my head now hurts and I need a lie down though :D

rickjansen105 08-17-2001 07:07 AM

maybe someone posted this already, but this thread is sooo long (10 pages!)

uhm, is this working with VBB 2.0.3?

Thomas P 08-17-2001 07:55 AM

Yep, is working...
Read page 8, especially Pie'oh'pah's posting.
It's not "VBB", it's "vB" :rolleyes:

P.S.: There's a saying in german - Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil :D
(nope, won't translate that ;) )

rickjansen105 08-17-2001 10:53 AM


Originally posted by Thomas P
P.S.: There's a saying in german - Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil :D

i can understand German (at least enough for that single line ;))
hmm... i CAN read, but i don't want to :)
anyway, thx for your reply...

this hack is a nice piece of good vB hacking... Good job Tubedogg! Thx!

maverick1236 08-18-2001 02:20 AM

im running 2.03-the stars hack went well-no errors at all

only problem is-no stars show up in postbit-there is a space where they would be-but thats it

ive checked my paths and updated counters-no luck

any suggestions?


Pie'oh'pah 08-18-2001 06:05 AM


make sure you don't use file extensions for the stars in the admin cp.....

else...dunno, not much information to work with :p


illogicalx 08-19-2001 10:08 PM


I have used that hack with 2.0.3 but there is one problem

In the user groups its working well

But in the posts part it couldn’t work automatically .

Mike D One 08-20-2001 02:23 PM

I get the exact same problem with vb203 hack install without a problem but stars don't show in the posts :(
stars show up in the control panel but nothing in the post the only hack in place is couner on front page and total view in front page.

any suggestion?

illogicalx 08-20-2001 02:31 PM

sorry it's working now :)

just i remove the star from the member title in user groups

now it's working a great hack

Pie'oh'pah 08-20-2001 03:27 PM


Originally posted by Mike D One
I get the exact same problem with vb203 hack install without a problem but stars don't show in the posts :(
stars show up in the control panel but nothing in the post the only hack in place is couner on front page and total view in front page.

any suggestion?

You probably made same mistake as illogicalX.

In the UserGroups only add stars for such as Admin and Mods, those who are given a fixed amount of stars.

for the users u will need to configure the star system according to their postings.


10 Posts = 1 Star
20 Posts = 2 Stars
100 Posts = 10 Stars

or whatever suites you best.

What i'm saying is, that users, who'll get their stars by postcount are not to be declared in the UserGroups setup



Mike D One 08-20-2001 03:28 PM

I finally solved my problem of stars not showing in the post with vb203
when i installed i edited only funcions.php and not showtread.php and guess what i was wrong !
i edited like mentioned by Pie'oh'Pah but i also edited the showtread with the same code and now is perfectly working !


Originally posted by Pie'oh'pah
Hi Joey,

instead of showthread.php you need to edit the admin/functions.php !

PHP Code:

if ($post['receivepm'] and $enablepms==1) {
"\$post[pmlink] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_sendpm")."\";");
        } else {
$post[pmlink] = "";

**Right under it, add
PHP Code:

    $sli 0;
    while (
$sli $post[starlevel]) {
$post[stars] .= "<img src=\"images/stars/$post[starimg].gif\" border=\"0\">";

That's it. :D:D


Pie'oh'pah 08-20-2001 04:06 PM


thats strange. To my knowledge, the strings you need to change/find/replace for this hack to work aren't part of showthread.php (at least not in my v2.0.3)

if you are on 2.0.3 you need to edit the admin/functions.php instead of showthread.php

I know it's uncomfortable to read all 10 pages to find a solution, but nevertheless necessary sometimes :p

So if you are on v2.0.3 you ONLY need to make that changes in admin/functions.php, NOT in showthread.php (because you would not find them there (usually :D))

Users of Versions <= v2.0.2 will need to edit the showthread.php.

Maybe we got different versions of showthread.php, even if we are both on v2.0.3 ??


Kehfera 08-21-2001 12:02 AM

<a href="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24411&perpage=15&pagenu mber=1" target="_blank">Stars Hack Thread</a>

Mike D One 08-21-2001 01:42 AM


Originally posted by Pie'oh'pah

thats strange. To my knowledge, the strings you need to change/find/replace for this hack to work aren't part of showthread.php (at least not in my v2.0.3)....

.....I know it's uncomfortable to read all 10 pages to find a solution, but nevertheless necessary sometimes :p

So if you are on v2.0.3 you ONLY need to make that changes in admin/functions.php, NOT in showthread.php ..........

I know what your saying but i've read all the 10+ pages before posting :) and i edited both code and it's working just great !!
we must have 2 different files as i'm running 203 no doubt about that ;)

anyhow i'm happy as is working !

Hope everyonelse get it to work to !:D

Mike D One

k@mi 08-21-2001 02:59 AM

I can't find this in showthread.php
PHP Code:

    if ($post['receivepm'] and $enablepms==1) {
"\$post[pmlink] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_sendpm")."\";");
    } else {
$post[pmlink] = "";

Mike D One 08-21-2001 04:54 AM

I'm sorry if i misslead some of you with my direction.
i have the code in showtread.php because i had installed a hack that added that code.........i just looked in the original unedited files of vb203 and the code is not there :p

Good luck and i hope you get it to work as it's so much better than the other stars hack going around as you get full cp control :)

Mike D One

Dakota 08-21-2001 05:27 AM

The code that is says to find in showthread.php is now located in admin/functions.php just find it in there and do whatever the instructions say to do to showthread.php

tubedogg 08-25-2001 03:59 PM

Updated for 2.0.3 --> See the first post in this thread.

joecrow 08-25-2001 04:13 PM

can u include some multi colour flashing stars instead of the boaring red and yellow ones please.

Thomas P 08-25-2001 04:23 PM


Originally posted by joecrow
can u include some multi colour flashing stars instead of the boaring red and yellow ones please.
That should be your job.
Tubedogg provided us with his fantastic hack, the graphics is up to you - look for others or do them yourself!

Bane 08-25-2001 04:38 PM

Small mistake I made in the installer on line 391 and 399 should be a html comment <! -- not a php comment // :(

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