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bobster65 04-23-2008 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by MarsNIIT (Post 1497324)
Hello bobster65,

Can you check your pm??


I read it.. just have not had time yet to check it out yet.. will check it out later today and reply to you :cool:

kushal 04-23-2008 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1497277)
Ah, I see what you are talking about. One way to fix that is to wrap the block of code in the template (for that specific forum) with an IF statement so that it only displays for the specific user groups.

Yes, I think that was the only solution as of now. Any member facing that kindly use this to wrap around with if statement

PHP Code:

<if condition="is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, 5,6,)"

bobster65 04-23-2008 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by kushal (Post 1497480)
Yes, I think that was the only solution as of now. Any member facing that kindly use this to wrap around with if statement

PHP Code:

<if condition="is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, 5,6,)"

This will also work for hiding the entire TAB as well ... I do this with my STAFF tab ;)

ams3521 04-24-2008 12:31 AM

Great stuff bobster I got my man onto it and it was a big old brute to get in but it's well worth the effort if you want a great looking forum. Much appreciated. Prob is my main man has gone to bed and im trying to sell the idea of the tabs to my forum members. I never installed it but i know a wee bit about template changing etc. My problem is as 3 othe folks was on this thread

Any ideas how to stop it jumping back to the top of the page when you select a tab?

edit: figured it out - what kind of load increase will this hack cause?
they all sussed it out but they never told us how. Can anyone tell me what i should do to make that happen before everyone calls me a 'meddling git' on my forum? thanks

indie2industry 04-24-2008 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by ams3521 (Post 1497759)
Great stuff bobster I got my man onto it and it was a big old brute to get in but it's well worth the effort if you want a great looking forum. Much appreciated. Prob is my main man has gone to bed and im trying to sell the idea of the tabs to my forum members. I never installed it but i know a wee bit about template changing etc. My problem is as 3 othe folks was on this thread

they all sussed it out but they never told us how. Can anyone tell me what i should do to make that happen before everyone calls me a 'meddling git' on my forum? thanks

Its kinda simple.
When using this mod, it'll continue to jump until you have completed ALL OF THE TABS you what done. THEN, it's stops jumping.

If you complete your tabs and it still jumps, look over your steps again. More than likely there's a minor error somewhere.

ams3521 04-24-2008 02:13 AM

ahhhh brilliant indie thanks. thats saved me a lot of fiddling about and breaking it. I will just leave it to him then and let my forum memebers continue to think it's not as great as i made out to them. I havent even changed the css yet so its pretty ugly still (in relation to my forum) and i ve really got them fearing the worse. I'll get all the forums into the order that they need to be displayed in, try that css again and when my mate sorts it in the morning they can all say 'i was wrong and you were right AGAIN. It is pretty neat. Nice one' and i will go to bed with a contented smile as i leave them all to explore the new nooks and crannies.

Sorry i got a bit carried away there indie. NOOB QUESTION time if i may. In the tabcontent.css file i get the message '######### CSS for Shade Tabs. Remove if not using ######### *' and im presuming that there is 3 differant css 'thjngies' there for me to pick? I just want one of them? so i remove everying from that title on the 2nd one to the end of the file? When i do the TABS go Text Link and from top to bottom. Is the solution to what i am doing wrong a quick fix anyone?

thanks again and of course i will make a rare visit to this Mod of the Month place as it's gave me a bit of freedom. Nice one bobster xxx (a couple of kisses for you ;)

eDIT: HOLD THE BUS!!!! ive added an example to it and it's working fine. Thanks.

gwerzal 04-24-2008 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by kushal (Post 1497214)
I didn't saw your second Post... PM already sent. Never Mind :)


Thank you very much for the offer anyway.

Much appreciated.

MarsNIIT 04-25-2008 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1497459)
I read it.. just have not had time yet to check it out yet.. will check it out later today and reply to you :cool:

Thank you verry much,

ams3521 04-25-2008 10:57 PM

Fantastic Hack Bobster its a great way to tidy up a large forum and get the main forums on the forumhome to attract new members, gets my vote for motm by a country mile, many thanks.

Just need the noob above to work on his css to get the tabs nice and trendy then i think were done

bobster65 04-26-2008 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by ams3521 (Post 1499375)
Fantastic Hack Bobster its a great way to tidy up a large forum and get the main forums on the forumhome to attract new members, gets my vote for motm by a country mile, many thanks.

