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mrpaint 08-11-2008 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by leeman (Post 1596169)
Any go on this ???

I can provide this hot fix: Just upload this file overwrite into ./kbank/

leeman 08-11-2008 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1596203)
I can provide this hot fix: Just upload this file overwrite into ./kbank/

Worked perfectly.

Only lill thing is that (I don't know if it is your mod or default behaviour) after a delete of spam you should redirect to forum home. Now it tries to redirect to the deleted post.

mrpaint 08-11-2008 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by leeman (Post 1596219)
Worked perfectly.

Only lill thing is that (I don't know if it is your mod or default behaviour) after a delete of spam you should redirect to forum home. Now it tries to redirect to the deleted post.

As I know it's what vBulletin always does after deleting posts :D (return to the original thread)

Hope you like it :D

MissKalunji 08-11-2008 03:36 PM

this is confusing


Some UserID can not be found!
What does that mean? i'm trying to add an item type...i have input hte admin id 1 (that's me)

what am i supposed to do there?

mrpaint 08-11-2008 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji (Post 1596308)
this is confusing

What does that mean? i'm trying to add an item type...i have input hte admin id 1 (that's me)

what am i supposed to do there?

That error message comes up when you try to specify manufacture with invalid userid. Please double check your userid :D If you still get that message, please screenshot your input and post here (or send me via PM)

Thank you

MissKalunji 08-11-2008 05:43 PM

ahh i didn't know manufacture was a userid :) thanks

maybe a faqs would be great

fly 08-11-2008 11:24 PM

Finally a shop! I totally don't understand what the Company thing is about...

And can I disable bankrupted users?

And one other thing, can users gift a SPECIFIC user title to someone?

Spank 08-12-2008 12:53 AM

Hi I uninstalled the mod because it wasn't really right for our forum, but the links in the ACP still appear with a[*] next to them, how can I remove them?

fly 08-12-2008 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Spank (Post 1596624)
Hi I uninstalled the mod because it wasn't really right for our forum, but the links in the ACP still appear with a[*] next to them, how can I remove them?

Delete all the files that you uploaded for this mod...

mrpaint 08-12-2008 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji (Post 1596382)
ahh i didn't know manufacture was a userid :) thanks

maybe a faqs would be great

I provide help (full version, the same: http://hskl.net/f/kbank.php?do=help)


Originally Posted by flypaper (Post 1596581)
Finally a shop! I totally don't understand what the Company thing is about...

And can I disable bankrupted users?

And one other thing, can users gift a SPECIFIC user title to someone?

Just leave blank options and bank-rupted users will not be used.
Member can not gift specific user title :D But in the next version, customize userinfo item only can change after several times, so you can gift a item with usertitle can not be changed

fly 08-12-2008 12:17 PM

What is the difference between an item and an item type?

edit: Any why do item types stay after I've deleted them?

mrpaint 08-12-2008 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by flypaper (Post 1596935)
What is the difference between an item and an item type?

edit: Any why do item types stay after I've deleted them?

Member can only use item (not itemtype). Because real-delete an itemtype is dangerous (if there is any item based on that itemtype is working) so delete just remove itemtype from the active list. Actually, it shouldn't be shown, this bug has been acknowledged and will be fixed in the next version (hiding deleted itemtype)

fly 08-12-2008 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1596961)
Member can only use item (not itemtype). Because real-delete an itemtype is dangerous (if there is any item based on that itemtype is working) so delete just remove itemtype from the active list. Actually, it shouldn't be shown, this bug has been acknowledged and will be fixed in the next version (hiding deleted itemtype)

Then I guess I don't understand why item types are there. Why not just items?

mrpaint 08-12-2008 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by flypaper (Post 1596982)
Then I guess I don't understand why item types are there. Why not just items?

With itemtype we can improve performance because when many items are active, if each item contain all working information so that is a lot of data and need more memory. With itemtype, all we need to do is refer to itemtypeid :D

fly 08-12-2008 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1597037)
With itemtype we can improve performance because when many items are active, if each item contain all working information so that is a lot of data and need more memory. With itemtype, all we need to do is refer to itemtypeid :D

Sorry for the barrage of questions here...

Then can you explain how itemtype has a price and items also have a price. How is the price of the end item actually calculated?

mrpaint 08-12-2008 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by flypaper (Post 1597048)
Sorry for the barrage of questions here...

Then can you explain how itemtype has a price and items also have a price. How is the price of the end item actually calculated?

