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Been Told 09-29-2008 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisXX (Post 1632851)
...and WalMart store security...

That sent me into fits... LOL Thanks for cheering up a boring morning in the office!!! :)

realmr 09-29-2008 10:36 AM

why should some one block chrome browser ? I don't really understand the logic of blocking members using an browser

nerofix 10-06-2008 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by realmr (Post 1632974)
why should some one block chrome browser ? I don't really understand the logic of blocking members using an browser

The browser is spyware, specially when you use this browser and login on vbulletin.org, google will be able to identify you and watch every step you do and collect every single letter you will write here, even it's a private message to someone.

Just inform yourself about the privacy issues of all google products like "Google Chrome" or "Google Analytics" ... It's american bullsh!t technologies and everyone that use this browser is just stupid, didn't read any terms of use, and that's why those people should be blocked for their stupidness :)

Chris11987 10-06-2008 01:03 AM

Thanks, I'm definitely gonna install this. Spyware on a board, and glitches in WYSIWYG editor, reputation, timestamps, etc

Seriously, why would you NOT install this?

briansol 10-07-2008 03:59 AM

I won't be installing this.

it is 100% the USER'S choice what they want to view my site with.

I view this as the same as sites that use javascript to maximize my viewport. I'll never go to that site again. You, as a website owner, have 0 say in how i view your site.

My opinion of course.

agitated 10-07-2008 04:29 PM

I've just sent a PM to myself. In it I dissed the browser, dissed Google and suggested that one of their development team pop in to look at this thread and perhaps dispel the paranoia and scaremongering being expressed by some.

Based on what has been said, someone at Google will read my PM . :D

Jezlad 10-07-2008 07:08 PM


I've just sent a PM to myself. In it I dissed the browser, dissed Google and suggested that one of their development team pop in to look at this thread and perhaps dispel the paranoia and scaremongering being expressed by some.

Based on what has been said, someone at Google will read my PM .
You're awesome.

Can I be your best man?

INSTALLED until I have more info.

Sebijk 10-08-2008 08:07 AM

Google Free Alternative: http://www.srware.net/en/software_srware_iron.php

Based on Google's Project "Chromium".

This Browser have not any Spyware functions und use a own User Agent. So this Mod block not the Iron Browser.

SciExposed 10-12-2008 09:47 PM

this mod was fun
one of the other admins uses chrome exclusively and this made the perfect prank!

whitetigergrowl 10-12-2008 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by nerofix (Post 1638225)
The browser is spyware, specially when you use this browser and login on vbulletin.org, google will be able to identify you and watch every step you do and collect every single letter you will write here, even it's a private message to someone.

Just inform yourself about the privacy issues of all google products like "Google Chrome" or "Google Analytics" ... It's american bullsh!t technologies and everyone that use this browser is just stupid, didn't read any terms of use, and that's why those people should be blocked for their stupidness :)

It's got just as much spyware as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, and Safari. So you may wanna just delete all of your browsers. For they all could be spying on you! :O

FACT: Chrome DOES NOT contain spyware. They do NOT keep track of your passwords, usernames or anything more than any of the above names browsers. Considering that Chrome is actually using 1 or 2 of those listed above as the engine it's built from, you should think twice about what you said. It seems obvious to me you are just not very well informed and seem to have some sort of strange hatred for American products.

Also, Vbulletin phones home. So you may want to delete your Vbulletin forum too. Heaven knows what VB is phoning home for! Time for the tinfoil hats!

a33 10-13-2008 12:02 PM

I have a completely private forum i run for a company......Nothing is supposed to be visible to google ........ so i will be installing....... :up:

Kinneas 10-13-2008 12:10 PM

Oh my god at the amount of conspiracies and arguments here.

I have no use for this mod, but people should respect those who do. I'm sure some people chose to Block MS and their Browsers for similar reasoning.

Personally, I think the notion of "browser discrimination" is very '90s, but like I said people are free to do what they want with their sites. There's also nothing stopping browser users from changing their user agent ;)

It would be good if people actually read all the information themselves before making their decision though, rather than going off 3rd hand information.

cosy 10-18-2008 05:30 AM

btw google is no 100% legal here in europe, google dont meet privacy standards on EU is only matter of time until this make "BOOM"

MikeTrin 10-20-2008 12:14 PM

We'd be better off blocking IE crapware.

Infopro 12-05-2008 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Hasann (Post 1615034)
here is for you hahaha :D

Blocking MSIE by itself blocks all instances of IE. (as I'm sure you know)

Changing it to MSIE 6.0 would seem to be more useful for those who use lots of .png gradients and such for backgrounds that get totally hosed in earlier versions of IE.

And, since anyone can download IE7 now even with a pirated version of XP, I think blocking old browsers may be harsh, sure, but might push a user to get a new browser, no matter what it is. Including a link in the text to a newer browser might be nice as well. :)

Loki12 12-06-2008 04:08 PM

Another Chrome user here.

The mod is a clever idea, but I also think it is too paranoid. Another name for this mod could be "How to limit traffic to my site".

If you have a very exclusive and secretive community, then maybe it can be useful. But otherwise, it will be working against your site and make it less appealing to new users.

nerofix 12-06-2008 05:52 PM

You have installed Spyware Loki and this spyware collects also the private information of your forum friends and their pictures and texts. I think it's okay to block malware to protect your community.

Loki12 12-06-2008 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by nerofix (Post 1679736)
You have installed Spyware Loki and this spyware collects also the private information of your forum friends and their pictures and texts. I think it's okay to block malware to protect your community.

Ignorance is bliss. I'd rather stay in the Matrix. :p

Chef_uk 12-12-2008 10:09 PM

Chrome user here and i have nothing to hide, that doesn't mean i don't have anything i wouldn't want out, it means i don't care lol highly unlikely my browsing habits will ever be picked up and actioned on. But again, nice MOD idea.

