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ThomasP 08-01-2001 03:43 PM

does the rest work for you?
Can you see the moderators by username?

dxb 08-01-2001 08:43 PM

No it dose not work the moderator or the supermoderator name dose not show up only what ever the adminstrator name shows up


the new function split+move the moved thread title shows up but the source forum dose not show up

only the destination forum name which mean I wont know from where it's splited and moved

I thought this hack will be included in VB2.0.2 or VB2.0.3 but it seems like the pm status is more important than this .... I wonder are new features are added on demand base ??? :(

and now who can help us with this hack...:confused: ...:confused: ...:confused:

because I think it's one of the most important hacks ...:confused:

Me2Be 08-01-2001 10:46 PM


Originally posted by dxb
I thought this hack will be included in VB2.0.2 or VB2.0.3 but it seems like the pm status is more important than this .... I wonder are new features are added on demand base ??? :(

because I think it's one of the most important hacks ...:confused:

Well, to some people it obviously is more important than this hack. And there is a difference. The PM stats hack just utilizes the data already there. This modlog feature is obviously much more complex and requires more work than a simple statistics hack. We should really appreciate what we've been given :)

JoshFink 08-02-2001 01:54 AM

Me2Be is absolutely right.

But... I will try and work on it tonight or tomorrow and see if I can get it fixed up for ya..


ThomasP 08-02-2001 07:07 AM

Thanks Josh,
really appreciate your help on this,

dxb 08-02-2001 09:50 AM

I'm sorry Me2be but I was really disappointed when the hack didn't work because I had some big problems on my board because of one of the moderators and I don't wont to have that again

anyway thanks josh and I will be waiting for your fix :)

Itay 08-02-2001 10:44 AM

It seems to have stopped logging for me after my upgrade to 2.0.3

Also - I was wondering if there is any way to add posts deletion to it as well, because that would make this hack perfect...

JoshFink 08-02-2001 08:26 PM

To Make Split + Move Show Properly (sort of)

Here is what I did.

The row under "Split Threads" will have :

ORIGINAL thread title, Mod, Forum From, Forum To and Date.


PHP Code:

$split[$log[timestamp]] = array("type"=>"6""userid"=>"$log[userid]""threadid"=>"$log[threadid]""title"=>"$log[title]""username"=>"$log[username]",

Change To :
PHP Code:

$split[$log[timestamp]] = array("type"=>"6""userid"=>"$log[userid]""threadid"=>"$log[threadid]""title"=>"$log[title]""username"=>"$log[username]",

PHP Code:

    if ($title=="Moved Threads")

Change to :
PHP Code:

    if (($title=="Moved Threads") OR ($title=="Split Threads")){
"</td><td class=\"label\">To";} 


PHP Code:

"<span class=\"toplinks\">MOV: </span>";

After That Add
PHP Code:

"<span class=\"toplinks\">SPL: </span>";


Find in ### start do split thread ###
PHP Code:

  // Move post info to new thread...
$posts=$DB_site->query("SELECT postid,attachmentid,userid FROM post WHERE threadid='$threadid'");
  while (
$post=$DB_site->fetch_array($posts)) {
    if (
$splitpost[$post[postid]]=="yes") {
$DB_site->query("UPDATE post SET threadid=$newthreadid WHERE postid=$post[postid]");

After That Add :
PHP Code:

$splitto=$DB_site->query("SELECT forumid FROM thread where threadid='$threadid'");
$split_to) = mysql_fetch_row($splitto); 

PHP Code:

$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO modlog (type,userid,threadid,threadtitle,fromforumid,toforumid,timestamp) 
VALUES ('6','

Change to:
PHP Code:

  $DB_site->query("INSERT INTO modlog (type,userid,threadid,threadtitle,fromforumid,toforumid,timestamp) 
                  VALUES ('6','

I believe that is all I did.. I was in a rush, so I might have missed documenting something on here. I'm sure if I did, someone will point it out. :D

Unfortunately the thing I don't like is that I can't see what the thread name was that I moved it to. This is because there is not enough rows in the table. i.e. a Thread From and a Thread To.