Itemtype has a basic price and duration price. Those prices only work in 2 cases: member try to produce items and calculate the real price for items (and set a max selling price for item, member can sell item more that this value).

Item price is set by member who produce/sell item for other member to buy it

Is that clear? Sorry for my bad English :P

fly 08-12-2008 11:20 PM

somehow i WILL figure out what all this means.

Can you give me a exact example (your help file has about 1000 examples). Say I wanted to allow users to buy the option of changing their name color to red. What would I need to do, start to finish?

Thanks for being so patient with me...

mrpaint 08-13-2008 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by flypaper (Post 1597360)
somehow i WILL figure out what all this means.

Can you give me a exact example (your help file has about 1000 examples). Say I wanted to allow users to buy the option of changing their name color to red. What would I need to do, start to finish?

Thanks for being so patient with me...

Firstly, go to Item Types Management and add new itemtype (Filename: customize_userinfo.kbank.php), in Settings page, just enter into "Username Colors list" with value: "red" (your allowed username color)

Then go to Items Management and add new item based from the new created itemtype above

Member who has this item can change his/her username to red

Gud luck to you :D

sdfaheem 08-13-2008 04:37 AM

Is this something on the lines of namepros points system?

Any demo please???

mrpaint 08-13-2008 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by sdfaheem (Post 1597497)
Is this something on the lines of namepros points system?

Any demo please???

I don't understand, what do you mean?
No english demo is available, you can view screenshot (2nd post) or read help (with lot of screenshots and feature instruction): http://hskl.net/f/kbank.php?do=help

kotlt99 08-13-2008 11:37 AM

Could u make it work with Vbcredits? :-?
I like the kind of items this mod has.
But at the moment, my site's using vbcredit 1.4

So could u just make the seperated kshop to work with vbcredit
For example, I can use money I have in vbcredit to buy things in kshop :-?

I tried to change money row but errors always appeared

(Vietnamese version :D:D

Bạn c? thể l?m c?i phần kshop ri?ng ra được ko, m?nh th?ch mấy c?i sản phẩm shop với cả sponsor link của bạn. Hiện tại site của m?nh đang d?ng c?i mod t?i sản vbcredit rồi, n?n m?nh chỉ muốn c?i phần shop th?i :-?.
C?i shop của mod n?y thật sự hay đấy :-? bạn c? thể l?m th?m 1 bản m? c? thể hoat động với vbcredit được ko?
Tức l? m?nh sử dụng vbcredit l? tiền tệ m? c? thể mua ở shop của bạn ấy :-?
M?nh đ? thử để 2 c?i mod c?ng 1 money row nhưng chắc chắn bạn cũng biết l? n? sẽ lỗi table. Đang ch?n chưa c? c?ch n?o đ?y :( c?i vbcommercial của mấy ?ng l?m vbcredit th? c?n l?u mới c? )

mrpaint 08-13-2008 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by kotlt99 (Post 1597681)
Could u make it work with Vbcredits? :-?
I like the kind of items this mod has.
But at the moment, my site's using vbcredit 1.4

So could u just make the seperated kshop to work with vbcredit
For example, I can use money I have in vbcredit to buy things in kshop :-?

I tried to change money row but errors always appeared

(Vietnamese version :D:D

Bạn c? thể l?m c?i phần kshop ri?ng ra được ko, m?nh th?ch mấy c?i sản phẩm shop với cả sponsor link của bạn. Hiện tại site của m?nh đang d?ng c?i mod t?i sản vbcredit rồi, n?n m?nh chỉ muốn c?i phần shop th?i :-?.
C?i shop của mod n?y thật sự hay đấy :-? bạn c? thể l?m th?m 1 bản m? c? thể hoat động với vbcredit được ko?
Tức l? m?nh sử dụng vbcredit l? tiền tệ m? c? thể mua ở shop của bạn ấy :-?
M?nh đ? thử để 2 c?i mod c?ng 1 money row nhưng chắc chắn bạn cũng biết l? n? sẽ lỗi table. Đang ch?n chưa c? c?ch n?o đ?y :( c?i vbcommercial của mấy ?ng l?m vbcredit th? c?n l?u mới c? )

Vietnamese support via PM :D

tzarenc 08-14-2008 06:13 AM

DB error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.2:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT kbank,
FROM vb_post
WHERE post.postid = 51;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'post.postid' in 'where clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Thursday, August 14th 2008 @ 03:09:24 AM
Error Date : Thursday, August 14th 2008 @ 03:09:24 AM
Script : http://mintendo.se/forum/inlinemod.p...&p=&postids=51
Referrer : http://mintendo.se/forum/inlinemod.php?threadid=11&p=
IP Address :
Username : admin
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.51a-community-log
I cant delete posts!