Just need the noob above to work on his css to get the tabs nice and trendy then i think were done

Glad you find it useful :cool: doing the CSS part is pretty simple.. let me know if you have any questions regarding it.

@ everyone else that has posted and I have not yet responded.... you are not being ignored, its just been a very busy week... so, if you have something specific that is holding you up, blast me a PM or post again and I will try and get things answered ASAP.

Thanks to all :cool:

kollam003 04-26-2008 05:54 PM

i upgraded to 3.6.10 and it stopped working please have a look : www.indianprofits.com

kushal 04-27-2008 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by kollam003 (Post 1499974)
i upgraded to 3.6.10 and it stopped working please have a look : www.indianprofits.com

On upgrades, your index.php file must have been overwritten. You might need to recreate the $forumbits.

kollam003 04-27-2008 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by kushal (Post 1500534)
On upgrades, your index.php file must have been overwritten. You might need to recreate the $forumbits.

Thanks missed that point it works fine now

kushal 04-27-2008 11:42 AM

You are welcome. :)

MarsNIIT 04-27-2008 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1499794)
@ everyone else that has posted and I have not yet responded.... you are not being ignored, its just been a very busy week... so, if you have something specific that is holding you up, blast me a PM or post again and I will try and get things answered ASAP.

Thanks to all :cool:

Hello bobster65,

Thank you verry much, i still waiting your reply :D

bobster65 04-27-2008 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by MarsNIIT (Post 1500679)
Hello bobster65,

Thank you verry much, i still waiting your reply :D

Im working on it.. have the same issue with another member that has a unique forumhome as well... I've been sick this weekend, so I have not been online much. hang in there! :)

ams3521 04-29-2008 12:31 AM


Fantastic Hack Bobster its a great way to tidy up a large forum and get the main forums on the forumhome to attract new members, gets my vote for motm by a country mile, many thanks.

Just need the noob above to work on his css to get the tabs nice and trendy then i think were done
Git. thats the installer of the tabs using the same login as me bobster. Im the noob that is trying to add serperate images for each tab whilst he sleeps in bed with a lovely large breasted lady. im the one that doesnt know css or anything. im the one thats had to explain to our forum members 'you'll get used to it trust me' Im the one that gets made homeless on wednesday and am i looking for a new flat? No im trying to work on adding these images.

Has anyone managed to add seperate images for each tab? Ive searched the thread but to no avail. Is it all just in the css thing?

bobster65 04-29-2008 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by ams3521 (Post 1501945)
Git. thats the installer of the tabs using the same login as me bobster. Im the noob that is trying to add serperate images for each tab whilst he sleeps in bed with a lovely large breasted lady. im the one that doesnt know css or anything. im the one thats had to explain to our forum members 'you'll get used to it trust me' Im the one that gets made homeless on wednesday and am i looking for a new flat? No im trying to work on adding these images.

Has anyone managed to add seperate images for each tab? Ive searched the thread but to no avail. Is it all just in the css thing?

Its all in the CSS bud :cool: Really easy to do.

Endurer 04-29-2008 05:59 PM

Is it currently compatible with vb 3.7?

sunnycher 04-29-2008 06:09 PM

Awesome Bob!

Endrer, on the first page, he says it is!

taru 04-29-2008 08:04 PM

I'm still playing around with getting it working - however I've yet to be able to get the tabs to even show up...

bobster65 04-29-2008 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Endurer (Post 1502561)
Is it currently compatible with vb 3.7?

Yes, I've had no problems with it working on 3.7 Upgraded my site today and it is still working fine :cool:


Originally Posted by sunnycher (Post 1502569)
Awesome Bob!

Endrer, on the first page, he says it is!

Hi ya Cher :D I'll hook you up with it once you decide on a new style :cool:


Originally Posted by taru (Post 1502665)
I'm still playing around with getting it working - however I've yet to be able to get the tabs to even show up...

What step are you on?

taru 04-30-2008 02:58 AM

my default style has quite a bit going on... i'm going to retest it on a base style... which might explain why the js isn't firing...

bobster65 04-30-2008 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by taru (Post 1502956)
my default style has quite a bit going on... i'm going to retest it on a base style... which might explain why the js isn't firing...

sometimes it helps to put the full URL to the .js file and or .css file let me know if you still have problems with a base style.

MarsNIIT 04-30-2008 01:09 PM

Hello bobster65,

If you have fee time, please help me my problem.