It could be done, but you would have to create two rows for a Split + Move , one for the split and one for the move. I might try that.. We'll have to see.

JoshFink 08-02-2001 08:35 PM

Itay, I thought about showing deleted posts, but most of the time a user can delete their own post. Then it would wind up clogging up the logs and the logs would be unreadable IMHO.


dxb 08-02-2001 10:17 PM

thanks josh for this

and about the hack

now the moderator name is showing up

the supermoderator with custom title still not showing up

the main this

the moved threads

the source forum is not showing up only you can see the destination forum

the same thing with split+move only the destination forum is showing up

dxb 08-02-2001 10:50 PM

funny discovry solved the supermoderator problem hahahah

I noticed all the supermoderators the ones with custom titles had the Remember Username and password disabled

and the moment I enabled that feature there names started showing up :)

the only problem I have now is the source forum name in move and split+move function

JoshFink 08-02-2001 11:54 PM

That is definately strange.. Mine works fine.. Send me your postings.php and modlog.php file and I'll look at it.


dxb 08-04-2001 06:23 AM

I've sent you an email thanks alot Josh :) :)

JoshFink 08-07-2001 01:03 PM

Did this work for everyone?


ThomasP 08-07-2001 05:39 PM

Still didn't had time to look at it, but surely appreciate your help,
will have a (positive I hope) answer tomorrow or so,
Thanks for the moment!

DarkReaper 08-08-2001 01:24 AM

Everything on mine is blank except for the thread that was acted upon, and the date...Using vB 2.0.3. Could this be the problem?

ThomasP 08-08-2001 06:18 PM


I still have the same problem, doesn't see any user in the moderator field :(
Administrator is okay, but neither Moderators nor Super Moderators are shown - useless...
What's wrong here?

JoshFink 08-08-2001 06:28 PM

That is odd. I just went through the close/open, delete and move process with a moderator and it shows up on my modlog no problem.

What I might suggest is to get a clean version of the modlog and postings, then mod it using the different updates through the threads in here and try again.

One thing on the split+move update is the notice that the FROM is in the TO field ("toforumid"=>"$log[fromforumid]")

PHP Code:

$split[$log[timestamp]] = array("type"=>"6""userid"=>"$log[userid]""threadid"=>"$log[threadid]""title"=>"$log[title]""username"=>"$log[username]",


JoshFink 08-08-2001 06:29 PM

Dark Reaper, it has nothing to do with 2.0.3 as that is what I'm running fine.


Joshs 08-13-2001 04:04 PM

When moving a thread it doesnt show where it was moved from and where it was moved to... I am running 2.0.3, and i dont think it was even working on earlier versions....

JoshFink 08-13-2001 04:24 PM

You need to go back and look through the code updates.. It's all been fixed.. Well most of it.


snyx 08-13-2001 07:02 PM

Back on page 3-4 you were talking about phpmyadmin, NEVER install myphpadmin! Arg, I got confused one day and mucked a bunch of stuff up with this script :D

But anyways, Im going to try this hack now, I will see what happens! :)

JoshFink 08-13-2001 07:06 PM

I love PHPMyAdmin.. Works great for me..


Me2Be 08-13-2001 07:18 PM


Originally posted by JoshFink
I love PHPMyAdmin.. Works great for me..

Me too!

Lordmusic 08-13-2001 09:46 PM

PhPMyAdmin is the most useful script ever made. Don't knock it just because you don't know how to use it. That's what the manual link is for :)

snyx 08-14-2001 12:18 AM

Im not knocking it, im telling the story about when I messed up and installed somthing weird, read my post befor making snap judgments on it. :rolleyes:

Goddess Washu 08-17-2001 02:37 AM

Is there a "bug free" version out there, or do I have to go through all 10 pages... -_-;; Thanks for any help in advance, this seems to be a VERY nice hack, will come useful with my,not so responsible, staff... -_-;;;;;;;

inetd 08-17-2001 08:59 AM

I need last version (bug free) of this hack. Help me pls.

inetd 08-19-2001 11:25 AM

Reply me plz!