How can i +/- point to my members (ink. myself)?

I find the fix on the problems!

mrpaint 08-14-2008 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by tzarenc (Post 1598240)
DB error:

I cant delete posts!

How can i +/- point to my members (ink. myself)?

I find the fix on the problems!

You can temporary fix this error here :D

In order to +/- point, click the button in the bottom-right of each post (the fastest way)

KSMatic 08-17-2008 03:54 PM

how would I go on about removing the mod? Manually deleting the kbank tables? Theres kbank in the user table as well.

mrpaint 08-17-2008 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by KSMatic (Post 1600804)
how would I go on about removing the mod? Manually deleting the kbank tables? Theres kbank in the user table as well.

Currently uninstall code is not available, please wait for the next version. Thank you

realmr 08-18-2008 07:15 AM

can we disable tax ?

realmr 08-18-2008 07:19 AM

where to select the settings for colors and other items ?

mrpaint 08-18-2008 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by realmr (Post 1601237)
can we disable tax ?

In order to disable Monthly Tax, enter 0 (zero) into Monthly Tax - Base (kBank Settings)


Originally Posted by realmr (Post 1601240)
where to select the settings for colors and other items ?

Read this: http://hskl.net/f/kbank.php?do=help&...d_itemtype_003 to know how to create new itemtype ;)

realmr 08-18-2008 10:31 AM

does this add-on work with post thanks add-on ?

mrpaint 08-18-2008 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by realmr (Post 1601324)
does this add-on work with post thanks add-on ?

Nope, kBank does not work with Post Thank You Hack. kBank has an Award/Thank system instead

EarnDollars 08-20-2008 03:33 AM

I am going to download and have a try but littke confused:
you write that "so if you want to download full version, please visit this page: http://feelxthexlife.com/products/kbank/Download" but that page doesn't exist any more..

And the attached file kBank 2.0.1 Installation.zip is 131.3 KB, much smaller than the "3.55MB" full version. Then what can I do with the 131.3 K file?

Looking for clarification


mrpaint 08-20-2008 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by EarnDollars (Post 1602797)
I am going to download and have a try but littke confused:
you write that "so if you want to download full version, please visit this page: http://feelxthexlife.com/products/kbank/Download" but that page doesn't exist any more..

And the attached file kBank 2.0.1 Installation.zip is 131.3 KB, much smaller than the "3.55MB" full version. Then what can I do with the 131.3 K file?

Looking for clarification


I'm updating my website so please download by this temporary link:


With the file attached in the first post, you have all feature except help files

EarnDollars 08-20-2008 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1602832)
I'm updating my website so please download by this temporary link:


With the file attached in the first post, you have all feature except help files

Thanks for your fast reply!
Downloaded the full version and will try to install it later (Maybe early Sept since crazy busy with my daily life job recently)

Hope I don't need to ask your hundreds questions after installation :cool:

The hack has some fantastics features, hope they will work find with my small forum :D

mrpaint 08-20-2008 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by EarnDollars (Post 1602936)
Thanks for your fast reply!
Downloaded the full version and will try to install it later (Maybe early Sept since crazy busy with my daily life job recently)

Hope I don't need to ask your hundreds questions after installation :cool:

The hack has some fantastics features, hope they will work find with my small forum :D

You are welcome :D It's my pleasure to help you :P If there is any problem, you can reply this thread or contact me via PM/email

realmr 08-21-2008 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1601480)
Nope, kBank does not work with Post Thank You Hack. kBank has an Award/Thank system instead

the thanks system adds up to post count or is it just donating points ?

mrpaint 08-21-2008 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by realmr (Post 1603655)
the thanks system adds up to post count or is it just donating points ?

I don't really understand your question? :D

realmr 08-25-2008 07:55 AM

Actually, post thank you add-on has the option for every thanked post to add up in the post count, not just the thank count but also the post count adds up

mrpaint 08-25-2008 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by realmr (Post 1606337)
Actually, post thank you add-on has the option for every thanked post to add up in the post count, not just the thank count but also the post count adds up

Ah! I see :D
Nope, kBank doesn't have that option :P

fly 08-25-2008 04:30 PM

If you're setting colors for stuff like reminders, can you set ALL the colors so that its easy enough to read? See my screenshot.


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