Thank you verry much.

bobster65 04-30-2008 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by MarsNIIT (Post 1503362)
Hello bobster65,

If you have fee time, please help me my problem.

Thank you verry much.

:) Have not forgot about you.. still working on it (when I have spare time).... I'll get it working tho, so hang in there. :cool:

taru 05-01-2008 11:13 PM

i got it working... now i'm just working on customizing the tab content and the tabs themselves... so far pretty cool bobster!

bobster65 05-01-2008 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by taru (Post 1505132)
i got it working... now i'm just working on customizing the tab content and the tabs themselves... so far pretty cool bobster!

Sweet, if you run into any problems, don't hessitate to ask for help :)

taru 05-02-2008 02:37 AM

it's working great... got all my categories set up etc... did take quite a bit of time though

going to look at seeing what needs to happen to get more images going etc

oz_girl 05-02-2008 04:20 AM

Reserved ... just what i was looking for :D

sdavis2702 05-02-2008 07:56 AM

This looks absolutely awesome... I wish I had the guts to go for it. With only one month experience... I'll hold off. Awesome hack though...

pakomen 05-02-2008 10:59 AM

Wow, very nice. Will think about installing. :)

siriuxs 05-02-2008 08:57 PM

It's compatible with vbulletin 3.7 ?

ThreeD 05-03-2008 08:36 PM

Nice mod :)

Just a little sidenote to all users. Per default, if you copy paste all the steps from the step by step instructions, the collapse_tcat.gif file has a location of images/solido/buttons/collapse_tcat.gif. You have to manually go in and remove the solido subdir if you want the collapse_tcat image to show.

DeanoG 05-04-2008 08:28 AM

it is possible to use Usergroup permissions to view tabs?

I have some Beta Software testing forums on my board only visible to the Beta Testing Group.
Is it possible to show the a "Beta Forum" tab using usergroup permissions so that the tab is only visible to the Beta testers ?

Jase2 05-04-2008 09:27 AM

Hello bobster65,

Any chance we could have it like this website. They have tabs for each category, then a drop down with the forums inside that. That would make this even better!

Well done!

bobster65 05-04-2008 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Jase2 (Post 1507859)
Hello bobster65,

Any chance we could have it like this website. They have tabs for each category, then a drop down with the forums inside that. That would make this even better!

Well done!

Hey Jase, That is a total different concept. That is navigation system similar to vborgs tabbed menu system where you actually are taken to another page. There is an article on how to do that. This system stays on the FORUMS HOME page and switches categories without another page view involved.


bobster65 05-04-2008 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by DeanoG (Post 1507830)
it is possible to use Usergroup permissions to view tabs?

I have some Beta Software testing forums on my board only visible to the Beta Testing Group.
Is it possible to show the a "Beta Forum" tab using usergroup permissions so that the tab is only visible to the Beta testers ?

yes, just wrap the specific tab with this... (use the ID's of the user groups you want to be able to view it)


<if condition="is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, 5,6)">


so it would look something like this.. (The code in RED is what you would need to add ...


<!-- Tabbed Forum Home Tabs Layout -->
        <ul id="forumtabs" class="shadetabs">
        <li><a href="#" rel="tcontent1" class="selected">Tab 1 Name</a></li>
        <li><a href="#" rel="tcontent2">Tab 2 Name</a></li>
        <if condition="is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, 5,6)">
          <li><a href="#" rel="tcontent3">BETA FORUM Tab/a></li>
        <!-- /Tabbed Forum Home Tabs Layout -->

Then you will also want to wrap the tab display data as well ..


<!-- Tabbed Forum Home – START BETA FORUM TAB Content Layout -->

<if condition="is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, 5,6)">

<div id="tcontent3" class="tabcontent">




<!-- /Tabbed Forum Home – END BETA FORUM TAB Content Layout-->

bobster65 05-04-2008 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by siriuxs (Post 1506153)
It's compatible with vbulletin 3.7 ?



Originally Posted by ThreeD (Post 1507272)
Nice mod :)

Just a little sidenote to all users. Per default, if you copy paste all the steps from the step by step instructions, the collapse_tcat.gif file has a location of images/solido/buttons/collapse_tcat.gif. You have to manually go in and remove the solido subdir if you want the collapse_tcat image to show.

Whoops.. I'll take that out on the next update.... guess I didn't have enough coffee that day ;) Thank you for catching that :up:

joakandr 05-04-2008 08:22 PM

can you make something that automates all this? Would be a lot easier...

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