Thomas P 08-19-2001 05:09 PM


I emailed with Josh recently, he would be the right person to
do an intermediate release of the hack since he has in depth
knowledge of php.
So, lets give him some time, he may consider this (I dunno).

I hope Overgrow, Zarkov, Sisko and Norritt don't bother, but the hack really needs a re-release for 2.0.3...


Deacon Frost 08-20-2001 06:46 PM

Well, I made a ModLog Version which works great on vB 2.0.3. I will post soon, but, at the moment every text is in german:) So let mit Transalte it, and write a readme :)

Deacon Frost 08-22-2001 03:23 PM

Okay, I finished right in this minutes :) Hope, I translated everything right (*g*, you have a 50:50 chance :D)

Just post suggestions and bug reports in this thread, do not email me.

Using on your own risk :)

In attach, you'll find the install introductories, next post the file (in english), and in the post after the next post, you'll find the file in german.

Deacon Frost 08-22-2001 03:24 PM

The english file. Rename to "modlog.php"

Deacon Frost 08-22-2001 03:25 PM

the file in german. Rename to "modlog.php"

dxb 08-22-2001 03:51 PM

hey I was just going to write I will be waiting for your version ....and you already posted hahaha

Thanks alot Deacon

Thomas P 08-22-2001 08:54 PM

Thanks Deacon Frost,

I tried a fresh start and edited postings.php and index.php as described. Before that I dropped the modlog table and created it from scratch by copying the sql code into phpmyadmin (worked).
Copied modlog into /forum/admin directory and tried to have a look - works fine for the Administrator, but not for Moderators. :o
Everything seems fine, except that the "Moderator" row is blank.
When viewing the db I see that the userid = 0 there :( :(

I don't understand anymore: I tried it now a bunch of times, same error everytime.

Any hints on what can keep me getting always the same effect.
Code seems fine...

Deacon Frost 08-23-2001 05:23 AM

Hi Thomas, denke mit dir kann man deutsch sprechen:)

Probier mal in den
PHP Code:

  $DB_site->query("INSERT INTO modlog (type,userid,threadid,threadtitle,fromforumid,toforumid,timestamp) 
        VALUES ('

strings $bbuserid durch $bbuserinfo[userid] zu ersetzen. Bei mir funktioniert es mit beiden variabeln.

For everybody else who's this problem, try replacing $bbuserid with $bbuserinfo[userid] in the seven
PHP Code:

$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO modlog (type,userid,threadid,threadtitle,fromforumid,toforumid,timestamp) 
        VALUES ('

string's (string above is just an example, there are 7 different strings, but they look similar)

Thomas P 08-23-2001 06:12 AM



For everybody else who's this problem, try replacing $bbuserid with $bbuserinfo[userid] in the seven
That works!!

Very impressive and absolutely correct!

What a dumb little glitch :rolleyes:

Thanks for your help, finally after 11 pages the hack works for me, too... :D

Wondering why it works for everybody else, but for me the original way, whatever,
Thanks for helping,


Yep, deutsch is gut! ;)
Danke, jetzt funzt's!
Meine G?te, so ein einfacher Fehler. Ist ja schon fast peinlich...
Haben die cracks hier auch ?bersehen - so ca. 11 Seiten lang.
Also: Respekt und tausend Dank! :)

dost 08-23-2001 12:45 PM

Everything seems to be OK but I delete, open/close or move a thread but it doesn't show in the modlog. Is it because I'm the admin of the forum? What shall I do? I tried both of the versions (the original and Deacon Frost's)

Deacon Frost 08-23-2001 02:46 PM

@ DoST: Watch my last post :)

I updated the install instructions, 'cause it seems like some boards are having problems with $bbuserid :D It doesn't matter that you are admin, all moderatoricaly activities will be logged.

@ Thomas P: *gg* Kein Problem. Musste mich fast zwangsl?ufig mit dem Script vertraut machen, da ich auf zwei grossen Boards das Teil unbedingt brauche :)

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