TomJames 12-13-2008 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by Chef_uk (Post 1684160)
Chrome user here and i have nothing to hide, that doesn't mean i don't have anything i wouldn't want out, it means i don't care lol highly unlikely my browsing habits will ever be picked up and actioned on. But again, nice MOD idea.

I agree with the majority of your post the but the first sentance... urghh, why do people still trot out the old 'if you have nothing to hide'. People still use curtains, people would object if I asked to put a camera in their bedrooms. It's not that you have something to hide, it's that you value your privacy.

But yes, I agree with what you're saying.


Anyway, I like the idea but I don't think I'll be using it :P.

foroalfaromeo 04-11-2009 12:20 AM

F*** i didn't know that!


BlueNinjaGo 04-11-2009 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by KoC (Post 1615131)
Bad modification. Not very useful.

Comments like these made me lol... The majority of the modifications on this site aren't useful for me... doesn't make them bad mods....

jesus likes pie 04-11-2009 12:51 AM

chrome is an awful browser anyways.

NO reason to use it over firefox imo.

christ0pher 04-12-2009 02:38 PM

Thanks for the mod! WOrks like a charm! Dont know why all the bashing? "Free-Will" here dont want it then browse to the next mod! ;)

dutchbb 04-13-2009 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by goyo (Post 1614591)
It's an open source browser. Anybody can modify or look in to their code.
It's really laughable that people fear from it/spreading fud... :rolleyes:

This browser not collecting "more than alot" data whatever that means...

Yeah I agree, and this mod is bad for users.

Phantasmagoric 04-14-2009 07:09 AM

Without direct evidence of these accusations we (the people) are treading a fine line here, Google could, if they ever chose to do so take action against us (the people) for the slander in this thread. If there were direct evidence of these activities I would certainly use this modification, but here say and panicked ramblings just promote unnecessary concern and worry for everyday people.

I'd like very much to see this evidence, and not just some paranoid mongers blog.

agitated 04-14-2009 06:47 PM

Take a look at your site stats for browsers and you'll more than likely see Google chrome as the third or fourth most popular.

Using this MOD will cost you lost traffic. Chrome is here to stay and grows more and more popular by the day. I fully expect Google chrome to be the third most popular browser within 2 years.

troybtj 05-06-2009 06:55 AM

Some sites are private, do not care about traffic, and do not want to be in any search engine.


Somesite 05-06-2009 11:20 AM

Even if that were the case - google realizes your site's there once a chrome user visits the page. It's not like you're redirecting them to a new server to display the "use alternative browser" message. This mod is pointless in every way. The 72 people that installed just don't realize it I guess. - If you don't want google to index your site - make a robots.txt file stating so. But don't be fooled into using this Mod.

Google could just as easily do what they're doing with chrome simply by using a firefox addon - or their toolbar even... then what? block firefox and tell everyone to use IE... ha that would be a joke.

xentech 05-06-2009 02:05 PM

What a pointless mod, take off your tin foil hats.

xentech 05-06-2009 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by jesus likes pie (Post 1788578)
chrome is an awful browser anyways.

NO reason to use it over firefox imo.

Apart from the fact that it's a lot faster, makes MUCH better use of computer resources and is more stable?

I use FF also but that's because I'm a web developer and need certain extensions, if your a mainstream user Chrome is obviously the best choice.

lucalucius 05-09-2009 09:52 AM


fragov 05-10-2009 12:57 PM

Only idiot will install this hack. Who cares what browser do use your users, while they YOUR users. If I ever see such messages on site I prefer to find another one.

Most useless addon I ever seen!

Biker_GA 05-10-2009 01:11 PM

How many individuals who are complaing about privacy have a Facebook or MySpace account? How many of those same individuals use Twitter? Complaining about privacy with Google and then turning around and modifying your MySpace page is the ultimate in irony. :erm:

Orakk 05-11-2009 08:11 AM

Can I have an IE blocker, just for giggles.

samiro 05-11-2009 11:36 AM


renlok 05-19-2009 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by xentech (Post 1805748)
Apart from the fact that it's a lot faster, makes MUCH better use of computer resources and is more stable?

I use FF also but that's because I'm a web developer and need certain extensions, if your a mainstream user Chrome is obviously the best choice.

yeah i have to agree also my computer sucks and crome is the only browser that doesnt lag constantly.

randy17875 05-22-2009 02:43 PM

I have to say I'm amazed at the negativity in this thread on this modification. First of all it is a modification that you can choose to install if you feel that you need it, just like any other modification on this site or any other that you visit.

Some people do bury their sites to make them private for a variety of reasons from the search engines and that choice is theirs not ours. If they feel that the chrome browser may be violating that, then they can install it.

Those of us that don't feel that way about the chrome browser and don't want to install this mod are not being strong armed into using it so I'd say don't rag on the coder that made the mod or those that do want to use it.

I really don't think this is a debate or popularity poll as far as browsers go. It's just a good modification thread for those that want this sort of mod.

Good job on the mod. :up:

Biker_GA 05-22-2009 08:01 PM

Because complaining about Chrome and privacy is about as logical as complaining your license plate is out there for all to see when you're driving.

dieKetzer 06-06-2009 04:02 PM

ppl dont understand many of the reasons for using this hack, yet accuse me of ignorance...
my smaller board sits behind htaccess/passwd for a reason; its not for public use, its not to be cataloged, its not to be spidered or datamined. if there is any chance that the largest dataminer in the world is using peoples browser to mine data (such a stretch?) i will block it best i can, be that by using apache itself (modrewrite, etc), vb hacks, or both.
if you are too dim to understand that, so be it.

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